The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1073: Energy degradation

     Even though he could not feel the danger, Leo still did not intend to get too close to the Poseidon Temple, but stood in the safe zone he felt and carefully observed the details of the Temple.

Although on Silver Moon Lake, Leo had already seen the upper part of the Poseidon Temple clearly through his extraordinary vision, but even so, because of the various energy interference from the temple, he could even see the relief on the top of the temple clearly. Some obvious details are also involuntarily ignored. For example, the Poseidon Temple in front of me is not made of any stone at all, but is a huge skeleton of an unknown creature.

Because the bones were cut and stuffed in the process of transforming them into the temple, it has completely broken away from its original form, so Leo can't belong to that kind of cosmic behemoth from the bones. He can only pass the remains in the bones. The void pattern above confirms that it is definitely one of the 67 kinds of cosmic vacuum creatures.

   Void pattern is the name defined by the Earth Federation for this special bone crystal. Its official name in the universe is a bit too long to use the earth language, and many pronunciations cannot be pronounced.

   The entire universe has 67 vacuum creatures that live in the vacuum of the universe from birth to death. These vacuum creatures have extremely large bodies without exception, and the smallest of them is almost equivalent to a space battleship.

   It's just that while these vacuum creatures have powerful bodies, they don't have much wisdom. Most vacuum creatures are like wild beasts. Even if a few have wisdom, they are not very smart.

Higher civilizations once studied the secrets of these vacuum creatures surviving in the vacuum of the universe, and finally did not study a result, but knew that it should be related to the void patterns on the bones of vacuum creatures. As for how the void patterns work, These have never been clarified.

Leo is not surprised by the fact that the bones of vacuum creatures have been transformed into temple buildings. In fact, there are some races in the universe that even specifically capture vacuum creatures and then implant vacuum creatures with devices such as control chips. And then through special technology, create a suitable environment for their survival in the vacuum organisms, and transform the vacuum organisms into a living spacecraft.

What really surprised Leo was that the people who built the temple were able to connect the void patterns on the bones together, and then used the remaining energy inside to form a three-dimensional image. If the relief above the temple is recording the abundance of the sea **** In the case of great achievements, then the following images of the energy journey of the void pattern record some major events in the universe, among which Leo has experienced, or knows, and Leo does not know.

Among these images, the ones that received Leo’s most attention were not those with clear content, such as a fleet with a clear civilization mark attacking a civilization’s home planet, etc. Among those images, he first paid attention It is an image with unclear meaning. A dazzling light envelops a fuzzy object. From the fragmented pattern revealed by that fuzzy object, it can barely be judged that it is the source city of the Supreme Council of the Universe. Known as the city at the center of the universe.

Leo has never been to Origin City, and even the Earth Federation has been there, and even people who have seen Origin City are very few, there are only less than 50 people, because Origin City has a special energy field, any device to record images None of them can work, so all civilizations in the universe know about Origin City from the memories of those who have been to Origin City.

   It’s just that the strange thing is that all the people who have been to the original city remember the original city differently. Whether it is oral or direct memory extraction, the original original city restored is completely different.

   However, in all the different source city memories, there are several obvious signs representing the Supreme Council, such as the emblem of the Supreme Council, such as the ten red giants that always surround the Supreme Council.

   And these iconic symbols are all present in the vague image.

There are many higher life forms and civilizations named light in the universe, but the most famous of them is the light of origin, and it is associated with the murals on the top of the temple where the Weiyas attacked other higher civilizations in the star field where the Supreme Council is located. The spacecraft, the Mother of Water, as a member of the Supreme Council, went to rescue and assisted in the retreat. Recalling the relationship between the Light of Origin and the Waya, it is not difficult for Leo to guess who this light is trying to swallow the highest council of the universe.

If you see this image from other places, Leo will definitely doubt the authenticity of this image. Although the light of origin has a transcendent position in the universe, it is known as the origin of all life in the universe and the earliest energy life in the universe. , But the power of the light of origin is not the most powerful among those Omega-level advanced life forms in the highest council of the universe, and it is not even ranked in the top ten. This is already a recognized fact.

So when someone who knows all this very well sees a painting that the light of origin engulfed the entire source city where the Supreme Council is located, the only thing that can think of is that the content on it is too absurd and can not stand any scrutiny. Even people who are delusional again cannot have such thoughts.

However, now this image has been carefully produced and placed in the most conspicuous position in the center of the Poseidon Temple, and the existence of these images may be the mysterious existence of Poseidon, which may be the mother of water, then this image also has It has a very high degree of credibility.

This also reminded Leo of the various claims and rumors about the Light of Origin that the Waya people proclaimed. Among these claims, the most unreliable rumor is that when the Light of Origin reappears, the Supreme Council of the Universe will also Surrendered to His brilliance, and the image Leo now sees coincides with the rumor that is widely regarded as absurd.

   "Is the Supreme Council accident, the turbulence of the universe and these weird worlds all because of the light of origin?" Leo couldn't help but mutter in his heart, and the look on his face became a lot more serious.

While pondering, he looked for more clues from other images on the temple that narrated various events in the universe in the past, and soon found some useful images in several images that did not have corresponding information in his database. thing.

These images are all war images. A large number of space warships of various shapes are fighting at a very close distance. Even those people of cosmic civilization will feel shocked when they see it, and it is like people in the world of Poseidon, or even Velen. People in the world saw it. I am afraid that in addition to shock, there are more inexplicable fears, because in their eyes, the space warships of different civilizations and different shapes are monsters hiding in the deep air and watching for life. Take a look. It will feel suffocating.

