The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1027: Personal trade agreement

Leo knows that the so-called malicious ability to perceive other people should only be the analysis and response of this brain control device receiving other people's brain waves. It is the basic function of this brain control device, but it is not the real function of this device.

   Leo played with this brain control device, then said to Sean coldly: "It is indeed a good thing, but it is broken and cannot be used."

The smile on Sean’s face froze a little, but quickly returned to normal, and said calmly: “How is this possible, but you don’t know how to use it, as long as you agree to my request, after I pass the ceremony safely, it will Tell you how to use this thing."

"I said it's broken, it's not random talk," Leo watched Sean finish, then said slowly: "If this thing is not broken, and you are still the controller of this thing, then this thing I will definitely be able to perceive that I just wanted to kill you, and will remind you to be careful."

   Sean’s smile didn’t hold up after Leo said this. After all, anyone who heard that someone was going to kill themselves, no matter whether it was real or a joke, could not laugh.

   "Your joke is really funny." Sean, with a stiff smile on her face, was somewhat speechless and tried to ease her embarrassment now.

"Although things are bad, they are relics of prehistoric civilization after all. I have also been engaged in research in this area recently. This thing can be used as research material, but this is not enough." Leo did not return the brain control device in his hand. Give Sean, but continue to play in the hands, and said that this thing can be used as a reward, Sean’s slightly nervous mood also relaxes a little, and then I heard Leo continue to say: "I know you come to Randall this time In addition to participating in the sacrifice ceremony of Poseidon, it is also to reopen the trade between the Kingdom of England and the mainland of Velen. Since you can join this operation, you must have a certain say in the team, so no matter what the final result of your negotiations with the United Kingdom is , Sylvia and I need at least two trade places."

"This is impossible." Sean shook his head immediately and said, "Although I am one of the members of the mission, I am responsible for the Poseidon sacrifice ceremony, and the reopening of the sea trade negotiations is the responsibility of others. I can't intervene in this matter."

  Sylvia retorted at this time: "Is it really impossible to intervene? Your Excellency Sean should know my identity very well, and it should not be difficult to find out your authority in the mission."

   The lie was dismantled in person as soon as it was spoken. This made Sean not know what to do for a while. He could only take a few sips of fruit wine on the table to relieve his embarrassment at the moment.

After calming down the embarrassment in his heart, Sean didn’t make up any other excuses and said truthfully: "I can indeed exert some influence on trade negotiations, but the people over there and I are not a system, and the influence of both sides is limited. The number of trade quotas approved above is 20. These 20 quotas are not exclusively for the United Kingdom, as well as the Northern Hannossa Union and the Southern Port of Venaya, so I want to get in advance from such a small number of quotas The two places are really difficult, and I may not be able to complete it."

  Sylvia relaxed the conditions and said: "Your Excellency only needs to help us as much as possible, even if there is only one quota."

   Sean Donald heard that he did not try to fight for better conditions, but seriously thought about whether his influence could win a place.

After a while, he said: "I can't give you an answer for this matter temporarily, I need to find out the specific situation, and tomorrow I will give a clear answer to the two," said, he looked at Leo again Tao: "Are we now reaching a deal agreement?"

   "Yes, we have reached a preliminary cooperation agreement." Leo nodded, and then passed the brain control device in his hand, said: "When you give a clear answer tomorrow, it will be a formal agreement."

"That's fine." Sean did not reach out to take over the brain control device, but stood up and prepared to leave, and said: "The things are here for you. If you don't give the answer you want tomorrow, the agreement will not be completed. , Your Excellency will give me things again."

  Finally, after seeing Leo recover the brain control device, he saluted Sylvia and then walked out of the room.

  After Sean Donald left, Sylvia walked to Leo, looked at the brain control device, and asked with a little question: "Is this thing really broken?"

"Of course not, it's just not enough energy." Leo smiled, shook his head slightly, and then placed the brain control device on the table, followed by the universal recorder exposed at the wrist, and quickly manipulated the universal recorder to link the brain控装置。 Control device.

The Blikuri brain control device is one of the most confidential scientific and technological equipment in the mid-cosmic civilization. With the ability of a universal recorder, it is impossible to penetrate the outer firewall of the brain control device, but this does not mean that there is no universal recorder A little use, at least it can read the public data of the brain control device. These data not only include the original data of the brain control device, but also a complete user manual, which also makes him understand that this brain control device should belong to the civilian level Device, not a military brain control device of a higher security level.

If this is a military-grade brain control device, Leo will no longer use a general-purpose recorder to test the bottom line of this secrecy, because according to his knowledge, the Bulikuri protect the hidden military-level brain control devices. Secretly, each military-grade brain-controlled device is equipped with a small anti-matter bomb, which is powerful enough to instantly draw a castle as large as a black castle.

Although the instructions for use were found, this instruction is of no use to Leo, because it is written in the Burikuri’s own text and does not follow the provisions of the Supreme Council of the Universe. It must be attached to any product. A copy of the cosmic lingua franca.

Fortunately, even without explanation, Leo still scanned the internal structure of the brain control device through the scanning device that comes with the universal recorder, and from some details of the internal structure, it was inferred that the energy system of this device is a set of light energy collection System, so he went to the window sill and placed the brain control device in his hand under the window sill sunlight.

  Sylvia also got over, looking at the brain control device with some expectation.

   For Sylvia, it is already very cost-effective to obtain this trade name while obtaining this enemy-friend-recognition artifact that is particularly well-known in the detective world. It doesn’t even need to trade the quota.

