When they came to their senses, they all stood up in panic and fled outside the stadium.


Ino exclaimed, went against the crowd, jumped up on the chair in the front row, and rushed in the direction of Sasuke.

Rushing towards Sasuke with her, there was another girl with pink hair, Sakura.


The first person to appear next to Sasuke was neither Ino nor Sakura, but his mother Uchiha Mikoto.

"Sasuke, are you okay?"

Mikoto carefully lifted her son up from the rubble, and felt heartbroken when she looked at the latter's pale face.

"Mother, it's me... I'm so useless." Sasuke struggled to speak, his face full of bitterness, and then he struggled and tried to stand up and return to his post.

After all, he is the referee of this game.

"Stop talking and don't move. You need to rest now." Mikoto pressed her son's shoulders. She, who had always been gentle, showed a rare display of strength.


A back figure appeared in front of the mother and son, and said calmly: "Sasuke, you have done your best, leave the rest to me."

It's Itachi.

As soon as he finished speaking, he flashed again and rushed into the field.

Tsk tsk.

As he approached Shukaku, a huge burst of orange-red chakra erupted from Itachi's body, and he eventually transformed into a god of war wearing Karasutengu armor, holding a Yata mirror and a Juken sword.

"That's... Susanoo, Lord Itachi Uchiha took action!"

On the sidelines, the host took the microphone and shouted passionately.

I have to say that he is worthy of being the ace host of Konoha TV. He still insists on his job at such a time. He is simply working with his life.

And his dedication also successfully maintained the order at the scene, causing many spectators who were running for their lives to stop and look back at the venue.

I saw.

As soon as the orange-red Susanoo appeared, he slammed into the first-tailed Shukaku, causing his body to lose balance on the spot and was forced to interrupt the launch of the Tailed Beast Tama.

"Damn it, don't disturb my pleasure!"

Shukaku was furious and changed the target of the tailed beast without hesitation. He opened his mouth and spat it out to kill the Susanoo in front of him.

However, what it doesn't expect is that.

Itachi's intention was to anger Shukaku and induce him to change the Tailed Beast Tamama's attack target.

He has an eight-tatami mirror.

This legendary spiritual weapon can defend against all attacks.


The jet-black Tailed Beast Jade struck the Yata Mirror, and the powerful impact caused Susanoo and Itachi himself to instantly slide backwards for dozens of meters. Finally, they lost their balance and fell backwards.


The moment he fell, Susana pointed the Yata Mirror in his hand at the sky and successfully bounced the tailed beast jade away.

Under everyone's gaze.

call out.

The tailed beast jade soared thousands of meters into the sky, and finally detonated over Konoha, and the bright light once again drowned everything.

"Fortunately, its tailed beast jade has not been completely formed, otherwise, even my Yata mirror might not be able to withstand it. As expected of a tailed beast, this destructive power is so terrifying that it can almost match the power of my uncle's punch. …”

Itachi murmured, showing a rare expression of lingering fear.

Whether it's his Yata Mirror, Gaara's Sand Shield, or the Hyuga clan's Kaiten, although these ninjutsu are claimed to be absolute defense, they are actually all exaggerations.

It’s just that the degree of exaggeration varies.

After all, there is no perfect Ninjutsu in this world, and every Ninjutsu has its weaknesses.

Even the Yata Mirror has an upper limit to its defense strength, and this upper limit was tested by Itachi's uncle Uchiha Dan for him.

years ago.

In a practical sparring session with his uncle, Itachi sacrificed the Yata Mirror, but was hit by a punch and it split open, along with Susanoo.


The rampaging one-tailed Shukaku in front of him was an extremely terrifying tailed beast, but its power was still far from comparable to that of his uncle.

Realizing this, Itachi felt relieved.

"Huh? He's actually not dead."

Shukaku found out that Susanoo had guarded his tailed beast jade, and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then became furious and rushed towards Susanoo like crazy.

It stretched out two huge claws, intending to tear the opponent into pieces while it fell to the ground.


Just when the Shukaku Monster screamed and was about to tear Susanoo apart, a huge golden flame suddenly rose in Susanoo's hand.

Ten Fist Sword.

Itachi's other spiritual weapon, also known as the Shukarata Sword, contains powerful sealing power in its blade.


The defenseless Shukaku was pierced through the chin by the Juken Sword on the spot, and the flame-shaped sword tip penetrated the back of its head, freezing the big tanuki in place.


