The mysterious journey begins with becoming a pirate

Chapter 434 Hospitality in the Holy Temple

After saying that, he strode towards the dock without looking back, leaving only the sailors on the deck looking at each other.

Roger walked to the deck with a calm face and watched Alok go far away. He was worried and thinking about what to do in the future.

"I have never seen Mr. Phasma like this. It's really impressive. How to describe it? Powerful and confident~~" Sebas said with some envy as he looked at Alok's back.

Roger glanced at Sebas in surprise. I don’t understand how he could tell that Elok was “strong and confident”.

Why do I only feel horror and weirdness.

"He wasn't like this before. It just changed as time went by." Roger looked at the back and said to Sebas:

He seemed to be lost in memories and continued:

"At that time, Alok was just a young boy, timid and naive. But when he met Counter-Will, everything changed."

"It's hard to imagine that when he was Level 1 or Level 2, he would dare to confront the cult and even disrupt their plans. It's simply unbelievable."

"He's already at level four now. Wouldn't that be even more terrifying?" Sebas said in surprise.

"Level 4? Has Jack been upgraded to the intermediate level?" Roger asked in shock.

"He said it himself, saying he was protecting me." Sebas confirmed.

A drop of cold sweat suddenly appeared on Roger's forehead, and he said with lingering fear:

"Oh~~, luckily I didn't resist. Otherwise it would have been a crystal now. Sebastian, you will be my brother from now on. Good brother!"

He remembered the first time he met Alok in the summer. At that time, he was still an ordinary person who didn't understand anything. I even drank and joked with him and investigated together.

And now he is already in the middle level!

Is this talent?

Or is this due to his father?

He recalled that the contract on him was still not released, and he felt despair again and said:

"What's even more terrifying is that he also has a sister."

"Miss Riel?" Sebas asked doubtfully, recalling the female elf from the Night Rose.

"No, Yvel. An evil witch." Roger's face turned gloomy.


Alok, who left the dock, did not return directly to Night Rose. Instead, he turned around, changed his clothes, and walked to another part of the slum.

The headquarters of the church.

The conversation with Roger made him remember that he also lent a very crucial item to the temple.

Although its level is not high, it is a unique magical item.

That compass.

A strange object that can use the memory of the material world to find its target through the sea of ​​spiritual power.

I have never seen any historian use this technique.

Except Richie.

Judging from the superficial knowledge of some historians that I got from him, I don’t know how far Rich has reached in his research on history.

He took out the memory light spot and checked it again. Confirmed, no problem.

To keep the memory of Roger in the material world in his mind, he also needs a compass to truly find Roger's location.

In fact, he was a little sad. It's not because Roger deceived him, but because he can no longer completely trust Roger.

So we can only use this method to add a layer of shackles to him. Only then can you feel at ease.

Who else could he completely trust now?

Il? Richie? Little bear? Sebas? Elves?

He walked on the road with emotion.

Walking through a dilapidated street, Elok opened the door of the church headquarters that blended into the slums.

When he walked inside, he had already changed into the appearance of an elf to win the trust of the elves in the Shah family.

Under astral vision, the assassins were unable to hide, and a shadow was moving quickly.

Alok moved quickly towards the door.

He did not panic and said calmly:

"I'm here to find Namusa."

Then, he took out a leaf-shaped badge from El's pocket, which was a badge representing the elf's blessing of life.

I don’t know if it will work in the church.

But it would be interesting if I, a beloved of the goddess Del Shah, died at the door of the church.

A fog suddenly enveloped him.

It is the signature skill of the third level Templar Assassin - Mist.

And Alok, who had learned this skill, was not panicked at all. He ducked and avoided the dagger coming from behind.

Before the second blow could strike, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot. The assassin who continued to attack him in silence was thrown away.

At this time.

The door opened again, and an Alok who looked exactly like before walked in.

He closed the door calmly and continued: "It seems that the hospitality of the temple is not friendly. Where is Namusa? I have something to do with her."

These calm words seemed to be a taunt, but instead attracted an even more fierce attack from the fourth-level assassin.

The shadow suddenly flashed behind Elok.

No, that's not right. A shadow suddenly appeared behind Elok, and the shadow retreated to one side.

Elok looked around, and four shadows suddenly appeared under his astral vision. Showing the trend of encirclement.

Each is preparing his own fatal blow.

"It's interesting. Your skills are pretty good." Alok gave a rare compliment.

But he didn't see any action.

A ripple suddenly appeared in the space and spread to the entire room in a short period of time.

The world seemed to have not changed at all, but there was only one shadow left.

"What else do you have? It seems that Namusa has not taught you everything." Alok said expressionlessly.

He suddenly pointed his finger to the sky and whispered softly: "The Glory of Light."

In an instant, the light illuminated the entire hall, forcing the fourth-level assassin to hide in the shadow of the building in a panic. To prevent Alok from making further moves.

But at this moment, he was not unprepared.

After escaping into the shadow, his quick reaction allowed him to flash behind Alok again and quickly swung a simple knife.

Except for the shadow on the ground, the world really did not change.

The shadow of a knife slashed at Alok's shadow.

Cutting the shadow.

But Alok was not panicked at all, and his shadow also moved by himself, waving a same knife light, colliding with the slashing shadow.

When they collided, the world seemed to pause for a moment, and then the shadows of the two knives melted, as if they had never appeared.

Alok turned his head calmly, looked at the somewhat panicked face, and smiled.

The young man suddenly threw a dagger from his armpit, crossed the air, and had a close contact with Alok's cheek.

"Oh~~ disfiguring knife technique. It's really vicious." Alok exclaimed and hurriedly retreated.

Before he finished speaking, the man started the offensive again.

A burst of mumbling attacked Alok, and a huge "octopus" suddenly appeared on the sea of ​​mental power. Countless tentacles began to spurt out from the dagger and attacked Alok frantically.

Accompanying the octopus was the raging waves. Alok had no doubt that he would feel very uncomfortable if he was hit.

He sighed helplessly.

He took the initiative to let the tentacles wrap around him, while he stood still.

At the moment when the tentacles were about to wrap around him, he immediately entered bullet time. It seemed that the world had reached a state of stillness.

A moment later, he had flashed out of the encirclement and appeared behind the waves and the tentacles. The assassin's attack was in vain.

Is a magic binder's dagger really useful to an assassin?

It seems to be quite good.

It can make up for the weak attack of the assassin's mental power.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the fourth-level assassin used the fog skill again to block Alok's "Light of Light", so that he could hide in the shadows.

Then, a scene like swords and swords appeared on the sea of ​​mental power.

Alok was quite familiar with it. This was "Tear".

Flashed again and avoided this clumsy range attack.

Skillfully took out the silver pain and fired a shot in the air.

A gust of wind suddenly appeared, not only silencing the assassin who was preparing to cast a spell, but also blowing away the fog. Let his figure appear in front of Alok again.

At the moment of seeing clearly, Alok flashed behind the assassin.

He chopped his palm hard at the back of his head.

But surprisingly, this man's physical fitness was quite good, and this palm knife did not knock him out.

Instead, it allowed him to survive the brief silence of the strong wind.

He appeared in the distance with a teleportation.

"You have good physical fitness." Alok said in surprise.

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