
There are also quite a few Uchiha clan members who look worried.

They just want to live a peaceful life honestly, and Cut off's recent words and deeds in the village have undoubtedly deepened Konoha's hostility towards Uchiha, which is exactly the same as the situation during Uchiha Madara's time.

This makes some tribesmen feel very uneasy.

This is the second time I came to my brother-in-law’s house for dinner.

On the dinner table.

Mikoto first served her brother some food and let Dan taste her cooking. Then she tried to bring Dan and Sami together by giving various hints in and out of her words.

She often asked Samyi to go shopping with her, and she liked the latter very much, and she considered him to be her future sister-in-law.

When Sam Yi heard this, he looked shy, but he didn't know if it was true or just pretending.

Dan and Fugaku looked at each other.

Until now, only two people knew that Sam Yi was a spy in Yunyin Village.



Fugaku pretended to cough twice and said to Mikoto, "Don't worry so much. Let them young people talk on their own."

Suanye said: "Sister, don't worry. I will never treat Sami badly no matter what. I even gave her a crystal necklace recently."


After hearing this, Mikoto took a closer look at the necklace around Samyi's neck, and then couldn't help but smile.

The homophone of the necklace is "fall in love". Did it turn out that Duan had already confessed his love to Samyi in this way?

It seems.

It’s not that my younger brother doesn’t understand amorous feelings, he’s actually quite romantic.


When Samyi heard Duan's words, he murmured softly and blushed.

Seeing Sam Yi's gesture, Lian Duan couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

If it's just a pretense, it's too good of a pretense.

Worthy of being a senior spy.

After meal.

"Jiang, I heard from your brother-in-law that it will take some time to renovate the police department building into a gym. In the meantime, why don't you and Samyi live in our house, okay?"

Mikoto looked at her brother expectantly.

As soon as this statement came out.

The two brothers Itachi and Sasuke on the side suddenly became extremely nervous, fearing that their uncle would agree.

What are you afraid of?

Duan glanced at his two nephews, then smiled and said to Miqin: "Of course, sister, I also want to see you every day. Oh, and these two cute little nephews."

After saying that, he patted Itachi on the shoulder.

Itachi forced a smile, feeling like he was falling into an ice cave.

"Mrs. Mikoto, I really trouble you." Samyi stood up and bowed to Mikoto.

She never imagined that one day, she, a spy, would live in the Uchiha clan leader's home openly.

"Come on, I'll show you your room."

Meiqin smiled Yingying and held Samyi's hand, becoming more and more satisfied with this "sister-in-law".

After Fugaku watched the two women leave, his face suddenly became solemn and he said to his brother-in-law: "Jian, I have something to discuss with you."

After a while.

Dan followed Fugaku to the morgue of the Uchiha clan.

"After the last clan meeting, a clan member named Uchiha Jun disappeared. It was not until a few days ago that his body was found. But the body was very strange..."

Fugaku said as he brought Dan to a corpse.

Sue looked over and saw that Jun Uchiha's body had rotted and his pair of Sharingan eyes had been dug out. But the strange thing was——

A tree grew from the corpse.

Yes, a tree.

"Someone attacked Jun Uchiha with the Wood Release ninjutsu. I heard that there is a ninja named Tenzo in the ANBU. Not only can he use the Wood Release of the First Hokage, but he is also Kakashi's subordinate."

Fugaku analyzed it in a deep voice.


He believed that on the night of the Uchiha clan meeting, the Sandaime not only sent Kakashi alone to monitor the Uchiha, but Tenzo also came.

And he also killed Jun Uchiha.

After saying that, Fugaku asked Duan again:

"Duan, when you took out those two arms during the day, you said that you had encountered enemies who could use wood escape before. When did that happen?"

He suspected that the Mudun enemy he encountered was Tianzang.

But Dan shook his head and denied: "Tenzo is not the only one who knows the Wood Release Ninjutsu, and not all Konoha Anbu are necessarily the same."

At least that's what I know.

In addition to Tenzo, there are also Mujutsu users such as Danzo, Obito, Zetsu and others.

And according to Fugaku's description.

The person most likely to kill Jun Uchiha is either Obito or Zetsu who takes orders from Obito.

Did Obito make a comeback so soon?

"Duan, you mean that there is a group of enemies who have mastered the Wood Release, hiding in the dark, and deliberately targeting our Uchiha clan?"

