call out.

A green light flew out of his body and shot straight into the sky, heading for the distant pure land.

Then, another huge burst of red chakra flew out of his body, transformed into a huge orange fox over Konoha, and then quickly escaped.

With the death of Jinchuuriki Naruto, the Nine-Tails' chakra temporarily dissipated between heaven and earth, waiting for the next rebirth.

There is no hope.

Seeing that there was no hope of resurrection, Madara was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, and he was about to make a scene.

at this time.

Duan's eyes narrowed, and he silently appeared behind Madara, hitting the latter with a punch as fast as lightning.


In front of everyone, Madara was beaten to pieces, not even a single intact hair was left.

After a while.


A large amount of dust gathered from all around, condensing Madara's appearance again, but at this time, he had a lingering fear on his face, and he no longer dared to shout.

He seemed to have calmed down.

Jun no longer paid attention to Madara and looked at the four first generation people aside.

coming soon.

Under the gaze of Dan's reincarnation eyes, even the first generation tensed up and felt very nervous.

Suan thought for a while, looked back at Tsunade, and asked, "Do you want to reminisce with your grandfathers? We can talk about other things later."

After all, she is Marisa and Hagoromo's godmother, so she still has to give her some respect.

Tsunade was stunned for a moment when she heard this.

While she was hesitating, the first generation took the lead and said:

"No need, Tobirama and I will be released from the filthy land reincarnation soon and return to the pure land."

"What?" Tsunade was startled. She couldn't care about anything anymore and hurried forward.

The first generation made a gesture, telling Tsunade to stop with a kind face, and then explained with a smile:

"Tobirama and I were reincarnated in the dirt because Monkey was worried about the future of Konoha. Now it seems that Monkey's worries are completely unnecessary.

Konoha's first Hokage originally belonged to the Uchiha clan, but he was snatched away by me. I have always felt guilty about this.

Now I am very pleased to see that Konoha is developing so well under the governance of the Uchiha clan, and I hope that the Uchiha clan can lead Konoha to a better future.

As for the misunderstandings in the past, I hope everyone from the Sixth Hokage and Uchiha will not mind. I apologize to you here. "


The former ninja god actually bowed to Suan with a sincere look on his face.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was moved.

The first Hokage's mind and courage are admirable, especially when compared with Uchiha Madara next to him, he is simply a judge of superiority.


Duan only said two simple words, which was regarded as accepting the reconciliation of the first generation.

When the first generation heard this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then he no longer missed it. He turned to the second generation and said:

"Tobirama, let's go."

"Yes." The second generation nodded. He was actually very unwilling, but he also knew that his two brothers had nothing to do against the Uchiha clan.

Just when the two were about to form a seal and perform a spell.


Suan suddenly spoke, pointed at Madara Uchiha and said, "Take him with you too."

When Madara was pointed at by Dan, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "Uchiha Dan, do you look down on me so much?"

Only now did he realize that the bet he had proposed to Duan was completely self-indulgent.

There is absolutely no need for his surrender and effectiveness.

Whether it was Naruto or Dan, these arrogant juniors looked down on this old guy.

The first generation looked happy.

Sue's speech means that he and the Uchiha clan have decided to completely cut off from Madara. From the first generation's point of view, this is undoubtedly a good thing.


The first generation and the second generation walked up to Madara together, pressed his shoulders one on the left and the other on the right, and said one after another:

"Let's go, Madara, don't be embarrassed by staying."

"This world belongs to young people, and our era has ended long ago."

Madara lowered his head, sighed deeply, and finally accepted his fate.

Before leaving, he raised his head and said to Duan: "I have one last request. Don't waste my reincarnation eye. I hope you can find a good owner for it."

To this, the response is:

"Don't worry, everything will be put to good use."

Upon hearing this, Madara showed a relieved smile, and then formed seals with the first and second generations.

As everyone watched, the filthy bodies of the three people dissipated, and their souls turned into green light and rose into the sky, and soon disappeared into the vast sky.

Tsunade stared blankly at the night sky with a look of despair.

Dan, on the other hand, walked up to Naruto's body, squatted down, and dug out the latter's Rinnegan with his fingers.

Jian Duan put the pair of bloody eyeballs into the container, and everyone had different expressions.

These eyes symbolize unparalleled power and have a fatal temptation for everyone. If they were not present, everyone would definitely fight to get them and beat them to death.

After putting away Madara's Rinnegan, he looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and Jiraiya with a half-smile.


