This is a spacious and bright underground hall. Its light source comes from a ring-shaped device in the center of the hall, with a huge yellow eyeball suspended above it.

This giant yellow eye is called the reincarnation eye, and it is an eye that is no less powerful than the reincarnation eye.

However, it was not awakened by someone opening his eyes, but the white eyes of many Otsutsuki people merged together. Eventually, the quantitative change caused a qualitative change, and this eye evolved.

In fact.

As a descendant of Hamura, like the Hyuga clan of Konoha, the Otsutsuki clan on the moon was actually divided into clan families and branch clans at the beginning.


The clan has always advocated peace and has no covetousness towards the ninja world, silently guarding the heretic demon statue.

However, the branch family was dissatisfied with this and maliciously misinterpreted Hamura's last wish, believing that the ancestor was deeply disappointed with the ninja world left by the Sage of Six Paths and planned to destroy the ninja world.

The relationship between the two parties is like the former moderates and radicals in the Uchiha clan.

Later, the conflict between the clan and branch families intensified.

At that time, the members of the branch family donated their Byakugan, fused into one to form the giant reincarnation eye, and used it to fire terrifying chakra energy cannons, annihilating the members of the clan who advocated peace in one fell swoop.

Since then, only the radical branch family members have remained on the moon.

Driven by ambition, they finally put the plan to destroy the ninja world on the agenda, but they didn't expect that they would be caught off guard by a sudden enemy just before the execution.

"I will use the power of this reincarnated eye to kill those three guys outside and avenge my tribe."

The clan leader stared at the Tenseigan with a stern look on his face.

Then, he turned to look at Toneri and warned the latter:

"You immediately escape from the secret passage, go to the earth, go to the Hyuga clan in Konoha to find the clansman with the purest blood, and seize the other party's Byakugan, and combine it with the Otsutsuki chakra in your body.

In this way, you can get more powerful power. "

"I understand, clan leader."

Toneri nodded. He knew that if the clan leader failed, he would be the Otsutsuki clan's last hope.

Besides, he wouldn't be able to help much if he stayed here.

Konoha, here I come.

Saying something silently in his heart, Sheren said goodbye to the clan leader and hurried away along the secret passage.

"Tsenseigan, lend me your power and let me destroy those damn intruders just like you did when you destroyed the clan!"

As the patriarch said, he put his hands into the huge yellow eyeball, and a dazzling light suddenly flooded the entire underground hall...

Chapter 300, Blast the Moon

Moon surface.

The battle between the mighty Susan and the muscular Susan has become intense.

The powerful Susanoo, jointly used by Uchiha Madara and Uzumaki Naruto, perfectly combines the chakra of the Nine-Tails with the power of the Rinnegan Eyes to form the strongest form.

Even Senju Hashirama in his heyday, driving his Bokunin Gundam, was no match for this majestic Susana.

Unfortunately, its opponent is Muscle Susan.

The Susanoo that was broken is different from all the Susanoos that have appeared in the history of Uchiha. It is more like a combination of Susanoo and his stand-in "World", which is the real...

God's power.

The muscular Susanoo, who is more than 100 meters tall, seems to be the perfect incarnation of the God of Muscles.

at some point.

"Wood big wood big wood big wood big!"

As the muscular Susanoo stepped forward, the shadows of fists all over the sky suddenly fell like a gust of wind and rain on the body of the mighty Susan, causing the Karastengu armor on the latter's body to crack inch by inch.

Kick, kick, kick.

For a time, the powerful Susan was beaten and retreated, and it seemed that he could no longer hold on.

"How can it be?!"

Both Madara and Naruto were shocked inside.

How strong is Uchiha Dan? Even if they join forces, there is nothing they can do against him?

Both of them felt despair in their hearts.

Sure enough, it still doesn’t work.

Madara's eyes were solemn and he thought to himself.

In the end, he still had to be resurrected perfectly in order to fully unleash the power of the Samsara Eye and compete with Danyi.

The current situation is just a slow death, with no hope of victory in sight.

Thinking of this, Madara couldn't help but have his own thoughts.


Suddenly, his eyes exploded and focused on Naruto, trying to manipulate the latter with genjutsu and perform the reincarnation technique.

"I knew you wouldn't be honest!"

Kyuubi has always been wary of Madara. As the strongest of the nine tailed beasts, its ability is to see through the malice in people's hearts.

Therefore, just as Madara had evil intentions, Kyuubi sensed it and informed Naruto immediately.


Without hesitation, Naruto also activated the Rinnegan and directly launched a fierce eye power confrontation with Madara.

