The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1046: Edge of the sea

The secret market as Leo’s destination is located in a warehouse controlled by Poseidon Church. The people responsible for security work here are also armed personnel of the church. This has almost shown to everyone that the supporter behind this market is the church.

It is also because of this that although this market is called a secret market, it is actually not secret at all. Many people can obtain market addresses through various channels. For example, Leo is just from a store that sells extraordinary items. Once this market address is obtained, the degree of openness of this market can be seen.

Although the market address is semi-public, almost everyone who knows the address can come here, but it is not a simple matter to enter the market. There are only two passes to enter the market, or you are a person with extraordinary powers. , Or they have mysterious items that can be traded.

Facing the guards in the warehouse, Leo took out a monster wreck from the Despair Mountain and passed smoothly, while Sean showed the necklace he was wearing on his neck.

After entering the warehouse, Leo and Sean instantly felt a strong black market atmosphere surrounding the entire market. Random but orderly stalls were placed. The market managers patrolling between the stalls, the warehouse was against the wall. The neatly located builders have rows of simple shops, and even those with no vision can see that the items sold in those shops are much better than those on the stalls.

"Do you know what I think?" Leo said to Sean after seeing the market in front of him.

Sean seemed to understand Leo's meaning, nodded, and said, "I think so too. It's really like a black market here."

"It seems that the behind-the-scenes controller of this market should be the Princess Chris." Leo guessed.

Although there is no evidence to prove that this market has anything to do with Princess Chrissy, the atmosphere and construction mode of this market alone are enough to judge that the market builders are imitating the black market, and the world seems to be apart from those who have already settled here. Apart from Princess Kriss having enough ability and power to build such a market, no one else can be found, and inferences related to it have naturally formed.

The two looked at the situation in the market for a while, and then started wandering in the market like an ordinary buyer.

Compared to Sean casually looking at the goods on the stalls, Leo looked a lot more serious. He first used the spirit net to check the energy fluctuations of the items on each stall, and then looked at the stalls with the strongest energy fluctuations in turn. , And gradually move towards the booth with weak energy fluctuations.

Although some commodities on the stalls did not have any energy fluctuations, they still attracted Leo's attention, because most of those commodities were fragments of seemingly meaningless decorations, and some were the remains of certain high-tech items.

When distinguishing these commodities, Leo discovered some interesting things. All the items on these stalls that emit strong energy fluctuations come from nearby islands or seas, and those with obvious civilized features and those high-tech The wreckage came from the outer waters.

Leo chose a high-tech wreck that looked still intact. Judging by the appearance and some corroded marks on it, this high-tech wreck should be a shock energy generator device of some kind of weapon.

Although the appearance of this device has been corroded in many places, it looks like a sealed scrap metal box, but Leo checked the internal structure through the mental network and found that the interior is still intact, and the device’s secret trigger button It can still work, which means that the device can still be used as usual.

Leo didn't know what the corresponding weapon of this device was, but he judged from the four energy boxes placed inside the device that once the device was detonated, its destructive power was enough to shatter an island and create a giant tsunami. And create an undersea earthquake with incalculable effects.

The only flaw is that this device does not have a coordinated system to control the energy output, so the energy is released at one time, and the use is also one-time. After use, not only the energy is completely consumed, but even the device itself will be completely damaged.

However, even so, this device can still be regarded as an artifact, but such an artifact-like item only costs Leo's very small amount of money. According to the price here, that little money can only buy a cup Nice drink.

The stall owner who sold things to Leo obviously didn't know that he had just sold an artifact with the money for a cup of drink. If he knew it, he might just find a wall and hit it to death.

However, what he didn't even know was that Leo decided to buy this device not because of the power of the device after use, but because of the vendor himself.

When buying things, Leo had already used various speech skills to easily figure out the details of the stall owner who had only a little mutation state on his body. He knew that the other party came from the most fringe island in the world. He came here for the temple. I came here after sailing for more than a year on the pilgrimage, and happened to encounter the Changling Festival, so I decided to go back after the Changling Festival.

However, in this way, the money he carries on his body is not enough, so he can only come here to set up a stall and sell some of the various items he has collected on the islands in his hometown.

Because he is from a fringe island, the people here naturally discriminate against him, making his stall business very average, and the things he sells every day can barely allow him to pay for the hotel's expenses and a day's meal.

Therefore, when he meets Leo, a semi-hometown on the pseudo-peripheral island, he will naturally have some intimacy and talk more.

Under Leo’s deliberate guidance, the stall owner said a lot of useful information for Leo. For example, the edge of this world is not a gray mist, a cliff downwards. Once the ship approaches, the turbulent water flows Will pull the ship over and eventually fall off the cliff.

All the ships that fell off the cliff did not appear in the end, so some people say that under the cliff is a place called the sea of ​​eternal silence. After death, all the creatures in the world will enter the sea of ​​eternal silence to sleep until the **** of the sea After awakening in the temple, all the creatures who enter the sea of ​​eternal silence will also wake up and accept the final judgment of the sea god. Only those who pass the judgment can follow the sea **** to reach his kingdom and obtain eternal life.

Although Leo was very curious about the place under the edge of the world and the ocean cliffs, he did not have the idea to find out. He was more interested in a legend that appeared in the sea on the edge.

In the legend, there is always a mysterious silver-white metal monster wandering in that sea area. The monster generally will not attack nearby ships, but if someone tries to get close to it, it will cut the ship directly with its blade-shaped back.

