The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1035: Gray mist island

Although the Donald family is powerful in the Kingdom of England, their family has always been difficult to integrate into the nobility circle of the Kingdom of England. Even now, the Donald family is only regarded as specially cultivated by the royal family of England. A vassal family used to help them deal with business matters, not a real noble family, even if they have the title of noble.

Not only Leo, the vast majority of other people in the Kingdom of England believe that the current situation of the Donald family is because of the merchants of their family, the means of doing things with quick success and the unethical proverbs of their family, everything is false and profitable forever.

Although the behavior of the Donald family is not wrong, basically all nobles act like the Donald family, but it can’t be said that this kind of thing can be done, and this kind of quick-acting means of doing things is regarded as glory, and there is no scruples. How could it not be considered alien if it spread widely.

However, it seems that the Donald family is not recognized by the noble circle of the English kingdom, there should be another deep meaning, that is, the ancestors of the Donald family are pirates.

Although, in that drama, the sailor who finally held the beauty back was just a captain, sounding like an adventurer or a businessman, but if you think about it, you will find that the so-called captain is more likely to be a pirate. After all, at the time at sea, even if Serious merchant ships also make guest appearances when necessary.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Engel Kingdom relied on pirates to get up and become the lords of the sea, but within the Engel Kingdom, the tradition of knights brought from the French Empire was more important, and the old nobles who were pirates and knights were always very contemptuous and contemptuous. Even the pirate Earl Drake, the best pirate aristocrat in the Velen continent, will not be regarded as a partner, not to mention the nobles of other pirates.

At this time, Leo suddenly noticed a doubt that the conch who called the sea monster in the story did not record its origin. If, according to the story, Donald’s ancestor was just an ordinary sailor, or a sailor on a pirate ship, he accidentally obtained a conch that summoned sea monsters, then he simply could not know where the conch came from, only to know How to use Conch, and now Sean Donald is very certain that Conch comes from the world where the Neptune Temple is located, and even shows confidence that he can get it, even at the risk of being alone, which is obviously contrary to the logic in the story.

Leo asked directly: "How did you know that the conch came from this world? Did your ancestors tell you?"

"Yes." Sean clearly knew Leo's doubts, so he added after admitting: "Actually, the legendary story is not completely correct. My ancestor is indeed a sailor, but not a Velon sailor, and It’s a sailor in a human city-state in this world, and my ancestors were born and raised in this world."

Upon hearing Sean’s words, Leo was a little surprised, but recovered quickly, and asked curiously: "How did your ancestors go to the world of Velon?"

Shawn shook his head and said, "I don't know, the books left by the ancestors did not record relevant content."

Leo felt that Donald didn’t tell the truth, but he didn’t follow up, but asked another question, “Why would you suddenly want to risk finding sea monster conch? With your current status in the royal family, you should not encounter What danger is right? And the sea monster Conch sounds like it should be useful at sea. Are you ready to emulate your ancestors to become the sea..." Then, he saw the firm expression on Sean's face and stopped. What seemed to come to my mind, said with some surprise: "Are you really going to give up your present status and go to sea?"

"I can't say that I am giving up my present position. My position in the royal family has a great role, I will not give up," Shawn shook his head slightly, and then continued: "However, as your lord thought, I It is indeed planned to put the focus of the future on the sea. Before coming here, I have assembled a fleet of seven steam ships in the kingdom, just waiting for me to sail the sea monster conch."

Leo asked a little puzzled: "Now the sea is basically the sphere of influence of the Inge Kingdom Fleet. What do you get when you go out of the sea? It is impossible for you to prepare to fight the Inge Kingdom and grab the control of the Inge Kingdom. Islands and seas?"

"Of course not. I formed the fleet by the Kingdom. How could it conflict with the Kingdom." Sean shook his head quickly, then he hesitated again, and said: "You may not know the situation on the sea, and the fog appears on the sea. Afterwards, our fleet found that there were many islands out of the sea. These islands were all over the sea and had a lot of resources on it. The navy fleet of the kingdom itself could not thoroughly explore and control these islands, so we called a private fleet in the kingdom. The island explores, and promises that as long as the private fleet explores an island, the island grants the owner of the private fleet as the territory, and the kingdom only draws 50% of the property tax from the territory."

Hearing this news from Sean’s mouth surprised Leo. The changes at sea were completely beyond his expectations. He originally thought that the sea of ​​fog caused by the world’s changes was only sealed because of a loophole in the world. A certain sub-space world and the Velon world overlapped, and projections were made in the Velon world, but now it seems that it is not just the projection as simple as this, but it is substantially overlapped with other sub-space worlds.

Compared with the changes that are taking place in the whole world, the decisions made by the Kingdom of England have become quite commonplace.

There is no doubt that the Kingdom of England made a very correct decision. They did not greedily nationalize all the islands, but let the people participate in the exploration and occupation of the island. In this way, the fleet of the Kingdom of England only needs to control the sea area. Controlling these islands in disguise will lose half of the ownership of these islands, but compared to the final gain, this loss is obviously nothing.

As long as the policy of the Kingdom of England can be fully implemented, then when the side effects of the world's changes have ended and the fog has disappeared, then the maritime supremacy of the Kingdom of England may have been truly established. Of course, the premise of all this is that those who follow The islands appearing in fog will not disappear with the fog.

Leo soon discovered another hidden message and confirmed: "The Kingdom of England has now fully mastered the technology that can navigate in the fog, and has it been civilized? Otherwise, the Government of the Kingdom of England It is impossible to make the decision of the people to explore the island."

