
The Immortal of Six Paths also has two sons, the eldest son Indra and the younger son Asura. They inherited his immortal eyes and immortal body respectively, and are the ancestors of today's Uchiha and Senju, right? "

Feeling that he was almost finished, he stopped.

After hearing this, Fugaku couldn't help but nod his head and said with emotion:

"Jan, your eye power is indeed far superior to mine, and it is much more detailed than the content of the stone tablet I saw. Speaking of which... do you have any thoughts on the fact that we Uchiha are descendants of the Sage of Six Paths?"

"Let nature take its course."

After saying four words, the clouds were calm and the wind was gentle.

Hearing this, Fugaku looked appreciatively and couldn't help but admire his brother-in-law even more.

To know.

After he learned about his noble bloodline, he became arrogant and arrogant due to being intoxicated with it, and even became arrogant for a time.

Unlike Duan, his state of mind can be so calm.


Fugaku glanced at the stone tablet and said, "Even the kaleidoscope can't decipher the further content. It requires an eternal kaleidoscope."

"Eternal Kaleidoscope?" Duan asked, pretending not to know.

At this time, Fugaku suddenly looked solemn and told Duan a secret:

"Yes, the Eternal Mangekyō. An eye that can only be opened by transplanting another person's Mangekyō Sharingan and merging it with one's own. The closer the blood relationship between the two, the higher the success rate."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Because when such news spreads, it will inevitably cause clan members to compete for each other's kaleidoscope, so only the clan leader has always kept this secret. The last person in our Uchiha who opened the eternal kaleidoscope was Uchiha Madara, who was transplanted by the second generation Hokage The eyes of the killed brother..."

Fugaku told the reason and a past incident about the Eternal Kaleidoscope.

"Since only the clan leader can know these things, brother-in-law, why do you want to tell me?" Duan was puzzled.

"Alas." Fugaku sighed after hearing this.

Then, he said to Duanwei:

“Now there are three pairs of kaleidoscopes in the clan, which may seem powerful, but are actually far less powerful than Madara back then.

Just like the kaleidoscope's pupil power crushes the three magatama, the eternal kaleidoscope's pupil power is also an order of magnitude higher than the kaleidoscope.

As long as you have such a pair of eyes, you can frequently use the kaleidoscope ability, and you can also summon Susanoo with a more advanced form.

Also, after Madara opened the Eternal Kaleidoscope and interpreted the subsequent content of the stone tablet, he abandoned the Uchiha clan.

It seems to be in pursuit of more powerful power.

And I think that power is the eyes of the Uchiha ancestor Six Paths Sage on top of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan——

Samsara Eye! "


Although Suan had known this information for a long time, he still showed surprise and admired Fugaku's reasoning ability.

Fugaku looked at Dan with burning eyes and warned:

"Jan, I tell you this because you have more hope than me in opening the Eternal Kaleidoscope, or even the Eye of Reincarnation. Only with such a pair of eyes can Uchiha achieve true renaissance."

These heartfelt words clearly indicate that Duan is being groomed as the next clan leader.

Chapter 62, Smashing the Monument

"Brother-in-law, you overestimate me."

Dan shook his head. Not only was he not interested in reviving Uchiha, but he didn't even turn on the kaleidoscope, let alone the eternal kaleidoscope and the samsara eye.

"Okay, I won't put pressure on you."

Fugaku thought he was being modest, so he smiled and patted his brother-in-law on the shoulder and stopped talking about it.

But then he brought up a more serious topic.

"Jan, let me ask you. If one day, we Uchiha really embark on the road of armed coup, what do you think is the chance of our clan winning?"

Fugaku had a solemn look on his face, hoping that Suan could truthfully tell his thoughts.

"At most 30%." Guan estimated.

Of course, he didn't take his own strength into account.

"You think the same thing I do."

Hearing this, Fugaku couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile.

He told Suan that even if the Uchiha clan showed great power and overthrew the top management of Konoha, defeating the Anbu, Genbu and a group of ninjas who supported the Hokage faction, it would only be considered half of the coup.

after that.

The Uchiha who had just taken over would soon face internal and external troubles.

The internal worry is that the ninjas in the village generally hate Uchiha, and Uchiha will not be recognized even if he becomes Hokage;

Due to foreign aggression, the other four major ninja villages will inevitably take the opportunity to launch a war and join forces to invade Konoha.

