The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1055: Excited Chris

Although this kind of tree-born creature is considered a rare race in the universe, it is considered to be a large number in terms of the number of races, because this kind of tree-born race reproduces very fast. When it reproduces without restriction and recklessness, Its reproduction speed is fast enough to be comparable to the Zerg race that was once regarded as a cosmic disaster.

In addition, like the Zerg, tree creatures can also produce offspring that respond to different needs by adjusting their basic genes, just like the guardian mother tree now specializes in producing temple guards.

For the world of Poseidon, the guardian mother tree is a sacred item given to them by the sea god. The number of guardian mother trees is always maintained at 30 in total, no more or less, only when one guardian mother tree dies, it will be on its wreck. A new guardian tree seed will be produced. This death is not limited to natural death. That is to say, if a guardian mother tree is killed by external force, then the guardian of the temple generated by the guardian mother tree before will also seem to have obtained some kind of Like the hint, a seed that protects the mother tree is transformed from it.

All guardian mother trees belong to the Poseidon Temple, but the management power of the guardian mother trees is not limited to the Poseidon Church. In fact, the 30 guardian mother trees are controlled by the Spirit Clan, Poseidon Church, and Sea Clan, and the Poseidon Church controls 20 Trees, the other two clans each have five trees.

The guardian of the temple generated by the guardian mother tree of the other two races will not be handed over to the Poseidon Church, but will be stationed in the Poseidon Temple under their respective control. It is nominally owned by the Church, but is actually controlled by each tribe.

The Poseidon Church is now divided into two. The two churches each have five guardian mother trees, and the other ten are still kept in the main chapel of Poseidon Church.

At the moment, five guardian mother trees belonging to Chris are planted in this garden. However, due to environmental reasons, these guardian mother trees seem a little sluggish, and the production of the temple guard has also stagnated. Chris hopes to complete the goddess church as soon as possible. The construction of this is largely due to these guardian mother trees.

When Leo saw these guardian mother trees, many tree-like creatures in the universe quickly appeared in his mind. Although the appearance of such guardian mother trees was very different from that of any tree-like creature, He can still find some life characteristics in these guardian mother trees that only certain tree-born biological mother trees have.

This also made Leo couldn’t help but guess that these guardian mother trees were probably transformed from those tree creatures, which are not rare in some advanced civilizations in the universe. After all, tree creatures are a kind of extremely cheap labor and combat power. , Hardly any food is needed, only regular intake of some minerals and more exposure to the sun can survive, and even some modified tree-like creatures can survive and fight in the universe without life-sustaining devices.

If the Poseidon is the Mother of Water as Leo guessed, it would not be difficult for him, as a member of the Supreme Council of the Universe, to master this kind of tree creature transformation technology.

"You don't seem surprised to see these guardian mother trees. Have you seen this kind of life before?" Just when Leo focused on the guardian mother trees, Chris suddenly came to him, Shen Said the voice.

"Yes, I've seen it before." Leo didn't find a reason to deny it, but honestly nodded and admitted Chris' guess, but he didn't intend to continue speaking, and instead said directly to Chris: " I know the whereabouts of a Leviathan relic, do you want it?"

Hearing Leo's words, Chris, who had seemed a little careless, immediately became focused. She did not even be able to conceal her emotions. She reached out and grabbed Leo's arm, and asked anxiously: "Where?"

It’s no wonder that Chris has such emotions, because when she came to this world and knew that her bloodline was that of Leviathan, the first sea king of the sea clan, she always wanted to further stimulate her bloodline. This masters more powerful forces.

However, not everyone wants to see a new sea king Leviathan appear in this world, not to mention this Leviathan is not a native of the sea people, just the descendants of the sea people in other worlds.

So when Chrissy started to establish that she was a descendant of Leviathan's bloodline, and through this feature, she recruited soldiers inside the Poseidon Church, attracted a large number of Leviathan admirers, and a large number of clergymen who were optimistic about Chris's future. 'S forces are also secretly suppressing her.

