The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1089: Messenger ship

"Fortunately, it is the messenger spacecraft. This can save a lot of trouble." After confirming that the spaceship is indeed the messenger spacecraft, Leo also muttered to himself, except that he was using the Earth Federation language, and the surrounding People don't understand the meaning of his words.

   Leo said this because the messenger spacecraft in front of him could indeed save him a lot of the trouble he had predicted.

Before seeing the messenger spacecraft, Leo thought of this metal block may be any civilized spacecraft in the universe, or spacecraft parts, although he has the skills to crack the entrance and exit of the spacecraft, and he also has a universal universal recorder to replace it. Universal encoder.

But if the spacecraft is not in his skill list, it is a non-universal spacecraft, or if the code needs to be written by a professional encoder, then he can only use external force to destroy it if he wants to enter the spacecraft. Up.

However, now that it has been determined that this spacecraft is a messenger spacecraft, things are simple, because as we all know, apart from the flight system independent of the main system, other spaceship systems, including access control, are undefended. A universal recorder can be easily opened.

  Because almost all important things are carried by the messenger of the Supreme Council, it is absolutely impossible to place any important items on the spacecraft, so even if someone enters the spacecraft and searches inside and out, it is impossible to get anything useful.

"Do you know what this is?" At this moment, Chris, who heard Leo's whisper, didn't understand what Leo was talking about, but she could feel Leo's emotional changes after seeing this metal block, so she asked Tao.

   Leo did not answer, but just nodded, acknowledging Chris's guess, then turned to look at the guide Andu on the side, and said, "What do you feel?"

   Leo's question also turned everyone's attention to Andu.

I saw that Andu looked a little trance now, and the look in the messenger spacecraft was a little unusual. If you look carefully, you will find that his sight is not on the entire messenger spaceship, but on the surface of the messenger spacecraft. On the badge of the Supreme Council of the Universe, he felt as if he could see from this badge, and what he saw far exceeded his cognition, making him feel inexplicably flustered.

"It's not a feeling, but I see it. Every time I come here, I see it, I can see some illusions." Compared to the panic when I saw those things for the first time, Andu was already a little bit I am used to what I see, although my emotions will still be affected, but I can already control it.

   "So what did you see?" A god-born saint could not help but ask curiously.

"I saw..." Andu wanted to say what he saw, but no matter how he organized the sentences, he couldn't describe the image in his memory, as if there was a force preventing him from saying it. .

   Seeing Andu like this, Chrissy seemed to understand that he should have encountered some kind of forbidden spell restriction, so she signaled Andu not to speak, and then ordered a goddess holy guard next to him.

I saw the goddess sage guard swim in front of the guide Andu, stretched out his hands full of suction cups to cover the sides of Andu's head, and then the top of a dozen long braided tentacles on the back of the sage guard's head exudes bursts of light , And slowly lifted up to arrange a circle, and then saw the light of the tentacles converge in the middle of the circle, and then formed a fuzzy illusion.

The illusion is not clear, but it is enough for the people who see it to recognize the content of the illusion, except for Leo, only Kris knows some of the things in the illusion, while others do not understand what is shown in the illusion. Anything that comes out.

This illusion is very simple. It is the scene of a fleet sailing in the space. Judging from the fleet’s spacecraft, they have just experienced a battle. The surface is devastated. Several spacecraft are on the verge of damage, and many rescue capsules are moving from there. A few spacecraft escaped and transferred to other spacecraft.

And Leo was able to recognize from the obvious badges on the spacecraft that these spaceships originated from the Supreme Council of the Universe. Just like the messenger spacecraft, these ships of the Supreme Council of the Universe also have excellent mobility and cosmic energy defense. Sex, but there are no defensive devices and attack weapons against warship attacks.

   For Leo, these scenes are not unfamiliar. In fact, such scenes will appear in any space war, but this time it is the highest council of the universe.

However, for people who have never seen the starry sky, such a scene is completely beyond their scope of recognition. This is why the guide Andu behaves so abnormally, and the other three goddess holy guards are no better than Andu. How much, only Chris, who has seen the starry sky, has a little bit of the starry sky concept, but she doesn't understand the spacecraft at all, causing her to be at a loss.

Compared to the illusions themselves, Leo is more curious why Andu can see these illusions. What exactly does Andu want to find in this messenger spacecraft, but in any case, it is certain that Andu must have some unknowns with this spacecraft. Link.

"Who does this messenger spaceship belong to?" Leo was a little curious about who the owner of this messenger spaceship was. If he could know the owner of this spaceship, he might be able to infer what Andu had to do with the spaceship. He took out the general-purpose recorder and started searching for the data in the recorder, because all general-purpose recorders contained the number data of the messenger spacecraft. As long as the corresponding number was found, the information of the spacecraft owner could be found.

The other people nearby just woke up from the illusion in Andu’s brain, and saw Leo took out a bracelet-like thing and pressed it to write it down. Then the bracelet radiated light and produced some images. There are a large number of unknown characters scrolling quickly in the image.

Chrissy and the Godborn Saint Guard can't understand these characters at all, and can only vaguely think that it should be related to the metal block in front of them, while Andu stared at the universal recorder in Leo's hand, with an indescribable look in his eyes. It seems to know what this thing is, but not sure.

   Soon, Leo found out the public information of the spaceship, and in the information, he knew who the owner of the spaceship was.

   As he expected, this is a completely unfamiliar name, and he doesn't even know the words that make up the name. He can only know the identity of this council messenger from the lingua franca of the information.

"Atasas?" When Leo saw the description of the race in the information, he couldn't help but was stunned, because he knew this race, and if his memory was not wrong, whether this should exist is still under debate. Of unknown race.

