When Naruto heard this, he couldn't help but open his mouth wide and stammered:

"B-but, why did he resurrect me?"

Xiaonan sighed. She had been thinking about this problem for several days, but she still couldn't figure it out.

After all, with Uchiha Dan's overwhelming power, there was no need for him to negotiate with Konan, he could just steal the Heretic Golem and the Jinchuuriki.


Naruto's resurrection can only be understood as the kindness of Uchiha Dan.

Therefore, Konan said to Naruto helplessly:

"This time, we may have to sever a favor from Uchiha."

After the two talked about old times for a while.

"Naruto, where do you plan to go next?" Konan asked Naruto an important question seriously.

"I, I can't see anything, maybe I can't go anywhere." Naruto said sadly.

After losing his reincarnation eye and becoming blind, he gradually realized the huge gap.

Falling from the high clouds to the ground full of mud and water, even a person with a strong heart like Naruto still needs time to accept this cruel fact.

Konan heard Naruto's disappointment, her eyes narrowed, and she immediately held Naruto's hand with hers and said softly:

"Then let me be your eyes. No matter where we go, we will never be separated again. Naruto, come with me to leave the whirlpool of the ninja world. We are no longer ninjas."

She didn't want to lose Naruto again.

At this moment, Xiaonan completely let go.

The ideals of Akatsuki, Nagato and Yahiko finally became a thing of the past in her heart. The young man in front of her is the future she should cherish.

"Okay, Teacher Xiaonan, I listen to you."

Naruto also smiled happily, showing two rows of white and neat teeth.

However, after hesitating for a moment, he still felt——

Before leaving, he should pay a visit to Uchiha Dan and thank him in person.

Otherwise, it would be a bit rude for the two of them to leave without saying goodbye.

"That makes sense."

Xiaonan nodded without raising any objection and said, "I'll help you go."

Say it, Naruto stood up with Konan's help.

at this time.

Hokage's office.

Duan slumped on the sofa, staring at the lines on the ceiling, and absentmindedly listened to the chatter of the woman in front of him.

Oh no, it's a report.

As the Minister of Medical Affairs, Tsunade came to him today to discuss major matters of Konoha Medical Department with him, the Hokage.

System reform, funding allocation, talent training, etc., made me feel sleepy and even yawned out of boredom.


He readily agreed to Tsunade's requests without deliberately embarrassing her, or in other words, he didn't even bother to ask.

Seeing this, Tsunade held back and did not get angry at the giant baby.

She had never seen a Hokage like this.

Even her grandfather, the First Hokage Senju Hashirama, a guy who liked drinking and gambling and knew nothing about politics, was much more qualified than Jue in handling Konoha's internal government affairs.

"Aren't there still you?

With so many talented people in Konoha, why can't we manage the village well? I, the Hokage, have to personally handle everything, so what's the use of you ministers? "

I say this every time.

I glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that it was almost time to get off work, but the woman in front of me was still talking non-stop and spitting.


Duan straightened up from the sofa and asked Tsunade impatiently: "Isn't it over yet?"

Tsunade was interrupted by him, stunned for a moment, and then became angry:

"You guy, did you listen to me seriously? That's less than half of it!"

Duan frowned and said solemnly:

"Samyi must have prepared a lot of delicious food. What if the food gets cold? How about we go home to eat and continue talking at the dinner table, or you can come to my study in the evening."


Tsunade was speechless by him, her face twitched, and she was on the verge of breaking her defense.

Just when she was about to hold back and wanted to raise her fist and punch Duan in the face, the bell on the desk suddenly rang.

"What's wrong? Are you off work?" Duan asked.

After a moment of silence, the ANBU's voice came from the intercom on the table: "Hokage-sama, Uzumaki Naruto and Konan are here. They want to see you."

Hearing this, Tsunade suppressed her anger and said coldly:

"Should I avoid it?"

"No, it should be over soon. Why don't you sit down for a while and drink some water? You are such an old man. Don't be angry all the time. Be careful of getting wrinkles."

Duan reminded her kindly.

"Humph." Tsunade snorted, not bothering to pay attention to him. She walked to the water dispenser and took a glass of water. Then she leaned against the window, drinking water and looking at the scenery outside.

Boom boom.

There was a knock on the door, and then a Konoha ANBU opened the door, and Konan helped Naruto walk into the Hokage's office.

"Sixth Hokage, thank you for keeping your promise, and thank you for resurrecting me."

Naruto got straight to the point when he came up and expressed his gratitude to Suan in a sincere tone that came from the heart.

"It's just a little effort. Who can make me feel kind?"

Duan waved his hand, not forgetting to brag about himself, then looked at Naruto and the two, and asked casually, "Are you here to say goodbye? Where are you going next?"

