The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1196: Complicated situation

Just after Sylvia and Leo found the passenger ship to Badisha, Governor Carlos in the Governor’s Mansion of Sobans had already performed a daily prayer. In this daily prayer, he received the revelation of the guardian spirit, knowing There is a purple tungsten mine in the area under his management.

This news made him feel happy, but also made him a little worried. Happy is that the emergence of the purple tungsten mine will inevitably bring more benefits to Sobans. Sobans will also be able to expand further, and one day it will be able to scale. Comparable with those big cities outside the wasteland.

But he is also very clear that there are also crises that come along with interests. Although there are not many smelters that can make purple tungsten ore into purple tungsten steel, and the highest-quality purple tungsten steel formula has followed Rupert. Fitz disappeared and disappeared, but even low-quality purple tungsten steel is also an extremely high-quality steel, and the price has always been high. The price of the original ore of purple tungsten ore is naturally the best among similar ore.

The sudden emergence of such a huge wealth will definitely attract the attention of everyone around, especially the Silver Moon tribe. You must know that the jungle where Sobans is now is still a settlement assigned to the Tinder tribe by the Silver Moon tribe. .

If it were in the past, perhaps the Silvermoon Tribe would not turn around for the wealth contained in the Purple Tungsten Mine and the Tinder Tribe, after all, the Silvermoon Tribe still needs the Tinder Tribe ally to wave the banner for him on the Holy Mountain.

However, in recent months, the relationship between the Tinder Tribe and the Silver Moon Tribe has become very cold due to the superposition of several disputes, and some people even think that the two tribes now have only one alliance.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two clans suddenly changed from close allies to cold collaborators in a short period of time, but in fact, Carlos, a senior member of the Tinder tribe, knew very well from the beginning that the intimate relationship between the two clans was temporary.

The Silvermoon Tribe is a tribe that follows ancient traditions. Therefore, when the wasteland tribe is separated from north to south, the Silvermoon tribe would rather give up all the habitats in the north, but also to move to the depths of the wasteland in the south. Traditions had contact with the Silvermoon Tribe, and gained the trust of the Silvermoon Tribe, and were able to leave the Northern Tribe Alliance, which was like a prison to the Tinder Tribe.

But the senior leaders of the Tinder tribe knew that their tribe’s so-called adherence to the ancient tradition was a lie, and the illusion created by a lie can only cover up the truth for a short time, and it is absolutely impossible to deceive others for a long time.

Therefore, after settling down, the Tinder tribe will not hesitate to use some secret methods that do not know where to obtain it to build the city. For example, the mutant guardian spirit now serving as the protection power of all the cities of the Tinder tribe is a secret method provided by a mysterious force.

With these methods, the Tinder tribe quickly consolidated settlements one by one and established a firm foothold in the southern wasteland. The high-levels of these tribes no longer conceal their true thoughts and give themselves and their surroundings according to their own habits. Naming, for example, the name is the foreign name Carlos, not the traditional name of the tribe, and the manager of the gathering place is not the little chief, but the governor.

It was also because the Tinder Tribe took the initiative to expose its thoughts, that the Silver Moon Tribe realized that it had been deceived and even became the laughingstock of the Holy Mountain, and the relationship between the two tribes naturally plummeted.

Unlike other settlements of the Tinder tribe, Sobans belongs to an enclave, surrounded by the settlements and hunting grounds of the Silvermoon Tribe and its affiliated tribes. The connection with the outside world can only rely on the Tutu River and the Dajiao River.

The reason why I chose such an enclave was mainly because of the white head roots produced here. These high-quality white head roots have been one of the main sources of wealth for the Tinder Tribe for a long time.

Now that the Tinder tribe has gained a firm foothold and has other greater sources of wealth, the importance of the industry of Baitougen has diminished a lot. The tribe has considered that the enclave of Sobans may become a burden to the tribe. , So he secretly gave Governor Carlos Sobans some instructions. If the relationship between the tribe and the Silvermoon Tribe is completely broken, the Silvermoon Tribe will take back the settlement of Sobans, he does not need to resist, and directly gives up this piece. The settlement is enough, and the tribe will prepare another larger and better settlement for him.

