The current that pushed the metal ship completely disappeared. The ship did not continue to sink, but stopped in the middle of the water as if it were weightless.

   Leo’s spiritual net can also feel that the water-form life attached to the outside of the hull has all left.

   At this time, a very slight wave of water suddenly spread from the side of the ship. The slightness of this wave is difficult for ordinary people to feel, and even if they feel it, they will ignore the past.

However, after the six people in the ship felt the slight wave of water, they all looked in the direction the wave was passing from. The guide Andu and the three goddess holy guards instinctively took out their weapons, only Leo and Ke Liz appeared very calm.

I saw that a huge black shadow swam over from the middle of the deep sea in the distance, and quickly swam to the side of the metal ship. Next to the black shadow, the metal ship was like a small fish and shrimp next to a giant sea monster, extremely small, and The people in the ship also saw through the cracks in the ship wall what this huge black shadow was.

   "Stone ray." At the moment when he saw the huge shadow clearly, Leo immediately found the origin of the huge shadow from the information.

The stone ray is an ancient sea beast. The newly born stone ray is very small, only the size of a human finger, but its shape will continue to grow with its lifespan, and it will not stop growing until the moment it dies. The life span of the stone shellfish is unknown, because almost all stone shellfish do not die naturally.

The reason for this is that the heart of the stone ray can produce a very strange stone. This stone is made into a medicine through a special method, which can help the user avoid a blood disease caused by the elevation of blood. The older the ray grows, the better the effect of the medicine made with this heart stone.

   The largest stone-shelled ray recorded is more than 500 years old. Its body is as large as a small city. Later, in order to save an important figure of the sea clan, it was arrested and killed, and its bones were transformed into a palace.

   Because of the large number of killings, the old and large stone rays were all killed. The largest of the remaining stone rays was only a teenager, and the size of the fish was not much larger than that of ordinary fish.

   The size of the stone-shelled ray in the eyes of everyone now far exceeds that of the recorded stone-shelled ray, and the age should be more than a thousand years old.

   It looks like it entered the trench unintentionally, and then grows slowly here. In the end, it is so huge that it can no longer cross the sea channel and can only live here.

The Taranque Trench is not only a cage for it, but also a safe house. It is precisely because of the special environment of the Taranque Trench that those strong at sea are not willing to risk entering here to hunt it, so that it can be safe. The growth continues.

   The long growth time has not only brought about changes in the size of the stone shellfish, but also caused changes in its life form and began to possess wisdom.

When the stone ray approaches, everyone can feel that a consciousness is directly acting on their spirits, sending a message to them. This message is not language, but everyone understands its meaning. This is a warning. It's like the owner of a certain territory warns the intruders from outside.

   After giving a warning, the stone ray swam past the metal boat and quickly disappeared in the darkness of the deep sea.

After the stone ray disappeared, the four people on the ship who took out their weapons couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, while Chrissy looked at the direction of the stone ray's disappearance with interest, as if thinking about whether it should catch up and teach a lesson. This bold guy.

Although this stone ray is not much inferior to those well-known sea monsters in terms of body shape, Chris is still confident that she can kill it. This confidence comes not only from her strength, but also from her strength. Leviathan bloodline.

   As for Leo, when the stone ray came over, he used the spirit net to scan its physical condition.

   He discovered that although the life form of this stone ray had evolved to almost the level of a fifth-level psionicist, its wisdom seemed to be at the level of a low-level intelligent life.

Such a situation where the level of wisdom form and the level of life form cannot be unified will basically go out of control in the universe, but the stone rays are different. The lower forms of wisdom and the higher life forms can be so harmoniously unified, without a trace. Defects, if this is known to those scientific civilizations in the universe that study the evolution of life, they will definitely be crazy about it.

"Our luck is not bad, it turned out to be the first sea monster to cross over." Andu put the weapon away, then unfastened the straps on his body, and then swam to the ship wall while groping for the decomposed metal. The ship’s live buckle said with joy.

   "Good luck? It's still good luck to meet such a monster as soon as you come?" A god-born saint guard couldn't help but mutter.

Andu said in a deep voice, “Of course it’s good luck. It’s the overlord of the nearby waters. Although it looks scary, as long as you don’t provoke it, it won’t attack you, but there are still many small threats in this sea. Many but very troublesome guys. Even if you don’t provoke them, those guys will attack you, and they will be a large group. But now that the water overlord appears here, those guys will run away, so For the time being, this water area is safe."

After speaking, he seemed to have found the physical buckle, and saw that he grabbed something and pulled it forcefully. The metal boat that could withstand a violent impact broke apart with the sound of metal scraping, and was under water pressure. Under the action of, it sinks slowly.

   Everyone floated in the water, adapting to the surrounding water pressure.

Although Leo does not have the physical talents of people in this world that can quickly adapt to various water pressures, the body of his sixth-level psionicist can already adapt to various harsh environments through adaptive adjustments. It also includes this deep-sea environment.

Therefore, he and Chris are the first to adapt to the surrounding water pressure. Andu has been accustomed to the environment because he often enters and exits the trench. On the contrary, the three god-born sage guards have the slowest adaptation speed. Among them, Vikingcha This pure sea race is the slowest to adapt.

Under normal circumstances, the sea clan’s adaptability to the deep-sea environment far exceeds that of other ethnic groups, but the Taranque Trench is an exception. The environment here is full of pure sea clan, not only restricting strength, but also weakening physical adaptability. Before Jingcha came, he had used special strange objects, which greatly reduced the influence of the Taranque Trench, but the remaining unshielded influence still caused him some trouble.

Chris took a look at her subordinate, and did not ask him to go back. This was not only because she needed manpower to help, but also because she needed a pure sea clan to be by her side when taking the blood helmet. need.

