The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1061: Heresy Forbidden Books

However, Leo felt strange that according to the rules of Poseidon Church, only approved senior clergy could enter the taboo library to read, but now Leo saw this stranger who was not Poseidon Church but did not have any Poseidon Church clergy. The characteristic.

What's more weird is that the other party doesn't even have an attendant arranged by the bookshelf. He doesn't even need to lift the ban on the bookshelf, he can directly take out a book from the bookshelf and read it.

This weird person caught Leo’s attention. Leo put down the book in his hand and waved to the attendant not far away. When he came over, he gestured to the man and asked: "That man is Who? Isn't it only the clergy who can read here?"

"People?" The attendant was stunned, looked at Leo in a puzzled direction, and then asked with a puzzled look: "My lord? Who are you referring to?"

"Can't you see someone reading there?" Leo asked again.

The attendant was completely blank and said, "No? There is no one there."

Hearing the attendant's answer, Leo frowned, because he could feel that the attendant was not lying, and he really couldn't see anyone reading on the table over there.

Just when Leo felt that he might have seen some kind of illusion, the attendant suddenly seemed to think of something. He could not help but let out an exclamation, and showed a look of horror, saying: "Did you see him? ?"

Although the dialogue between Leo and the attendant was not loud, the entire library was very empty, and the special dome design allowed the sound to reverberate in the room for a long time, and everyone else around heard the conversation between the two.

When they heard that cry from the attendants, all of them showed a flustered look, as if they all thought of the same horrible thing at the same time, and then they didn’t care whether they had finished reading the books in their hands. , One by one stood up in a panic and walked outside, and when they were walking, they deliberately avoided Leo and the table Leo just signaled.

Seeing this scene, Leo naturally knew that what he saw was probably not a good thing, so he turned his head to look at the pale attendant and waited for him to explain.

"The legend has a mysterious existence in the library. Most people can't see it, but anyone who sees it will die, even the archbishop who is blessed by our lord." The attendant explained quickly and indirectly, and then looked at it. Leo asked in a deep voice at the table that Leo motioned to: "Did you really see someone over there?"

Leo didn’t answer, and he didn’t know how to answer, because he did indeed see someone reading the banned book over there. Not only could he see the figure, but he could also feel the weak energy fluctuations from the other person, even Through the mental network disturbed by the defensive force of the library, he can also understand the physical condition of the opponent.

In Leo's eyes, the person in front of him was an ordinary human being so normal that he could no longer be normal.

"Something's wrong!" However, Leo seemed to think of something suddenly, and he couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

What he said was not right, not because other people around him turned a blind eye to that person, nor was it the death legend said by the attendant. The reason why he said something wrong in his heart was because he found that the person she was paying attention to was very normal. Normal is not normal in the general sense, but truly normal, normal to very abnormal.

This human body is extremely normal, and it is an incomparably pure human body, whose purity is almost comparable to the standard human body diagram in the Earth Federation's human body structure textbook.

You must know that human beings of this standard will never appear in books, never in reality.

Let alone the humans in the world of Poseidon, because of their blood, their bodies will more or less have some marine mutations. Because of the environment and other reasons, the humans in the world of Velen also have some hidden internal organs. Variations, such as the heart and lungs, are larger than normal standard humans.

Even the Earth Federation in the universe needs to adapt to the living environment of the universe. Before the humans of the Earth Federation are born, some organs and parts of the body will be fine-tuned on the genetic level so that the born humans can adapt to the universe environment.

Only in the old earth age, the ancient humans who have not yet entered the industrialization period can be as standard as the human sketch in the book.

But now, right in front of Leo's eyes, there was such an incomparably pure human being sitting there reading a book, and this human being could not be seen by others around him.

Thinking of this, Leo motioned the attendant to stay away. The attendant got Leo's instructions and immediately ran away, and then carefully looked towards Leo.

Leo stood up, walked to the chair next to the human being, and sat down without saying a word. He just looked at the other person, and while his gaze was looking at the other person, he scanned the books that the person read from time to time.

Because of the location, Leo couldn't see the contents of the book, but he could see the cover of the book, which reads the song of Galin.

If he hadn't read the banned books before, Leo might not know who this Galin was. After all, Galin was a very common name in the world of Poseidon, and he might need to find additional information in the end.

But now he has quickly found this Galin in the banned books of the Poseidon Church, because there is only one Galin among all the heretics recorded by the Poseidon Church, and that person is the King Galin and the king of heretics.

The belief in Poseidon’s world is very stable and has not been shaken from top to bottom. However, in the sea clan where the belief in Poseidon is the strongest, there has been a heretical royal family who abandoned the belief in the sea god. After a heretical kingdom, it perished in just ten tidal days.

After the death of King Galin, a book called Galin's Song appeared. This book recorded the life of King Galin. Eventually, the book was classified as a banned book and destroyed.

The life history of King Galin is very detailed. It is not as vague and vague as other books related to heresy, but one thing is very weird. It is about why King Galin became a heresy, any piece of information. Nothing mentioned above, it seems to be an unsolved mystery.

The only thing we can know is that before becoming a heresy, King Galin was a very pious believer of the Sea God, and was qualified to be the chief priest of the Sea God Temple of the Sea Clan. It was a special existence almost on the same level as the Sea King, but it was such a pious one. It is really strange that the Seagod believers became heretics overnight.