Fugaku sensed something bad from Duan's words.

Who could it be?

Duan thought for a while and speculated: "The other party's purpose of attacking Jun Uchiha was probably to replace him and pretend to be a member of the clan, so as to sneak into the clan and eavesdrop on the information. In this case, let's lure the snake out of the hole."

Lure a snake out of its hole?

Upon hearing this, Fugaku immediately understood what Duan meant: "You mean, hold another clan meeting to lure the other party to come?"

It just so happens that tomorrow night is the time for the Uchiha clan meeting.

"That's right, just say that there is something important to announce and everyone must attend."

He added.

As for what kind of fish we can catch, we will know tomorrow night.

Chapter 89, I can only beat them all once

Early the next morning.

Although the Uchiha Meat Modification Department has not yet been renovated and cannot provide training for the time being, this has not affected the fitness enthusiasm of the Uchiha people at all.

After the Kyuubi incident, Konoha drove Uchiha to the edge of the village in the name of reorganizing the village area.

For the Uchiha, the only benefit was that they got a training ground adjacent to the clan land as compensation.


When I woke up in the morning and went out, I found that Dao Huo and others were already waiting outside.

They invited Guan to the training ground, hoping that the director could guide everyone in outdoor fitness training.

"Okay." Duan nodded.

As long as someone wants to learn fitness from him, no matter who the person is, even if it is Danzo, Obito and others who have always wanted to kill him, he can consider it.

Because, this is a sermon to the great muscle god.

As a devout muscle believer, the purpose of opening a fitness gym from the beginning was not to make money, but to preach.

The Way of Muscles.

He hopes from the bottom of his heart that one day in the future, the world will be filled with big muscle tyrants and everyone can enjoy the fun of flesh modification.

Sue even thought that if he had the ability to use the Infinite Tsukuyomi, he would create a world without war, only muscle and bodybuilding competitions.

Isn't such an ideal much bigger than Obito's pattern?

Therefore, he readily agreed to Dao Huo and others' request.

Uchiha's training ground is a circular area with a radius of five kilometers. There is a large forest, a hill more than 100 meters high, and the Nanga River flowing through it.

The scenery is beautiful and the air is fresh.

A place like this is indeed very suitable for outdoor fitness.

The Uchiha people walked through the woods and climbed to the top of the hill, because from the top they could overlook the layout of the entire training ground and have a clear view of the surrounding scenery.

The forest is filled with morning mist.

Duan was walking at the front of the crowd, his body rising and falling, looking like he was just taking an ordinary stroll, nothing special.

But the sharp-eyed Dao Huo discovered it.

As he walked, his momentum kept changing. Sometimes he was as thick as a turtle, and sometimes he was as light as a crane.

"Have you seen it? The curator is indeed practicing even while walking. This is the highest state of fitness."

Dao Huo whispered to all the clan members.

After everyone heard this, they all nodded in agreement, and looked at the broken figure with even more admiration.

As expected of a curator.


They also subconsciously imitated Broken's walking posture, but they couldn't get the spirit, only the shape. They all seemed to be lame, which looked extremely funny.

Soon we reached the top of the mountain.

Unfortunately, the fog has not cleared.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, the morning fog is like a white curtain, covering the entire training ground. The woods and Nanga River are filled with mist, and their outlines are vaguely visible.

Nothing can be seen clearly.

"It seems that the only way to dispel the fog is to wait for the sun to come out."

Dao Huo looked at the thick fog around him, shook his head, and then asked Duan, "Director, should we wait, or should we go down the mountain first."

"No need."

Duan only said two words, and as soon as he finished speaking, the substitute "World" condensed into shape and appeared behind him.

"It's the curator's Susanoo." When Inari and others saw this, they couldn't help but get excited.

However, what does the curator want to do by sacrificing Susanoo at this time?

They got it right away.

I saw that the movements of Duan and Shi Shi were completely synchronized. They faced the mountain of clouds and mist in front of them, opened their mouths at the same time, and took a sudden breath.


All of a sudden.

The mist all over the mountains and plains seemed to be attracted by some powerful force, and like a rolling tide, it quickly gathered from all directions.

In the end, all the world was sucked into his belly.

Centered on the hill, the fog within a radius of several kilometers disappeared in an instant, leaving only a clear sky.


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