Although Chrissy is of Leviathan bloodline, it can be said to be very compatible with the blood helmet from Leviathan, but the problem is that the Leviathan bloodline in Chrissy's body is not pure, even with the help of Leo, it has been stripped. The human bloodline that has the greatest impact on the Leviathan bloodline, but in terms of purity, it is still a lot worse.

   She worries that the blood helmet will repel her impure sea clan bloodline, so she needs a pure sea clan by her side, so that when an accident occurs, she can take the blood helmet for her.

   "Go from here." Andu quickly discerned what he was doing now, then gestured to Chris and the others, and then swam deeper into the trench.

   Chris and the others also changed from a human form to a mermaid form, and quickly followed, while Leo directly used psionic energy to create several turbine engines around the body, pushing the water to rush out quickly.

   After following a few people, Leo weakened the turbine speed. Chris and the others also looked at Leo curiously, especially the obvious water jets around Leo's body.

   Seeing Leo could keep up, they all speeded up their swimming speed, and soon they came to a seabed stone forest, which was also the first location coordinates that Andu was looking for.

   "It seems that this place is not as dangerous as expected?" When Andu was locating the second coordinate, a sage guard looked at the dead sea water around and said.

   Hearing this, An Du looked at the goddess holy guard with a strange look, and said nothing.

   Although Andu didn't speak, his eyes already showed his thoughts. Obviously he was disdainful of the arrogance of the goddess holy guard.

Andu’s unconcealed eyes are naturally easy to be interpreted by others. Although the goddess saint guard felt that he was offended and a little angry, because Chris was beside him, he didn’t dare to do anything to Andu, just cold. After waiting for An Du's cold glance, he followed the normal procedure to check the surrounding situation, looking for hidden dangers.

   The other two celestial guards also dispersed, protecting Chris in the middle.

At this time, a faint wave of water flow came out of the stone forest below them, and the **** descendant saint guard immediately sank to check the situation, and his actions were seen by the guide An Du, and An Du's eyes showed a glorious look, as if Anticipate what will happen afterwards.

   Leo's spiritual web has also covered the area below, knowing what's going on below, and he can also feel that there is another force sweeping from below, and the source of this force is Chris.

   Leo turned his head to look at Chrissy, and whispered: "Don't stop it?"

   Chris asked back: "Do you think my Saint Guard can't even handle this kind of offense?"

While the two were talking, the god-born saint guard had already arrived on the stone forest where the water wave spread. Suddenly dozens of sea-snake-like monsters with big mouths full of sharp teeth rushed out of the stone forest and turned towards it. The celestial holy guard bit it.

The sea snake monsters rushed out so fast that people could only see a dark shadow. The **** descendant holy guard seemed to have no reaction, and did not even have a dodge movement, and was directly bitten by the sea snake monsters. After the sharp teeth pierced the body of the prey, they immediately injected their venom.

"Don't you save him?" The guide Andu saw that the sacred guard was bitten by the poisonous sea snake here, and a look of disdain appeared on his face, but then he saw that everyone around him did not come forward to rescue him. He couldn't help but said anxiously.

Although Andu doesn't like the god-born saint guard very much, but he doesn't want the god-born saint guard to die here. He knows how strong the poison of this sea snake monster is. If it is not rescued in time, it will be used by the church bishop. The magical detoxification technique cannot unravel the poison of these sea snakes.

Just when Andu felt that this incident was a bit overwhelming, and was about to save the goddess saint guard, he saw that the goddess saint guard's body became soft like a pile of mud, and it stuck and bit him. Those highly venomous sea snakes quickly swallowed these sea snakes into the body, and then the body returned to its original state.

Seeing this scene, Andu was stunned for a long time. Only then did he realize that he had made a common-sense mistake. The habitual Chris and the others had become the people he led before, and they completely forgot to stand by his side. People are one of the strongest people in the world, especially Chris, who masters the sea god's artifact. He can't remember what else in the ocean can threaten her.

Thinking of this, he proposed to Chris: "I have two roads now, one road I often walk, passing through this seabed stone forest, passing through the seaweed plain, and then crossing two small trenches, you can When you arrive at Miduk’s mouth, you will be able to enter the lower trench directly down from Miduk’s mouth. This is a long road, but it’s safe, especially after the lords here have cruised. As long as they don’t provoke the sea monsters, basically they won’t. In any danger. Another way..."

   "The other road is short, but very dangerous, right?" A god-born saint said the following words on behalf of Andu.

   Andu nodded.

"Let’s take the short route!" Chrissy quickly made a decision. At this time, he noticed that Leo seemed a little absent-minded. He turned his head and looked at someone in the distance of the sea stone forest. This place seems to hide something in the darkness.

   After discovering this situation, Chrissy also felt the past there, and soon discovered something, and reminded: "Attention, something is coming."

   Hearing Chris's reminder, the three goddess saint guards were well-trained and occupied a position that was convenient for cooperation. Each took out his own weapon and paid close attention to Chris's direction.

I saw that in the deep ocean in the distance, a huge black shadow suddenly emerged. This black shadow is not much worse than the stone ray before, and its whole body seems to be covered with tiny tentacles. With these The tentacles stirred the power of the sea and moved quickly towards Chris and the others.

"Dokama, the **** it is Dokama!" Seeing the black shadow, Andu's expression became very flustered, and he said anxiously: "Let's go quickly, Dokama can't kill, we can only escape from its domain. Range, it will stop attacking."

Although Andu made the most correct proposal, it is clear that his proposal is no longer within the scope of other people’s consideration, especially Leo. His face is not panicked, but a look of excitement is revealed. When Chris was about to order an attack, she directly activated the psionic turbine engine to its maximum power, and the whole person rushed out instantly and rushed towards the Dokama.


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