The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1209: Book of Yihaijie

"It should not be." Sylvia quickly denied Leo's guess and said: "According to what I understand, the Book of Fear of Metreus has been destroyed, and some of the broken pages have been stored in the Church of the Lord of the Sky. In the sacred scriptures, another part of the fragmented pages was incorporated into the fear proverbs of the madman’s thirteen ancient gods."

Leo was silent for a moment, and said, "No matter what, there is something weird here. Let's leave here first."

Hearing Leo’s words, Sylvia did not object, and the two walked out of the corner fort. When they left the corner fort, although both of them were very vigilant about the surrounding movement to prevent any accidents, they It seemed that they were a little worried, until they stood outside the gate of the corner fort, there was no abnormal movement around them.

However, just when the two of them felt that they had been worrying too much, bursts of very strange rain and fog suddenly appeared around the swamp, enveloping the entire swamp and the corner fort.

At this moment, not only Leo sensed the energy fluctuations emanating from the surrounding rain and fog, even Sylvia could clearly feel the abyssal power contained in the surrounding rain and fog. Although this abyssal power was not strong, it was sufficient. Eye-catching, in Leo and Sylvia's respective perceptions, it was like a beacon in the dark, it was hard not to see it.

Although the abnormal situation appeared, both of them had expected it beforehand, so they did not feel flustered.

Leo looked around calmly as usual, and said, "Any thoughts?"

"Wait and see," Sylvia said.

Just as Sylvia’s words fell, the rain and fog gathered in the surrounding swamp seemed to have been given some order, and it rolled out of the surrounding jungle a little bit, and slowly covered the surface of the swamp lake, towards the thunder. Ou and Sylvia moved a little bit.

Seeing this, Leo and Sylvia turned around to look at the corner castle behind them, and then glanced at each other.

"Since they want us to return to the corner castle, we shouldn't refuse, right?" Sylvia said with a smile.

Leo also responded with a smile: "I hope the following things can be more interesting, and don't disappoint our cooperation."

After speaking, the two turned around and walked back to the corner fort.

It’s just that the situation in the corner fort seems to have changed the moment they walked out of the gate. The corner fort, which was originally very new, has now become a ruined wall. The complete buildings that have been seen all over the inside of the corner fort are now It is already incomplete, and traces of corrosion can be seen everywhere. It seems that in such a short moment, the time inside the corner fort has passed for hundreds of years, making this already very old deserted corner fort. Back to the way it was.

Although the change in the corner castle is so obvious and so eye-catching, Leo and Sylvia's attention is not focused on it, because their attention is not scary in Sylvia's hands. The book was attracted.

Just now, the book of horror found in the corner castle was just an ordinary book without any power, but when the two returned to the corner castle and came to the corner castle square, the book of horror The book immediately produced a powerful energy fluctuation, and the intensity of this energy fluctuation was not even worse than the legendary wonders left behind in the history of the Velen continent.

In addition to radiating energy fluctuations, the form of the book is also changing. It was originally just an ordinary book with a cover. Now the outer shell of the book has become a kind of **** substance, and the inner pages have become similar. The material of human skin, and there is a very complicated badge symbol on the cover.

After seeing the changes in this book, especially the badge symbol that appeared on the cover, Leo and Sylvia thought of the same thing at the same time, and said almost at the same time: "Book of Yihaijie."

If you want to compile a chronicle for the abyss, Jihaijie is definitely a hurdle that cannot be circumvented, and even the chronicle can use his life as the sub-pages of the upper and lower volumes, dividing the history of the abyss into the previous and Yihaijie After the Hai knot.

If you count the strength of strength, the special existence of Yihaijie was not even counted in the top fifty in the abyss at that time. If you count all the powerful existences after the abyss appeared, he might rank in the thousands. after that.

However, if it is the turn to influence the abyss, then it deserves to be ranked first, because it represents the will of the abyss, and has compiled the abyss code representing all the laws of the abyss, and the original book representing all the chaotic laws of the abyss .

Yihaijie is not a native race of the abyss. He is a descendant of a survivor of the Falling World. When that world was completely swallowed by the abyss, he completed the demonization and transformation in time and became the abyss race. He did not interact with those who could not complete the transformation. The same was swallowed by the abyss.

Like almost all survivors of the Fallen World who passively completed the transformation, the Yihai knot became the hunting target of certain abyss races, hiding and fleeing all over the abyss, adapting to the abyss environment a little bit.

Later, Yihaijie suddenly disappeared for a while during a hunt. When he reappeared, he had become the incarnation of the will of the abyss, the abyss sage Yihaijie.

And the first thing he appeared was to provoked the Abyssal War. How did this Abyssal War speak, whether it was the memory of the Abyssal Serpent obtained by Leo or the inheritance of the Abyssal Dragon obtained from Sylvia's blood. , There is no record, just know that this war was caused by the sea knot, and the entire abyss that this war affected, even those falling worlds that merged into the abyss were also involved.

For the memory of that war, the abyss serpent and the abyss dragon have only one impression, and that is destruction. The countless worlds that fell into the abyss were completely destroyed in this war and returned to chaos, and countless powerful abyss races were completely destroyed in this war. Annihilation, returning to the origin of the abyss, even the two races at the top of the abyss, the abyss serpent and the abyss dragon, were almost destroyed in that war.

Just as no one knows how this war took place, even the most evil and cruel races in the abyss believe that the extremely cruel war finally ended because no one knows, just like midsummer. The rain showers suddenly appeared, poured down, and disappeared suddenly, the wind was sunny.

Later, Yihai Jie wrote two books, one is the Code of Abyss, and the other is the original book. At the moment when the two books were written, the forms of these two books appeared in the minds of all abyss creatures. , And the most powerful of all the abyss races got a copy of these two books out of thin air. This is why Leo and Sylvia immediately recognized this when they first saw the book in their hands. Take the book of Haijie.