Sean hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "So that the technology of safe navigation in the gray fog has now been civilized."

Leo thought of the living cabin he found on the ship, the study of living debris in the cabin, and the island with the fog that Sean mentioned, and some related questions in his heart immediately found the answer, immediately Confirmed: "Are you using what you caught on the island as an amulet for ships sailing in the gray sea?"

Hearing Leo’s transformation, Sean’s eyes widened, and it felt like he was looking at Leo like a monster. Obviously Leo’s inference was correct, and the Kingdom of Inge did indeed catch the island of Grey Mist. The creature then uses the flesh and blood of the creature to create those living cabins through shaman spells, disguising the entire ship as a gray mist monster to avoid the attack of the gray mist monster.

It’s just that these are the top secrets of the Kingdom of Engel. He wouldn’t know these things if he didn’t have a close relationship with the royal family, and he only knew a rough idea about this matter, but he didn’t know how to implement them. Known.

However, Leo now seems to have known the way they sailed in the gray fog, and the specific implementation method, which made him do not know how to react for a while.

According to common sense, he naturally wants to help the kingdom to exterminate the mouth. After all, this is related to the future maritime hegemony of the Inge Kingdom, but now he does not talk about extinguishing the mouth, and even his own safety depends on the other party, not to mention the return. In the world of Velen, even when he returned to the Kingdom of Inge, he did not think that Leo would be in any danger. After all, in this situation, whether the Royal Kingdom, the aristocracy, or the church, the Kingdom of Inge has attracted Leo. The talents are too late, and there will be hostility there.

Just when Sean had a imagination in his mind, Leo’s attention had shifted from the things he just talked to around. His spiritual network easily captured all the abnormal movements around him, and then saw him take it out. A bottle of potion, without explanation, fell directly onto Sean and himself.

This bottle of potion is very weird, and the medicine liquid spilled from it becomes aerosol in the air, and it is stuck on the two people, and it quickly sticks to the two people's clothes, hair, and skin.

Sean was also awakened from his brainy thoughts because of Leo’s behavior. He just wanted to ask Leo why he did this, but Leo covered his mouth and was dragged by Leo to the stone arch. Next to, leaned tightly against the arch.

Then Sean felt a slight tremor on the ground, and then a dozen monsters rushed up from the surrounding hillsides. The shape of these monsters was almost the same as the one that had died in Leo’s hand, only in size and size. The tentacles on the body are slightly different. The largest monster among these monsters is similar to a large apartment building of at least four floors, while the small one is about the size of a person.

After rushing to the top of the mountain, these monsters quickly protruded some thorny tongues from their mouths. These tongues fluttered in the air, seemingly searching for something, and several times these tongues were almost swept and attached to the arch. The two of them, but these monsters seem to have a strong fear of the arch, and they dare not be too close, so there is no real threat to the two.

When they didn't find what they were looking for, the monsters targeted their dead kin, and the thick tentacles tore the corpse of the same kind, tore it into pieces, and then sent it into their mouths.

After sharing the same kind, these monsters seemed to be still intent, so they placed predators on other living kind, attacking each other, no matter how fierce these monsters attack each other, they will carefully avoid the semicircular Arches, as if they would die instantly if they touched them.

In the end, only the two largest monsters became winners, and they knew each other that they could not cause fatal damage to each other, so they chose a direction and left the top of the mountain.

After a while, Leo left the arch, and Sean followed, and made a gesture whether he could speak or not. After seeing Leo nodded, he said with fear, "This is too dangerous, we are now Should leave here."

"Of course I know I should leave here, but the question is how to get there?" Leo asked while checking the surroundings with Spirit Net. "Do you know where the Saint-Terrou Mountain is heading?"

"Should it be over there?" Sean pointed uncertainly to the direction of the palace that had been blocked by the mountains before.

"Fighting is happening there, and there are multiple very powerful beings fighting. Going there, if we are involved in the battle, I am not sure that I can protect you." Leo also looked over there, At the same time, the caster sees the turbulence of energy that erupted during the battle there. If he has not made a mistake, the unknown existence of the war there has at least the power of psionicists above level 5, and may even have levels 6 and 7. Waiting for the existence of higher power, in this case, Leo did not dare to guarantee that he could withdraw from the whole body, so he asked again: "Are you really sure over there?"

"I'm not sure either." Sean could hear the seriousness revealed in Leo's tone, so he said truthfully: "The route I know is on the top of Saint-Tru, UU reading is only there, I I knew how to go behind, now I don’t know clearly..."

Sean didn't say anything, but the meaning was fully expressed.

Faced with this situation, Leo did not have any better suggestions, because through the sight, he saw the surrounding scenes are similar, only the place where the battle is happening is different from the other surroundings, so even if it is not holy Trushan, he can only choose to go there to see if he can find intelligent creatures and find some useful information.

Before going on the road, Leo gave Sean another bottle of potion. The effect of this bottle of potion is to increase the endurance of the user for a certain period of time. Although it is impossible to increase Sean's strength, it can at least help him to hurry. At times, it is not so often because of endurance reasons to stop and rest.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Leo, the two quickly found a relatively gentle road and went down the mountain, and through the detection of the spiritual network, they easily avoided the monsters encountered on the land. Walking on the road without fear and danger, this bland journey almost made Sean suspect that the scenes he had seen on the top of the mountain were all illusions. There is no danger here, and it is a safe place.

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