The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 984: Leave the black forest

"You can walk out of the Black Forest by walking along the ground sunflowers," the nature walker watched Leo and Sylvia holding the baby come down from the back and gestured to a special flower on the ground. And then said, "I don’t know where the Black Forest corresponds to your human kingdom, but according to the location, it should be somewhere in the south. However, even if you don’t break away from the scope of the French Empire, you two Capability, it should not be difficult to leave the French Empire."

Having finished speaking, Green Deer did not wait for Leo's response, and turned into the forest when he came, and soon disappeared in the eyes of the two.

"He seems unhappy to stay with us." Sylvia coaxed the child in his arms and looked at where the green deer disappeared, frowning.

Leo simply explained: "When I left, I heard the Chai Er people there said that something went wrong at the border of the Black Forest. When the White Deer were asleep, they secondary gods needed to take the initiative to deal with these things."

Talking, he followed the green deer's instructions, cleared the forest's foliage, vines, and shrubs by psionic blades surrounding the body along the direction of the ground sunflower, and opened a path to go forward. .

Sylvia held her child, followed Leo, and said in a puzzled way: "The Black Forest hosts so many asylum-seeking gods, and the spirits of those gods are also very powerful, and many are more powerful than the white deer. It’s much stronger, and the Lord of the Black Forest can gather these asylum-seeking spirits and deal with those outsiders who try to invade the Black Forest. It’s better than letting the Nature Walkers and the secondary gods fight those invaders.”

After giving birth to children, Leo and Sylvia lived in the sky fortress for another month, so that the little guy received the blessings of a group of secondary gods from the Black Forest. Very good.

Through contact, Sylvia has known these secondary gods of the Black Forest. Most of the power is only a few levels stronger than her. Even the power of some secondary gods is not as good as her, only because of the power of the Black Forest. Under these conditions, these secondary gods can exert the power of true gods in the Black Forest. Even after leaving the Black Forest, they can still maintain this state of external force blessing for a certain period of time.

But after all, the secondary gods are not true gods, and they cannot be imperishable. They will also be injured or even die when fighting invaders on the border of the Black Forest, and the death of these secondary gods will inevitably receive their blessings. Failure, this is naturally the last thing Sylvia wants to see, so she is also concerned about the safety of those secondary gods.

Leo easily saw through Sylvia’s thoughts, smiled, and said: "If you really do as you said, why should those gods seek refuge in the Black Forest, just to become Black Forest’s Fighter?"

Sylvia pouted, without refuting, and then after walking a distance, she suddenly asked again: "It has been a month, are you not going to give your son a name?"

For the past month, naming children has always been a matter of concern to Sylvia, but it’s just that she couldn’t take the initiative to ask questions, and could only give a hint to Leo, and Leo seemed to be stupid. There was no response, which made her feel a little annoyed, whether Leo regarded her son as an illegitimate child and was unwilling to give the child a surname.

Now that she was about to step out of the Black Forest, she finally couldn't help her dissatisfaction, and she directly asked Leo. As long as Leo did not give the child's surname, she would let the child's surname Belmont, and she would never wrong her child.

"Name?" After hearing Sylvia's dissatisfied tone, Leo couldn't help but stunned. He looked at Sylvia in a daze and looked at the little guy in Sylvia's arms. In fact, it was not that Leo did not want to give this little guy a surname, nor was Leo deliberately acting silly, but that he really didn't have the concept of a name, so he didn't even think about it in his mind.

Some of his ideas are still in the state of bioman, and after birth, the bioman does not need his name at all, and will directly assign a number, so he is also subconsciously waiting for his son's number to be assigned.

"Are you treating my child as an illegitimate child and unwilling to give him a name?" Seeing Leo's stunned expression, Sylvia's face was extremely dissatisfied, and asked unkindly.

"Of course not." Leo responded quickly, and found a reason very quickly, saying: "I just think that this name should be taken by you. I just need to give him his surname, after all, you are his Mother, you should also have the power to decide what his name is."

"Really." Hearing Leo's explanation, Sylvia's grievances weakened a lot, but he looked at Leo somewhat questionably.

"Of course it is true." Leo added: "I just don't know how to speak. You also know that this is my first time as a father, and I don't have any experience. These things are really..."

Leo shrugged his shoulders, didn't say the whole thing, and left a reverie.

Sylvia also believed Leo’s words, and all her grievances dissipated. Then she lowered her head, looked at the baby in her arms, and murmured what should she call her name? Words like that.

Seeing this in Sylvia, Leo was also a little relieved. He couldn’t help but sigh that the complexity of normal human emotions was unpredictable. Just because a child was born, he felt that he was always in front of Sylvia. It's a bit of a lack of confidence, and the inferiors are similar. Although he is uncomfortable with this situation, he does not have any negative emotions such as dissatisfaction.

"Toran! Just call Tolan!" After walking a distance, Sylvia suddenly said, "Toran is my grandfather's name, and the ancient French language means happiness, I don't care about this Whether the child can become the kind of person standing at the top of the world in the future, I only hope that the child will be happy all his life."

"Toran? Toran Dodd." Leo nodded and said, "Okay, just by this name, he's called Toran Dodd."

After giving the child a name, Sylvia seemed to have a heart disease removed, and the whole person was relaxed a lot. Walking with Leo in the crisis-ridden Black Forest was as easy as in his back garden. comfortable.

Soon the two of them saw some very different sunlight between the branches and leaves of the forest in front of them, and they knew that the edge of the black forest was right in front of them. The tree wall has returned to the world of Velon.

