The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1091: Unconventional spacecraft

If someone else warned Chrissy, Chrissy might not care. She had the Poseidon artifact in her heart. As long as she had the power to use the artifact, the Poseidon world would not be in any danger to harm her.

However, Leo is no ordinary person. Whether it is a tower wizard or his previous understanding of this place, Chris is very faithful to any suggestions and warnings he puts forward.

However, Chris was still confused about Leo's warning, and looked at Leo questioningly.

Leo didn't answer either, but took out a gadget and threw it out of the platform.

I saw that the item was still well inside the platform. Under Leo’s power, it flew straight forward, but when it separated from the platform, it suddenly fell down like a tens of thousands of catties suddenly. It was a moment of effort that was swallowed by the small black hole below.

Upon seeing this scene, Chrissy, who could not see the small black hole below, immediately realized that there was something terrifying below that was absorbing anything that left the platform, so she tried to use her method to find out what was below.

On the other side, Andu didn’t understand what was going on, but he instinctively realized that leaving the platform might be dangerous. Even if he was curious about what was going on under the platform, he could still suppress his own. Curious, stand in the center of the platform as much as possible, away from the edges.

Leo looked at Andu, as if he wanted to see if Andu had triggered some kind of induction again as before, and then figured out a way to control the platform.

It's a pity that Andu doesn't seem to be in that state. Leo can only find the control device hidden in the platform.

The platform is not big. Soon Leo searched the entire platform carefully, but he was disappointed that the manufacturing method of this platform was obviously beyond the scope of his knowledge. Neither psychic nor spiritual network could make it. He finds any clues.

However, Leo was not discouraged by this. He took out the universal recorder, and got in touch with the platform control device under his feet using the identity code he obtained when he opened the entrance of the messenger spacecraft.

However, what surprised Leo was that he easily opened the spacecraft entrance and exit through the universal recorder and obtained the identity code. Just when he connected the universal recorder to the platform control device, he automatically obtained the control authority of the device. He also obtained the permission to use part of the messenger's spacecraft equipment through the platform control device as a springboard. According to his understanding of the size of the permission, the permission he obtained was equivalent to that of the second captain of the spacecraft.

In other words, with this authority, he can call part of the spacecraft's confidential information, and may also be able to use part of the spacecraft's equipment to enter most of the spacecraft's area, including some restricted areas.

It is a good thing for Leo to be able to obtain the permission of the spacecraft. After all, he can borrow this permission to find a lot of flight data, historical records, etc. he wants.

However, this permission was obtained too suddenly, and suddenly it made him feel incredible. He always felt that there was something dangerous hidden in it, so he did not control the floating platform immediately after obtaining the permission, but carefully. Checked the permission record.

Soon he found out the reason why he automatically obtained such high authority just by connecting the control device with the universal recorder, and the reason is simple, that is, this spacecraft does not have the second captain and the review procedure below the sub-captain. It is said that anyone holding a universal recorder connected to any sub-system of this spacecraft connected to the main control system can immediately obtain the authority of the second captain.

Leo carefully checked and found that this situation was not due to any malfunction or the like. It caused a problem with the authorization review system, which led to the current situation, but in fact, this spacecraft has not been there since the beginning. Authority review, as to why higher authority was not obtained, it is entirely because of the low-level procedures of the master control system that only the master of the messenger spacecraft can appoint and assign positions above the second captain, and cannot be obtained through the review process.

"Is this a spaceship that has just been built?" Leo couldn't help but wonder.

At this time, Chrissy’s platform just walked around the center platform, passing by Leo, she saw Leo staring at the bracelet intently, her face looked a little serious, and she felt something in her heart. It was not good, so he asked: "Did you find anything there?"

Hearing Chris' question, Leo recovered from his thoughts, without saying much, entered the platform control system, and controlled the platform in the room to move toward the middle platform.

The two people who were initially helpless with the surrounding situation also noticed that the trajectory of the platform's flight had changed, and understood that Leo had already controlled the platform, and the originally nervous and serious expressions were slightly relaxed.

Soon several platforms touched the middle platform. A powerful magnetic platform was tightly glued together, and the metal on the surface was also merged with each other under the action of the program, and finally combined into a large platform.

After completing the platform combination, Chrissy and Andu walked to the center platform in unison, and the whole person's attention was all attracted by the remains of the Atassas in the middle of the platform, although they wanted to go. I looked at it more carefully, but felt inexplicably scared by this seemingly mysterious object, and chose to stand a little far away to observe.

On the other hand, Leo, who had completed the connection of the control platform, remained in place. He quickly manipulated the general-purpose recorder in his hand and began to enter the spacecraft's database, and read the data in the database according to his maximum authority.

Unfortunately, the results of the search made him a little disappointed because he found that those databases were empty. Everything from monitoring record data to spacecraft route data and so on was empty. It felt like someone deliberately deleted these data. of.

Although he did not see the data he wanted, Leo took a different approach. On the one hand, he turned on the energy delivery function of the guide cabin to deliver energy to those escape ships that had run out of energy. On the other hand, he began to read the temporary information of the spacecraft’s defense weapon system. Library.

Perhaps the person who deleted the data did not expect that someone would want to see the temporary database of the spacecraft defense weapon system, so the information in this part of the database is still intact. The only flaw is that this part of the data only retains a constant galaxy year. Use records, and transfer the record content of a constant galaxy year to the main database.

