The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1042: Contamination

"You passed! After filling in your identity information, you can go directly to the Purple Orchid Pavilion in Lingdu to report with the filled-in form and this certificate, or you can go to the church outside the town. There will be a convoy every two days. Lingdu Zilan Pavilion, you can take this bus to Zilan Pavilion to report.” The recruiters arranged by Poseidon Church’s Deity Temple, after watching Leo and Sean’s proficient performance of the Camosa, passed the two After reviewing, handed a form made of fish skin paper and a special stone card to the two people, and said.

"Let's go to the church outside the town. We can save some money." Leo took the form and identification card, as if answering a recruiter's inquiry, and as if talking to himself.

Before they left, they both filled out their identity information in front of the recruiter. Seeing the name of the island and the somewhat awkward writing on the identity information, a look of contempt flashed across the recruiter’s face, and they did not pass it again. I paid more attention to them, but started to deal with the next applicant.

For the Goddess Church of Poseidon Church, recruiting staff is one of their most important things recently, even more important than the festival celebrations of the Changling Festival, because once the Goddess Church is reorganized, the Poseidon Church will enter the Double Church. In the new era, this has extraordinary significance for the entire Poseidon Church and even the entire world.

Therefore, the people of the Goddess Temple have a very relaxed attitude towards recruiting personnel. As long as they have a skill, even if there are some problems in their identity, they will be approved. The purpose is to fill up the various manpower required for the reorganization of the Goddess Temple as soon as possible. It was only when Leo saw this that he decided to participate in this recruitment. With the identity certificate given by the reorganization of the Goddess Temple, he entered Saint-Trushan as a matter of course.

For this reason, Leo specially forged a birthplace that could not stand too much scrutiny. The population who was born in the tavern thought that it was a remote island and the fringe of this world civilization, which is equivalent to living in the world of Velon. The primitive tribes in the depths of the wilderness of Mosang are the same.

So even if this identity cannot withstand scrutiny, it will take a certain amount of time for the Poseidon Church to verify it, and within this period of time, they have already achieved their goal and left here.

In addition, Leo also rushed to learn the Casamo, which is a unique instrument of the Poseidon Church. It is a musical instrument that will be played in various ceremonies of the Poseidon Church. It’s just that the Casamo of Velen Mainland is compared to the world’s When the Casamo comes, three strings are missing and the method of playing is slightly different.

Fortunately, the Casamos that Sean learned from childhood is the Casamos of this world, so Leo also learned very smoothly. With his excellent physical quality, he easily learned the complete playing technique, and the effect of playing was a little better. Not inferior to those veterans of Casamo.

Although the manpower recruited by the Goddess Church this time is mainly some church guards, clergy, etc., other secondary duties are also very important, from the church attendants and servants to the sacred concerts and chants required for church ceremonies. Classes and so on also require a lot of manpower, so Leo and the others just showed their superb playing ability and successfully passed the preliminary assessment of recruiters. Further assessments will be carried out at the Zilan Hall in Lingdu. Only then can it be decided whether they are just ordinary sacred musicians or higher-ranking foreman musicians.

According to the instructions, Leo and Sean came to the church church outside the town. The person in charge of this church is obviously not from the Goddess church. He is obviously extremely dissatisfied with the changes within the church and is attached to Leo and Sean. The people in the Goddess Church were very dissatisfied, but he did not dare to do any damage to the recruitment work of the Goddess Church, because he knew very well that if he obstructed and sabotaged this matter, the lord Goddess bishop would not Mind warning others by crushing a bug like him.

Therefore, even if the person in charge of this church church dislikes Leo and the others, no matter how indifferent the look on his face is, he still needs to do things according to the orders of the Goddess Temple, help Leo and others prepare the room for them, and prepare them for the team tomorrow. Reserve a seat.

"Should we not get involved in the internal fighting of the church here?" After the person in charge left, Xiao En asked worriedly.

Compared to Leo, Sean grew up in the Poseidon Church when he was very young, and he knew well about the power struggle within the church. He knew very well that although the outsiders looked at it, the church was united and peaceful. But in fact, the struggles caused by the disputes caused by power, beliefs, and ideas are more **** than the power struggles in the outside world. Anyone who does not pay attention to the high power will fall into the abyss. Those involved in it will be washed away. Obviously, he and Leo are now on the side of the Goddess Temple. From the attitude of the person in charge of the small town church, they are heretics that need to be cleaned up.

"Worry, this matter is not as bad as you think. We will be fine, at least there will be nothing until we leave here." Leo relieved Sean's basis and did not specify the reason, because the two were standing. Looking at the problem at different levels, no amount of explanation is of any use before the other party has reached this level.

In Sean’s view, the church is the master of power and the makers of rules. For example, the archbishop of Goddess has forced the church to agree to the division of families. The church system is definitely a treason, and its crimes are more serious than heretics.

Although it seems that the church has compromised now, he believes that the church will stabilize the situation soon, and then take action against the archbishop of the goddess. By then, these recruited people may also be regarded as supporting the heresy of the archbishop of the goddess. , Was killed by the church.

However, Leo’s view is completely different. In his opinion, everything in the church is built on the **** of the sea god, who is everything, and the sea god’s artifact is the representative of the sea god, just like the body of the sea god, and now Kerry With the peculiarities of her descendants of the Seagod bloodline, Princess Si is able to use the Seagod's artifacts and perform attacks that are almost true to the gods, then it means that she has been recognized by the Seagod and is the seagod's substitute in the world.