Being stared at by Sue, the hairs all over Jiraiya's body stood up. He tried to stay calm and said, "Then let's take our leave."

After he finished speaking, he made a gesture to Sarutobi Hiruzen, wanting to leave this place.

But the next second.

The two of them were surrounded by everyone in the Uchiha.

Fugaku, Itachi, Tetsuo, Sasuke and others all stared at Hiruzen Sarutobi coldly, with no warmth in their eyes. There was no doubt that they would take out their ninja swords and aim at Hiruzen Sarutobi's head at any time. Cut it off.

Jiraiya's expression changed, he forced a smile, and said in confusion:

"What does this mean?"

He walked forward without haste and answered his question:

"You can leave, but the Third Hokage cannot leave. As for the reason, do you really want me to explain?"

What Sarutobi Hiruzen did to the Uchiha clan must be repaid.

"I understand." Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, knowing that his end had come.

"Old man, I want to stay..." Jiraiya frowned and stood in front of everyone in Uchiha.

"This is my business, Jiraiya."

Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted Jiraiya. He looked majestic and told the latter in a commanding tone, "You should leave as soon as possible. Go as far away as possible. From now on, concentrate on being your novelist and don't interfere with it anymore." It’s a matter of the ninja world.”

He didn't want to implicate his disciples.

After Tsunade was silent for a few seconds, she also spoke to persuade: "Jiraiya, listen to the Sandaime, you go."


Jiraiya stared blankly at Tsunade, then glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen, finally gave up, turned around and left sadly.

"Kakashi, take the Four Shadows down to rest. Everyone is tired today, so have a good sleep."

Suan gave Kakashi an order, and then ordered Itachi, Tetsuo and others to escort Sarutobi Hiruzen and go to the interrogation room with him.

Half an hour later.

In the room, the lights were dim.

A table, two stools, nothing else, surrounded by cold walls.


Sarutobi Hiruzen, who had been waiting for a long time, finally heard the door open. He looked up and saw Suan walking in.

"How are you going to punish me?"

The old man asked calmly.

He is not afraid of death, nor is he afraid of Uchiha's torture, because at this age, he has already half-footed in the coffin, and his time is running out.

Chapter 304, Sarutobi Hiruzen’s Cross

From Sarutobi Hiruzen's point of view.

Instead of waiting anxiously for death to come, it is better to get rid of it as soon as possible and go down to spend time with those old friends.

Danzo, Koharu and En.

Familiar faces appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, making him smile knowingly.

"Hey, you are smiling so calmly, it seems that you are ready to die." Sue noticed Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression and saw through the other person's thoughts.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this, he looked directly at Dan with burning eyes and said in a deep voice:

"Do it, Uchiha Dan. I will have a clear conscience in this life."

"Why should I kill you?"

Duan sneered, leaned back on the chair, and tapped the table with his fingers at the same time, "The crimes you have committed cannot be solved by death. Killing you directly would be too easy for you. .”

For Tsunade's sake, Sue can let the second generation Senju Tobirama go. After all, the latter's feud with Uchiha is a matter of the past era.

But Hiruzen Sarutobi? Sorry, no one can save this old guy.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression changed, he frowned and asked, "Then... what do you want?"

Duan smiled slightly, showed his reincarnation eyes, and said calmly:

"Why don't you use my eyes to imprison your soul in the illusion world and be tortured forever. I guarantee that you will live a life worse than death and completely repent of your sins."

After saying that, his eyes flashed, and his eyes suddenly released a burst of pupil energy.

not good.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were blurred, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he had arrived in the illusion space of Zan.

Above the head, there is a blood-red sky; under the feet, there are piles of bones; in the distance, there is a river of blood flowing, emitting a pungent smell of blood.

This place is... hell.

"Congratulations, your soul is now immortal."

Duan appeared in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, opened his arms to congratulate the latter, and explained thoughtfully, "There will be no passage of time here, only you and this beautiful scenery, and... never-ending pain, just like this .”

As soon as he finished speaking, he snapped his fingers.

There was a crisp snap.

In Sarutobi Hiruzen's horrified expression, a cross appeared out of thin air behind him, and then he floated involuntarily on the spot, spreading his arms and crossing his legs, sticking closely to the cross.


As soon as Duan stretched out his hand, several huge rusty nails and a hammer appeared in his palm.

He walked up to Sarutobi Hiruzen, picked up the hammer and nails, and smashed them into the latter's palm.

boom! boom!

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