The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1187: Create attraction

Although it is speculated that these people may be controlled by a certain existence, Sylvia is not nervous, but looks at everyone provocatively, showing some schadenfreude in her eyes, and jokingly: "Even if I tell you, how can you be sure that what I said is true."

Sylvia's words made everyone stunned.

Then Sylvia pointed to the lake again, and said: "You have hands and feet, and you have eyes. You will know which secret is when you go in and see?"

Hearing Sylvia's words, the apprentices of the Guling Tour sect shaman headed by Rustave showed an emotional expression.

However, Leo attacked them and said: "It's useless, you can no longer go in, because the entrance has completely disappeared."

Leo's remarks weren't arbitrary, because just now he felt that the surrounding energy waves had all disappeared, and he also saw the luminous bodies on the three surrounding hilltops and the pillars in the ruins of the pavilion through spiritual vision and other methods. All are broken, which means that the previous subspace fragments have either left the world of Velon or destroyed. In short, it is impossible to enter again.

This also made Leo more curious about the things in the square room, but it was a pity that it had become a permanent mystery.

However, despite regrets, Leo couldn’t help but look at Rustave. From various circumstances, although Rustave didn’t know what the secret was, he seemed to know some information about the secret. If he could obtain Which information might be able to infer what the secret of that Sifang house is.

Hearing Leo’s words, Rustave was stunned. Then he looked at the stone pillar in the ruins of the pavilion as if thinking of something. He saw that the stone pillar had been broken into several segments, and his face immediately became extremely gloomy, feeling It seemed to be on Leo and Sylvia at any time.

However, what is unexpected is that he actually controlled his anger, looked at Leo and Sylvia, and then turned and left. The shaman apprentices around also turned round and followed in a uniform manner, and soon Disappeared in the woods of the garden.

Seeing this scene, Sylvia suddenly said: "It seems that the unknown existence that controls the mutant monster and turns on the monster's wisdom does not need to look for it anymore."

Leo was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and said, "I just don't know who controls whom."

"Is there any difference?" Sylvia asked rhetorically.

Leo said nothing more.

As Sylvia said, from the perspective of various details, Rustave should be the unknown existence that has a special connection with mutant monsters and can unlock the wisdom of monsters, and the shaman apprentices around are probably already He controlled it.

Obviously Rustave’s experiment was completed on him, but he didn’t use the method of biological reproduction. Instead, he used the method of the Shamanism of the Gulin patrol school to obtain from a mutant monster. Spirituality, then through spirituality urges one's body to mutate, and in the process of mutating certain abilities, one of the abilities should be to control the mutated creatures and activate the abilities of the mutated creatures' wisdom.

Also as Sylvia said, the situation of Rustave is not important now, whether it is Rustave being controlled by a mutant monster or the mutant monster is controlled by Rustave, for those who don’t want to see As far as the mutant monsters became the masters of the world, there was no difference, and Rustave was the target to be eliminated.

"What are you going to do?" Leo asked: "Go straight to solve him?"

Sylvia shook her head and said, "I have reached an agreement with the Yiwen Society. The forces I and I control will not chase him anymore."

"I'm not within the agreement." Leo reminded.

"Although you are not in the agreement, your identity will become an excuse for them. I don't want them to challenge me with any excuses." Sylvia shook her head and then smiled contemptuously: "We don't have any It is necessary to do it. As long as his situation spreads out, then the people who want to kill him will be spread all over the world, and even within the Institute of Abnormalities, there may be many people who want him to die."

Leo shook his head slightly and said, "Don't forget, these are just our guesses. We don't have any substantive evidence. Will others believe it? And unless it is to catch Rustave for interrogation, otherwise There is no way to find substantive evidence."

Sylvia smiled confidently: "There is no need for substantive evidence, as long as there is a little rumor."

After that, Sylvia quickly used her universal recorder to send some messages to Sue who was in O'Dorrain.

Leo saw the content of the information nothing more than using the various public and hidden channels of the Dodd Group to integrate Rustave with the mutant monsters, and gain the ability to control other monsters and unlock the intelligence of the monsters, and even use this This ability controlled a group of shaman apprentices and other news from spreading, and at the same time also attached the current whereabouts of Rustave.

There is no doubt that with the capabilities of the Dodd Group’s various channels, these rumors will soon enter the ears of the powers in the countries of the mainland of Mozambique. Whether these powers believe it or not, they will definitely send someone to confirm it. As for the Church of the True God and Shamanism In terms of meeting, he will definitely try to control Rustave in his own hands. After all, the ability to control mutant monsters in this world will be of interest to anyone and hope to hold this ability in his hands. Avoid some fights.

At this moment, Leo seemed to know Sylvia’s plan to do so. Obviously, she also hopes to divert the attention of various countries from the Dodd Group through Rustave’s affairs, and also to let the Church of True God. There were some conflicts with the Shaman Church, which made the two powers have no energy to stare at the Dodd Group and stare at her.

"This alone may not achieve the effect you want." Leo reminded.

"Do you have any idea?" Sylvia asked.

Leo thought for a while and said, "I remember that the research department of the group seems to have invented an imaging technology?"

Sylvia did not understand why Leo suddenly changed the subject, but she remembered it seriously, nodded, and said: "There is such a technology that can stamp a fixed scene on a special potion. On the silver plate, the image is very clear and much better than the painted image. The disadvantage is that it can only be used during the day, and the thing is very heavy and requires a carriage to move. I have applied this technology to several groups under the name of the group. It’s a newspaper, and I believe it won’t be long before we can see the images created by this technology in our newspapers."