  Because of the help of this enemy-friend discrimination artifact, she can more easily clean up the annoying bugs in her department, and at the same time she can more easily find trustworthy allies in the Kingdom government that can cooperate and trust.

After a long period of time, the sunlight outside became darker and the time advanced to dusk, and the brain control device on the window sill still did not move. If Leo was not very confident and calm, she would even think that Things are indeed broken.

However, as the last sunlight outside disappeared, the sky was dim, candles were lit in the room, and the device on the window sill that had absorbed all day of sunlight had begun to show some changes that could not be found in the sun, such as a light layer on the surface Shine.

Leo took the brain control device back, then reconnected it with a universal recorder, checked the internal situation of the device, and then handed the device to Sylvia, said: "The next time you have time to expose to the sun It’s only half a day. You can try this thing now."

   "How to use this thing." Sylvia took the device and asked.

Leo carefully recalled the use of brain control devices collected by the Earth Federation. Although those methods are not suitable for this situation, they still have a reference role, so he said: "No special care, just grab It, then focus on your goal."

   Speaking, he saw the light emitted from the surface of the brain control device in Sylvia's hands began to appear light blue.

"Is this supposed to be friendly?" Sylvia recalled all the rumors about this thing, judging the meaning of the light blue light, and also raised her eyebrows unpleasantly, looked at Leo, and said: "Am I just a slightly friendly woman in your heart?"

Leo said calmly: "This thing is just a detection device. Its basic working principle is to collect the nuances of brain waves in emotional changes to determine what the person's mental state is at the moment. The data it detects Just have reference value, don't believe it completely."

  Sylvia looked at Leo a little puzzled, because Leo's words were mixed with a lot of terms that are unique to the Earth Federation. She just understood the last sentence.

Seeing Sylvia like this, Leo signaled Sylvia to look at the light on the brain control device. I saw that the color of the light changed from light blue to dark blue, then to deep purple, and then to the representative. Crimson of hatred.

   "What's going on?" Sylvia looked at the change in light of the brain control device in his hand in surprise.

Leo explained: “It’s very simple, this thing is only useful when the subject is unprepared. Once the other party is psychologically prepared and understands the method, there is a way to create the desired detection result. For example, I just passed the All kinds of things to adjust the mood, when watching Little Tolan is a deep blue that represents a strong caring emotion, when looking at the dark sea outside, it is a deep purple worry, and when looking at the ugly vase on your table, it means extreme disgust and hatred Crimson. You see, you only need to put different intuitive emotions on different objects to change the result of this observation channel."

  After hearing Leo’s words, Sylvia looked at the brain control device in his hand and inevitably produced an unfeasible emotion.

Then, she threw the brain control device she had been eagerly wanting not long ago into her desk drawer, followed her suddenly as if she remembered something, turned to look at Leo, said: "You are just like that Do you hate the vase I picked myself?"

   Faced with such a question that could never have the correct answer, Leo did not answer, but just shrugged.

The next day, Sean Donald came to the Black Castle again, this time he was no longer coming alone, but came with the negotiating envoys who reopened the trade. Obviously he could not get a trade quota directly from the envoys , Can only bring people who can take the lead, so that Sylvia can convince each other.

  Although Sean’s approach is somewhat speculative, Leo and Sylvia are not very concerned. This is not much different from the quota they obtained. It is not difficult to persuade the envoy to get the quota.

This is indeed the case. It only took less than 20 minutes to negotiate. After Sylvia opened her terms, this negotiation had already achieved results. Sylvia obtained a trade quota, and with the Together with the trade quotas, there is also a steam cargo ship provided by the Kingdom of England and able to sail safely on the gray fog.

Although the steam cargo ship belonged to Sylvia after signing the trade agreement, the people driving the ship could only be Ingers, and other crews such as porters and other hard-working crews were hired by Sylvia. Once the vessel Retired due to damage or service life, it will be recovered by the Inge Kingdom and will be provided to another trading partner of the same type of steam ship. Of course, this ship requires the trading partner to spend money to buy Although the British The Kingdom of Georgia tried hard to keep the secret of its own ship able to safely pass through the foggy sea, but this measure will obviously have no effect on Leo. As long as the ship is handed, Leo believes that it does not need a day, he You can find the secret of the ship safely passing through the gray fog. As for whether you can restore this effect yourself, you need to see whether the power used in the secret involves the power of the **** of the sea, such as the power that he cannot imitate through the power of nightmares.

After reaching a trade agreement with the envoys of the Kingdom of England and becoming the first person to obtain trade quotas, there was also a lot of excitement in the castle. Some kingdom dignitaries who heard the news sent their own representatives to inquire these two days. Sylvia related matters.

   Obviously, the upper class of the United Kingdom attaches great importance to the re-opening of trade cooperation between the Kingdom of England and most of them tend to agree, and they have not yet made their statements more concerned about the Kingdom’s maritime hegemony.

There is no doubt that if the Kingdom of Engels really reached a maritime trade agreement with the countries of the Velen continent, and even with other continent countries, and provide ships that only they can manufacture to avoid the erosion of fog, then the Kingdom’s hegemony at sea would be It has far surpassed other countries, and it is not a fool's dream to be the only overlord at sea.

This kind of worry made the high level of the Kingdom did not make a clear statement after hearing the arrival of the trade missions of the Kingdom of England, and only allowed the Randall City Government to entertain the missions. Preemptively signed a trade agreement that belongs to an individual and obtained a trade quota, and her opinion naturally became the most needed reference data for the United Kingdom.

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