The high-level instructions and promises of the tribe have undoubtedly relieved Carlos, who has been tense in recent months. After learning about the skirmish between the two tribes on the holy mountain, he has been worried that the tribal warriors of the Silver Moon tribe will suddenly Appeared outside the city.

Although Sobans is protected by the mutant guardian spirit, he still has no certainty that he can defend this tribal enclave, so now that he has promises and instructions, then when he encounters an irresistible offensive, he can leave without worry. Worried about what punishment will be imposed.

However, the situation is different now. Now the mutant guardian spirit has given him enlightenment and discovered that there is an astonishing purple tungsten mine here. It is absolutely impossible for the high level of the tribe to give up this huge wealth of mine, so he already has a foreboding. The city may become the center of conflict between the two tribes.

"My lord, Mr. Brutus is waiting outside and there is something important to tell." Carlos walked out of the prayer room with anxiety, and at this time the butler waiting at the door said respectfully.

Carlos said with an unhappy expression: "What is Brutus doing at this time? Does that annoying guy think of a nonsense tax clause to convince me to enforce it?"

Like most people in the city, Carlos also dislikes the tax officer and business executive assigned by the tribe. Although this subordinate always has a sincere smile on his face, even the dull people can He could see that his smile was completely pretended, and a guy with a serious smirk appeared by his side at any time, always making people feel that he was the object of ridicule.

Although Carlos wanted to send this subordinate back to Tinder City, he just thought about it in his mind, because no matter how pretentious the subordinate behaved, Carlos had to admit that the subordinate's ability to do things was very good. The reason Sobans has such prosperity is at least generally attributed to this subordinate. Of course, this subordinate does not always think about raising tax rates. It would be better to increase tax items.

Carlos’s butler also disliked Brutus, the tax officer, but he did not show his disgust after receiving special training in Français, but always calmly said: “It seems that it is not for tax matters. He looked worried, and there was no smile on his face."

"No smile? It's so serious." In Carlos's memory, Brutus was the kind of guy who would have a smirk on his neck with a blade on his neck. Obviously he no longer smiled in the mouth of the housekeeper. Carlos also felt that what Pluto was about to report might be serious.

Under the influence of uneasy emotions, Carlos did not go back to the room to change the prayer clothes, but walked towards the secondary office on the other side of the corridor.

Soon he came to the office. At this moment, he saw Brutus walking back and forth in the room with an anxious look. When he saw him coming in, Brutus immediately stepped forward and said: "Your Excellency, something has happened. Something happened!"

Seeing that Brutus was so gaffe, he didn't even have basic etiquette, Carlos felt that the news from Brutus was probably the worst news, so he ignored Brutus's rudeness and looked serious. Said towards Brutus: "Calm down, Brutus, calm down! Tell me slowly, what happened?"

"The Yinmoon tribe camp at Angry Bear Mountain was killed!" Brutu immediately told the most important news he thought.

"What?" Carlos was also shocked by the news.

He knew very well what happened to the Silver Moon tribe camp on the Fury Bear Mountain. Although it was nominally to open up a new hunting ground and regularly clean up mutant monsters in the wasteland, the purpose of the camp was actually to come to Sobans. , The Silver Moon Tribe knows this very well, and the Tinder Tribe also knows this.

In order to avoid conflicts with the Silver Moon tribe, Tinder City even instructed Carlos not to send people to investigate the camp, nor to have any conflict with the camp. In order to implement the above instructions, Carlos even took Sorbans. The middle zone with that camp serves as the dividing line of the forbidden area, ordering the Tinder tribe of Sobans not to enter the boundary on that side, even hunting.

Unexpectedly, his subordinates came to tell him that the Yinmoon tribe camp in the Fury Bear Mountain had been killed. This reminded him of something, and he couldn't help but ask: "Did those guys from the Fuxing Society do it? They? Are you crazy?"

