"No matter how the world changes, a guy like you probably won't change his ways, right? Tell me, what's your purpose in resurrecting me?"

"Well, the prejudices in people's hearts are indeed a huge mountain. I thought the Yondaime would be different from others and a more open-minded person."

Orochimaru sighed, and then changed the topic, "However, fortunately, the Sixth Hokage is generous and willing to pardon my past crimes, so that people like me can recover from my own mistakes and contribute my life to the bright future of Konoha." Divide your strength.”

After saying that, Orochimaru spread his palms, pointed in the direction of Dan, and bowed slightly:

"Let me introduce you, this is the current Sixth Hokage of Konoha, Lord Uchiha Dan."


When Minato heard this, he looked surprised and looked at it again.

He had actually noticed it just now. After all, with the latter's two-meter height and exaggerated body shape, he stood like a mountain, and it was difficult not to be noticed.

But Minato still never expected that the opponent would be the Sixth Hokage of Konoha.

Moreover, he clearly heard the word "Uchiha" from Orochimaru's mouth.

Uchiha actually became Hokage?

This was what surprised Minato the most.

As a former fourth generation, he was very aware of the conflicts between the Uchiha clan and the village's senior officials.

Although Minato had a good personal relationship with Fugaku, the leader of the Uchiha clan, he had been mediating between the Uchiha and the higher-ups since he took office, trying to ease the tension between the two.

However, the top management of Konoha, headed by the Sandaime and Danzo, have never let go of their fear and hatred of Uchiha.

Because suppressing the Uchiha clan was a policy that had been established since the second generation. When the fourth generation came to power, it had been implemented for decades, and there was no way to go back.

There is only one way to reach darkness.

Therefore, the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the village was almost unsolvable. At least during Namikaze Minato's lifetime, he could not find a way to solve this problem.

What happened to Konoha in the years after his death?

At this moment, although he was full of doubts in his heart, when he heard that the other party was the current Hokage of Konoha, Minato still remained polite and said to Suan doubtfully:

"Hello, Sixth Hokage."

Sutsu didn't respond, but looked at Namikaze Minato with great interest, and his arrogant look made the latter frown again.

Black Zetsu is in a hurry.

After it saw Namikaze Minato resurrected, its eyes shone, and it couldn't hold back its excitement and urged Zan:

"Lord Hokage, don't talk nonsense to him. Just use the Nine-Sealing Phantom Dragon to extract the nine tails from this guy's body!"

As soon as these words came out, Minato's expression changed, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

Is it really for Kyuubi?

He originally sealed half of the Nine-Tails in his newborn son and the other half in his own body, deliberately keeping it to prevent hostile forces from getting the complete Nine-Tails in the future and causing another catastrophe that would sweep Konoha. .


These people took great pains to revive him, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Thinking of this, Minato secretly gathered chakra, preparing to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to escape, and then find out what was going on in Konoha now.

At this moment, an unexpected situation happened.

After hearing Hei Jue's words, Duan slowly turned his head, looked down at it, and asked lightly:

"Are you... teaching me how to do something?"

Hei Jue was suddenly shocked and realized that he had overstepped his bounds. He quickly waved his hand and explained:

"No, I just..."


The backhand was a slap, a slap on Hei Jue's face, causing it to take off on the spot, spinning in the air for several weeks, and finally fell heavily to the ground.


The rabbit mask on Hei Jue's face also cracked into several halves and fell off from his face under this slap.

"Hokage-sama, I know I was wrong."

Hei Jue covered half of his swollen face, knelt at Duan's feet, and endured the humiliation and begged for mercy.

"It's you!"

Orochimaru on the side widened his eyes and was very surprised.

The ANBU next to Duan was actually Black Zetsu, which he never expected.

It turned out that he was not the only one, but even guys like Black Zetsu "abandoned the darkness and turned to the light" and became Uchiha Dan's dog.

Moreover, judging from Black Zetsu's extremely humble appearance, it kneeled even more thoroughly than Orochimaru.

For a moment, Orochimaru couldn't help but feel filled with emotion.

What's going on?

Namikaze Minato frowned even more when he saw what was happening in front of him, but he did not change his mind and decided to use Flying Thunder God to escape.

Orochimaru noticed the Yondaime's small movements and couldn't help but shook his head and persuaded him kindly:

“Give up, Minato.

In front of the omnipotent Sixth Hokage, even your Flying Thunder God Technique has nowhere to escape.

After all, the second generation resurrected before you, Senju Tobirama, the founder of Flying Thunder God, was also subdued by Dan-sama. "

"You won't know until you try it."

Minato snorted coldly and was about to activate the Flying Thunder God, but Dan's next words made him stop abruptly.

