The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1022: The secret of twisting power

As Bailu said, Wang Haiya was indeed mentioned in this twisted book, and it was written in great detail. It used nearly four pages of paper to carefully introduce Wang Haiya. In the first line of the introduction It is called Wanghaiya as a door cave.

  This doorway is literally a doorway. This doorway is not just a world as Leo thought. According to the introduction, this doorway can lead to countless worlds.

The worlds that these doorways lead to are different from the Velon world. It is precisely because of this doorway that many forces from the abnormal world are entrenched in this place of Wanghaiya, any one close to this place People will be affected by the chaotic power of this place, and eventually will produce unpredictable changes, and in the introduction, it is very vaguely mentioned that even gods are no exception.

  Although this kind of saying that gods are no exception is somewhat unbelievable, the attitude expressed by Bailu after finding that this is Wanghaiya can confirm that the saying that gods are no exceptions may be true.

In addition, these four pages also emphasized that this doorway is unstable, and sooner or later, it will be completely out of control, and Wanghaiya and its surrounding areas will inevitably get involved. Here, he also mentioned the vicinity of Wanghaiya. The small fishing village tribe thinks it is necessary to remind this small fishing village tribe so as not to be implicated in the collapse effect of the doorway.

At the end of the content, the author mentioned that there are still many doorways like Weilun World, most of them are chaotic, disordered and dangerous, so if you want to use the doorway, you need to use external force to fix the doorway, and in There is also a method for fixing the doorway, but this method is not finished. After writing a beginning, it stopped, as if it was affected.

   However, just by looking at the blood sacrifice to the thousand people at the beginning, this method can be determined to be extremely evil.

Although I learned the actual situation of Wanghaiya from the Twisted Book, Leo felt something was wrong, not that the content of the Twisted Book was wrong, but that the situation about Wanghaiya should be It’s not just the doorway, there must be other secrets that even the White Deer didn’t know, but the towering wizard who built the lighthouse must know all the details of this secret.

   "I still have to wait for this Turing magic circle to be cracked before I can know more details." Leo closed the twisted book in his hand and muttered to himself.

Although Leo has read the contents of the twisted book and memorized the contents thoroughly, he does not think that it is enough to read the contents again. He feels that the twisted book still contains Other secrets, and these secrets are not understandable only by the text on the surface of the book of twisted memory, these secrets should be related to the twisted book itself.

Because he found that he remembered the words that describe various twisted worlds, he didn’t feel any power from those words. Unlike the Gamorian language, just remembering the basic roots, he can feel the implication. The inexplicable power that cannot be described, so he will judge that the power of twisting mind and body contained in the twisted book comes from the twisted book itself, not the text.

Therefore, Leo then invested in the research on the materials of the Twisted Book. It took about two days before he recovered from this research state. The smile on his face also showed that he had cracked. The secret of the power of the twisted book, and the source of this secret also surprised Leo, because he found that the material of the twisted book may come from a mysterious legend circulating among the civilizations of the universe, and the interesting thing is that There is a similar legend in the countless legends of the Velon world.

The short answer to this legend is that many civilized spaceships saw a behemoth in subspace. No one knows what the behemoth is, and no one can describe it accurately. The only thing that can be sure is that the behemoth has all the time. Then exude a powerful twisting force.

   mentioned in the rumors that an omega-level higher living body tried to get close to this behemoth fog, but when it reached a certain distance, it would be immediately affected by the force of distortion, and the body, thoughts and even power would be irreversibly distorted.

No one can give a definite answer to whether subspace distortion monsters really exist. Even the Supreme Council has no definite answer, but it is certain that some distortions of Omega-level higher living bodies often appear in subspace. The wreckage and the twisted spaceship and so on.

Similarly, in the folklore of the Velon world, a twisted monster with an indescribable shape is mentioned. When this monster appears, it will instantly let everything around the zone appear, from trees to plants, from birds and beasts to humans, all from the body to There are psychologically irreversible distortions, including gods.

   Indeed, the first dead **** in the Velen world is not a record of some churches, but comes from a folklore that cannot be investigated at the source.

   In that legend, a **** fell to the place where the monster slept because of inadvertently, and then twisted from the divine power and the **** body, only barely maintained a final consciousness, and escaped from the place where the monster slept.

This legend sounds extremely absurd. Even the church did not collect this story in some of the books they edited. After all, it involved godly distortions of such blasphemy, but such a legend that the church does not want to ignore, but in the folk It has spread widely and has not disappeared so far. It will still appear in some fairy tales beside the pillow, but after some processing and adaptation.

Now the twisted book in Leo’s hands is made from the skin of an unknown creature. After repeated experiments, he even cut a bit of the book cover and swallowed it, using the chaotic stomach pouch to decompose the book cover, and finally extracted a trace of twist Power.

  While extracting a trace of twisting power, the twisting power also passed him some pieces of information. Through these pieces of information, he knew a lot of secrets that even White Deer did not know.

For example, he already knows who is the fallen **** because he is close to the sleeping twisted monster, because the paper used to make the twisted book is derived from this god, and this **** Leo also knows that the remains are still in rice. The **** of eagles in the Liya Mountains.

To be honest, Leo was also very surprised when he discovered this secret from the fragments of information transmitted by the twisting force, because in his memory the fall of the eagle **** was because the lord of the sky abandoned the eagle **** The body has merged into the world of Velon, becoming the master of the sky in the Velon world, not because of what was eroded by the force of twisting.