"This should be near the town of Butaran, on the edge of the Kab district of Porto, a Kata autonomous town." After drilling out of the Black Forest, Sylvia and Leo came to the nearest hill and stood At the top of the hill, after looking around, Sylvia, who knows the geography of the Weilun continent, quickly determined the current position, and pointed to several landmarks and vague mountain towns in the distance.

When Sylvia introduced the current location, Leo also quickly found related content in the database based on the place names introduced by Sylvia.

The Cata tribe is an ancient tribal group that has not been assimilated by the French Empire on the Weilun continent. They still maintain the traditions of the past. Although they surrendered to the French, they were not integrated into the local system of the French, but were in one. A semi-autonomous state.

It is also the particularity of this semi-autonomy that kept them neutral during the civil war in France. Whoever controls the Puerto Rican region will surrender to them, just as the town of Butaran now surrenders to the substance of the Puerto Rican region. Sex controller Flanders United Kingdom.

"Are we going to Butaran now?" Leo asked.

Sylvia shook his head and said: "The Kata tribes always think of taking advantage of both sides because of their self-government. What's more is that the spies of the empire are lurking in the town of Butaran. The kingdom has collected enough Evidence, and when the time is right, they will be completely cleaned up with treason. However, going there now will only cause unnecessary trouble, and the town of Butaran has not opened a railway, and there is still a carriage to go there. The nearest Cabo City is on a steam train, so let’s go directly to Cabo City!"

If it was before, Sylvia would probably not hesitate to choose to go to Butaran Town, and then use her as a bait to pull out all the imperial nails of Butaran Town, and by the way, settle the Kata tribe who settled here .

However, because of Toran's sake, Sylvia is not willing to take a little risk, even if she and Leo are strong enough to cope with the vast majority of malicious calculations in this world, but Sylvia is still reluctant to let Toran take risks, so She chose the decision that she believed was the safest.

Leo had no objection to this decision. After Sylvia pointed out the direction of Cabo City, he embraced Sylvia, covered it with psionic power, and then opened the psionic wings to use special The method vibrates the psionic wings, producing a psionic flow, and then makes him look like a real flying bird, flying into the air, and flying directly towards Cabo City.

"Your psionic wings can fly?" Looking at the ground underneath, Sylvia looked at the psionic wings that Leo's back revealed as a result of psionic vibrations, and could not help asking.

"Yes, I found the trick." Leo simply replied.

In the month after he got the bone, Leo did not look at the inheritance knowledge of those who are advanced psionics for the time being, but concentrated on the basic knowledge of mastering the inheritance, and then let him create his own psionic skills. Have a real foundation, and connect those psionic skills into a whole, and the consequence of this is that he has become a real sixth-level psionicist, not just a possessor like before. Sixth-level psionicist power, but pseudo-psionicist without method.

The greatest benefit after becoming a true sixth-level psionicist is that those psionic skills created based on witchcraft and created based on known psionicist materials can exert their full power, and they are based on a large number and used. His psionic skills were also compiled into the psionic library by him, and until this moment he also understood why the sixth-level psionicists can fight the space battleship, and why they can freely travel through the vacuum in the galaxy.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he is in the universe at the moment, he can also do things that seemed incredible before.

It is a pity that he is now in the world of Velon. In this world, his psionic energy is not only limited by the power of the world of Velon, but also by the power of the Black Forest. The two restrictions are so large that he directly weakens his power. It was about 80%, which resulted in the amount of spiritual power he is now showing, which is far from the power of those cosmic psionicists in memory.

However, even so, his current psionic skills are enough for him to use. In terms of practicality and skill, these psionic skills summarized by countless psionicists in the universe after hundreds of millions of years are definitely better than the witch of this world. The spells and divine spells are more perfect. Leo’s previous decision to use psionics as the dominant force and other witchcraft as the subsidiary forces is entirely correct.

Just like the psionic wings now, he has just mastered the correct method of using psionic skills in less than three or four days, creating a real psionic wing, but he has been able to use the psionic wing to fly in the air, and this Not all effects of psionic wings.

In his inheritance of psionic power, the psionic wing has more than a dozen low-level usage methods and six advanced use methods, the most advanced of which can use the psionic wing to tear a subspace crack and shuttle subspace directly. Among the low-level usage methods, there are seven methods that he can practice now, such as making the psionic wing's flying speed reach three times the speed of sound, such as using the psionic wing to make a light energy conversion module to improve the recovery of consumed psionic energy. speed.

Although this psionic heritage is there are thousands of psionic skills that can be used by the sixth-level psionicists, but due to the difference in body structure and psionic types, Leo can really learn There are less than one hundred psionic skills.

This set of psionic heritage comes from an alien civilization called Mikabaran. There is no information about this alien civilization in Leo’s database. This is not to say that this alien civilization is the kind of unknown Marginal and low-level alien civilizations, in fact, many high-level universe civilizations will deliberately hide their information in the universe.

Judging from the psionic heritage he obtained, this Mikabaran alien civilization should be a very advanced cosmic civilization, and may even be a member of the highest council, because in this set of psionic heritage the highest psionic energy One of the skills is the creation of black holes. This psionic skill is not understood by the general Omega-class advanced life forms of the universe civilization, at least Leo determined that the Earth Federation’s Omega-level advanced life forms do not understand this psionic skill.

"Cabo City is here!" Sylvia in his arms suddenly said when Leo took advantage of his free time to recall the various psionic knowledge he had in mind, and then he saw An industrial city appeared in the valley.

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