For example, Chrissy still has two relics left by Leviathan in the hands of Daohai Clan. She hopes to use the spirit of Leviathan on the relics to further transform her bloodline, but she borrows The request for the relics was directly rejected by the Sea Clan. The Sea Clan stated that these relics have been sent to the Sea God's Hall of Heroes in the Deep Sea, and it is impossible to take them out.

Although there are golden scales this time, Chris feels that even so, it is difficult to obtain a Leviathan relic from the sea clan, because taking away the worship items from the Hall of Heroes is not only blasphemy, but also blasphemy. The ancestors, even the current Sea King, have no right to do this.

However, now Leo told him that he knew the whereabouts of a Leviathan's relic, which made Chrissy not excited, and she didn't even have time to tell the truth.

Seeing this abnormal behavior of Chris, Leo was a little surprised. Although he felt that this Leviathan’s relic was of great use to Chris, it made this legendary hero who has long been famous in the world of Velen so abnormal, this It completely exceeded his expectations.

Perhaps she felt that there was something wrong with her actions, Kris immediately let go of Leo’s arm, and then coughed softly twice, which eased her emotions, and at the same time calmed down, thinking about the doubts in Leo’s words. , Asked in a deep voice: "I am very puzzled, how did you an outsider know about Leviathan's relics?"

Leo explained unhurriedly: "I found out by reading a book recently, and after comparing it with various legends about Leviathan, I found that there was a Leviathan relic that was not discovered by you, but hidden. stand up."

"Reading a book recently?" Kriss was stunned, and suddenly remembered Leo's book list. Following her, she tentatively reported a few book titles. Leo nodded and said a few more titles. It only didn't solve Chris' doubts, but it left her at a loss.

The books Leo mentioned are the introductory missionary books of Poseidon Church. Not only have every clergy member of Poseidon Church read them, they can even recite them, and even some devout believers can recite them back and forth. If there are hidden benefits in these books. The whereabouts of Weitan's relic, then they should have discovered it a long time ago, how could it be possible for an outsider like Leo who has no faith in the sea **** to discover it?

This makes Chrissy suspect that the books she and Leo are reading are not the same kind of books, just the same name, but the contents have actually been changed.

To this end, she specifically recited a hymn about Leviathan, and Leo quickly took over the second half of the poem, and he knew very well what Chris was thinking now, so he didn’t have much To explain, I just picked out one of the hymns, and then analyzed some of the contents hidden in this poem according to the analysis method he cracked. These contents are that Leviathan gave his blood helmet to him before his death. Trusted sea general.

Chrissy listened carefully to every word Leo said, and then analyzed the poem according to Leo's method. As Leo said, a hymn praising Leviathan for conquering the world for the sea **** It has completely changed into another meaning, and among these cracked content, the blood helmet has become the focus of his attention.

At this moment, she was fully convinced that Leo had really deciphered the content of these hymns and found the whereabouts of the blood helmet. The reason why she believed Leo so quickly was not because of the method of deciphering the hymns. Leo knew that the relic left by Leviathan was a blood helmet.

Since knowing that she could not get Leviathan’s relics from the Sea Clan, Chrissy began to secretly send people to search for any items that Leviathan might leave behind. In addition to the Undersea Kingdom where the Sea Clan lived, she also specially sent People go to the worlds conquered by Leviathan. Except for a few of these worlds that still retain the state of a separate world, the others have been transformed into islands in the world of Poseidon.

However, after searching for so many years, she still did not find any relics left by Leviathan, but she heard a legend that could not be confirmed in the legend of an ancient family of the sea clan, and that legend mentioned Lee. Weitan left behind a battle helmet stained with his blood, but there is no evidence to prove that this helmet existed, but because this was the only news she found related to Leviathan’s relics, this matter was also She wrote it down.