"Kakashi, take Namikaze Minato to meet his son."

Suan glanced at Minato, dropped these words, turned around and left the underground secret room.

A group of ANBU, including Orochimaru and Black Zetsu, quickly followed after they realized what was happening.

In the blink of an eye.

In the secret room, only Kakashi and Namikaze Minato were left.

"Teacher, long time no see."

Kakashi said as he took off the mask from his face.

"Kakashi, is it really you?"

Minato was surprised to see the silver-haired man in front of him. The familiar outline of his facial features gradually overlapped with that of the silver-haired boy in his memory.

Kakashi nodded and then said:

"I am now the ANBU captain of Konoha. Regarding the Sixth Generation, please don't worry. That Lord is a man who is trustworthy and reliable."

After saying that, he made a gesture of invitation and took Minato out of the underground secret room.

After the two returned to the ground.

"Kakashi, what happened to Konoha these years? Why did an Uchiha become the Hokage? Didn't the Sandaime and Danzo object to it?"

Minato couldn't help it anymore and asked.

Kakashi is the son of White Fang and a former disciple of Minato. He can be said to be the most up-and-coming Konoha ninja.

Minato still had great trust in this disciple.

"It's a long story, teacher."

Kakashi sighed, showing a look of recollection, "Where is the best place to start? By the way, let's start with the Sixth Hokage."


On the way to Uchiha Training Ground No. 3, Kakashi completely told Namikaze Minato the history of the ninja world for more than ten years.

During this process, Minato's expression became more and more surprised, and his heart was in a state of turmoil, unable to calm down.

The break between Uchiha and Konoha, the outbreak of the Fourth Ninja War, the glorious return of the Uchiha clan, the tragic end of Danzo and the Third Generation, and...

The one that just ended not long ago was a shocking battle on the moon.

Through Kakashi's description, a magnificent and thrilling historical picture emerged in Minato's mind, and he was deeply shocked.

It seems that in the more than ten years since his death, the ninja world has indeed undergone earth-shaking changes.

Among them, what concerned Minato the most was undoubtedly his son, Uzumaki Naruto.

He was thrown into an orphanage by the top management in the name of "protection" since he was a child. He was not well-fed and poorly clothed. He was also known as a demon fox and was ostracized by the whole village.

Later, he was exploited by Danzo several times, causing the Nine-Tails in his body to go berserk, and he almost lost his life.

After being abducted by the Akatsuki organization, he was bewitched by the other party and became the leader of a terrorist organization. It was not until he was defeated by the Sixth Hokage that he finally woke up and sacrificed himself to resurrect one hundred thousand dead.

In the end, he was resurrected by the Sixth Generation, and was forgiven, and became an ordinary Konoha ninja again.


Minato murmured his son's name, not daring to imagine how his child had been through these years.

And the cause of it all.

It was all because he had sealed half of the Nine-Tails in the newborn Naruto. From then on, Naruto's fate was destined to be bumpy.

Thinking of this, Minato felt guilty.

at the same time.

He also couldn't wait to see Naruto even more, and then apologize to his son in person for being an unfit father.

At this moment, the Uchiha training ground arrived.

Chapter 322, Father and Son

In the training ground.

Boom, boom.

Huge chakra fluctuations came one after another, accompanied by the violent shaking of the ground, as if a major earthquake had erupted.

"Is that... Susanoo of the Uchiha clan?"

Namikaze Minato's pupils shrank, and from a distance he saw a purple half-length Susan wreaking havoc in the training ground.

It was seen holding a chain made of a large number of magatama, swinging it vigorously, lashing the earth, leaving ravines on the ground.

Under Susanoo's fierce attack, a young man with yellow hair was dodging in confusion.


Minato trembled and muttered.

Although he had never seen Naruto grow up, he still recognized at a glance that the yellow-haired boy was his son.

"Teacher, please don't worry, they are just competing." Kakashi explained, observing the situation in the field.


Minato nodded, knowing that his son would not be in danger, but he could also see that Naruto was at a disadvantage in this sparring match.


Blindly dodging is not the answer.

Under Susanoo's continuous violent attacks, Naruto's flaw was exposed, his body lost balance, and he was hit by the magatama chain on the spot.

Although this hit couldn't kill anyone, it was enough to make Naruto lie on the ground unable to get up.


With a "bang", Naruto, who was hit by the magatama chain, turned into a ball of white smoke, turning out to be just a shadow clone.

And his true form fell from the sky quietly from behind Susanoo.

"Punch me!"

As Naruto roared, he concentrated the chakra in his body into his fist, punched out hard, and hit Susanoo's back.


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