The ones who came to the door were cousins ​​Sasuke and Marisa.

"Aren't you our teammate? There is a mission coming now. Didn't you receive the message?"

Sasuke crossed his arms, looked at Naruto with a frown, and said coldly.

He didn't expect that his and Marisa's teammates would be Uzumaki Naruto.

Moreover, it was appointed by my uncle.

"Huh? I, I don't know."

Naruto looked stunned. He had heard from Kakashi that the Sixth Generation was going to arrange for him to be teammates with Sasuke and Marisa, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

"The mission we just received is to rescue the villagers of Taki Ninja Village. The request for help was sent by the former Seven-Tailed Jinchurifu. Time is urgent. Do you want to go or not? Forget it if you don't go."

Marissa, who was always impatient, opened her eyes wide and urged Naruto.

"Fu? She and the Taki Ninja Village are in danger?"

Hearing the name of his former companion, Naruto couldn't help but feel his heart tighten, and then looked at Konan anxiously.

"It's really annoying."

Sasuke became impatient, and after looking at each other, the two turned and left.

Without Naruto, they could still complete their mission.

"What are you waiting for? Go quickly. Fu has paid so much for the Akatsuki organization. Don't let anything happen to her. I will always stay here waiting for you."

Konan said coldly, and after speaking, she pushed Naruto.

"Thank you, Teacher Xiaonan!"

Naruto immediately looked happy, then picked up the ninja forehead protector on the table, went out and chased after him.

Chapter 327, Trap

In the vast virgin forest, dangers are everywhere.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

The three figures formed a triangular formation and advanced at an extremely fast speed. They arrived at the border of Taki Ninja Village in less than two days.

They are a newly formed ninja team in Konoha Village, and their members are a classic combination of two men and one woman.

They are one jounin, one chuunin, and one genin.

Judging from the apparent configuration, this team does not seem to be strong, especially since the average age of the team members is only twelve years old, which is the common age for genin to graduate.

But in fact, even the elite team of Konoha Anbu was no match for these three brats.

Because, the names of the three people are Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Marisa, and Uzumaki Naruto.

The number one genius in Konoha, the daughter of the Sixth Hokage, and the former leader of the Akatsuki organization, this is a description that is more in line with the strength of the three of them.

After two consecutive days of traveling and running thousands of miles.

In the forest glade.

Sasuke and the other three stopped temporarily, resting on the spot, replenishing food and water, and recovering their strength.


Marissa took out a scroll that recorded the content of this commission, and she read it out:

"Well, let me see...

The cause of this incident was that a rebellious ninja named Shisha from Taki Ninja Village led a group of subordinates back to the village and assassinated the village leader Shibaki, hoping to steal the Heroic Water.

Although Fu led the villagers to fight back, they still couldn't drive away the opponent, and the situation became worse and worse, so she sent a request to Konoha for help.

By the way, what is this heroic water? "

Marissa scratched her head and looked at Nazu and Zuo in confusion, wondering if they had any relevant information.

"I've heard Fu say that before."

Naruto looked serious and took Marissa's words, "It is said that there is a sacred tree that has grown for thousands of years in Taki Ninja Village. It is hundreds of meters high, and its branches and leaves cover the sky. Every hundred years, the inside of the sacred tree will A kind of sacred water flows out, and the chakra of the person who drinks it will instantly increase tenfold, so it is called the hero's water by the villagers."

"Really? I want to drink!"

Marissa's eyes widened and she spoke her mind directly on the spot, not hiding her desire for the Hero's Water. After all, she also dreamed of defeating her father.

However, Sasuke immediately poured a basin of cold water on his cousin's head.

"Marissa, you may be disappointed." Sasuke's tone was calm, and his expression was even more unperturbed.

"Why?" Marissa asked, and Naruto also cast a questioning look at Sasuke.

Sasuke glanced at the two of them and said calmly:

"You should all know about the Otsutsuki clan, right? They came to Earth thousands of years ago and planted a sacred tree here, hoping to use it to absorb the natural energy of the planet. The so-called sacred tree is actually the Ten-Tails. It’s now integrated with the Sixth Hokage.”

Regarding the past events of the Otsutsuki clan, Sudan did not deliberately hide it. Instead, after the Chuunin exams ended not long ago, he told the senior officials of the major ninja villages, the Uchiha clan and Konoha to prepare them.

Powerful enemies from the distant universe may come to the ninja world at any time and destroy the planet.

If this kind of thing is said by others, people will just think that he is crazy and full of nonsense.

But if it comes from the mouth of the Sixth Hokage Uchiha Dan, the meaning is completely different.


Both the major ninja villages and the Konoha and Uchiha clans have taken precautions and secretly begun preparations for war.

I have absolutely no interest in being the savior of the ninja world.

It would be great if someone else could defeat the Otsutsuki clan from the universe without him having to take action.

Naruto and Marisa were both stunned when they heard Sasuke's words.

"Could it be said that the sacred tree in Taki Ninja Village is somehow related to the sacred tree planted by the Otsutsuki clan?"

Naruto was the first to react and guessed.

"I didn't expect you to be quite smart."