In the universe, whether a race that has entered the interstellar civilization belongs to a new race or a branch race of a higher civilization needs to be reviewed by the Supreme Council of the universe. For example, after the Earth Federation enters the interstellar civilization, it has gone through two hundred After many years of censorship, we have obtained the identity of a civilized race.

Leo still remembered that before his death, Atassas had just entered the interstellar civilization. They were like the original Earth Federation. Their identity as an independent civilized race is under review by the Supreme Council of the Universe. If they follow the normal time, they almost need it. It takes one or two hundred years to have results.

  It’s just that the situation of the Atassass is different from that of the Earth Federation, because the Atassass have a higher-ranking race from blood source to culture. This race is called Lothar Protoss, and it is a higher civilization race.

  According to normal circumstances, this should be regarded as a sub-civilization of Lothar Protoss rather than an independent civilization.

But the problem is that Lothar Protoss does not recognize the existence of the Atathas, and the Atathas do not recognize their relationship with Lothar. Although they are not hatred, they are friendly. Irrelevant.

Because Lothar Protoss is one of the member civilizations of the Supreme Council of the universe, their words will have an additional effect on the Supreme Council, so that the topic of the racial position of the Atassas became the hottest topic in the universe at that time , At least until Leo's death, the popularity of this topic did not weaken.

Obviously, I saw that there was a messenger spacecraft with the Atassas as the messengers of the parliament. Then this represents two things. One thing is that the Atassas are already an independent civilized race. The thing is that the Atassas have entered the highest council of the universe and have gained a firm foothold in the highest council of the universe.

This all shows that this messenger spacecraft appeared many years after Leo’s death. As for how many years, according to normal circumstances, it should be thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, because after the Earth Federation became a civilized race, Even though thousands of years have passed, it is still far away from the Supreme Council of the Universe, let alone gain a foothold in the Supreme Council of the Universe and become one of the serving civilizations.

There is not much information about this messenger in the general recorder. Apart from the name and identity, there are only some resumes. It can be seen that this messenger is of military origin and is a natural psychic. He is already a ninth-level psionicist, and Leo is more concerned about the other identity mentioned in this messenger's resume, the spiritist.

The special kind of psychic is mentioned by Leo in the inheritance of psionic knowledge that Leo got from him. There is no detailed explanation of what a psychic is in there, just knowing that a psychic is a kind of extreme Mysterious psionicists, their greatest ability is that they are difficult to kill. Even if the enchanted person is thrown into a black hole and crushed into an atom, the enchanted person will be resurrected after a while, but the psionic level is slightly weakened. A little bit.

  According to records, there was a spirit possessor who was killed more than 20 times in a row before he was completely killed.

Because the number of spiritists is extremely rare. Before revealing the ability to resurrect, spiritists are similar to ordinary psionics. Unless they are exposed by themselves, it is difficult for outsiders to know who is the spiritist around, and the spiritists treat themselves The secrets of abilities are also kept very tightly. Higher Omega-class life forms are not interested in the abilities of spiritists, so the ability of spiritists to resurrect is always a mystery.

However, after learning that the people in the messenger spaceship were spirited, Leo thought about the reaction of the guide Andu. He had some speculations about the revival of the spirited, because he was now sure that the soul was real. Exists, and he is an instance of resurrection.

"We need to get rid of those things before we go in." At this time, An Du had a strong urge to rush to the metal block, but as usual, he still controlled the impulse and built a nest around the metal block. Said those sea monsters.

I saw that a large group of huge deep sea monsters had inhabited around the messenger spacecraft. The bodies of these sea monsters were oddly shaped, some were all bones, some were covered with pustules, and more were covered with some downsides. Hooked tentacles.

   No matter how you look at these sea monsters, they don't seem to belong to the same race. However, these sea monsters of different races can live together like marine creatures of the same race, and you can even see that they have reproduced.

This counter-intuitive phenomenon puzzled Chris, but Leo knew that no matter what kind of marine creatures these sea monsters were before, they are all abyssal creatures after the abyss, and there is no reproduction among the abyssal creatures. Isolated.

   "Are you coming or me?" Chris looked at the abyss creatures and asked Leo.

   "Should I come? I asked to come here after all." Leo said solemnly.

After speaking, I saw Leo driving the psionic turbine engine around him, spraying out several streams of water and rushing towards the messenger Just like the other abyssal sea monsters, as long as they didn't enter their territory , These sea monsters will not attack the creatures passing by in their territory, but once they break into their territory, they will attack desperately, even those little sea monsters.

So when Leo entered the area of ​​these sea monsters, all the sea monsters were instantly alarmed, as if the street had a unified command, they rushed towards Leo together, using tentacles, bone spurs, pustule venom and so on. They all greeted Leo, as if Leo was their natural enemy.

Facing the siege of the sea monsters, Leo didn't panic at all. He controlled the turbo engine to penetrate through the sea monsters' attack gap with great flexibility, and controlled the spindle-shaped crystal gun he showed toward the surrounding sea. The blame passed.

   Those large sea monsters that look vicious and vicious seem to be a bit strong in the outside world. They all crystallized instantly after being stabbed by a crystallizing gun, and then shattered into pieces.

People watching from a distance thought this was the true power of the Crystallization Gun, but in fact they didn't know that the reason why these sea monsters died under the Crystallization Gun so easily was because the Crystallization Gun contained an abyssal serpent. The power of, and this power destroyed the balance of abyssal power in the sea monsters, killing these extremely abyssal sea monsters in an instant, and the subsequent crystallization was only the additional hiding effect of the crystallizing gun.


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