The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1184: Star Torch Eye

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If there are no accidents, Rustave will become the founder of civilization in the new Bodo region, and the Bodo Truth Academy will also become one of the best academies in the mainland of Mozambique, and will provide a steady stream of talents for the Dodd Group, but afterwards Rustave One thing I did ruined everything.

Perhaps after seeing cities fall under the tide of monsters, and seeing the fragility of human beings under monster claws, Rustave began to transform from a mere philosopher to a scientist, began to learn medicine by himself, and came into contact with the life school of medical school. After his knowledge and some taboo academics of the blood wizard Lawrence, he unexpectedly thought that if human beings can combine with some extraordinary creatures through some special methods, then it is possible to have the powerful body and power of extraordinary creatures, and also possess Human wisdom and thought.

Since then, he developed some aphrodisiacs with special ingredients, caught some large and human-like transcendent creatures, and then asked the women among his students to mate with these transcendent creatures, trying to create creation through this physiological breeding method. Out the new humans he hopes to see.

This incident was not hidden for long. It was quickly discovered and spread. For a time, the Podo School of Truth, founded by Sylvia, became famous, but the reputation was not what Sylvia wanted. In some rumors, the Podo School of Truth has become one, and even Sylvia is said to be a frequent visitor of Podo School of Truth.

The families of those female students were naturally extremely angry about this matter. They not only attacked Rustave, but even targeted the Podo School of Truth, Sylvia and the Dodd Group. Due to external pressure, Podo, which had not been established for long The School of Truth had to be closed permanently, and Sylvia paid a great price to calm the anger of those female student families.

This series of events completely disrupted all of Sylvia’s plans, leaving Sylvia and the Dodd Group on the brink of collapse at the time, while Rustave, who was the culprit of all this, was in the wrong world. Under the protection, he escaped from the New Bodo area, even to the depths of the wasteland, avoiding Sylvia's pursuit.

In order for Sylvia to revoke the order to kill Rustave, the Society of Unknowns sent several heavyweights to test pressure on Sylvia, and at the same time promised Sylvia that they would use Unknowns. The power of the society protects the Dodd Group so that the Dodd Group can pass this period of crisis smoothly, and it has also promised a lot of benefits.

At that time, Sylvia didn’t have many choices, it could even be said that they were very few. The Dodd Group and the New Bodo region were indeed on the verge of losing control. She had no way of rejecting the proposal of the Institute of Dissent. The culprit Rustave hated him, but he had to agree not to chase Rustave again, but there was a prerequisite for all this, which was that Rustave would not enter the civilized world forever.

After that, the Dodd Group, with the help of the Institute of Unspoken Sounds, did overcome the difficulties and successfully became the master of the new Bodo region. However, the relationship between Sylvia and the Society of Unsounds had completely broken. Not only did she withdraw from the Anomaly Society, but also used various means to suppress the hidden forces of the Anomaly Society in the New Bodo area. Even if those forces helped her through the difficulties not long ago, she still did not have the slightest affection when she started, and finally completely eliminated the opposition. The Wen Society forced out the new Bodo area.

After so many years, although Sylvia has taken down the hatred of the year and has repaired the relationship with the Yiwen Society to a certain extent, the hatred of Rustave has not been reduced much. Just saw Lu When Stuff, she was thinking that the current location of Rustave was not considered a civilized world for a long time. If it counts, then she can just kill him, and the Institute of Abnormalities can’t blame it. he.

It is a pity that she is disappointed that according to the newly edited map of the Geographical Society of the various colleges, their location is now regarded as a wild area, even if it is only an edge.

During this time, Leo read a lot about the history of the development of the new Bodo region and the Dodd Group. He also talked to Sylvia about her experience over the years, so he was very clear about Sylvia’s aversion to Rustave. When he saw that Sylvia couldn't do something because of the promise, he asked: "Do you need me to do it? I should no longer be in your promise."

Sylvia was a little moved when he heard Leo’s proposal. After thinking about it carefully, she found that, as Leo said, the agreement reached with the Institute of Abnormalities did not include Leo or Gao. Tower wizard, so if Leo did it, it would be considered a loophole, and it would be difficult for the Yiwen Society to say that she did not keep her promise.

But after thinking about it for a while, she finally gave up this tempting idea. Although it is not difficult to kill Rustave now, she is not yet ready to make a difference for a lunatic like Rustave again. The relationship between Wenxue Xue, and now she still has some things that need to borrow the power of Wenxue Xue.

Seeing Sylvia shook his head and rejected his proposal, Leo didn't say anything, and then asked: "Should I deal with your business first, or solve the hidden existence first?"

"Can you find the hidden existence now?" Sylvia asked.

Leo let go of perception and turned on Lingshi to look around. His sight finally fell on the altar in front of him, saying: "That existence has a clone hidden in the altar, and its body hasn't been discovered yet. Maybe we Able to find clues from the clone in the altar."

"It seems that the guys in Rustave really regard the mutant monsters as their wild gods." Hearing Leo's words, Sylvia looked at Rustave and the shaman apprentices of the Guling Parade in the distance. They couldn’t help showing a look of contempt, then thought about it, and said: “Don’t move it for now. If you move it at this time, it will definitely conflict with the ancient spirits. Even if we kill them, they will We will leave some secret marks on us. It will definitely be troublesome to go to the sacred mountain of shamanism with these secret marks. Let's go to the secret library to see if we can find anything good, and then see how to deal with them."

After speaking, Sylvia stepped into the city, turned a corner after passing the city wall, walked on the main road, and walked in the direction of the old capital palace to the west.