Sasuke nodded and said solemnly, "According to the information I have, the so-called sacred tree in Taki Ninja Village was most likely once a part of the sacred tree itself, such as a trunk.

As for the so-called heroic water, it is just natural energy refined by the sacred tree, and it is not very magical.

It might be able to increase the chakra of an ordinary ninja tenfold, but for the strong, the improvement would probably be quite limited. "

"I see, it makes sense."

Naruto suddenly realized and agreed.

If nothing else, if the Hero's Water can really increase a person's chakra tenfold, then after drinking it, wouldn't the amount of chakra for a person like him exceed that of Kyuubi?

Therefore, Naruto also believed that the people in Taki Ninja Village were probably exaggerated because they had little knowledge about the effectiveness of the Hero's Water.

"Damn it, you made me happy for nothing."

Marissa's face dropped and she sat back on the ground dejectedly.

However, as soon as she sat down, Sasuke called out again: "You're almost done resting. Let's move on. Taki Ninja Village is still waiting for our rescue."


The three set off again and entered the territory of Taki Ninja Village.

The geographical location of Taki Ninja Village in the ninja world is the same as that of some other small ninja villages. It is also caught between big countries such as the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth, and it is trying to survive in the cracks.

It stands to reason that such a ninja village will inevitably become a chessboard for the battle between great powers, such as Yu Ninja Village, Tang Ninja Village, etc.

But Taki Ninja Village is an exception.

This is thanks to the complex terrain within Taki-nin territory.

Here, there are rolling hills and waterfalls of different sizes all over the place, forming natural barriers to block out the countries that covet the Taki Ninja Village.

Taki Ninja Village, which had no foreign enemies, also developed very well. It was the only village with tailed beasts besides the five major ninja villages.

Moreover, the seven tails owned by Taki Ninja are not ordinary tailed beasts. Its power is among the nine tailed beasts, second only to the nine tails and eight tails.

It was even on the verge of becoming the sixth largest ninja village.

Therefore, all the major ninja villages have been scrambling to win over Taki-nin, trying to establish a good relationship with him, and Taki-nin has also taken this opportunity to make ends meet and live a happy life.


There are no external troubles, but there are internal worries.

The long-term comfortable life, coupled with the compliments from the major ninja villages, made Taki ninja's top management feel dispirited, and his ambitions in his mind also expanded rapidly.

In order to realize their dream of dominating the ninja world, they actually sent their own elite ninja Kakuto to Konoha to assassinate the then first Hokage Senju Hashirama.

The result was of course a failure.

Although Kakuzu was lucky enough to save his life and escape back to Taki-nin, he was imprisoned by the high-ranking gang and severely punished.

What happened next was known to the entire ninja world.

Kakuzu successfully escaped from prison, killed all the senior officials of Taki Ninja, and took away the treasure of the village - the secret technique of earth resentment and Yu.

If you seek death, you will die.

Since then, Taki Ninja Village has been in decline and gradually withdrew from the stage of the ninja world.

"This is it."

Sasuke and the other three walked through a dense forest and followed the rumbling sound of water until they found a huge waterfall that was a hundred meters high.

The water flows down like thunder.

Taki Ninja Village is hidden behind this waterfall.

It smells like blood.

The three of them looked at each other, walked forward seven or eight meters, and opened a bush. Sure enough, they found the corpses of several Taki-nin inside. Their death conditions were very miserable.

It seems that the situation here is worse than they imagined.

"I'll lead the way."

Naruto said this and strode towards the waterfall.

Due to the hidden location of Taki Ninja Village and the information provided by Fu, Akatsuki established a hideout here, and Naruto also used the Rinnegan to control the village chief at the time.

So he is very familiar with this place.


A group of three people followed the mountain road on the side of the waterfall and entered the cave behind the water curtain.

Da da da.

When they reached the end of the cave, a bottomless pool appeared in front of the three of them.


The three people jumped in one after another, dived down to the deepest point, and then followed an underwater channel to resurface.


When Sasuke and the three emerged from the water again, they had arrived at Taki Ninja Village.

Not far away, the hundred-meter-high sacred tree on the island in the middle of the lake was burning. Countless burnt branches fell into the water, and fire and smoke rose into the sky.

On the shore, most of the houses in Takinin Village were destroyed and burned, turning into ruins.


On the ruins, two teams of ninjas fought fiercely, with shurikens, kunai, and detonating charms flying around. The flames of the explosion were mixed with splattering blood, which was very tragic.

"I say it for the last time, hand over the Hero's Water, otherwise I will kill everyone here!"

The rebellious ninja named Shisha, with a violent expression and fierce eyes, issued an ultimatum to the Taki-nin villagers.

Opposite me, Fu, who was covered in scars, was panting, but responded with determination:

"Shisha, do you think I don't know? Even if we hand over the Hero's Water, you will still silence us. Therefore, Taki-nin will fight to the last man alive, and you will never get the Hero's Water!"

Compared with a monster like Naruto, Fu's strength has dropped significantly after losing her tailed beast.

Facing this gang of desperadoes headed by hookah, she led the Taki villagers to resist hard, but after these days, they gradually reached the end of their strength.

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