If Leo mentioned that the relic left by Leviathan was another item, maybe Chris would not believe him so quickly and thoroughly, but now the item Leo mentioned is actually a blood helmet. Unverifiable rumors are linked together. More importantly, the sea clan family from which the rumors originate is the descendant of Sea Admiral Bubeland. These poems are from Bubeland's hand. All the connections come together, and naturally Let her confirm Leo's discovery.

"Where is Leviathan's blood helmet?" After confirming the authenticity, Chris no longer had the idea of ​​slowly deciphering the hymn with Leo, and she couldn't wait to go straight to the subject.

Leo did not answer, but made his own request: "The books I saw in your library are all public books. I hope to see more books that are prohibited from being published."

"Impossible, even I can't let a non-Poseidon believer read those banned books." Chris shook her head without hesitation.

"Are you a believer of Poseidon?" Leo thought for a while and said, "What if he is a believer who has been blessed by Poseidon?"

While speaking, Leo tried to use the power of nightmare to imitate the breath of the ocean he had figured out before.

At the moment when he completed the imitation, Chris looked at Leo with a shocked look, because in her perception Leo had become a sea clan with the blessing of the sea god, except for the fact that people had not changed.

Yes, the kind of breath that Leo exudes at this moment is very similar to the sea clergy that Chris sees in the sea clan's temple, and the sea clan calls those clergy the children of the sea.

"How did you do it?" Chris asked in surprise.

Leo removed his disguise and smiled: "It's very simple, just imitate the breath of the ocean."

Although Leo said it simply, it was not a simple matter in Chris's opinion, but she did not continue to ask, after all, in her opinion, no matter how much the tower wizard has, it is normal. After all, she I have seen tower wizards use even more bizarre witchcraft.

Chris did not hesitate anymore, nodded, and said: "If you can imitate this temperament for a long time, the biggest obstacle to reading those banned books will disappear. I can help you get a first-level goddess church. The identity of the book collection manager, with this identity, you can read all the books collected by the Poseidon Church, including the banned books."

"In this case, we are considered to have concluded a deal." Leo stretched out his hand towards Chris.

"It's done." Chris reached out and shook Leo's hand, then immediately let go, reminding: "The premise is that you tell me the location."

Leo didn't think that Chris would break the contract, and directly reported the location of the helmet collection, saying: "Taranque Trench."

"What? Taranque Trench?" Chrissy's face became a little ugly when she heard the place name. Obviously, Taranque Trench was also a taboo place for her, but then she seemed to think of something serious and gradually relaxed. Coming down, and said: "I know, I know! No wonder that kind of monsters will appear. It turns out that it is because of Leviathan's blood helmet. It seems that the blood helmet should be hidden there."

Out of excitement, Chris seems to be reluctant to stay here anymore. She must send someone to check the situation If it is true, then it means that she must go to the Abyss Taran in person G a trip.

Thinking of this, Chrissy said that she would confirm Leo's identity as soon as possible, and send a person to help Leo get familiar with the environment here, and take Leo to the library of the Poseidon Church to read books.

Then he quickly walked out of the garden and disappeared into Leo's vision. Seeing this, Leo didn't say anything, and turned around and left the garden.

After a while, things were very calm. Leo read all the remaining books in the library and recorded the books. On the other side, Sean suffered an assassination that was not counted as an assassination. He didn't know where he came from. A stone hit Sean who was in the small yard outside the temporary residence at the time, but Sean was not injured because of Leo's method, but he was shocked.

After investigation, it turned out that the stone came from the sky and the sea. It was a falling flying stone. This kind of object in the sea that fell to the ground through the sky and the sea is not a rare thing. It happens almost every day, but these are from the sky. The items dropped by the sea are all on the inaccessible sea. Like this, they fall in the spiritual capital and fall within the scope of the temple of the goddess. They just hit Xiao En’s head. It can be said that there are too many coincidences. Doubt whether anyone is controlling all of this.

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