The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1052: Scales change ownership

"Are they still alive?" Chrissy walked up to these sea clan hermits, and felt that these hermits with prismatic crystals in their bodies were still breathing weakly, and asked Leo.

"They are all alive. The crystallization only freezes their bodies and spirits, causing them to fall into a state of suspended animation. After the effect of the crystallization magic disappears, they will wake up, but their physical injuries will cause them inconvenience in a short time. It’s impossible to move normally anymore." Leo also walked to these sea clan hiders, quickly checked their physical condition, and after explaining a few words, he couldn’t help asking: "I can leave two Do you want to know how they can hide so perfectly..."

At this moment, Leo was indeed surprised by the hiding power of these sea clan hermits. If it hadn't been for the time when Chris asked her subordinates to leave the temple, his supernormal perception heard a rush of heartbeats that did not belong to the three people in the hall. , He may not be able to find the traces of these sea clan hermits.

"No, these occultists must be returned to the Sea Clan." Leo's request made Chrissy think of some bad memories, frowned and said solemnly.

After finishing speaking, before Leo said anything, he waved his hand to the temple guards who heard the movement and looked inward, motioning them to come in and tell these sea clan hermits to take them out and give them appropriate treatment.

After the recluses were taken away, the attendants came in again to clean up the blood stains in the temple, and then exited the temple again, and the temple returned to the state of three people.

"Even the recluses of the Sea Clan have been dispatched, indicating that they also attach great importance to this golden scale." Chris broke her calm and said, "Let's talk! What reward do you need to trade the golden scale to me."

Hearing what Chris said, Sean looked at Leo again, and after seeing Leo nodded, he said, "I want to exchange this thing for a sea monster snail."

"Change a sea monster snail?" Chris, who was already ready to accept all kinds of harsh conditions, couldn't help but stunned for a moment after hearing Sean's request, with a look of surprise on her face. The reason why she was surprised , Not because she felt that Sean’s request was too excessive, but because Sean’s request was much smaller than his expected trading conditions. It was like she had been prepared to be hit by a cannon and ended up He was just a ball of paper.

"Why is this condition a bit excessive?" Sean couldn't help but worry when seeing Chris' expression abnormal.

Perhaps because of the identities of Leo and Sean, Chrissy did not decisively choose the most beneficial response to her, but persuaded: "Of course not, the value of the golden scales far exceeds the value of the sea monster snail, let alone One sea monster snail, even if it is a hundred, is not a problem. If you trade the golden scales to me like this, you will suffer."

Sean shook his head and said sincerely, "No, from your standpoint, you might feel that I have suffered a loss, but from my standpoint, I think it's reasonable, because the sea monster snail happens to be what I need most. This is also the reason why I came here to participate in the sacrifice ceremony. Even if I didn’t meet your Royal Highness the princess, I would also put forward this condition when facing other people."

"In this case, I agree to your trading terms," ​​Chris was not too hypocritical, nodded, and said: "But I will give you some extra gifts, I hope you can like it."

After speaking, Chris took the golden scale from Sean. When she took away the golden scale, the surface of the golden scale suddenly shone with light, and the light formed a pattern and appeared on the back of Chris’ hand. The same pattern appeared on the back of Sean's hand, but the color was darker.

It seems that this is an unknown power contained in the golden scales. Only when the two parties conduct the transaction in a normal way, and both parties fully agree with the transaction, this mark will appear. When the transaction is completed, the pattern on the back of Sean's hand It should disappear, and the pattern on Chrissy's hands will become deeper. In that case, the golden scales will completely belong to Chris, and she can use this golden scale to ask the Sea Clan to fulfill the promise.

When she saw the pattern appeared in her hands, Chrissy’s face showed a smile, and then she asked her people to take Sean and Leo to the temporary residence. After she said that the sea monster snail was found, she finished this time. transaction.

When leaving, Leo offered to take a look at the collections of the Goddess Church. Chrissy did not deliberately make things difficult, nor did she unconditionally agree. Instead, she asked Leo to follow the rules of the tower wizard she knew. Ask for payment for reading.

Leo didn't feel any displeasure, but nodded in agreement, then took out some of his special wizard potions from the storage space and gave them to Chrissy.

After inquiring about the effects and usage of these potions, Chrissy personally tried these potions. This is not because she trusts Leo, but her own special design can easily eliminate the potions brought when necessary. Any effect.

Because she had been in contact with tower wizards for a long time before, Chris was very familiar with the tower wizard’s potions. She also knew that without inheritance, it would be difficult to refine the tower wizard’s notes alone. Tower wizard's potion. Therefore, when trying these medicines, she also had a mental standard, and she did not have much hope for the medicine Leo refined.

However, she soon found out that she was wrong, because the potions Leo provided far exceeded the wizard potions made by the wilderness wizards in her memory, and there were even several potions that could improve her physical fitness. Obvious effect on the body.

You must know that since the blood in her body was stimulated, she has also acquired some of the original abilities of Leviathan, the royal clan of the sea clan. There are good and bad of these abilities, and the substantial increase in body resistance is a mixed result. Although this ability will prevent some potions with special effects on other people from having any effect on her, it will also make her less worried about the harm of some negative potions. At least in the past so many years, she has more than once This ability successfully prevented assassinations from various forces.

Before taking the medicine provided by Leo, she never thought that she could feel the effect of the medicine. It was this unexpected discovery that surprised her heart. With a new understanding of his abilities, he even doubted whether Leo's previous claim that he had mastered the knowledge of the tower wizard through the tower wizard's notes was true.

Although she was shocked by the potions Leo provided, Kriss's expression was very calm. She said that the potions were collected, and then agreed to Leo's request to read the book.