"It can't be the original!" Sylvia said nonsense with content.

Although the entire abyss race knows what the two books of Yihaijie look like, no one has ever seen the original book of Yihaijie. Regarding the contents of the book of Yihaijie, the countless races in the abyss only It can be guessed from the copy of the book of Yihaijie that the content of the original book of Yihaijie is probably the great secret of the abyss, why the abyss came into being, and when the abyss will die.

It is no exaggeration to say that the book of Yihaijie is equivalent to the origin of the abyss. If the original text of the book of Yihaijie really appeared in the world of Velen, then the world of Velon would have already become a fall completely engulfed by the abyss. world.

Therefore, both Sylvia and Leo knew very well that even if the book in their hands was the book of the sea knot, it could only be a copy of a certain abyssal race book, and it could never be the original.

Leo said in a deep voice, "The question is which abyss race does this book belong to?"

"It's definitely not a high-ranking race." Sylvia said very confidently.

Although the strongest of all the abyss races have obtained two copies of the book of Yihaijie, the copies they obtained are also different in strength. If it is the book of Yihaijie of the upper race, then the movement it caused is absolutely It will not be so small, and the worst will probably trigger a disaster of the same magnitude as the fog disaster 20 years ago.

For example, although the reaction of the book of Yihaijie in Sylvia's hand is very strange, it seems to be able to affect time, but the scope of influence alone is too small, or even insignificant, so it is just that. From a point of view, this copy of the Book of Yihai Jie would only belong to a lower abyss race.

"This race should be dead." Leo also said in a positive tone.

Sylvia also nodded in agreement and said: "Well, it should indeed be perished, and the whole clan has died in the world of Velen, otherwise, this book of Yihai knot cannot fall into our hands."

The copy of the book of Yihaijie has an absolute theorem feature, that is, this book belongs only to the abyss race of the holder. Even if the holder dies, the book of Yihaijie in his hand will automatically be transferred to it. In the hands of the other strongest of this race, and killing all the other races, then the Book of Yihaijie will also disappear, returning to the original book of Yihaijie that does not know where it is hidden.

But there are exceptions to everything. Although the copy of Yihaijie's book possesses this theoretic characteristic, the premise for this characteristic is that it must be in the abyss.

Once the book of Yihaijie is outside the abyss, and all the abyss races have died outside the abyss, then the copy of the book of Yihaijie will not return to the original, but will remain in that world, just like Hill now The book in Via's hand is the same, only when the copy returns to the abyss, the characteristics of the book will be reinvigorated and return to the original.

It is for this reason that Leo and Sylvia both judged that the abyss race of the copy of the book of the haijie should have all died in the world of velon, which made the book of the book of haijie no return to its original characteristics. Be excited.

"Try it with the heart of the Great Abyssal Demon." Leo reminded Sylvia.

In his opinion, since the heart of the Great Abyssal Demon is so close to the book of Yihaijie, there must be some connection between the two.

Sylvia also realized this, and immediately took the heart of the Great Abyss Demon and placed it on the copy of the book of Yihaijie.

When the heart of the Great Abyssal Demon touched the copy of the Book of Yihai Jie, the heart spar immediately burst out with a dazzling light, and emitted a wave of energy equivalent to a seventh-level psionicist.

The appearance of this energy fluctuation had a great impact on Sylvia, making her feel like she was being squeezed by a big mountain, let alone her body, even her fingers could not move, and naturally she could not move her heart. Spar moved away from the copy of the book of Yihaijie.

However, although this power also had some influence on Leo, it did not limit his movements, so he still easily reached out and peeled the heart of the abyss from the book of Yihaijie. .

At the moment when the two were separated, the powerful force that had affected Sylvia instantly disappeared, and everything returned to its original state, except for the dense fog that was approaching a little by the entrance of the castle.

"I know which abyss race this copy of Yihaijie's book and this heart belong to." Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief, then said to Leo.

Leo quickly realized something and asked: "Did you get the inspiration just now?"

Sylvia nodded, then looked at the heartless crystal in her hand, smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, and said: "We all got one thing wrong, UU reading www.uuká, this is not an abyss at all. The heart of the great demon, this is just the heart of a median race."

"Isn't it the heart of the Abyssal Demon?" Leo was also startled when he heard the words, thinking of something, and said: "This is the heart of the Eye of Fear?"

"Yes." Sylvia nodded, and the gaze looking at the heart crystal in his hand no longer contained such a strong emotion of love.

The Eye of Fear is a very special mid-level race in the abyss. They are not very intelligent and not very powerful. The reason why they can survive in a cruel place like the abyss and become a mid-level race is because they have mastered a This kind of ability, disguised as the abyss monster.

This kind of disguise does not allow the Eye of Fear to have the power of the Abyssal Demon, but it allows them to obtain the unique power and aura of fear that the Abyssal Demon can possess.

For the upper abyss races, the disguise of the Eye of Fear can be easily seen through, but for other middle and lower races it has an excellent effect, usually making those races mistakenly see themselves as the abyss Big devil.

Therefore, they will also use this method to control some of the middle and lower races to enter certain hidden abyss rifts, project to different worlds, and initiate abnormal pseudo abyss erosion.

If the erosion of the abyss succeeds, then they will be able to get most of the gains. If they fail, they will not have much loss. At least compared to the abyss races that they have deceived, their loss is almost equal. can be ignored.

However, both Leo and Sylvia remember that the Eye of Fear race has disappeared in the abyss a long time ago. As for the reason for the disappearance, there are many rumors, and most of them are that they offended a very powerful upper race and were exterminated. Now, the evidence on hand seems to show that they were wiped out in the world of Vinylon.

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