The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 997: Survey points

At that time, the ghost incident on the spaceship was experienced by Leo. Everything was like the ghost incident mentioned in the butler's diary. When he saw the person in front, he approached but found nothing.

Leo still remembers that there is a team of researchers with confidential identity in the recovery team. The explanation given by this team of researchers is the image illusion caused by the energy field of the cosmic space and the residual energy field of the human body in the spacecraft, but Leo is very It is clear that these explanations are completely nonsense.

Because Leo inadvertently exposed the badge from the team of researchers, recognizing that the team of researchers came from the Federal First Research Institute, but an ordinary recycling task requires the use of the Federal First Research Institute, which is somewhat unusual in itself.

In addition, he also heard a small detail that is very similar to the current situation of the Black Castle. The detail is that the psionicists who accompanied the team entered the lost spaceship, and the psionic energy was almost restricted to disappear.

Leo remembers that after the recovery mission was over, the lost spacecraft was dragged into the dock, and then the team of researchers took one from the lost spacecraft under the protection of another team of security forces waiting in the dock. Seal the box.

Although there are all kinds of ghost legends in the universe, like the lost spaceship, the crew has mysteriously disappeared, and the spacecraft has a psionic restricted area, which is the only one. This is also the first time Leo learned the past of the Black Castle. Time reminiscent of the cause of this incident.

If only one or two details are the same, it can be said that it is a coincidence, but there are too many details in the Black Castle and the lost ship, and some of them are very critical and unique. Then these two things are in Leo An equal sign is naturally drawn in my heart, and the key answer to these two things may be in the box that was carried from the lost spaceship, and the Black Castle or Wanghai Cliff also exists in the box. thing.

As for the second Black Castle past event that Leo focused on, it is related to the Poseidon Church. Every ten years, Randall’s Poseidon Church has a very special religious ceremony held in the Black Castle. Will choose one of her female devouts as a Poseidon bride to hold a wedding with Poseidon.

And the bride of Poseidon will stay in the Holy Spirit Church of the church for the next ten years. After ten years, the identity of the bride of Poseidon will be transferred to other female believers, while the former bride of Poseidon will be free, and some will be ordinary people. Marriage and childbirth, some will become the concubine's mother for life.

Finding a bride for the gods has similar rituals in all churches in the Velen world, but this ritual of the Poseidon church is different in that the identity of the **** bride can be lifted, which is almost blasphemy in other churches. the behavior of.

From any point of view, the Church of Poseidon is not a tolerant church, and such an intolerant church allows blasphemous things that allow the bride of the gods to dismiss their identity.

It's just that this religious thing is not the reason that Leo is concerned. After all, this kind of thing has nothing to do with the Black Castle. What really attracts Leo's attention is the Poseidon wedding held in the Black Castle by the Church of Poseidon, and ended at the Poseidon wedding. Later, the bride of Poseidon had to live in the lighthouse of the Black Castle for one night, and all the brides would have the same dream that night, and this dream was also recorded in detail by the castle steward.

No matter how ridiculous these dream brides dreamed at the beginning of their dreams, at the end of their dreams, they will come to a stone palace that sinks to the bottom of the sea. There is a closed stone gate in the stone palace, and the gate is engraved with An identical symbol.

Through the description of the Bride of Poseidon, the people of the Church of Poseidon painted the symbols on the gate of the palace. The butler of the castle also copied a copy in the diary. It is interesting that all the brides of Poseidon described the symbols on the stone gate similarly. But people who hear it draw it according to their descriptions, but they always draw different symbols. Even the same kind of people with different descriptions are completely different symbols.

At this point, Leo also saw the contents of these diaries and conducted experiments. He found that it was indeed as stated in the diary. Although he described a symbol form in his mind through words, he dropped the form in his mind to the paper. At the time, he involuntarily painted other distinct shapes.

This situation made Leo wonder if he was being manipulated by mysterious forces, so he was making new attempts to carefully monitor the movement of all forces in the body, but the result still disappointed him, he did not feel any intervention of extraordinary powers. , The body is the uncontrolled drawing of a completely different symbol from the mind.

In addition, each description of Poseidon Bride corresponds to a symbol, and these symbols are not meaningless symbols.

In the housekeeper’s diary, a total of seven sea **** brides’ descriptions of the gate symbols and their corresponding symbols are recorded, and the paintings of these symbols together, Leo can see that there is some kind of linguistic similarity between the symbols Connection, so these symbols should be the basic characters of a language, just like the basic roots of the Gamore language.

However, Leo did not use the seven symbols drawn in the housekeeper’s diary as a reference. He followed his description of the symbol of the palace gate in the diary of the bride, and then constructed the corresponding form in his mind, and then used it in another way. One form was drawn on paper.

And as he expected, the seven symbols he painted and the seven symbols in the housekeeper’s diary would be subconsciously considered to be the same symbol, but if carefully analyzed, he could find that the symbol painted by Leo The symbols on the housekeeper’s diary are more complicated and detailed, and the gap is like the difference between the basic root and the Turing root.

When he saw the seven symbols he drew, Leo could be quite sure that he had seen them, but what made him feel puzzled was that he couldn’t find the corresponding content in his memory, or even There are not even similar symbols. The only thing that can be determined is that these symbols are definitely not symbols that the normal world should have.

Because even when Leo saw these seven symbols, it would involuntarily produce a disgusting feeling that the world was twisted and everything was completely disorganized.

Symbols with special power like this are innumerable in the world of Velon, but the power that can distort ordinary people from normal things to this point, there is only one kind of power in Leo's memory, that is the power of the abyss.