At that time, Uchiha will fall into a situation where everyone is the enemy.


Fugaku had always pessimistically believed that Uchiha's coup was destined to be a self-destructive act.

"Jan, you must remember. The hope of saving the Uchiha clan still lies on this stone monument left by the Sage of Six Paths, not on the coup."

Fugaku pointed to the stone tablet and had a heart-to-heart talk.

Duan's eyes flickered and he finally nodded:

"I understand, brother-in-law."

After speaking, he took the initiative to walk to the stone tablet and squat down.

Duan finally understood what I meant.

Fugaku looked pleased when he saw this scene, thinking that he wanted to take a closer look at the contents of the stone tablet.

But the next second.

Fugaku's behavior was unexpected.

I saw a cold light flash in his broken eyes, he quickly raised his fist, and without saying a word, he punched the stone tablet with a powerful and heavy punch.


There was a loud noise, and the entire secret room shook, and the dust on the ceiling and walls fell.

The airflow caused by this punch even blew out the braziers on the walls on both sides.

The secret room suddenly became dark.

"Duan, what did you do?!"

Fugaku reacted and was shocked.

He quickly relit the brazier, and then looked anxiously at the stone tablet by the light of the fire.

Only to find out.

Under Duan's punch, the stone tablet was intact, not even a crack appeared.

That's right.

The Sage of Six Paths left this stone tablet to Uchiha and wrote so many last words on it, hoping that future generations would understand his good intentions and eliminate the hatred between them.

Until we work together to achieve unity in the ninja world.

This stone tablet carries the Six Paths Immortal's ardent expectations for future generations.


In order to ensure that the stele can be passed down for thousands of years without deterioration, the Immortal of Six Paths must have applied some kind of magic to the stele body to make it as strong as steel to prevent it from being destroyed by people with ulterior motives.

Such as the break at this time.

Duan frowned.

It was just a stone tablet left by a dead man, and he didn't believe it couldn't be broken.

So, Duan clenched his fists again, and it was two fists.

"Broken, stop it!"

Fugaku shouted angrily, rushing to stop his brother-in-law.

It's already too late.

Damn it~ Varudo!

Without hesitation, he directly summoned the substitute world and activated Time Stop.

in the next five seconds.

"Wood big wood big wood big wood big wood big!"

One person and one substitute, the four fists were like a gust of wind and rain, and they fired hundreds of punches at the stone monument.

At this moment, Duan used all his strength without reservation.

Call it a day.

Time resumes its flow.


Fugaku's hands firmly grasped the two broken wrists, and he was thankful that he stopped his brother-in-law's irrational behavior in time.

But then, Fugaku heard a click.

He turned around in horror and saw that the surface of the stone tablet left by the Immortal of Six Paths was already covered with spiderweb-like cracks.


As the illusion spells on the stone tablet collapsed, the mysterious words also disappeared, and the entire stone tablet collapsed on the spot.

It turned into rubble on the ground.


Fugaku's head was buzzing and he let go of the hand holding his broken wrist.

Then, all the strength in his body seemed to be drained out of him, his eyes lost color, and he knelt on the ground with a plop.

The Uchiha clan leader stretched out his hands tremblingly, picked up a pile of rubble, and stared at it for a while before accepting the cruel fact that the stone monument had been destroyed.

"Jiang, tell me, why did you do this?"

Fugaku raised his head, his eyes filled with anger, disappointment and deep confusion.

Duan stood condescendingly, looked down at his brother-in-law, and said indifferently:

"As the leader of a clan, is it ridiculous to place the fate of the whole clan on a stone tablet that is unknown whether it is true or false?"

"This is the stone tablet left by our ancestor, the Sage of Six Paths!" Fugaku retorted angrily.

"So what."

He didn't take it seriously, and even the Sage of Six Paths didn't take it seriously. "No matter what the so-called ancestors said, it is a thing of the past. The future path of the Uchiha clan must be opened up by ourselves."

These words.

I don’t know if they are arrogant words or passionate words.

Anyway, Fugaku was shocked.

His pupils shrank sharply and his lips opened slightly. He wanted to say something, but for a moment he couldn't say a word.

"Brother-in-law, let someone build a new stone monument. From now on, in the hands of our generation, Uchiha will write a new history."

Duan dropped these words, turned around and walked away while Fugaku was still dazed.

Smash the monument.

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