Since Cancantotan is the name of the old capital, it is also the name of the mountain where the old capital is located, and it is also a monster name that is widely circulated among the indigenous tribes of the mainland of Mozambique. This monster is large enough to support the sky and has many heads. The appearance of Cancantotan Mountain is very similar to this multi-headed giant. It is a huge mountain top with many peaks of different heights.

In the old capital, the top of the mountain that was converted into a shamanism altar was the highest of all the tops. Originally, this place was intended to be used to build the palace, but the Panier royal family at that time gave up this place and changed it to The altar.

The palace chose a small hill composed of four hilltops on the west side. The main palace was built on the top of the four hilltops, which is the tallest and closest to the old capital city. Unlike other buildings in the old capital, it is used by the palace. The stones are all transported from the quarry below the mountain, and other buildings in the old capital are made of some shale, even the shaman altar.

It is precisely because of this that even if the palace is located on the edge of the entire old city, it is still the most eye-catching building in the entire old city, even more eye-catching than the shamanic altar.

When the palace was best preserved, the walls of the palace were all inlaid with gold, and the roof was tiled with various polished colored stones. When the sun fell, the whole kingdom was not only golden, but even the roof reflected various colors of lighting. It looks very eye-catching.

However, now the entire palace has become dilapidated, not only because the colored stones and gold were dug away, resulting in damage to the exterior, but also because the rocks transported from the foot of the mountain are not suitable for the extreme temperature difference between day and night at the top of the mountain. The environment, there is no problem when there is maintenance by people. Once there is no maintenance for a long time, the inside of the rock will crack and collapse due to the temperature difference. In the end, the most sturdy palace in the old city of Panier collapsed first. At present, except for a few shale buildings that should be the residences of the servants of the palace, there are only a pile of rubble in the entire palace.

Sylvia was about to go through the palace to the small garden surrounded by the hilltops behind the palace, but Leo stopped her, and then saw him walk into the ruins of a palace, and pulled the ground. The gravel, and then moved away a few large rocks, exposing what was pressed underneath.

Because the big rocks fell at an angle when they fell, there was a space below. In this space, there was a skeleton wearing Panier's traditional costume, and a package was discarded beside the skeleton.

Judging from the scratches on the surface of the surrounding rocks and the injuries to the bones of the fingers, it is clear that the bones were still alive at the time, but it was not as good as dead for him, because there was no gap between the pressed rocks, which completely destroyed him. Trapped in it, a little bit trapped him to death, this method of death is obviously more painful. Judging from the large number of self-harming injuries on the bones, it is obvious that he hopes to speed up his death by self-harming, but the result does not seem to be what he thought. Because his self-harm not only caused no fatal injuries, but also made him lose the ability to move, and died more painful.

"There should be some burial objects." Sylvia can also see the pain in front of the bone. She has no sympathy for it, because judging from the clothes on the bone and the tools around it, it is obvious that this The man is a tomb thief, and this tomb thief should have been eyeing the tombs of the royal families of Panier, so she was so sure of what was in the package.

Leo nodded and agreed with Sylvia's guess. He squatted down and opened the package. The cloth of the package had been completely damaged due to erosion. Just touching it, it was completely shattered. The objects were also presented to Leo and Sylvia.

I saw that most of these items were gold jewelry with obvious burial patterns. Although the value was high, it was not easy to sell, especially this kind of royal burial jewelry. As long as the kingdom did not perish, then the people and forces who bought and sold this jewelry were the same. Because of offending a kingdom, even the black market rarely collects such jewelry, so these jewelry may eventually be smelted into gold by tomb robbers and sold separately from the gems.

Although these funerary jewels are of great value, they were not seen by Leo and Sylvia. The two of them coincidentally fell on a metal ball that looked extremely perfect, and their faces The expression on the face showed excitement.

"This is the key!" Sylvia said.

"This is the eye of the star torch!" Leo said in Earth Federal language almost simultaneously.

The two looked at each other, their eyes were slightly different, Leo could understand Sylvia, but Sylvia didn't understand what the Star Torch Eye was.

"Is this the key to the secret treasure house you mentioned?" Leo asked first.

Sylvia nodded, and UU read and said: "At the entrance, there is a groove of exactly the same size. Even if it is not a key, it should be related to opening the entrance." She said, she turned towards Leo asked, "What is the Eye of the Star Torch?"

Leo didn't hide it either, and explained it quickly and simply.

In fact, this is the first time he has come into contact with the Eye of the Star Torch. In the past, he only saw some related content in the image maps collected by some databases. The reason why he would recognize this as the Eye of the Star Torch at a glance is entirely because Its shape is so special.

Regardless of the shape of the perfect sphere, it is very simple to say, but if you want to make such a real object, even the advanced civilization with the highest technology in the universe will find it very difficult. Usually tens of millions of times, there is only one in the end. Two successful.

It is also true that the Eye of Star Torch is a very rare item even in higher civilizations.

The purpose of this item is very single, that is, when the spacecraft is flying in the subspace, the Star Torch Eye can guide the spacecraft to the correct route and safe path, so that the spacecraft will not get lost in the subspace.

Although this function sounds simple, the function seems to be the same as the navigator of all subspace spacecraft, but the problem is that the navigator of the subspace spacecraft can only navigate the subspace routes that have already opened routes, while the Star Torch Eye can make the spacecraft To fly safely in unfamiliar subspaces, the Star Torch Eye is also a device that advanced civilizations must use to develop subspaces.

Nowadays, an eye of the star torch actually appeared in the ruins of the old palace of Panir, placed with the royal family's funeral, and even connected with the secret treasure house of the old capital, then does it represent an advanced civilization Is the subspace exploration spacecraft nearby? This was the only thought that Leo had in his mind after holding the Star Torch Eye in his hand.

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