As a result, some people think that King Galin is not heresy at all, indicating the loser of the power struggle within the sea clan.

"Do you know why King Galin became a heresy?" Just as Leo recalled the information about King Galin, the normal person who only he could see in front of him suddenly asked.

Leo was stunned when he heard the words, his face was full of shocked expressions. He was not shocked because this mysterious ordinary person could speak, but because the language used by this person was the Earth Federation. language.

"What the **** are you?" Leo quickly recovered from the shock and blurted out involuntarily in the Earth Federation language.

The attendant not far away was always paying attention to the situation here. He saw that Leo was looking at the empty seat next to him like a living person, and then he spoke to the empty seat in a language he had never heard before. It reminded him of the legendary dead, so he immediately turned and left and ran towards the manager's office.

Facing Leo’s question, this normal person did not answer, but repeatedly asked: "Do you know why King Galin became a heresy?"

Seeing this, Leo was silent for a while, thought for a while, and then followed the other party's inquiry, saying: "I don't know, I don't know why King Galin became a heresy, do you know?"

"I know." Leo's response was like activating some kind of dialogue program. Normal people began to talk about different content, only to see that he took the song of Galin back to the bookshelf, and then seemed to be looking for it. I walked between the bookshelves and came to a bookshelf that Leo had read before, then took a book from the shelf, returned to his seat, handed the book to Leo, and said: It! After seeing it, King Galin became a heretic king."

When the normal person handed the book to Leo, Leo naturally reached out to catch it, but in fact Leo's heart was stopping this movement, but his body seemed to be affected by some kind of force. The same, out of his control.

However, when he got the book, all physical abnormalities recovered.

At this time, Leo was attracted by two things. One thing was that he found that the book in his hand was real, because he could feel the texture of the book cover, the weight of the book, and the long-term smell of the book. The musty smell caused by poor storage, the second thing is that he found that he had not read the book.

Just now, he saw with his own eyes how a normal person took out the book from the bookshelf he had read. He was even able to tell which books were in that area by the location of the book. The book contained records. What content, but when he saw the book in his hand, he found that he had never read it.

This made Leo couldn’t help suspecting that the act of finding and fetching books by the other party was just an impromptu performance. In fact, the book originated from the other party’s storage space, and the other party could take out the book at any time. .

But soon he denied his suspicion, because the other party seemed to have no need to make such a boring disguise, and more importantly, he carefully recalled the process of the other party taking the book from the shelf and found that he was taking the book. At that moment, there seemed to be some changes in the style of the bookshelf and the books on the bookshelf. For example, the bookshelf became a lot newer and the books were much less.

This made Leo couldn't help but think of the phenomenon of superimposed space. There is no doubt that there is some power in the Poseidon world that can perfectly create the phenomenon of superimposed space, and the situation he sees now is very similar to the superimposed space, which is Said that in addition to the banned book library that everyone can see, there is also a li library that exists in a superimposed spatial state. There should be a collection of banned books that are more threatening to the Poseidon Church.

There are just a few questions that are why the other party speaks the terrestrial federal language, who is this seemingly perfect human?

Leo didn’t get too entangled with these issues. He lowered his head and opened the book in his hand. He was about to take a closer look at what was written in the book that turned the sea clan royal family into a heresy. At a glance, the whole person was stunned, and filled with doubts to confirm to the normal person: "This is the book that caused King Galin to become a heresy?"

"Yes." The normal person responded calmly.

Leo lowered his head and looked at the book in his hand again. The expression on his face looked very strange, because this book was beyond his expectation. Before reading it, he even thought about recording a lot of heretical gods. The babbling recorded a lot of deceptive thoughts, but he never thought that this book turned out to be a 15-year introduction to cosmology textbook for federal public schools.

Yes, this book can be seen everywhere in the Earth Federation. It is an introduction to cosmology that any Federation member must learn. It is also an old version of the 173rd edition. Leo remembers the year he died, the Earth Federation. The textbook of Introduction to Cosmology in public schools has been updated to the 216th edition.

Although there are only a few dozen versions, the time gap between the two versions is thousands of Because the Earth Federation compiled this cosmology introduction textbook with reference to the universe exploration announced by the Supreme Council Information, and this kind of space exploration information will not appear in the official announcement of the Supreme Council unless it is a very important discovery. Therefore, the content of an announcement can sometimes be hundreds of years behind, and the Earth Federation has revised the textbook based on the announcement. Naturally, it will take longer.

Now Leo is no longer doubtful that King Galin will turn from a devout Poseidon believer to a heretic king, because whether it is the Poseidon world or the Velen world, anyone who reads this textbook of Introduction to Cosmology and learns The knowledge in it will definitely change the three views, not only will the beliefs change, but even the cognition will be completely different.

Of course, the premise of all this is that someone can understand and learn the knowledge in this book.

Although the content in this cosmology textbook is the lowest and most basic common sense of the universe for Leo, any ordinary person of medium civilization knows the content, but for a world like Poseidon, it is still low In a civilized world, people living here may not have as much knowledge of the universe as a first-grade kid who has just entered school in a middle-level civilization. The introduction of cosmology requires knowledge to be accumulated to the fifteenth grade before they can barely understand the learning. , So according to common sense, the King Galin won the book several times and shouldn’t understand it, unless someone helps him interpret the content.

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