She used her savings to open a small clinic on the island, using the medical ninjutsu she learned from Tsunade-sama to treat people's illnesses.

It turns out.

Doctors, especially medical ninjas, are the most popular and respected profession no matter where in the ninja world.

Not to mention a genius medical ninja like Xiang Rin who is extremely talented and has inherited Tsunade's medical skills.

even though.

Because she was too young and did not look like an experienced doctor, the clinic was empty at first, but——

After Xianglin successfully cured several seriously ill patients and demonstrated his superb medical skills, the news quickly spread throughout the island.

For a time, Xianglin became a hot celebrity in the Moon Country, and the number of patients who came to visit her was overwhelming.

Even the ministers of the Moon Country came to visit and invited her to enter the palace and become the prince's personal doctor.

This was something Xianglin didn't expect.

She just wants to open a small clinic, be an ordinary doctor, and live a plain and fulfilling life, instead of becoming a big celebrity like this.

What worries Xianglin the most is.

Although she used a pseudonym, she dyed her striking red hair black.

But as more and more people notice her, her identity as a traitor to Konoha and a former member of the Akatsuki organization will be exposed sooner or later.

By then, her clinic on Mikazuki Island may not be able to continue operating.

Think before and after.

Xianglin temporarily closed the clinic for a period of time due to physical illness, trying to keep a low profile and try to fade out of people's sight.

Her goal was achieved.

Because while Xiang Rin was "recuperating", the largest Chunin exam in history began in Konoha.

With the advent of television, the images of the Chunin Examination were broadcast to every corner of the Ninja world, even Mikazuki Island, which is located in a remote corner of the world.

In this era when the television entertainment industry has just developed.

The exciting showdown between talented ninjas from each village, the bustling customs of Konoha, and the gossip news inside and outside the stadium quickly formed a craze that swept the entire Mikazuki Island.

Whether it was in the streets or after dinner, everyone was discussing the news of the Chunin Exams with great interest.

Who is the strongest genin?

How prosperous is Konoha? Why is Konoha said to be the beacon of civilization in the ninja world? How can one immigrate to Konoha Village?

Compared to these.

People quickly forgot about Xianglin and her clinic.

Especially on the final day of the Chunin Examination, the twists and turns of the game, Madara and Naruto's invasion of Konoha, and the shocking battle at the end completely shocked the entire ninja world.

The sixth Hokage, Uchiha Dan, punched the moon.

This shocking scene does not need to be watched on TV. As long as you look up at the night sky that night, you can witness history with your own eyes.

The residents of Mikayuki Island were immersed in the huge shock and could not recover for a long time.

Today, Xianglin's clinic reopened.

It was still early and no patients came to the door, so Xianglin turned on the TV and switched to Konoha TV station as usual and watched the news.

As he watched, Xianglin's expression gradually turned into shock.

Because it says on TV.

With the defeat of Uzumaki Naruto, Akatsuki's One-Tailed Jinchuriki and Seven-Tailed Jinchuuriki also surrendered to Konoha. The terrorist organization that once made the entire ninja world tremble - Akatsuki, just disappeared.


As the leader of Akatsuki, Naruto woke up before his death, sacrificed himself to perform the art of reincarnation, and resurrected one hundred thousand dead in Konoha.

After that, the Sixth Hokage also showed mercy and used his god-like power to resurrect Naruto.

Not only that.

The Sixth Generation also granted Naruto and Konan the status of Konoha ninja.

At this time, a special program about Naruto was being broadcast on TV, from the birth of his heroic son, to being abused as a child by senior officials such as the Sandaime and Danzo, to being ostracized by the whole village, to going astray, and then to the prodigal son turning back...

Very touchingly produced.

It seems that under the orders of the Sixth Generation, Konoha is ready to "clear" Naruto's name.

This was something Xianglin never expected in advance.

She once worked undercover in Konoha for the benefit of the Akatsuki organization, betraying and deceiving Tsunade-sama. Even so, he was still suspected of being disloyal to the organization and expelled.

Results now.

As the leaders of Akatsuki, Naruto and Konan-sensei defected to Konoha, transformed into Konoha's ninjas, and landed directly ashore.

Xianglin opened her mouth wide, with a look of astonishment on her face.

have to say.

Fate played a big joke on her.

Konoha and Akatsuki shook hands and made peace, but Xianglin, who was once sandwiched between the two, was both a traitor to Konoha and a traitor to Akatsuki. She was abandoned by both parties at the same time, and became the biggest loser in this game.


Even if Xiang Rin is given a chance again, she can return to Konoha and become a glorious Konoha ninja like Naruto and Konan -

Xianglin will still choose to give up.

Because she had no face to see Tsunade-sama and didn't know how to face the latter.

Therefore, Xianglin realized that living on this island until her death was her destiny.

That's pretty good... right?

Just when Xianglin was feeling sad.

