The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1071: Temple city

The power that Leo showed shocked everyone present. They were all speculating about Leo’s identity, but after thinking about it, their faces all showed doubts, because they couldn’t find anything to match Leo. Characteristic well-known strong.

   However, not everyone is ignorant of Leo.

The leader of the Spirit Race has some identity. Recently, he has been paying attention to the power struggle within the Poseidon Church. He also knows some of the main characters on both sides. Leo, who has often appeared next to Chrissy recently The stranger naturally entered his eyes.

   It's just that, because Leo didn't have too obvious the characteristics of the Sea Clan's mutation, he ignored him like most other people who were concerned about the internal struggle of the Poseidon Church.

You should know that almost all strong people in the world of Poseidon have one characteristic, that is, the characteristics of being a clan is very obvious, so to know whether a person is a strong, the easiest way is to look at his clanization Whether the organ is obvious enough, whether there is deviation in the direction of mutation, etc., like Leo does not have any characteristics of sea tribalization, but he is a very powerful strong person, which is completely beyond the basic cognitive range. It is reasonable for the tribe to make wrong judgments.

   "Are you from the Temple of the Gods?" Although the spirit race recognized Leo, he still cautiously confirmed.

   "Yes." Leo nodded, and then asked slightly offensively: "Are the people of the Godborn Temple not allowed to visit the Temple of the Sea God?"

   Facing Leo’s rhetorical question, the face of the spirit race was a little ugly, and he did not answer, but signaled to the other spirit races and continued to lead the way.

  Although the disputes of Poseidon Church have always been confined to the inside of the church, consciously or unconsciously, various external forces still pay great attention to the disputes of Poseidon Church, and there are people who choose to stand on the side of the line.

Because they all live in the vicinity of Mount St. Trou, the spirit race and the church of Poseidon are very closely related, and these close church leaders are now almost all joined in the church of the gods, making the spirit race innately standing on the gods. The side of the church.

However, the voice of maintaining neutrality within the spirit race is still very loud, and the spirit race person who is leading the team is a neutral faction, so when he recognized Leo’s identity, faced Leo’s questioning, he chose not to do anything. The answer was neither good nor conflict, and even on the way back, he did not turn his head and glanced at Leo, completely treating Leo as nonexistent.

  The attitude of the spirit tribe did not exceed Leo's expectations, nor did he question them, but continued to move forward with the team.

On the contrary, other people are looking at Leo with some curiosity, because the internal split of Poseidon’s church into double churches has become the most talked about recently, but for the people at the bottom, they don’t understand these upper-level things. There are many rumors that can only be collected in a few words. Obviously, there is a person among them. If the environment is not inappropriate, some of them may have asked Leo related questions out of curiosity.

   In this way, a group of people with all kinds of thoughts followed the road opened by the predecessors and continued to walk towards the Seagod Temple in the center. It didn't take long to walk out of the dangerous twisted stone forest and came to the front of the Seagod Temple.

   The Poseidon Temple does not exist alone. There is also a city built by the Sea Clan around the Poseidon Temple. This city is called Bujaroqi, which means the center of the world in the Sea Clan language.

This city was the largest city of the Hai nationality at that time. Its main building is no different from the common urban buildings of the Hai nationality. They are all polished black lava stones. For easy access, all the entrances and exits of the houses are on the roofs and engraved on the outer walls of the houses. Some decorative patterns, and some submarine gardens that have completely withered, are located throughout the city.

   But the most striking thing in the city is the obelisks that represent the conquering stone steps of the Marine Expeditionary Army. Each obelisk represents a stone step, and the reliefs on it record various heroic deeds of conquering the world.

As the Poseidon Temple rises from the bottom of the sea, the city also rises from the bottom of the sea to the ground. The sea people cannot adapt to life on the ground and have to give up the city. The ownership of the city is transferred to the hands of the spirits, but I don’t know why The spirit race who originally settled here finally chose to leave here and went to the foothills of Mount Saint Trullo to build the spirit capital, and abandoned the city closest to the sea god.

The same situation also happened to the Poseidon Church. After the Spirit Race abandoned the city, the Poseidon Church tried to move the main church to this city, but the final result was also to give up, and the reason was regarded as a taboo knowledge blockade. When I got up, not only the outsiders didn't know it, even the people inside the Spirit Race, Sea Race, and Poseidon Church also didn't understand this matter.

   However, the secret of this city is not a secret to Leo, because he has seen the relevant content from the collection of the Taboo Library.

There is a mysterious and unknown power in this city. People who live here for a long time will be affected by the power unknowingly. Not only the body is distorted, but even the mind is distorted and crazy, and the whole distortion process Irreversible, even if you leave the city, you cannot reverse the distortion.

It just makes everyone who pay attention to this matter feel strange that the distorted people who are affected by the mysterious power will suddenly disappear when the situation becomes the worst. Someone has done the test and just stares at the distorted people. , And even tried to use all kinds of extraordinary powers, but the twisted ones disappeared out of thin air in front of them, disappearing silently, without any warning, and did not sense any power.

   However, some people have found that every time the distorted person disappears, there will be an extra stone sculpture made of black lava in the city of Bujaroč. This stone sculpture is naturally formed, without any traces of artificial carving.

  Because things happened very strangely and there was no solution, the Spirit Race and Poseidon Church gave up the city one after another and left the city vacant here.

However, there have been a lot of rumors about the city in recent years. People who come to worship at the Poseidon Temple will inexplicably see some people living in a certain area of ​​the city after entering the city. It looks like they have lived here for a long time. Like, but turning around and looking again, those people have disappeared.