Some people who fell into the water had seen the whole picture of the monster in the water. They described the monster as a huge fish with blades on its body, several hot flames on its tail, and dozens of eyes. Each is like a ball of flame, illuminating the dark seabed. Legend has it that if someone dared to stare at this monster for a long time, then their eyes would be blinded by the monster's curse. If they are lucky, they will be blind for a while, and those with bad luck will be completely blind.

After Leo heard this legend, he immediately thought that the so-called huge monster in the water should be a small battleship, and the flames in the tail and eyes were all energy light waves and illuminating light produced by the engine. As for the curse that blinds the viewer, it is better understood. Without light filtering devices, let alone the locals who have adapted to the dark environment of the world for a long time, even those civilized races in the universe that rely on their eyes to observe objects. We look at it for a long time. Engine energy light and high-energy searchlight light will also blind.

There is also a clue for Leo to determine that the monster is a spaceship. This clue is that there are always some similar shock energy generator devices where the monster stays. It seems that this spaceship is searching for the remains of cosmic civilization. I want to repair the spacecraft with the parts that can still be used.

This made Leo couldn’t help but have an idea. If he still has enough time, he can go to the edge of the sea to see if there is really a usable spacecraft hovering in the sea. Maybe he can find something that has happened to the universe. Things related to the incident.

After all, if someone can control the spacecraft, then the identity of the manipulator is definitely not simple. Whether it is the pilot or captain of the spacecraft itself, he has obtained certain permissions for the spacecraft and also has some information related to the spacecraft.

Ever since, when Leo revealed that he might return to the fringe waters after the Eternal Soul Festival, the stall owner immediately expressed the hope that Leo could travel with him, and even invited Leo to visit his home island.

In this regard, Leo did not refuse, but said that if time permits, he also asked for the current address of the stall owner, saying that he would go to him if he had a decision.

After that, Leo spent some local currency to buy some useless things from the stall owner, which was considered to make up for a little bit of the real price difference of the device before, so he got up and left the stall and went to other places to continue. visit.

While wandering, the two quickly saw the sea monster snails of the trip in a small store opened by a spirit race.

Before seeing the sea monster snail, both Leo and Sean subconsciously believed that the sea monster snail was a certain kind of creature, through which some unknown monsters in the ocean could be summoned.

But after seeing it, I realized that the so-called sea monster snail is a strange thing made of some kind of sea snail, and the sea monster it summons is not a sea monster in the true sense, but a kind of use of this kind of strange thing. An energy monster produced by ocean power and water.

Leo can now imitate the power of the nightmare to create this kind of ocean energy monster, but the size and power of the monster may not be comparable to this sea monster snail, because Leo is not completely damaged from some of them. Above the sea monster snail, the power he felt contained an energy that he could not analyze. This energy may be the main reason why the sea monster snail has such a powerful effect.

Although these sea monster snails are defective products, Leo can feel that except for the energy fluctuations emitted by one sea monster snail is still stable, the energy fluctuations of other sea monster snails are very abnormal. Once used, it will happen unexpectedly. Even if the energy-stable sea monster snail is not in good condition, it is showing energy dissipation, which means that it will not take long for the sea monster snail to become a decorative object.

However, even for these defective products, the asking price is not low, at least with the cash currently on Leo, he can only buy a spiral cone at the top of the sea monster snail.

If it was before discovering the true effect of the golden scales, Sean might take out the golden scales in exchange for a defective sea monster snail, but now he just had an eye addiction. After leaving here, he will see if he can. Contact the people of the sea clan resident here, and then exchange this golden scale for the sea monster snail, or even better things.

After seeing what the sea monster snail is, the two also lost interest in this place. They didn't stay in the spirit race shop for too long, and they left soon. After that, they wandered in the market again. Leo spent I bought a few pieces of ancient ruins that looked very special with some money, and then left the market and walked back towards the dock site.

The two walked through the wharf area and entered a relatively secluded path that they had walked on when they came. At this time, both of them stopped their feet because there were already a few people waiting in front of the path, and they stopped their feet. At that time, several people emerged from the woods behind.

Seeing the person in the way, Leo smiled and said to Sean: "Look, this is the result of wealth revealing. Do I need to take action?"

"No need! You don't need to take action." Perhaps because he has found a way to obtain the sea monster snails, Xiao En's mood at the moment seems to be relaxed a lot, and when he faces these obstacles, he doesn't want to return. People, instead of panicking, he was a little excited. He wanted to try the self-defense methods he had been useless to achieve.

Just when he was talking to the roadblockers came up one after another. The headed person officially monitored the clergy of Leo’s construction site, and the others They are people who don’t know, but in terms of their costumes, they should be some low-level staff in the church.

After seeing Leo and Sean clearly, he didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the subject: "Hand over that golden scale."

"Do you want it?" Sean took two steps forward, took out the golden scale from his pocket, raised it to a place that everyone could see, and then the bracelet on his wrist gave off a faint light, and listened Then he said in a strange tone: "But who am I going to give? There is only one piece here, and only one person can get it. Who am I going to give it to?"

As soon as Xiao En’s voice fell, a knife was pierced into the body of the clergyman named the leader, and passed directly through the internal organs, killing him on the spot. The fatal attack was behind him. One of his subordinates, and this time this subordinate is also being attacked by other people, or other people are attacking each other.

After a while, only Leo and Sean were standing around, and everyone else fell to the ground and lost their breath.

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