For those who have not participated in space wars, this kind of war images is nothing worthy of attention, and seems very normal, but for people like Leo who has participated in more than one space war between civilizations, this The war scenes are full of absurdity, no matter how they look like a cosmic war scene created out of thin air by a nine-rate screenwriter who has lived only in civilized life in the land.

In those cosmic wars based on civilization, the attacks of both sides of the battle are interstellar. A peer-to-peer attack may take months or even years, and the power of the attack will spread to the entire galaxy, the higher the level. In the war of civilizations, the greater the stellar region spans. A war between higher civilizations in the universe recorded in Leo’s data spanned more than 20 stellar regions and shuttled half of the universe before completing a peer-to-peer attack. And the result of that peer-to-peer attack directly caused a galaxy to turn into a dead star zone.

   Therefore, real wars rarely occur between higher civilizations in the universe, and most disputes will be resolved by other means.

And like in the image, a large number of warships squeezed into a certain area of ​​a small galaxy to fight each other, which only happened in the wars of middle and low civilizations. The warships that participated were all small and medium-sized galaxy warships, absolutely not. There is the possibility of that kind of star warship participating in this kind of war.

  Because of the huge hull of the warship itself that crosses the star field, when it breaks into the galaxy, the energy generated will inevitably affect the entire galaxy, resulting in an irreparable deviation in the orbit of the galaxy.

   Not to mention the use of those cross-stellar weapons at such a close distance, the final result may be able to instantly destroy the enemy, but I am afraid that the attacker will also be destroyed by this weapon.

But the battleships shown in these images are without exception the main interstellar battleships of the advanced civilizations of the universe. Each weapon above is a weapon across the stars. And so many advanced civilizations in the universe use this space battleship to accumulate In a galaxy, fierce battles are unfolding, no matter how you look at it, it feels a violation.

   But even so, after thinking about it calmly, Leo didn't know why he felt that the unreasonable scenes in these images may be facts without any reason.

   "Energy slowing and slowing!" At this moment, Leo suddenly had a scientific conjecture defined as pseudo-science by the advanced civilization of the universe.

Scientists who proposed energy downgrading believe that in addition to dimensional downgrading and upgrading, the universe also has energy upgrading and downgrading changes. Although this kind of change does not directly change a universe’s extrusion law from the bottom of the physics like dimensional changes, it has an impact on the universe. The impact is also very comprehensive.

  According to the theory put forward by that scientist, the universe has primordial consciousness. This primordial consciousness will appear when the universe encounters a crisis. Under the premise of protecting the existence of the universe, some changes will occur in the universe.

  Under normal circumstances, when the cosmic civilization has developed to the extreme, it will undergo a holistic cosmic dimension reduction and decrease, so that the universe can develop better.

But not every upgrade and downgrade of the universe will succeed. According to the inference of higher civilizations, once the universe fails to upgrade, the destruction of the universe itself will be devastating. Even in the best case, two-thirds of the universe will be destroyed. After the ascension fails, it collapses and destroys, and the worst case is naturally the destruction of the entire universe.

   Therefore, in order to avoid this, the original consciousness of the universe will actively change the energy system of the universe itself when it discovers danger, and degrade the energy of the universe so that the universe can avoid the trap of ascending dimensions.

Just like the situation shown in the image in front of the Poseidon Temple, if the universe really undergoes a substantial energy reduction, then all the energy weapons on the interstellar interstellar battleships in the universe will also be greatly reduced. Weakened, the fact that such a large number of main battleships of advanced civilizations squeezed into a small galaxy to fight is not an incredible thing.

And more importantly, the energy degradation also explains some things that Leo didn't want to understand before, such as why the power of the psionicist has become so weak, we must know that the sixth-level psionicist in the universe has been able to cross the planet in the universe. Fly, and take part in space battles, with powerful Lin Neng Ling power to destroy huge battleships.

But now Leo, a powerful psionicist who possesses sixth-level psionic energy, or even half-step seventh-level psionic energy, is very difficult even to unfold the psionic wings and fly freely at high altitude, let alone get rid of gravity and fly to the outer layer. Space out.

In addition to psionics, Omega-class higher life forms also have problems, because the gods in the world of Velen and even other worlds, including the current Poseidon, simply cannot control a certain star field with those in the universe in terms of their power alone. Compared with the Omega-class higher life forms of all power.

Before that, Leo always felt that the reason for such a gap was that in addition to the difference in the world, it was also because he was not proficient in psionic skills, and even thought it might be Because of the subspace, it is limited by the subspace.

   However, if these problems he discovered before are brought into the situation of energy degradation, then everything is easy to explain.

And even in the images he sees now, some of the things that are contrary to common sense can be answered, such as the light of origin swallowing the source city of the entire Supreme Council, such as the sea **** covering the fleet of other advanced civilizations, Yaren left the star field where the Supreme Council was under attack and so on.

Even the existence of spacecraft wrecks from different periods in the world of Vinylon and the Black Forest world that make up the world of Vinylon can find the answer, because energy degradation will inevitably have a huge impact on the space and time of a universe, and appear in space and time. The confusion is not so difficult to understand.

However, when Leo felt that he seemed to have found the reason for the changes in the universe after his death, he inevitably had a trace of doubt and couldn't help but mutter to himself: "Is that so? The truth is true." Is that simple?"

It’s no wonder that he will have doubts, because in his opinion, the answer that takes a lifetime to find is now justified by an image outside a temple and a hypothesis in his memory that is denied by the universe. Feel unreliable.


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