The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1082: Chris' concerns

     "Why would you want to use this potion?" Leo couldn't help but wonder after hearing Chris' question.

   Chris did not answer, she just stared at Leo calmly, waiting for him to answer her question.

   Leo didn’t ask, but thought about it very seriously. After carefully analyzing the effect of this medicine, he said: “It can be used, but it depends on the kind of blood you want to isolate and draw.”

   "My human blood." Chris responded very quickly.

Leo was stunned, and did not ask why Chris did this, but nodded and said: "Yes, but the process may be painful and there is a possibility of failure. After all, the human blood is also your original blood. Fortunately, after I have drawn blood from Old Duke, I will give it to you after I have some experience."

   "Yeah." Chris nodded, and then asked: "Aren't you curious why I abandon the human blood in me?"

   "Not curious." Leo shook his head and said, "It is your own business to give up everything on your body, it has nothing to do with me, I don't need to know."

   I don't know whether it was the rebellious mentality or other reasons. Leo's lack of curiosity caused Chris to say why she planned to abandon the human blood.

"Actually, I didn't have such thoughts all of a sudden. I already thought about it a long time ago." Kriss casually found a chair and sat down, and narrated: "I felt it after the last bloodline improvement. The possibility of the bloodline rising again is very low. I looked for many reasons, and finally determined that the human bloodline in my body had an impact on the Leviathan bloodline, so I have been looking for ways to reduce this impact."

Chris’s problem is also common to the witches. Almost all the power of the witches comes from the inhuman blood of the witches. There are only two ways to improve their power. One way is to be in the current state. Next, to further enhance the power of the non-human bloodline, master this power more perfectly, and finally reach the level of complete control of the bloodline power. The other way is to make the non-human bloodline more pure, which is now Chrissy Want to do.

Leo said: "It is indeed feasible to strip human blood with Buck's potion, but it is too rash, and there may be some unpredictable side effects. You should also be very clear about this, otherwise you will not choose to look for a blood helmet. Long-term. Wearing a blood helmet can also indirectly affect the bloodline of Leviathan on your body, improve the purity of the bloodline of Leviathan, and will not have much impact on your human bloodline. This should be the right method for you to choose ."

"You're right, but I don't have so much time for the blood to slowly evolve." Chris said with a solemn expression: "You should have guessed that the Sea Clan actually relied on the account, although they did not admit that the account was denied. They just promised to do so. Treat me and my sanctuary in a normal way. As for the so-called alliance, it is only verbal and will not give me any substantive help. Do you know why the Sea Clan does not hesitate to abandon its promise and are unwilling to support me? Without waiting for Leo to speak, she asked and replied: "It's because I am not a pure local, and my blood is not pure."

   said, the look on Chris' face became extremely gloomy, and even rarely showed an angry look.

   "Everything depends on power, not blood." Leo said calmly: "Your power is strong enough, blood is not a problem at all."

Chris smiled bitterly and said: "I know, but the problem is that my strength comes from blood. If the blood is not improved, the strength can't be improved." After speaking, her expression became serious again and said: "Although I made some rumors, saying that I had formed an alliance with the Sea Clan. The Sea Clan did not refute, and everyone else believed it, but judging from the situation at the terminal, this kind of rumor should not last long. I came here to look for Leviathan’s blood The battle helmet can’t be concealed for long. Once they know that I have got the blood helmet, then they will definitely know what I’m going to do next. At that time, let’s not talk about the holy temple, I’m afraid it’s even the sea. Both the clan and the spirit clan choose to stand on the opposite side of me."

Leo looked at Chrissy intently and said, "You plan to use the blood helmet as a bait to let your opponent relax their vigilance, but in fact you have already completed the bloodline transformation with Buck's potion, as long as the time is right for you It will surprise your opponent."

   Chris was taken aback for a while, only smiled, neither admitted nor denied.

   Leo knew what was enough, so he stopped the topic, turned around and walked out of the room, and called in the old Duke who was waiting outside.

   Old Duke, who entered the room, saw a bottle of eye-catching medicine on the table that had been cleaned up. The original firm expression on his face became hesitant. He seemed to be hesitant to use this medicine.

   It's not that he doesn't know what benefits this potion has for him, he is very worried about the stranger Leo.

Although the conversation with Leo just now gave him some trust in Leo, but now he calms down and feels that that trust is really unreliable. No normal person should give his life to another. In the hands of a stranger, this also made him doubt the kind of trust he had before, suspecting that he had received some mysterious influence.

   "Can I take it away and take it later?" Old Duke quietly looked at Leo's expression and said:

"Yes." Leo responded without thinking about it, and said: "How to take it and when to take it is your own business. There is no need to ask me, but I have to remind you that this medicine is dangerous. , If you don’t use the correct method to guide the effect of the medicine and complete the follow-up blood vessel separation and other things, you will lose control after taking the medicine.”

After warning old Duke, he turned around and went back to the experiment, took out an object similar to a test tube, poured enough weight from the bottle of Buck’s potion, sealed the opening, and then turned to Duke. Passed it over.

Leo’s decisive decision made Old Duke hesitate even more. Although he didn’t know what effect Leo’s refining medicine would ultimately produce, any medicine that involved bloodline was very dangerous. He took it before. That's the case with his medicine. If it wasn't for his strong willpower, and if the person who made the medicine tried his best to save him, he might have been alienated on the day he took the medicine.