Because the Tinder tribe relied on the Silver Moon tribe to gain a foothold in the southern wilderness, the people of the Silver Moon tribe more or less regarded themselves as benefactors of the Tinder tribe, and they seemed to be superior in their words and deeds.

In a short period of time, the Tinder tribe will turn a blind eye to this superior attitude because of the friendship and benefits that the Silver Moon tribe has shown, but after a long time there will still be many people who dislike it, most of which are young people.

The Fuxing Club is an organization formed by young people within the Tinder Tribe. The purpose is to revive the tribal civilization. The people of Fuxing Club have had more than one conflict with the people of the Silver Moon tribe because of this superior attitude. At that time, he even turned his face in a battle to clean up mutant monsters. Hundreds of people fought first, and a dozen people died and dozens were injured afterwards.

Because the two tribe leaders were unwilling to break the relationship between the two parties, this matter was suppressed, and the leaders of both parties were severely punished, and several senior officials of the Fuxing Society were directly thrown into the mine for several years. Coolie, of course, is also teaching the high-level officials of the Fuxing Society who have been dazzled by the blood, while protecting these high-level personnel from assassination by the people of the Silver Moon tribe.

However, it is clear that the people of the Fuxing Society did not get honest about this, but instead advertised that they must do something bigger, and let the tribal leaders see their determination.

Just a few days ago, Carlos received a message from Tinder City, asking him to pay attention to the people of the Fuxing Society in Sobans recently, so that those people should not make trouble, because the tribe is preparing to have a formal meeting with the Silver Moon tribe. In this meeting, I intend to discuss how to quell the differences between the two sides and so on. It seems that they want to bring the relationship that the two sides have separated from each other closer.

Now that Brutus heard from the mouth of the Silvermoon tribe camp on the Fury Bear Mountain had been slaughtered, Carlos immediately connected the news of Tinder City, the declaration of the Fuxing Society, and the upcoming talks between the two tribal leaders. Subconsciously think that all this is the work of Fuxing Society.

Hearing Carlos's roar, Brutus was stunned, but he quickly stopped and said: "No, my lord, you are mistaken, it's not the Fuxing Society, it's someone else!"

"Others?" Carlos calmed down a bit and looked at his subordinates questioningly.

Then Brutus immediately said what Sylvia had said to her carefully and carefully.

Carlos was stunned for a moment. He never thought that there was also Sylvia standing at the top of the mainland of Mozambique in this matter, so that after Brutus finished speaking, he did not reply. Excited.

Although Carlos used to stay in the tribal hunting camp in the northern wilderness, the farthest place he has been to is Odolin, and Sylvia has only heard her name, but he still knows Sylvia very well. With regard to the political, military, and commercial aspects of the mainland of Mozambique, it is clearer what status Sylvia and the first witches have in the extraordinary world.

Such a legendary character to him, UU Reading suddenly appeared in his city, and seemed to be involved in the dispute between the two races, which made his mind a little confused for a while. After a while, she collected her thoughts and said, "Why does she tell us that there are forces that are secretly instigating the relationship between our tribe and the Silver Moon tribe? What good is this for her? What role does she play in it?"

If it's an ordinary person, Carlos might not think so much, but Sylvia is not an ordinary person. This is a big figure who thinks that every move will affect the situation in the mainland of Mozang. Her reminder is definitely not random in Carlos' view. , It must contain deep meaning that he didn't expect.

Faced with his boss’s questions, Brutus didn’t know how to answer. If he asked him about business matters, he might respond quickly, but now it’s not just business issues. However, after thinking about it, he gave a guess, saying: "Although Ms. Sylvia said that she did not want the conflict between our two tribes to affect the supply of Baitougen, I think that lady should not Will care about the benefits of Bai Tougen, should care about more benefits." After speaking, he hesitated for a while and asked: "Maybe we still hide huge benefits that we don't know, so that lady will... "

"I know, I know what she came for!" Before Brutus finished speaking, Carlos stood up immediately and said in surprise: "She came for the purple tungsten mine."

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