"Poseidon originated from the abyss?" Thinking of this, Leo suddenly had a bold guess in his mind. Although this guess was a bit weird, but it was reasonable. After all, these seven characters all originated from the gate of the palace of Poseidon. Soon he shook his head and rejected his speculation, because if Poseidon really came from the abyss, then the gods of the Velon world such as the sky master and the hill king would never allow Poseidon to be part of the Orthodox Court, and the Poseidon Church It is impossible to be recognized by the Velon world.

"If Poseidon did not come from the abyss, then Poseidon might have fought with some kind of existence in the abyss, and was defeated, and was confined in his palace." After denying a guess, Leo's mind immediately appeared again. There is a new guess, and if this guess is to let the Poseidon Church know that it will absolutely not hesitate to regard Leo as the biggest blasphemer.

However, compared with the previous guess, this new guess actually makes Leo feel that it may be true.

This is not Leo’s random guessing, but it is clearly written in the classics of the Poseidon Church. Poseidon is asleep for unknown reasons. When Poseidon is awake, he will walk out of his palace and regain the authority of the ocean. And it will flood the earth with sea water and cleanse all the sins of the world.

Such a thing as letting a **** fall asleep is a big deal no matter when it is placed. For example, how the **** of the eagle, the predecessor of the lord of the sky, fell, it is recorded in detail in the internal code of the lord of the sky.

However, the story about Poseidon falling asleep was only mentioned in Poseidon’s canon, but it was not mentioned in other texts anymore, not even the legends of the outside world, as if everyone had assumed that Poseidon appeared I was sleeping in the beginning.

Now through the two things recorded in the housekeeper's diary, Leo got at least a few points worth investigating.

First, is the mysterious power surrounding the Black Castle related to what happened to the lost spaceship in his memory? Is the source of this power related to the contents of the box carried from the spaceship?

Second, does the Black Castle have a certain connection with the Poseidon Palace, and the way the spirit enters the Poseidon Palace is the ritual of the Poseidon bride, and is there any way he can use it.

Third, does the sleep of the sea **** have anything to do with the abyss, and the power of the black castle, and what does the power of the black castle have to do with the abyss?

After summarizing a few survey points, Leo said slowly: "It seems that to investigate these things, we must first start with the original materials of the black castle construction taken from the Church of Poseidon."

At this moment, Sylvia's voice suddenly heard from the main bedroom, shouting: "Leo, come and see! Irene has something wrong with her."

Hearing the voice of Sylvia, Leo immediately stood up, pushed the door into the master bedroom, and as soon as he entered the master bedroom, Leo saw that the whole bedroom was covered with a deep red light, and the light The source is Eileen.

Leo quickly walked to Eileen’s side and carefully checked Eileen’s body. He found that Eileen’s condition was very good. Not only did the body show no abnormal changes, but the crimson glow was not gamma. The rays are just ordinary light, and Leo senses that the gamma rays in Elin's body seem to be weakening.

"How's it going? Is she on her body..." Although she only got along for a few days, Sylvia had regarded Elin as her own, and naturally didn't want Ellen to have an accident.

"It's okay, she's in good condition." Leo made a reassuring gesture, and then pulled out the energy detection device from the universal recorder in his hand, and carefully checked the gamma-ray energy on Eileen to avoid her own perception. There was an error, and the result displayed on the universal recorder was exactly the same as his guess. The energy of the gamma ray in Eileen was indeed weakened.

After getting a definite answer, Leo explained to Sylvia while restoring the universal recorder: "The energy field in the castle also played a role in suppressing and reducing the gamma-ray energy in Eileen, and soon The energy on her will reach a balance value, and then when you find a way to increase her own life energy, it may be able to reduce the adverse effects caused by the gamma rays on her."

Just while talking, the dark red light of Eileen suddenly burst out, the light penetrated all the obstacles, the whole place of the black castle illuminated by the light seemed to become transparent, and it seemed transparent through these Behind the wall, it was found that those who were illuminated by the light behind the wall also showed different colors.

It's just that Leo and Sylvia are not interested in paying attention to the situation of these people, because their attention is all drawn to the scene under their feet.

I saw the light also caused the roof and the ground below to become transparent, and when looking down, Leo and Sylvia saw a deep darkness, which felt like they were watching in Lancy City The entrance to the abyss is very different.

If the abyss entrance of Lanxi City is a living abyss entrance, then the deep darkness they see below is a dead abyss entrance, and everything gives people a feeling of absolute silence.

The red light burst was just an instant matter, and soon the light disappeared, and the surroundings returned to the original state, and the red light on Eileen also disappeared, and Leo also clearly felt the gamma on Eileen. The rays seemed to disappear, as if the burst of red light had just been caused by some special force escape from Eileen.

"There should be a problem under the castle," Sylvia said quietly.

Leo also nodded, and suddenly asked, "Can you demolish the castle and dig down?"

"What do you say?" Sylvia gave Leo a blank If this black castle is a normal castle, it wouldn't matter if it was demolished directly, but there is no problem with the black castle now. The religious ceremonies of the Poseidon Church are linked together. The historical value here is that if she dares to demolish the Black Castle, I am afraid that the people of Port Randall, the scholars of the United Kingdom, and the political opponents of the Kingdom will all make trouble for her.

At that time, no matter how trusting King Philip is, how important her position in the government is, I am afraid that she will need to consider whether it is appropriate for her to continue to hold positions in the Royal Government.

Leo also thought of Sylvia’s concerns and smiled and said, "I need to go to the Church of Poseidon to read the materials tomorrow, and then go to the Municipal Archives in Port Randall. Do I need to prepare any documents? "

Sylvia thought about it, walked over to the bed, opened the drawer, took out a piece of paper and pen from it, quickly wrote something like identification on it, and took off the badge ring on his hand It was stained with some color, pressed on the paper, and then handed to Leo, saying: "Just take it out."

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