The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1038: Legendary lioness

Just like the family motto of the Donald family, members of the family, including their parents, are also linked to their interests, and even set a price for their children to determine their cultivation value. In this environment Naturally, there is no such thing as family affection.

However, this is meaningless to Leo, because there is no such thing as family affection in the biohazard, so the sigh of Sean's original consciousness did not cause any fluctuations in Leo's heart.

"Let's go! There is still something to do outside." Leo didn't waste time staying here, and accompanied Sean to lament his intention to live, and directly reached out and grabbed Sean's original consciousness villain in his hand, and then used the power of nightmare. Pulled it out of his nightmare.

Just when Sean's original consciousness disappeared from his hands, the surrounding dream world disappeared instantly. Leo, who had been used to this situation, used the power of nightmare skillfully to withdraw from Sean's consciousness and returned to his body.

Leo, who opened his eyes, did not check Sean’s condition for the first time, but checked his surroundings, because according to past experience, although he did not stay in Sean’s nightmare for a long time, he was in normal time outside. However, it should have been quite a long time, and some accidents might happen in such a long time, so when he wakes up, he will check the surrounding traps as soon as possible.

As he expected, several of the surrounding rune traps were touched. Next to those touched traps were the remains of some monsters whose bodies were burned to ashes, and the soul crystal stones produced by the rune traps absorbing the monster's soul.

Leo carefully checked the surrounding situation through the spirit net, and after confirming that there were no other monsters around, he removed the traps one by one, and the trapped items were returned to the storage space, and the soul crystal stones and the monster corpses were on them. Some parts he thinks are useful are put together in the storage space.

After clearing the surroundings, Sean also gradually woke up from his drowsiness. The mutations on his body stopped after he escaped from the nightmare, and some of the mutations that had occurred gradually weakened or even disappeared, only remaining behind the ears and neck. There are a few fish scales.

"What's wrong with me?" Sean doesn't remember what happened in the dream. He just feels that his body has become a little different. This difference does not mean that his body is getting worse. On the contrary, he feels like he seems A lot stronger.

"You fainted just now." Leo didn't give too much explanation, nor told him about the nightmare. He simply dealt with it, and then asked straightforwardly: "How is your current physical condition? Continue on the road?"

"Hurrying?" Xiao En was stunned, then quickly stood up from the ground and moved his body on the spot. After feeling that his body was in a very good state, he nodded and said: "My body is very good now, and I can continue on my way. "

After hearing Sean's answer, Leo didn't say much, and took Sean down the hillside and rushed towards the temple.

At this time, Sean realized that his current position was a lot closer to the temple, not the place before. This made him realize that he was in a coma, and Leo took him some way, and he was also curious. What happened after he passed out of a coma, while thinking about the matter, he also looked up at the sky and sea above, as if he wanted to find the hole that appeared before.

The two did not walk slowly, much faster than the previous two rushing on the road, but Sean felt that he did not feel tired at all. He was sure that something had happened to his body when he was unconscious. Change, this change should be good at least for now.

"Huh?" Leo seemed to feel something at this time. He pulled Sean, quickly flashed to the side of the gravel pile, and then took out a rune trap from his body and threw it on the ground to activate it. , An energy burst out from the trap in an instant, and then a burst of light and shadow was produced, and the light and shadow were similar to the surrounding gravel, and Leo and Sean were wrapped in it, hiding their figures.

Not long after the two of them hid, there was a heavy footsteps in the distance, and then a group of men and horses were quickly moving from a distance.

I saw that this team of horses was riding a monster that looked like a lizard but had six legs. The riders were not entirely human. Among them, less than half of the riders had a human appearance, and the rest were half-man, half-fish. .

It’s just that their half-man, half-fish are different from the human fish heads Leo saw in Sean’s dream. Most of their half-man, half-fish have human appearance, but they have some fish characteristics, such as scales. , Such as fin-shaped ears and so on.

In the middle of this team of riders is a female half-man, half-fish. She is dressed in a costume similar to that of the bishop of the Poseidon Church. On top of her head is a crown made of coral, pearls, and gems. Judging from the energy fluctuations from the crown, This should be an extremely powerful strange thing.

This team passed by not far from where Leo and the two were hiding, and rushed to the water film hole where the corpse collector tried to break in. Obviously their purpose was to check the situation there.

When the team walked past, not everyone was unaware of Leo disguised in rune traps. In fact, the half-mermaid bishop inadvertently glanced at Leo and the others, but she could not Seeing through the disguise of the rune trap, I just felt that something was wrong with the place. If it was normal, she might have gone to check the situation, but now she has other more important things to do, so there is no more investigation.

After the horses moved away, Leo solved the disguise of the rune trap and took it back, while Sean still watched the direction the team had left.

"Is there any problem?" Leo asked, seeing the look on Sean's face.

"I...I saw an acquaintance," Sean hesitated for a moment, and said with a puzzled expression: "But logically she should be dead."

"She?" Leo seemed to guess something and said, "Is it the half-mermaid bishop who is protected in the middle?"

"Yeah." Sean nodded.

"Who is she?" Leo asked.

Sean hesitated and said, "Your Royal Highness Princess Chrissy."

"His Royal Highness Princess Chrissy?" Leo did not reflect it for a while. After all, the name Chrissy is very common. Almost every kingdom in the world of Velen has a Princess Chrissy, but it can be noticed by Sean, and she has a relationship with Ying. There is only one Princess Chrissy involved in the Kingdom of Georgia and the Church of Poseidon, in his memory, that is Princess Chrissy, the sister of the former king of the Kingdom of England.

Even today in the Kingdom of England, Princess Chrissy’s deeds are the talks of some housewives after dinner. Although the life of this princess is not legendary, it is very personal, and even the world of Vinylon has just risen. The feminist movement is regarded as a symbol of independent women, and in several countries, some admirers of Princess Chrissy have erected more than one statue for it.