When the temple guards took Leo and Sean to the temporary residence, Chriss approached Rudick and asked, "I remember you mentioned that many potions of the Sea Race have lost their refining methods. , Only the formula of the potion, right?"

"Yes." Rudick didn't understand why Chris would suddenly ask such a question, but he said the truth.

Chrissy asked very directly: "How can I get these formulas?"

Rudick was stunned, and then he thought about it carefully, and said []: "This is very simple. These formulas can no longer be refined into medicine because they have lost the refining method, so they have all been made public. There are books recording these recipes in the Hai Clan’s library. If you want, I will arrange for someone to copy a copy immediately."

Chris was naturally very happy to hear that it was so easy to obtain the sea clan's potion formula. She immediately obeyed Rudick's proposal and asked Rudick to send someone to copy a sea clan's potion formula that could no longer be refined. And emphasize that the speed of copying should be fast.

Obviously, Chriss hopes to use Leo's ability to refining medicines to restore those lost sea clan medicine refining methods. There is no doubt that if it can be done, then the rise of the Goddess Temple will be impossible. Block.

On the other hand, even though Leo left the temple, his spiritual net did not leave, so what Chrissy said to his capable men was naturally heard by him.

Chris’ thoughts were easily guessed by him, and he was happy to see it. Although the medicines in this world may not be refined in other worlds due to the difference in medicinal materials, it can increase the refining of medicines. Experience and experience are already a great gain for him.

Leo and Sean’s temporary residence was arranged near the temple, which was originally a branch of the Poseidon Temple established by the Poseidon Church in Lingdu, but because the church’s main chapel is very close, there are no believers here. Over time, it became a place for elderly clergy to provide for the elderly.

When Poseidon Church began to be divided into a two-church system, the Goddess Church, which was a newcomer, would naturally be suppressed by the Goddess Church. The resources allocated were also some corner resources of the Poseidon Church, and this clergy nursing home was natural It was placed under the name of the Holy Spirit Church.

Although this place is not the core resource of the Poseidon Church, it does not mean that there is a problem with this place. In fact, it is located in the middle of the spiritual capital. From here, there is a straight road leading to the shining Silver Moon Lake. The main living places of the spirits are all around, and this is also the power center of the entire spirit.

Although the relationship between the Spirit Race and the Poseidon Church is very different, it can be regarded as two sides of the same, but the Spirit Race has always regarded the spirit as a forbidden existence, but now this land exclusively belongs to the Spirit Race has an additional territory of other forces. Moreover, this site is very large, and it is still in the center of Lingdu, which makes many Lingzu people feel like a perfect picture with a striking stain on it, which is unbearable.

It's just that at the beginning this land was given to the Poseidon Church by the people of the Spirit Race, so that the Poseidon Church could support their decision to leave the ocean. Now they are embarrassed to take back this land.

However, with the internal division of the Poseidon Church and the Holy Spirit Temple, the land in the Spiritual Capital and the Poseidon Temple above were all assigned to the name of the Poseidon Temple, and the Spirit Race people also saw that land was taken back. Hope, so when Chris moved here to live and devote herself to the construction of the Holy Spirit Temple, the Spirit Race people sent someone to ask for the redemption of this land.

I don’t know what the Spirit Race people thought at that time. Perhaps they regarded Chrissy as the loser of the power struggle within the Poseidon Church, so the people they sent to discuss land repurchase with Chris were naturally very bad. Chrissy naturally wouldn't endure such humiliation, and she drove the spirit race out of the temple at that time.

After that, the spirit tribe member went back and said Chrissy a lot of bad things. In addition, the Shanghai Church of God God's Family Church secretly contributed to the situation, which made the relationship between the spirit tribe and God's Family Church very poor.

However, there are not all stupid people within the Spirit Race. Soon some senior leaders of the Spirit Race noticed the abnormality. The investigation found some bad behaviors of their own people. They also learned about the change of rights within the Poseidon Church, and found that the Goddess Church is not power The loser in the struggle is the victor in the power struggle. Poseidon Church has begun to transform to the dual church system.

Coupled with the rumor that Chrissy could freely use the Seagod artifact, the Spirit Race began to change its previous suppression strategy and began to actively ease the tension with the Goddess Temple.

However, even so, the relationship between the two is still not very good, there are no major conflicts, small conflicts continue, and the spirit race seems to be more willing to maintain this state, and has not made any further changes to their relationship.

It’s just that when the holder of a golden scale has been brought to The news that Chris has already got the golden scale has reached the ears of the high-level authority of the spirit race. , They realized that they couldn't go on like this anymore, they had to have a good relationship with Chris.

The Sea Clan has always been indifferent to matters on land, and has no interest in paying attention. But once Chris has the golden scales, then she can ask the Sea Clan to obtain its support. Once the Sea Clan supports it. , Then Chrissy’s Goddess Temple will surely increase its power and become the strongest power on land.

Faced with this situation, the spirit race had to consider where they would be in the future. There was no doubt that they became Chris's mortal enemy due to some misunderstandings. This was not in the interest of the spirit race people, so they had to make changes to the status quo.

As a result, just when Chrissy and Sean reached the initial trading conditions, the spiritual leaders who received the news had already discussed a countermeasure, and then sent the elder of the spiritual family to Chris's The Goddess Temple, one is to see if there is a possibility of reconciliation with Chris, and the other is to see if Chris really got a golden scale as the rumors said.

Almost at the same time when the Spirit Clan made a decisive decision, the Sanctuary of Poseidon Church also dispatched newly appointed scepter priests to the Sanctuary of the Spirit Clan. As for the purpose, it should be similar to that of the Spirit Race, facing the unstoppable strength of Chris They also had to bow their heads to avoid the rise.

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