The present double-temple system is not so much that the Poseidon Church of this world was caught off guard, it is more that the Poseidon Church of this world recognized the facts and is willing to divide the power into two, because if you don’t do so, The result they will face will be wiped out by Princess Chris, and the Poseidon Church will become Princess Chris' private property.

As long as Princess Chris can still use the artifact and has the identity of the **** descendant, then she will not be in any danger, and the double temple system will not be a problem.

The so-called one-day world in this world is obviously different from the one-day time in the world of Vinylon. They use the sky and sea tides as the unit of time for a day. When the tide rises, the sky and the sea will be low, and the time column of the temple will sense The special ocean breath exuded by the sky sea illuminates the light, and when the tide goes down, the sky sea will rise the induction of the timing column, the light of the timing column will gradually sink according to a certain rule, and finally disappear at the point of the column.

Calculated according to the time of Vinylon World, one day and one night here is at least equivalent to about three days in Vinylon World.

After discovering that the time was much longer than expected, Leo did not stay idle, and spent some money to bribe the clergy of the church, allowing him to enter the library of the church and read various books.

Perhaps it was because the clergy believed that the books in the library were not important books, and the clergy of the church were able to traverse at will. In addition, Leo couldn't see many books in a short time, so Leo was sent to Tibet. After the library, he ignored Leo and went to do his own business.

Although Leo had mastered some of the basic languages ​​and scripts of this world from Sean, it was not comprehensive, and even due to inheritance issues, there were many mistakes and omissions. Now the books in this library have just filled this gap.

The first book Leo chose was not the Poseidon Church’s scripture. Although the world’s language is normally derived from this scripture, the religious language and some obscure prayers in this scripture are too many to be suitable. It is used for language learning, so he chose a collection of children's songs that should be very common for reading and language learning.

In this way, Leo’s collection of the world’s languages ​​and knowledge started from the simplest children’s songs and gradually spread to all the books in the entire library. Finally, when the clergyman came to inform him that he could go to Lingdu, he had already All the books in this small library have been read once and recorded in their own database.

Because he hadn’t seen Leo for a long time, Sean seemed a little anxious. When Leo came to the meeting point, he almost clashed with the other recruits. However, after seeing Leo, the anxious mood was also very high. He quickly stabilized. Although he complained about Leo's staying in the library for a long time, he didn't dare to say anything. He just stayed with Leo honestly.

Although Sean’s emotions calmed down, the people who had almost clashed with him before seemed not ready to let him go, because they heard about Leo and Sean’s fake identities and thought they were such remote places. The island natives, especially Leo and Shaun, have no obvious sea race mutation characteristics. This pure human form will be regarded as a low-level person unless it is a spirit race, so they seem to plan to put Leo and Xiao Well as a fun to pass the boring time on the road.

In the face of this situation, Leo didn't even have the idea of ​​teaching these people by hand. In front of everyone, he stuffed some money for the person in charge of this recruitment, and at the same time used some small means to guide this person. The emotion of the person in charge, as a result, the person in charge directly found an excuse to interrupt the legs of those people. So far, the rest of the team had kept Leo and Sean away.

Perhaps because of the money, or perhaps because of Leo's mental tricks, Leo and Sean were separately arranged for a pannier when the team started, and they were treated as two kinds of treatment with the others.

After the truck started to start up and reached the flagstone road, Sean approached Leo and asked curiously: "Did you find something?"

"What do you think I should find?" Leo asked back.

Xiao En smiled awkwardly, and said, "I don't know, but I always feel that you should have found something in that library for so long."

"You guessed it right, I did find something." Leo did not sell anymore, and truthfully admitted to Sean's speculation, but he did not intend to tell Sean what his discovery was, because this discovery was obviously similar to Xiao En did not matter much, because he might know who this sea **** who has a religious heritage in the world of Velen and other worlds, but who is sleeping in his own temple.

In the past, Leo had always thought that Poseidon was a native **** of Velen similar to the Lord of the Sky. However, after some evidence was discovered, he thought that Poseidon might be an outer **** like the Lord of Turbidity and Lightness, but these days After seeing some books of the Poseidon Church of this world in the library, his thoughts changed again. He felt that the Poseidon might be a wounded Omega-class higher life entity, and one of the members of the Supreme Council of the Universe, the Mother of Water.

The reason why he suddenly had this idea is because in the Poseidon Church texts in this world, it is mentioned that the divinely enlightened saint who founded the Poseidon Church had directly faced the Poseidon who had not fallen asleep, and was using a few symbols to express Describing the image of Yes, this divine enlightened saint who faced the gods without going crazy could not describe what the Poseidon looked like afterwards. He could only replace it with a few symbols that emerged in his mind at the time. One point is completely different from the extremely vivid description of the sea **** in the world of Velen, even Leo felt that the sea **** in the world of Velen and the sea **** in this world are not the same god, or it may be the relationship between the body and the clone.

After the establishment of the Poseidon Church in this world, these few remaining symbols were recorded in the classics as substitute symbols for Poseidon. Only in some important church texts and ceremonies would this substitute symbol be used, and this The surrogate symbol worshipped by the Poseidon Church is the language of another higher cosmic race in Leo’s eyes, and this symbol is also very special. It was used in the language of that cosmic race to specifically refer to an Omega-class higher being. This higher life form is the mother of water.

In the highest council club in the universe, where life is close to eternity, the Mother of Water is definitely a young club member, but the status of this member is not low at all. It is not just a life evolved from a few natural elements in the universe. The body is the only living body that completes the evolutionary process in the subspace, so his living body is born with the oneness and duality of the universe after transformation.

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