  Because the Poseidon Temple itself has the power to erase the memories of others, some people think that the power shrouded in the city is actually an extension of the Poseidon Temple’s power, one erases the memory, the other erases the existence

The entrance of this city is a huge gate shaped like a holy arch. After the people of the spirit race brought everyone here, they stopped, and the head of the man pointed to a straight road leading to the Temple of the Sea God and said: "You can go to worship now, but I want to remind you that if you feel unwell, don't go any further, otherwise, we will not be able to save you if you encounter any danger."

   Everyone heard the words and looked at each other. For a while, they didn't know what to do. Some people's faces were full of worry, and some people prayed silently.

   However, among these people, two of them have different looks and expressions.

   Leo was very calm, as if he hadn't heard what the person said just now.

The other is the natural shaman rock Gu'gal. His face shows an excited look, which is different from the worry and caution he showed when walking in the twisted stone forest, as if he was in this ancient abandoned city. It seemed to find something particularly important to him.

After that, Rock Gu'gall seemed to be unable to bear the urge in his heart, and walked into the city from the arch first. Leo then also walked in, and saw that two people had already entered, and others followed one after another. , But just as three people entered the arch, they stopped, and there were horrified emotions on their faces. Their eyes were out of focus and their expressions were blank, as if they had seen some horrible pictures that no one else could see, and their bodies were trembling constantly. Some of the already prominent marine variation has also become more obvious.

Leo ignored the situation of the people behind him. He was more concerned about the changes in his body at the moment. After he stepped into this city, he could clearly sense that a force was infiltrating his body, trying to treat his body. Make some impact.

   But because he had too many imprints of the gods in his body, this force was suppressed before it worked.

   At first, Leo thought this power was the power of Poseidon, but he soon discovered that this power was not the power of Poseidon at all, and it might even be an anti-Poseidon power.

The reason why he made such a judgment is entirely because the seagod power he imitated with the power of nightmare has the strongest rejection reaction, as if it is an enemy of life and death. He just penetrated into his body and was given the power of the pseudo seagod. Found.

   There is another point, that is, the sea god's mark in Leo's body also has no resonance response to this force, and there is also an extremely repulsive response.

   The sea god's mark in Leo's body is derived from the experience of the sea in the world of Velen, but his sea god's mark is incomplete, or it is just a phantom, unlike the other gods' marks, he can use it to perform some magical magic.

When entering the world of Poseidon, Leo thought that the mark of Poseidon would change from virtual to real, but he found that even he could learn from the followers of Poseidon in this world, the clergy of Poseidon Church, and even Chrissy, the descendant of Poseidon. I felt the purest power of the sea **** in his body, and kept himself within the range of the sea god's influence at all times, but the sea **** mark in his body was still unmoved, as if the sea **** in the world of Velen and the sea **** in this world were not the same sea god.

However, for the first time Leo’s imprint of Poseidon spontaneously rejects a certain force when Leo is not active, and this reaction is exactly the same as that produced by Leo’s imitation of Poseidon’s power, which also makes Leo Confirm that there is nothing wrong with the Seagod's mark in his body.

   Then, Leo headed towards the Seagod Temple quickly against the power permeating from his surroundings, and soon he surpassed the natural shaman who was one step ahead of him.

When passing by the natural shaman, Leo could feel that the natural shaman’s body was in very bad condition. The mysterious power contained in the city had penetrated into his body, and he made it with disguise runes. The pseudo-sea god’s divine power is obviously not enough to deal with this infiltration, but the strange thing is that the natural shaman’s face did not show any panic or anxious look. On the contrary, he looked like he was enjoying, and even some mutations occurred in his body without noticing it. , As if the spirit was completely sinking into some unknown illusion.

   Leo did not intervene to pull the natural shaman back, because even if he intervened, the incomparably obvious energy fluctuations in the natural shaman had already been exposed to the spirits. After leaving here, I am afraid it would be more fortunate.

   He didn't know why the other party wanted to risk coming here, maybe the other party just wanted to die here, so Leo didn't intend to make trouble.

Leo continued to march towards the Seagod Temple, and soon walked the normal distance, but what happened afterwards surprised him, because just as he took a step forward, the city scene in front of him was completely Disappeared, and replaced by a deep ocean floor, surrounded by ferocious mountain ranges, and a road made of gravel winding upwards There is only one empty stone platform in the place where the Poseidon Temple should have been.

The most surprising thing is that these scenes are not illusions. His mental network can sense the existence of surrounding seamounts, and his body can feel the strong water pressure around him. Even he has to use psychic energy to create a filter respirator. , Can survive in the sea.

   Leo’s first thought was that he was teleported to other places by space. After all, from the perspective of various encounters, Poseidon was definitely a master of using spatial abilities. It shouldn’t be difficult to send a person to another space silently.

But Leo quickly rejected this speculation. He didn't find any clues, but felt that he was not sent to another space, but entered into a superimposed space, just like the one in the taboo library. Disappearing Earth Federation Colony Star Library.

   After a little understanding of the surrounding situation, Leo secretly imposed some protection on his body, and then quickly swam towards the huge stone platform ahead that was supposed to be the Temple of the Sea God through the propeller made by psychic energy.

Soon, Leo swam to the edge of the stone platform. He did not go any further, because he could clearly feel the danger ahead. As long as he got close, there would be a stormy attack, and he still had Zhong felt extremely strong, feeling that his current strength could not survive this attack.


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