"Well, to be honest, I haven't decided on the destination yet."

Naruto rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and said with a smile.

Although he and Mr. Konan have decided to withdraw from the ninja world, where in this huge world are there no traces of ninjas or disputes between ninjas?

It may not be so easy for the two of them to find the paradise in their hearts.

When Tsunade heard this, she couldn't help but frown and poured cold water on Naruto and Konan:

"It would be very dangerous if you leave Konoha now. Many people are watching you."

Chapter 312, Bring Xianglin back!

Uzumaki Naruto.

As the former leader of the Akatsuki organization, he had frequently opposed the five major ninja villages over the years, making many people gnash their teeth with hatred.

The total bounty hanging on his and Xiaonan's heads is probably hundreds of millions.

Now that Akatsuki has fallen apart, only Naruto and Konan are left.

Although Naruto was resurrected, he also lost the two major plug-ins, the Rinnegan Eye and the Nine-Tails, and became a blind man with limited mobility. His strength can be said to have plummeted.

Once the major ninja villages and organizations learned that Naruto was still alive, no one in Konoha would dare to touch them, but as soon as the two left the village, they would be hunted by all parties.

Till death.

By then, Naruto and Konan may be in a very bad situation.

"Tsunade-sama, thank you for your reminder, we will be careful." Naruto looked solemn and had a determined face.

He had already anticipated that the road ahead would be difficult, and he was ready to fight to the end.

"Naruto, let's go."

Xiao Nan whispered.

The people of Konoha have many eyes, and there are spies and spies from all forces lurking. Information about Naruto's resurrection will be exposed sooner or later.

So Konan planned to escape Konoha with Naruto before the news spread, so as not to be targeted and fall into the encirclement of major ninja villages.

"Okay, Teacher Xiaonan."

Naruto nodded, and then bowed to Dan again, "Hokage-sama, we take our leave."

However, just when the two were about to turn around and leave.


Suan suddenly spoke, stopped Naruto, and said slowly, "In order to resurrect this kid like you, I really wasted a lot of my chakra, oh, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's life. Now that we have reached this level. , let me give you another parting gift, so that you can regain some ability to protect yourself, so as not to be killed in the blink of an eye, and not only to drag that woman to die with you."

After saying that, Dan pointed the palm of one hand at Naruto's shocked expression.

The next second.


A strong gravitational force burst out from the palm of the hand and acted on Naruto from the air, causing him to involuntarily lift his feet off the ground and fly towards him.

All things are led by heaven.

"Uchiha Dan, what are you going to do?!"

Konan reacted and couldn't help being shocked. She thought she was going to do something bad to Naruto, so she immediately wanted to form a seal and cast a spell.

Duan just glanced at her, and Xiaonan was shocked, and her whole body was frozen in place, unable to move.

Then, Suan turned his gaze back to Naruto, and the bandage on the latter's eyes suddenly fell off, revealing a pair of dark holes.


Naruto howled in pain, feeling his eyes sting sharply and itching extremely at the same time. Something was growing in his eye sockets.

Hearing Naruto's screams, Konan was shocked and angry, and shouted at Duan: "What did you do to Naruto? Stop it!"

"Teacher Konan, I...I'm fine. The Sixth Generation is helping me."

Naruto said suddenly and slowly turned his head.

"Naruto, your eyes..." Konan looked shocked, because she suddenly saw that Naruto's eyes were no longer dark holes, but had two more blue eyeballs.

The eyes were exactly the same as his before.


Duan let go of his hand, sat back on the sofa, looked at Naruto and said, "This way, you can at least know the way by yourself, and you are no longer a useless person."

Tsunade on the side also looked incredulous.

She could reshape a blind man's eyes with just a raise of her hand. This level of medical ninjutsu far surpassed that of her so-called "medical master".

This is the power of Yin Yang Escape.

As a person involved, Naruto who regained his light was naturally the most pleasantly surprised. He looked around, blinked, and touched his own eyes with trembling hands before finally confirming——

I wasn't dreaming, or had an illusion.

His eyes returned and he became a whole person again.

After coming back to his senses, Naruto took a deep breath and bowed to Dan sincerely again:

"Thank you so much, Hokage-sama."

From the first time Zan treated Naruto to a barbecue many years ago, to this time when he resurrected Naruto and rebuilt the latter's eyes, no matter what Zan's purpose was, this kindness could not be faked.

Therefore, Naruto felt that he could not just leave and completely withdraw from the world of ninjas, otherwise he would have a troubled conscience for the rest of his life.

Before that, he had to do what he could to repay the kindness of the Sixth Hokage.

Think of this.

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