   "No, I'll take it here!" Old Duke quickly pushed back the potion in Leo's hand and said.

   Leo had anticipated the old Duke's choice. He pointed to the bed beside him and said, "Go and lie down there."

Although old Duke still distrusted Leo deep in his heart and hesitated to continue, when he heard Leo's instructions, he still followed the instructions and walked to the bed and lay down, as if his instinct knew what to do. It is best for him to do it.

   After Old Duke lay down, Leo took out several rune magic circles he had made and placed them around the bed, and then took out a few soul crystal stones and placed them in the rune magic circles.

   At the moment when the soul crystal stone was taken out, both Chrissy and Old Duke showed obvious surprises on their faces, and looked at the soul crystal stones full of doubts.

   "What is this?" Chris couldn't help being curious, and asked. Old Duke, who was lying on the bed, also pricked his ears to listen.

"This is a strange thing I made with some mysterious knowledge. Its function is very simple. It protects the spirit of the subject, and can stabilize the spirit of the subject within a certain range, so that the guardian will not be insane. Circumstances." Leo explained very seriously: "The greatest danger of bloodline ascension does not come from the outside world, but from yourself. In your bloodline, not only has a powerful force, but also contains a trace of blood origin. Will. When your bloodline rises, the bloodline source will will test your spirit or soul. If you fail the test, then you will be swallowed by your own bloodline, and when you pass the test , You are qualified to get a purer bloodline."

   Although Leo’s answer is different from what Chris’ question refers to, these secrets about blood still make her and Old Duke very engaged.

   "Is that will the whisper I hear every time my bloodline rises?" Old Duke couldn't help asking.

   "Yes." Leo nodded.

   "How to solve this problem?" Old Duke asked again.

"I just said that as long as the spirit is stabilized," Leo said after placing the last soul stone: "Of course it is always easy to say, it will be very troublesome to do it, after all, since it can be stable Spirit, and the wonder that can resist the original will of the blood is very rare, even if there is, it will vary from person to person, not necessarily suitable for the owner, and may even be self-defeating."

   "Can you make this strange thing because of these crystals?" Chris turned the topic back to what she wanted to know.

"Half." Leo replied: "The role of the soul crystal stone is only to create spiritual energy. It is these stable runes that can really apply these spiritual energy to people. These runes use a lot of spiritual mystery. Knowledge, and a special metal is used in the production of this area. This metal will inhibit all the extraordinary powers before it is refined again. However, after adding other materials, its The effect becomes single, only for mental power."

   As he said, Leo pointed to the rune in a certain area of ​​the rune magic circle. The metal color of this rune magic circle was a little different, and it reappeared in purple.

   However, Chrissy and Old Duke are not interested in what Leo said. They are more interested in the Soul Crystal Stone.

   "This soul crystal stone was produced by the soul?" Chris asked directly.

   "You can say yes." Leo nodded, but the answer was a little vague.

   Although he has acknowledged the existence of the soul, he cannot make a clear response to anything related to the soul before he has actually seen the soul and understood it.

   Naturally, he could also see the reaction of Chrissy and Old Duke when he took out the Soul Crystal Stone, but he didn't know what Chrissy and Old Duke felt on the Soul Crystal Stone.

In fact, even Chrissy and Old Duke didn’t know what they felt, because at the moment Leo took out the Soul Crystal Stone, their hearts coincided with a strong sense of hunger, wanting to crystallize their souls. Shi grabbed it and ate it in his stomach.

This sense of hunger is strong enough to make any ordinary person’s will instantly collapse and turn into a hungry ghost, but it’s not enough for Chrissy and old Duke, who are determined, and Leo’s own deterrent is added. , So that they can still remain relatively calm.

   They did not intend to follow the sudden hunger in their hearts, even if they felt that after eating the soul crystal stone, it would be good for them, but this uncontrolled behavior would always be their concern.

   So after Leo gave a simple answer, both Chrissy and Old Duke tacitly did not ask anything.

   Leo had also finished the arrangement at this time, and then walked to the table, took out the test tubes of different doses, poured the medicines into different test tubes according to a certain ratio, and directly formed a row of thirteen medicines.

   Holding the row of potions, Leo came to Old Duke's side, took out the one with the largest dose and handed it over, and said, "Drink it."

   "Should you not start drinking from the least?" Old Duke took the potion and looked at it and asked.

   "Who told you to start with the least?" Leo asked Duke curled his mouth and said nothing, then took a deep breath and drank the medicine in the test tube.

However, when he drank the potion, his expression became a bit strange, because this potion did not have a strange smell like the potions he had drunk before. On the contrary, it was very delicious, even better than any kind of wine he had drunk. All are delicious.

However, before he could taste the smell of the potion, he felt like a fire was lit in his body, burning violently from the inside out, so little that he could not resist, even the spirit was at that moment. He also fell into an indescribable state, and his state at the moment looked like he was in a coma.

   As soon as Old Duke drank the potion, Leo opened the rune magic circle arranged around him, and at the same time stretched out his hand to press the old Duke's heart.

  Although Old Duke fell into a coma-like state, the power in his body did not fall silent for this reason, but became more surging due to the effect of Buck's potion.

When Leo’s hand touched Old Duke’s heart, Old Duke’s bloodline power instinctively thought it was an offensive behavior. The sharp thorns on his body instantly turned into countless tentacles and pierced Leo. When Ou Zheng was about to take a defense, a deep force enveloped him and blocked all his tentacles.


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