"I have already said that the elves welcome you." Danielle said with a smile on her face.

"Huh? Did I say that? Now I have."

"Ahem, it's not me. It's my sister." Alok responded awkwardly. This was followed by an explanation:

"She fell into the erosion from the star realm. I heard that transforming into an elf can solve this problem once and for all, without having to rely on clear leaves to survive."

Danielle thought for a while and then said:

"Well~~ There is indeed a way. What is her profession? If she is an artist, it will be much simpler. You can directly believe in the Moon God."

"She is a witch." Elok said with some regret.

"Then it seems that transforming into an elf is indeed the only way." Danielle thought about it and said.

She changed the subject, looked at Alok and said:

"However, as far as I know, there are very few precedents in history. Due to some historical reasons, elves are somewhat taboo about this transformation ritual."

"Why?" Alok asked with a slight frown.

"Some historical reasons." Danielle said hesitantly. She leaned close to Alok's cheek and whispered:

"Do you know a human named Prometheus?"

"Of course, human history calls him a pioneer, leading mankind to prosperity." Aylock learned this when he was still in school.

"But in the history of elves, he is a betrayer." Danielle said softly.

Alok was suddenly stunned.

Danielle continued:

"Prometheus was a human, but fell in love with the elf princess - 'Char'. After transforming into an elf, he learned a lot of knowledge from the elves. But at the end of the war between the three races in the Third Age, He betrayed the elves."

There was a moment of silence between the two, and finally Alok said: "So, can humans rise?"

"So, some elves are a little taboo about transformation rituals. But this kind of thinking may be a lot lighter now, after all, thousands of years have passed." Danielle chuckled and replied.

"Moreover, the elves of Darkmoon Forest now are very different from the elves of the past. We don't need those false and narrow racial consciousness to support our spiritual strength."

Alok failed to understand what Danielle was talking about, just like he failed to understand the true meaning of life.

But this didn't affect his understanding that Danielle meant that this matter was feasible. So he was immediately relieved. said:

"Thank you, Danielle. This is such a relief. Don't know how to convert?"

"You're welcome." Danielle tilted her head and chuckled, then said:

"To carry out the transformation ritual, you must first obtain the approval of the Queen, and then obtain the approval of the Goddess and then operate it by at least two senior priests. Complete the corresponding rituals and you're good to go."

"Actually, according to the relationship between you and your sister, it is not difficult to transform into an elf. The biggest difficulty lies in the Queen's consent."

"And since Ariel told you, then this problem is no longer a problem."

"Great. But finding two senior priests may be a problem." Alok cheered and said.

"Dark Moon Forest is the only place that has the conditions to have senior priests who know the transformation ritual." Danielle said. "If you want to go, you can contact Majik. He should have channels."

"Thank you again, Danielle. Praise life, praise the moon." Alok said quickly.

Afterwards, he exchanged some pleasantries and waited until his stomach growled before saying goodbye to Danielle and returned to the first floor.

He looked a little cheerful, with a smile on his face. And under Sebastian's surprised eyes, he quickly finished the already cold barbecue. Also enjoyed the meal.

"Boss. It seems you are very lucky." Sebas finally couldn't help but asked.

"Of course. I've been lucky lately." Alok said with a smile.

Except for the unresolved problem of anti-will, all problems now have answers and solutions.


Let's see if I can pass messages and items through the witch's pocket tonight as I thought.

If possible, this can definitely be considered a bug, allowing items to ignore space and distance and be passed directly to Il's hands.

In this way, I will have an absolute trump card to deal with counter-will, allowing me to have more information while giving El the greatest help.

For example, lend El the Book of the Prophets, or lend The Tempest of Calameh to El.

"Are we still going to move on?"

Sebas' question interrupted Alok's random thoughts. He stopped giggling and said:

"No, rest tonight. Let's wait one night. A long and high-intensity battle is not a good choice."

"Okay. Boss." Sebas nodded and replied.

"Also. You'd better not go out alone these days. It's very dangerous." Alok suddenly remembered something and reminded him.

He said with a little apology in his tone: "I'm sorry for dragging you into this muddy water."

"You don't have to do this. It's my own choice." Sebastian smiled with bright eyes.

"So, you have to be careful in the future. Even if you are an artist, you have the protection of the moon god. You have to be careful of counter-will." Alok finally warned. "I'm going to take a rest. I guess I'll be very busy these days."

He picked up the bear from Sebastian, stood up from his seat and went to the bar to ask for his room number. He went to the room alone without paying attention to Sebastian.

It was still the natural style of the Dark Night Rose, which was unique compared to the Damian style.

He hesitated for a moment, and then decided to try to contact Il again.

I wonder if Il found the note.

He took a few deep breaths and calmed down. He sat down at the desk in the room. He turned on the night light on the desk that looked like horsetail grass.

After sitting up straight, he tried to use the transformation spell that Il used yesterday again.

"The Universal Transformation Spell of the Witch Queen Ivel."

After the spell, the dark hole appeared again, and Alok extended his mental tentacles into it to sense the contents inside.

Passing through the dark hole, Alok's mental touch caught a glimpse of the brilliance.

It was a dark storage space opened up in a brilliant light. The surrounding environment was like the color of Il's astral body. And the blackness was wrapped in a gray membrane.

The membrane contained Il's personal belongings.

In addition to some sundries, in a separate corner of his pocket, Alok found the note he left last night.

Alok stretched out his right hand to take it out, and saw a big cross on it with a red pen. Marking the typo he made.

For testing!!

Not for testing.

He curled his lips and ignored Il's interest in being a teacher.

For such an important matter, he was still interested in correcting my homework, which showed that there was indeed no problem or danger.

His heart was a little excited again, but he still restrained his mood. He took a deep breath again and controlled his emotions.

There were a few things to tell Il next.

And there were two items that needed to be delivered to Il. I believe she would need them.

He quietly canceled the reappearance of yesterday. Then he prepared a few sheets of white paper from the desk. He picked up the pen and began to write a letter for Il.

"Dear Il:

Due to the tense situation, I will not exchange pleasantries here, and get straight to the point.

The first thing is the first thing, which is also what I care about most - the solution to the erosion of the astral body and the addictive solution of the clear leaves.

I got this solution from the priests and pastors of the Dusk Forest. That is to perform the human-elf transformation ceremony. This will require you to make some sacrifices.

As for the preparation and benefits of the transformation ceremony, I will explain it in detail later.

······ (300 words omitted here)

The second thing is that I hope to obtain various internal intelligence of the anti-will. This still requires your help.

The third thing is that the Dusk Forest of Damia is on Rose Street, and the Dark Night Rose Bar is the base camp of the elves. If you need it, you can come here for help. I will also stay here.

I found a fresh clear tree here, and the quality of the leaves is much better than those outside.

In addition, I also found some books in Elf language here, you can also try to learn.

The fourth thing is also quite important. This is how to use the Book of Prophet."

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