"Is it practical already? This is good." Leo said solemnly: "We can find some more definite evidence, such as Rustave's control of the mutant monster."

Sylvia asked in confirmation: "Do you want to find a way to attract the mutant monsters, and then let Rustave control the monsters, and then record the control process with images?" Without waiting for Leo's answer, she He shook his head slightly, and said, "Impossible! That machine is too big. It is a very troublesome thing to transport it here. Even if it is transported, if you want to take an image, you need to be away from Ruth. If Taf is very close, even a blind person will be able to feel something wrong."

"We don’t need that machine, we can record images ourselves now!" Leo explained, then raised his wrist to expose the universal recorder, then quickly selected a few options on the universal recorder, and then set his wrist Pointing at Sylvia, he said the word "photograph" in the universal lingo, and then he showed the pattern taken by the universal recorder to Sylvia.

Seeing this image, Sylvia was also a little surprised, because the exquisite degree of this pattern far exceeded any image she had ever seen, and it was as if a real person was captured in the picture.

"This is too clear!" Sylvia was somewhat questioned after returning to normal.

"This is very simple." Leo operated on the universal recorder again, and then he saw that the pattern on the holographic projection had become blurred. He soon developed the silver plate imprinting image technology with Dodd Group. The displayed images are very similar.

After seeing the changes in the image, Sylvia didn't say anything, and then asked seriously: "What are you going to do? It's to attract mutant monsters."

"This is very simple." Leo smiled confidently. Instead of saying it clearly, he signaled: "Let's go to the altar to see how to arrange it properly." He paused again as he said, said: "But before that, there is one more thing to do."

"What's the matter?" Sylvia asked puzzled.

Leo didn't explain, turning around and walking towards the top of a mountain not far away, Sylvia seemed to have thought of something and followed.

The two soon came to the top of the mountain and saw the broken stone pillar and a crystal-like crystal on the top of the pillar.

The shape of this stone pillar is almost exactly the same as the shape of the stone pillar of the pavilion by the lake, except that the base is slightly different, and the other is an extra crystal.

At first glance, this crystal looks like it was polished with crystals, but after careful inspection, it can be found that this so-called crystal is actually solidified by some kind of plant mucus. It is only when it solidifies, some people have added some Special materials, these materials are controlled by a force to form a certain shape in the mucus, which is fixed together with the mucus.

Because this material is very similar to the material of the mucus itself, it is impossible to distinguish the presence of other materials in the crystal with the naked eye. However, through the perception of the mental network, these materials can be found, and after the materials are combined, it can also be reorganized. The form fixed in the crystal.

This form is not a symbol of extraordinary power as Leo believed, but more like a special biological neural energy network.

The two things, the crystal and the biological neural energy network, plus the traverse fragments seen in the subspace fragment and the star torch eye of the plotter’s civilization were put together, Leo also found it deep in his memory. Some materials that may be able to solve the mystery of the square house.

In a report published by the Mapper Civilization on all cosmic civilizations, they mentioned a parasitic plant that they discovered in subspace exploration. This plant generates energy crystals by collecting energy, which can be implanted in the human body. , So that ordinary people who cannot stimulate psychic energy can also have some powerful supernormal abilities.

However, this report only gives a rough introduction to this parasitic plant, and classifies this plant as an extremely dangerous plant, and believes that any cosmic civilization lower than a higher civilization, if you encounter this plant in subspace, Must leave the subspace immediately.

The content of that report came to an abrupt end here, there was no follow-up content, only a high-definition image of the plant was attached.

This image is also in Leo's memory bank, but the crystal in the flower of the parasitic plant in the image is very different from the crystal in front of him, and it does not seem to be the same plant.

Leo picked up the crystal, and then went to the top of the other two mountains. He also picked up the crystals there. Although he was not sure whether these crystals belonged to the parasitic plants found in the subspace by the mapper civilization, but He still thinks that this kind of crystal should have some research value. UU reading

After finding no other good things, Leo and Sylvia went to the altar in the old capital to see the situation of the Shaman apprentices of the Gulin Parade.

The altar is located in the center of the old capital. Because of the reinforcement of the stone used for construction and the vines in various cracks, the building can stand upright even if it is full of cracks.

Neither Leo nor Sylvia approached the altar, but stood on two stone pillars at the top of a small hill not far from the altar, looking at the altar.

The shaman apprentices are now gathering at the top of the altar under the leadership of Rustave to perform some kind of shaman ritual. Both Leo and Sylvia can feel an obvious breath of power generated during the ritual, and surge Entering the altar, and then I don’t know where I entered, and just disappears inexplicably.

"It feels like they are sending power to something?" Sylvia said in a deep voice.

"No, they should be incubating things." Leo saw through the real eyes in his spiritual vision some things that he couldn't perceive by feeling alone.

The moment he saw the power generated by the ritual disappear, a vague image flashed across the vanishing point in the center of the altar. After several observations, he was almost certain that the image should be a seed, a very large one. Plant seeds.

Leo told Sylvia what he saw. Sylvia was taken aback after hearing it, and said with some surprise: "That guy wouldn't steal the seed of the mother of plants as his spiritual source. Right?"

"The seed of the mother of plants?" Leo also froze for a moment, and agreed: "Perhaps it is possible. If according to the legendary ability of the mother of plants, Rustave's spiritual source may really be the mother of plants. !"

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