The reason why Leo knew about the princess was also because of Sylvia. Sylvia seemed to admire the princess in particular, and even wrote an anonymous drama about the princess's life story.

However, for the English royal family, this Princess Chrissy is synonymous with rebellion, and her whole life seems to be against any decision of the royal family.

For example, when she was young, she did not learn any housework skills that women had to learn at the time, nor did she learn the skills of noble ladies that can assist her husband and manage the family, but chose to disguise herself as a woman and go to the naval school in the Kingdom of England. He became a reserve soldier, and later graduated with high scores. He became the first officer of a battleship. In several battles with pirates and the Sigma Kingdom’s navy, he has made achievements and even captured a pirate ship. It wasn't until she was injured because of her body that her true identity was discovered.

Later, Princess Chrissy left the navy and returned to the palace. At that time, the King of England wanted to marry Princess Chrissy to the Duke of Buckingham at the time, and formally joined the Duke of Buckingham. However, it turned out that she was at the engagement dinner. Not only refused the royal family's arrangement and the proposal to marry the Duke of Buckingham, he also publicly stated that he had married a classmate who served on the same ship as her under the witness of Poseidon, and was already pregnant.

This incident had a great impact on the English Kingdom at that time. The kingdom almost triggered a civil war between the royal family and the Duke of Buckingham. So far, the relationship between the royal family and the Duke of Buckingham has not been fully restored, which can be said to be due to this incident.

But Princess Chrissy, the initiator of this incident, wounded the guards while in custody, and escaped from the Kingdom of England with her classmate husband, driving a small boat and becoming the captain of an armed merchant ship.

Although the name of an armed merchant ship sounds very formal, it is actually just an alternative pirate. When there is no robbery, it is a merchant ship. When there is a robbery object, it becomes a pirate.

At that time, the Kingdom of England was already the overlord of the sea. In order to avoid the fleet of the Kingdom of England, Princess Chris and her wife chose to go to the east coast of the Minsk mainland, and the waters of the Kingdom of Saville as their area of ​​activity.

With their extraordinary abilities, the Chriss and his wife quickly pulled up a fleet in this sea area, and in an unexpected and unexpected naval battle, they completely wiped out the kingdom of Saville. The sea fleet completely controlled the east coast waters of the Savile Kingdom and became the sole overlord of this area.

In the following ten years, all merchant ships passing through this sea area must pay protection fees to the Chriss couple, even the Savile Kingdom’s own national fleet, and Princess Chriss was also during this time With her husband left two children, and won the title of sea lioness.

Later, perhaps it was because the Chriss and his wife had been dominating the sea for too long, and their vigilance had also weakened to the extreme. When they were dealing with people, they chose the inland zone, but they were betrayed by the buyer and encountered the Saville Kingdom. The army’s siege. At that time, all of Princess Chrissy’s men died in battle. Her husband and two sons also died in the siege. Only she was captured alive, and the general Savile who captured him was not very kind. He wanted to kill her. Trained to become a slave girl to show his reputation.

As a result, on the night of the third day, Princess Chrissy’s loyal men came for questioning, rescued Princess Chrissy, killed the Savile general, and bloodbathed the city-state where the general was located.

Princess Chris, who returned to the sea, was frustrated because of the death of her husband and son, so she gave all the wealth she had accumulated over the years to her men, and she returned to the Kingdom of England.

At this time, the Duke of Buckingham’s wife just passed away. The Duke of Buckingham still misses Princess Chrissy, saying that he does not mind Princess Chrissy’s past and hopes to marry Princess Chrissy as the new duchess.

The English royal family also tried their best to match this, because they hoped to repair their relationship with the Duke of Buckingham.

However, Princess Chrissy once again made an unexpected decision to join the Poseidon Church and become the holy nun of the Poseidon Church. The shock caused by this in the Engel Kingdom was greater than the shock she caused last time.

Although the relationship between the English royal family and the Poseidon church is so close that it can be said to be two sides, even the English royal family will send people to the Poseidon church to serve as clergy, but since the establishment of the English kingdom, the English royal family has never joined. Passed Poseidon Church and became a priest of Poseidon Church.

Because, in the eyes of the English royal family, he is a descendant of Poseidon, and Poseidon Church is a church dedicated to Poseidon, which is equivalent to the church of his own family. His identity and status are inherently higher than the clergy of Poseidon Church. The status of the master and servant of a family is the same, so how can the English royal family as the master allow itself to be a servant?

Therefore, when the news came out, the English royal family naturally tried their best to prevent Princess Chris from joining the Poseidon Church, but the Poseidon Church would like to see members of the royal family join the church, even if the royal family member has been removed from the royal family list. The joining of Royal Family Chengruan has extraordinary significance for the development of the Poseidon Church in the Kingdom of England.

Originally, with the influence and power of the English royal family, it was still possible to prevent Princess Chris from joining the Poseidon Church, but it was a pity that the Duke of Buckingham would rather see the English royal family lose this ugliness. Princess Chrissy successfully joined the Poseidon Church and also served as a bishop.

Originally, this incident should have ended in this way, but the subsequent development is still somewhat unexpected. After Princess Chris joined the Poseidon Church, she suddenly died of illness in the second year, and just after Princess Chris died. God, the King of England and the Duke of Buckingham also passed away somehow.

Therefore, in the following ten years, various rumors and speculations about the death of these three people have been endless in the English Kingdom.

Among all the rumors, the most convincing rumor is that Princess Chrissy’s betrayal was actually involved in the betrayal by the King of England and the Duke of Buckingham. Princess Chrissy cursed the two before she died. Curse them to death.

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