Boom boom.

There was a rapid knock on the door.

Without waiting for Xianglin's response, the door of the clinic was pushed open with a bang, and a paunchy minister from the Kingdom of the Moon walked in with several ninjas.

When Xianglin saw this, he couldn't help but frown, picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

"Hey, doctor, looking at your complexion, your illness must be cured, right?"

When the minister saw Xiang Lin, he looked happy, and then he didn't show any politeness and went straight to the point to express his intention.

It turns out that he was ordered by the Prince of the Moon Kingdom to invite Xiang Lin into the palace again to provide the prince with private medical services.

And offered a very high salary.

"Sir, it's not about money."

Xianglin shook her head helplessly and rejected the other party for the second time.

Yue Man, the prince of the Kingdom of the Moon, is a fat man who loves to eat, is lazy, and spends extravagantly. He thinks that he can buy everything in the world with money.

Xianglin doesn't like that guy.

She also didn't want to be the prince's personal doctor and be locked up in the palace her whole life, but wanted to help as many ordinary patients as possible.

"Tsk, tsk, there's nothing we can do about it."

The minister sighed and felt sorry for Xianglin's ignorance of current affairs. It seemed that the little girl in front of him, who was inexperienced in the world, was also a guy who refused to drink and was fined with wine.

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and several ninjas behind him stepped forward with cold faces, trying to take Xiang Lin away by force.

"I advise you not to do this, really."

Xianglin looked sincere, but when she saw the other party approaching step by step, she still raised her fist in desperation.

Ten seconds later.

Bang bang bang!

Several Moon Country ninjas flew out of the clinic one after another and hit the wall across the street heavily. After screaming, they fell into coma one after another.

"you you……"

The minister was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground and looked at the strange girl in front of him in horror.

"Go back and tell your prince not to bother me again, otherwise I won't be so polite next time."

Xianglin looked down at the minister and said coldly, appropriately showing her toughness.


Suddenly, a lightning-like figure rushed out from the side, and the sword flashed by. Xianglin covered her shoulders and took several steps back.

The person who attacked her was a Moon Country Jonin lurking in the dark.

"A bunch of nasty guys."

Xianglin stabilized her body, glanced at her blood-covered shoulder, immediately raised her other arm and took a bite on her forearm.


The Minister of the Kingdom of the Moon widened his eyes and saw with his own eyes that Xiang Lin's shoulder injury healed quickly, and the bleeding stopped quickly, leaving no scars.

Xianglin shook his injured arm and recovered as before.

Such an incredible scene not only shocked everyone present in the Kingdom of the Moon, but also amazed a long-haired man passing by.

"As expected of the Uzumaki clan, with such amazing physical recovery power, and the huge Yang Release Chakra in the body, even compared to Nagato and Naruto, it may not be much inferior."

Orochimaru's eyes flashed, as he spoke, he approached Xiang Rin.

"Who are you? Didn't you see that I am doing something? Why are you here to join in the fun?"

The minister of the Kingdom of the Moon glared at Orochimaru, and then ordered the jounin beside him to first take down this guy who was neither male nor female and acted suspiciously.


Orochimaru smiled softly and snapped his fingers, only to hear a "pop" sound.


A large python suddenly emerged from the ground, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the Minister of the Moon Country and the Jonin who were caught off guard.

"Who are you?!"

Xianglin's pupils shrank, and the nerves in his whole body were tense to the extreme.

Hearing this, Orochimaru just grinned and raised his hand, dozens of venomous snakes flew out of his sleeves and pounced directly on Xiang Rin.

Latent Shadow Snake Hands!

after an hour.

At sea, in the cabin of a merchant ship sailing away from Mikazuki Island, Orochimaru rubbed his chin with his hand and looked at the unconscious Korin in front of him.

The more he looked at this girl, the more satisfied he became.

Although that guy Kabuto was captured by Konoha, a lot of important information he had provided to Orochimaru had still come in handy.

Whirlpool incense.

Not only was he a direct disciple of Tsunade, he was also closely related to Uchiha Sasuke until he defected from Konoha after his identity as an Akatsuki organization spy was exposed.

As a member of the Uzumaki clan, Xiang Rin has a very special physique. She is born with huge chakra and amazing recovery power.

Such a person is exactly the container Orochimaru needs.

after all.

His body at this time was already overwhelmed, and he had to undergo the next reincarnation as soon as possible.

Therefore, after failing to seize Sasuke's body, Orochimaru naturally took aim at Xiang Rin's "spare tire". Using the underground intelligence network all over the ninja world, it didn't take much effort for him to find Xianglin hidden on Mikazuki Island.

Unable to get Uchiha's body, he had to use the Uzumaki clan to make do with it.

Orochimaru prepares to head to his secret lair.

After making all preparations there, he will use the immortal reincarnation to seize the body of this young and beautiful girl.

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