Although there is only a year's record of the use of the defensive weapon system, this is enough for Leo to see from these records what happened to the messenger spacecraft before it finally fell here and the host went to sleep.

"Chased! I've been chased all the time."

It is not difficult to see from the data that the spacecraft will encounter a series of energy weapon attacks every time it goes through, and the frequency and energy intensity of the spacecraft’s armor system are recorded, although Leo cannot judge the attack from these data. What kind of spacecraft is Fang, but it can be judged from the same energy intensity value that it should be the same spacecraft, and the frequency is very regular. Leo also gave the judgment that this messenger spacecraft was being pursued until it fell.

In addition, Leo also sees from the existing armored equipment data that the defense device of this messenger spacecraft is different from the standard messenger spacecraft he knows, because the armor strength of this spacecraft seems to have reached the interstellar space battleship. The armor strength is high, and a special device that Leo is not aware of is used. This device is directly connected to a small black hole, which can reduce pure energy attacks such as energy cannons to the extreme.

It is precisely because of these defensive devices that even if the spacecraft has been hunted down and attacked countless times, there is still no obvious damage to the external armor or internal facilities.

I don't know if it's because the spacecraft was built with devices used in the defense system, so that the spacecraft did not have any decent attack weapons.

In addition to the lack of attack weapons, the spacecraft's engine system is not the best. It is a subspace engine with the highest level of civilization in the medium cosmos. This kind of engine does not have any outstanding capabilities.

According to the experimental verification of countless cosmic civilizations, the spacecraft equipped with this kind of engine can still keep some of the equipment intact even after the spacecraft is completely destroyed, and can even allow the remaining engines and spacecraft to travel through subspace.

Leo tried to find the route data of the spacecraft engine. If he could restore the data, he might be able to understand more secrets about the current universe.

It is a pity that when installing the engine, the manufacturer of this spacecraft did not seem to have considered the idea of ​​calibrating the route from engine data. Not only did he not install a data collection system for the engine, but even the route planning system was not installed. There is a feeling of jumping in random space, I don’t know the destination, and the enemy doesn’t know the destination.

After being unable to find useful information from various databases and databases, Leo checked the conditions of various facilities inside the spacecraft. What surprised him was that the spacecraft actually had a dormant cabin area, and these The dormant cabins are the best dormant cabins in higher civilizations. From the data point of view, the dormant cabins are still active, and the creatures in the dormant cabins still have extremely weak vital signs.

After discovering this, Leo had the idea of ​​going to the dormant cabin area to take a look at the specific situation.

Afterwards, Leo checked the passage system again, trying to find the passage from here, but what made him feel very uncomfortable is that he could not find the passage of this space, even this space area was blank. In other words, all systems in this area are beyond the authority of the second captain, but this contradicts the platform under his control.

The whole spacecraft gave Leo the feeling that the main structure of the spacecraft to the internal system of the spacecraft was built in haste, without careful polishing, especially the system part is completely patched together at random. Each branch system, such as There is no connection between the armor system and the engine system, and the data is not interoperable. This situation can't even exist in the spacecraft in the galaxy made by the lower cosmic civilization.

But this unreasonable thing happened in the spaceship built by the Supreme Council of the Universe. This undoubtedly shows that when the spacecraft was built, the situation of the Supreme Council of the Universe was already very dangerous, and there was no time for more detailed polishing. , As long as it can be used.

Although Chris on the side focused most of her attention on the metal block in the center of the platform, he was also paying attention to Leo's situation. Seeing Leo frowned and his face was embarrassed, he couldn't help it. Asked.

"I can't find a way to leave." Leo said selectively.

Chrissy frowned and asked, "How did we get in just now? Since we can get in, we can definitely get out."

"Just now we were sent in by the internal space device. I am afraid we want to go out..." When Leo was about to explain the situation to Chris, he suddenly found that Andu on the other side of the platform seemed to have fallen into the previous summary. In a trance state, and being pulled by some invisible force, he walked towards the remains of the Atathas, looking like he wanted to touch the remains.

Leo's expression was naturally noticed by Chris. She did not turn her head to look at Andu. Instead, she raised the trident in her hand and paused the ground lightly. UU read and read afterwards. When a wall of water appeared in front of Andu out of thin air, it blocked it.

Although the water wall looks very fragile and it feels like it can be passed through easily, in fact, the strength of this layer of water wall is not much worse than that of metal walls such as steel plates. The strength of Andu cannot push the wall at all, even When Andu wanted to go around the wall, the water wall would move along with his movement, anyway it was to block Andu from approaching the remains of the Atathas.

Chris didn’t know why she did this, but she felt that she should do it. She felt that if Andu didn’t block Andu, there might be something wrong when Andu knocked down the metal block in her eyes. It happened because she felt that the power aura emanating from the metal block at this moment had become stronger and stronger, giving her the idea that she could not compete with it even if she used the Sea God artifact.

However, contrary to Chris’ feeling, Leo felt that the energy fluctuations emanating from the remains of the Atassas were rapidly declining. On the contrary, the energy fluctuations in Andu were increasing, and soon both In a state of equilibrium.

If it weren’t for Chris’ blocking, Leo felt that thinking of Andu and the remains of the Atassas might form a resonance reaction. Something hidden in the remains would also be affected by this reaction. Transfer to Andu.

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