Although the fragment information is not complete, it is enough for Leo to piece together the whole picture. Its content is that the eagle **** is invaded by the power of twisting, and the mind and body are irreversibly twisted, and only a little final reason is maintained. Escaped from the influence of the twisted force, he could not escape after escaping to the Dibia Mountains, so that he had to abandon the body and strength of the eagle god, and only let the final reason stay away from all the forces without distortion, Became the master of the sky in the world of Velen.

And it also just answers Leo’s biggest doubt about the transformation of the eagle **** into the sky master, because according to him, the power of the alien **** is far stronger and more free than the local gods in the Velon world. In a sense, the Lord of the Black Forest is a powerful external god. All the gods of the Velen world, even the gods of other worlds in the Black Forest, are only the lower gods sheltered by the foreign gods.

  If the eagle **** is a primitive, ancient god, isn’t it better for him to keep the state of the god, why should he abandon the better state of the **** and become the ancient **** of the Velon world? This is obviously illogical.

   Leo’s previously known answer was for the belief in the wisdom creatures of the Velon world. It’s ridiculous to think about it carefully, so this logical question has always puzzled Leo.

But now there is a logical answer, that is, the eagle **** abandons everything and transforms into the master of the sky. It is not voluntary, everything is forced, which also explains why after the transformation, the sky The wreckage of the eagle god, who is so important to the Lord, will be abandoned by him in the Dibia Mountains. Even after he did not preach on the Weilun mainland, he returned to Mozambique and established the headquarters of the main church of the sky in Mozang. mainland.

Afterwards, the Sky Lord Church established in Velun Mainland was still established by some adventurous people who came to Velun Mainland to spread missions. The Sky Lord Church officially entered Velun Continental during the nautical exploration period. Velun Continental and Mosang After the mainland's contacts began to be frequent and close, the first sanctuary recognized by the main church of the sky was formally established on Weilun mainland.

At this time, the gods have rarely manifested miracles in this world, and began to enter a state of retreat. The upper levels of the church began to actually control the power of the church. As I know, the only thing that is certain is that the Lord of the Sky is still worried about the remains of the God of the Eagles, so that the Church of the Lord of the Sky has entered the Velun mainland for so many years and has become one of the largest churches on the Velun mainland, but it has never The remains of the lord of the eagle, the predecessor of the sky, are subject to any excavation and protection.

As for how the person who made the twisted book got the eagle **** skin and how to make the twisted book, these processes did not appear in the information fragments provided by the twisting force. The relevant information occupies most of the information, and the remaining information is another Leo's familiar subspace particle flow.

The subspace particle flow is a unique scene in the subspace. The reason for its formation is that after the energy of the positive universe rushed into the subspace at the moment when the subspace crack appeared, it was captured and distorted and mixed by the subspace, and finally accumulated to a certain degree, forming a This kind of unique cosmic spectacle, and the shape of each subspace particle flow is different, some of them appear as a nebula, and some will appear as a strip of stars.

   It is very magical that no matter what form the subspace particle flow appears in, any person who sees the subspace particle flow will accurately recognize it in their minds, and will not mistake it for other subspace energy turbulence.

   Because of this, Leo saw the incomplete scene in the fragments of information, and immediately thought of the subspace particle flow in his mind, nothing else.

This also allows Leo to determine that the twisted monster that caused the eagle **** to be transformed is the subspace twisted monster in the legend of the universe, and he also determined that the current Weilun world, or the Black Forest world, is a subspace plane. In the world, because the universe has an accurate theorem, it is impossible for subspace creatures to survive in the normal universe.

   Subspace creatures often enter into the normal universe because of subspace cracks, but these subspace creatures can only survive in the normal universe for a period of time, and then they will be reduced to ashes like the instantaneous passage of time.

  If this is a normal universe, then the twisting force from subspace can never exist for such a long time, and it can still produce extremely strong effects even now.

  In addition to answering a lot of his questions and letting him know a lot of secret pieces of twisted force extracted by the chaotic stomach pouch is also Leo's biggest gain in these two days.

This twisting force is very weak, so weak that if Leo does not divide some forces to protect it, any force in his body, even the real eye, such as a non-lethal auxiliary force can control it. Break up.

The reason why Leo saves this twisting force is because he can sense other twisting forces remaining in the Velon world through this twisting force. For example, there is now a twisting force under Wanghai Cliff, and this twist I am afraid that this is also the reason why there will be a doorway.

As for the source of this twisting power, Leo speculated that it might have come from the eagle god, because the place where the eagle **** encountered the subspace warped creature was not the Velon continent. He flew to the Velon continent from other places. In the end, it can’t be supported anymore, so it is forcibly transformed, and during the flight, his twisted body will definitely lose some things, such as faded hair, etc. These fallen hair naturally also contain A lot of twisting power finally formed the current Wanghai cliff.

  Through induction, Leo found that there are two places in the Weilun mainland that have a twisting force similar to the Wanghai Cliff. What is interesting is that he has been to these two places. One is Lanxilong City, and the other is Donglin City, the imperial capital.

Although these two places can still induce Leo, he can feel that the twisting power of those two places is very weak, and it is far from comparable to Wanghaiya. He guessed that if Wanghaiya did not have this lighthouse , I am afraid that the twisting force here will become as thin as the other two places.

  :. :

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