As the two began to fight within themselves, Susana, who could no longer maintain his mighty appearance, became even more shaky.

At this time, Muscular Susano hit him with another punch.


With one punch, the mighty Susan was knocked upside down, split into two in the air, and completely disintegrated.


Naruto spat out a large mouthful of blood, unable to maintain his complete tailed beast form, and returned to his human form when he landed on the ground.

Madara on the other side is in a similar situation.

Even though he has infinite chakra as a filthy earth body, the power of the muscle Susan's punch directly penetrated the powerful Susan and acted on Madara's body.

As a result, his body almost fell apart and it took a while to get back to its original shape.

"In the end, is this the extent of it?"

Duan shook his head, not feeling very happy, but after this fight, he had a more accurate understanding of his own strength.

Then, it's almost time to end.

Boom, boom, boom.

Susan, who was as huge as a mountain of muscles, walked on the moon, walking towards Madara and Naruto step by step.

It only needs to lift its foot and step on it, and it can trample two people to death like ants.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.


As the ground shook, a huge yellow beam of light suddenly shot out from the ground and hit Muscular Susan's chest, knocking it back hundreds of meters on the spot.

Tsk tsk tsk.

By the time Muscle Susano stabilized his body, a big hole had appeared in his chest, billowing white smoke was rising, and he almost fell under the beam of light.

"Are there any masters?"

While using chakra to repair the muscle Susan, Dan scanned the past with his samsara eye, searching for traces of the enemy.

The next second, there was a dazzling light.


A huge yellow Tenseigan slowly rose from the ground and suspended in the air.

The leader of the Otsutsuki clan is located next to the Tsangsei Eye, with his long white hair flying in the wind, and he is using his own power to activate this eye.

"You killed my people and destroyed the Otsutsuki clan's castle. You deserve death. Now, let me send you on your way!"

The patriarch's expression was cold, his eyes swept over the three Duan people one by one, and he issued a death notice to them.

That eye... what is it?

Both Madara and Naruto were startled, intimidated by the clan leader's aura, and immediately chose to retreat to avoid the sharp attack.

Duan's eyes narrowed and he let out a light sigh:

"There's actually an unexpected gain."

As soon as he finished speaking, the focus of his eyes fell on Clan Chief Otsutsuki.

The next second, Dan suddenly disappeared from Muscle Susan's cockpit, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the Otsutsuki clan leader.

His reincarnation eyes met the latter's eyes directly.

The illusion is activated.


The clan leader was suddenly shocked, and without even saying a word, he was brought to the illusion space by Duan's pupil power.

Just give it away for free.

After all, this giant reincarnated eye is not his own eye after all, and he can't control it.

In Dangan's eyes, the Otsutsuki clan leader who forcibly activated his reincarnation was like a three-year-old child playing with a machete. Not only could he not hurt the enemy, but his weapon would also be taken away as a matter of course.


Clan leader Otsutsuki, who was attacked by the illusion breaking technique, fell from mid-air and fell onto the moon.

Dan, on the other hand, waved his hand and took the giant reincarnation eye in front of him into his exclusive alien space.

He planned to take it out and study it carefully when he had time.

Seeing how easily he had managed to take down the Otsutsuki clan leader, Madara's pupils shrank and he immediately began to think about retreating.

this moment.

He decided to break his previous bet and run away immediately.

Losing to Dan like this and having to obey the other's orders from now on still made Madara feel very unwilling.

after all.

From when he deliberately lost to Senju Hashirama and faked his death, to when he finally awakened his samsara eye before his death, and when he laid out the overall plan for so many years, was all the hard work he put in just a joke in the end?

This strong unwillingness made Madara a person who couldn't afford to lose.

He already knows that the ability to break is teleportation, and no matter how fast he is, he can't escape.

But there is a place that the broken teleport may not be able to reach.

That's the underground.

Thinking of this, Madara dived down without hesitation, and then used Earth Escape to sink into the ground.

Naruto, who was not far away, saw this and after reacting, he followed suit and plunged into the ground like a groundhog.

The moon is so big, and if two people hide underground at the same time, even if they can't chase them, he can only chase one of them.

In other words, Madara and Naruto each have a 50% chance of escaping.

"This guy Madara really broke his promise."

Suan muttered to himself, seemingly not surprised at all by Madara's escape.

He calmly returned to Muscle Susan's cockpit, and then controlled Muscle Susan to slowly rise into the air hundreds of meters above the ground.

Since you all fled underground, I will blow up the entire moon together.

This is the idea of ​​breaking, plain and simple.

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