
The originally unreasonable Kumogakure side used an extremely strong attitude to accuse Konoha of killing the envoys, and even threatened to launch a war.

No one expected that Konoha would soon become intimidated.

Under the instructions of the Third Hokage, the Hyuga clan also handed over the body of Hyuga Hizashi, the clan leader's brother, in exchange for the forgiveness of Cloud Shadow Village.

When the news came back, Yunyin's morale was greatly boosted.

since then.

Yunying Village's actions were even bolder.

Soon, the Fourth Raikage personally ordered a group of spies to sneak into Konoha to gather intelligence and prepare for a full-scale war in the future.

Samui, who was a special jounin at that time, was an important member of them.

There was a reason why she was chosen and trusted by the Fourth Raikage.

Yunying Village has a high altitude, many peaks, and strong sunlight.

In such an environment, due to being exposed to strong ultraviolet rays all year round, both male and female ninjas in Cloud Shadow Village have dark skin and very conspicuous appearance features.

But Samyi has fair skin, and no one can connect her with Kumogakure's black uncles.

In addition, she has been knowledgeable, mature and intelligent since she was a child, and she is calm and careful in doing things. It can be said that her abilities are very outstanding and she is perfect for being a spy.


After Konoha negotiated peace with Kumogakure at the expense of Hyuga Hizashi, Uchiha Danzeng went to Kumokage Village and ordered a large number of fitness equipment.

The Kumogakure intelligence department noticed Sudan and found out the latter's identity. He turned out to be the brother-in-law of the Uchiha clan leader.


Samyi's main task of sneaking into Konoha this time is to collect relevant information about the Uchiha clan.


She disguised herself as a civilian, followed Duan to Konoha, and took the initiative to apply for a job, and successfully became the receptionist of a gym.

But she didn't find out until she came.

He has been separated from the Uchiha clan for a long time and has almost cut off contact with his clan members. It is difficult to obtain valuable information from him.

until today.

In a way that she couldn't understand, Sue easily defeated the genius Uchiha Itachi.

Samui glanced at Uchiha Dan.

She realized that compared to Itachi Uchiha, perhaps the man in front of her who she spent time with day and night was the one who needed her to observe more closely.


Sam Yi would never have thought that he knew her identity and thoughts clearly.

He had known for a long time that this woman was a spy.

In the original Naruto novel, Samui appeared later and had less screen time, but he was a very eye-catching character who left a deep impression on people.

After all, she was too big.

Make people unforgettable at first sight.


Samui is a spy, what does the Uchiha have to do with him?

He is definitely not a Konoha ninja and has no sense of identity or belonging to this village. Even if Konoha is destroyed, it doesn't matter to him.

Maybe they’ll even watch the fun and clap their hands.

for him.

Samyi is a woman with a low-key and calm personality, and is diligent and conscientious in her work. Not only is she a good employee, she also takes the initiative to help with laundry, cooking, and various household chores.

In order to stay with Suan, she worked very hard.

have to say.

Samyi's existence provided great convenience to Duan's daily life, allowing him to focus more on his practice.

Such a perfect tool man, where can he find a second one?

So, he pretended not to know that Sam Yi was a spy, and spent three years prostituting her for nothing.

Along the Konoha River, willow trees sway.

A stone bridge spans the Konoha River, connecting the south and north of the village.

Duan and Samyi walked onto the stone bridge, walked a few hundred meters south, turned a corner, and returned to the familiar alley.

But that's it.

There was a sudden commotion on the street behind the two of them, as if something had happened.

The next second, several sharp shouts sounded like thunder in the clear sky.

"People in front, stop!"

"The police force is arresting spies, and everyone who has nothing to do with it should get out of the way!"

"You're the one I'm talking about, and you still want to run away?"

When the word spy fell into his ears, Samyi's pupils shrank and his whole body trembled.

Has she been exposed?

Calm down and don't panic.

This moment.

Samyi forced herself to calm down, thinking quickly in her mind, when did she reveal her flaw, and how should she deal with the arrest and interrogation of the police department?

She pretended to be surprised and looked back following the sound.


She saw that among the oncoming crowd, a few passers-by who were originally inconspicuous suddenly burst into flames and rushed onto the bridge at extremely fast speeds.

Behind them, a group of Uchiha ninjas wearing Police Department uniforms saw this and immediately locked their eyes on several people and pursued them.

turn out to be.

The spy the police department wants to catch is not her.

Samyi, who discovered that it was a false alarm, breathed a sigh of relief and broke out in a cold sweat.

But it's not over yet.

Spies in enemy villages are undoubtedly quite dangerous.

But the Uchiha clan is not much better. At least in Konoha Village, they are a group of characters that people should avoid when they see them.

at this time.

The spies and Uchiha arrived one after another, immediately causing the pedestrians on the bridge to avoid them and falling into chaos. Some even jumped into the river to escape.

Uchiha Danya turned around.

He glanced at Samyi, who looked guilty, and then looked ahead, facing the chasing two sides.

On the bridge, everyone was running away, only Duan and Samyi stayed put.

Especially Duan, his stalwart body was like an airtight wall, blocking the middle of the stone bridge.


The leader of this group of spies was a bald man. Like a gust of wind, he rushed to Duan's face first.

Is this guy also a ninja from Konoha?

The bald man's sharp gaze was directed at Dan. Although the man blocking his path was not wearing Konoha's ninja uniform, his body shape showed that he was not an ordinary person.

He immediately showed murderous intent and shouted angrily:

"Get away!"

Before he finished speaking, he took out a kunai from his sleeve and stabbed it towards the broken chest.

Seeing that the two were about to face off.


The bald man's other hand suddenly flicked to the ground, and a smoke bomb exploded, instantly producing a large amount of white smoke, obscuring Duan's sight.

And take advantage of this opportunity.

The bald man decisively changed his target and attacked Samyi who was standing next to him.

Compared with the burly and unknown strength of Duan, the blond and big-breasted Samyi looked like a powerless vase at first glance, and was the most suitable to be a hostage.


Sam Yi's expression changed.

Facing the bald head that rushed towards him like a vicious dog, she subconsciously wanted to defend herself.

But in that case... her identity as a ninja will most likely be exposed, and if she is caught by the police department, she will be in danger.

Between the lightning and flint.

Samyi gritted his teeth and suppressed the urge to fight back. He stood there blankly, as if he was too frightened to move.

She would rather risk getting hurt than reveal her identity here.

Got it.

The bald man grinned when he saw this, and stepped forward, placing a sharp kunai on Samyi's neck.


Almost at the same time.


A steel-like arm, thicker than an adult man's thigh, shot out of the smoke like a python emerging from its hole, and its big hand opened like a mountain of five fingers, enveloping it.

He held the bald spy's bald head.


The bald head was shocked. He didn't expect it to be so difficult to break, so he waved the kunai with his backhand, trying to cut off the arm.

There was a clang.

When the kunai collided with the broken arm, it made the sound of gold and iron, and even sparks appeared.

How can it be? !

The bald man's eyes widened when he saw this scene.

The next second.

There was a bang.

As the veins in the arm popped out, a strong force was transmitted along the muscles to the five fingers, and the bald head under the shadow...

It exploded on the spot.

Chapter 4, Smashing Varudo

The human head exploded like a watermelon.

Samyi, who was so close, was splashed with warm "watermelon juice" before she could react, flowing down her face and shoulders.


Samyi's lips parted slightly, this time he was really stupid.

Duan frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He originally planned to stun the bald man, but he didn't mean to be so cruel. Unexpectedly, he only used three points of force to crush the opponent's head.

This is because he has insufficient actual combat experience and has killed too few people.

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