As Susanoo withdrew the Juken Sword, Shukaku's soul also separated from its body, was taken away by the sword, and was permanently sealed in Zuimu's illusion world.

The next second.

Shukaku, who was as huge as a mountain, collapsed and turned into a soulless body.

On the sidelines, the stunned host came to his senses, immediately raised the microphone and shouted excitedly again:

"Win! Lord Itachi Uchiha subdued the tailed beast, the invincible Susanoo, the legendary power of God!"

Then, in just a few seconds.

Deafening cheers spread throughout the stadium.

"Itachi Uchiha-sama, you are so handsome, you are worthy of being Sasuke-sama's older brother!"

"The tailed beast was subdued easily. Sure enough, to protect the peace of Konoha and even the ninja world, only Uchiha's Sharingan can do it!"

"Long live!"


The audience cheered and praised one after another, and everyone looked extremely excited.

The scene where Susanoo sealed Ichibi Shukaku just now was also captured by the cameras in the venue.

And it was broadcast in real time to all parts of the ninja world, which opened the eyes of the viewers in front of the TV and said that they were extremely satisfied.

"Quick, give Uchiha Itachi a close-up!"

In the studio, under the director's hurried urging, all the cameras focused on Itachi, allowing this cold-looking Uchiha young man to occupy the entire screen of the TV.

Who would have thought.

This twists and turns in the chuunin competition, in the end, still let the Uchiha people steal the show.

At this time.

With the eyes of countless spectators following him, Itachi moved.

He stepped forward and walked towards Shukaku's body. The latter's huge body was rapidly shrinking, and finally returned to the jinchuriki's body.


When Itachi came to Gaara, he couldn't help but frown, because he found that the person lying on the ground had changed at some point.

He was no longer the young man with short red hair and a gourd on his back, but a strange middle-aged ninja with a skinny face and a dull expression.

This person is drooling at the corner of his mouth, dead with eyes closed, and only skin and bones are left, which are typical signs of overdrafting chakra.

He turned out to be Gaara's clone.

This scene gave Itachi a feeling of déjà vu.

He remembered.

Not long ago, in the forest of the Uchiha tribe, Uzumaki Naruto who attacked Sasuke also used this weird clone technique.

It's a coincidence.

Both times, Itachi came to save his younger brother Sasuke, and both times used the Ten Fist Sword to seal the opponent, but in the end he also let the enemy escape.


Is this another Akatsuki attack on Konoha? Will the other side stop here, or will it never give up and launch a more violent attack?

Thinking of this, Itachi's brows furrowed even more.

He did not immerse himself in the cheers and praises of the audience, but looked to the top of the stands, waiting for the big shots to make a decision.

over there.

The daimyo from various countries had already escaped from the stadium and headed for the refuge under the protection of their own guards.

The shadows from the four major ninja villages also stood up, frowning like Itachi, with either surprise or solemn expressions.

Only his uncle, the Sixth Generation Uchiha Dan, was still sitting on the chair with a faint smile on his face.

It seemed like he...had expected all of this.


Duan raised his hands, applauded and commented:

"It was really an interesting game. Both players contributed wonderful performances. The only regret is that Sasuke's performance was not satisfactory."

Interesting... show?

Hearing Duan's comment, the four figures all looked shocked.

Deidara and Gaara had made so much noise just now, and it was No. 18 and the Tailed Beast Tama, and even Konoha was almost destroyed, but in Dan's eyes, it was just a show.

"The Sixth Hokage, please order the chunin exams to be stopped immediately! Gaara must not be the only one from the Akatsuki organization who has infiltrated Konoha, and the enemy may launch a second attack at any time."

Kazekage Chiyo looked at Suan and made a serious suggestion.

The Fourth Raikage also nodded and agreed: "The Chunin Exam is no longer important. The top priority is to find those guys from the Akatsuki Organization to prevent them from continuing to do evil."

Akatsuki is a terrorist organization.

This point has become a consensus among the major ninja villages. Only by getting rid of Akatsuki, the cancer of the ninja world, will the world become more peaceful and stable.

Even Iwagakure, who once secretly hired the Akatsuki organization, had long since severed ties with Akatsuki.

Faced with the persuasion of the Kazekage and Raikage, Suan remained unhurried and did not give his immediate response. Instead, he looked at the Tsuchikage Onoki aside and asked:

"How is Deidara's situation?"


Ohnoki was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Thank you to the Sixth Hokage for your concern. Deidara broke an arm and was injured by his own No. 18. His current injury is quite serious. Fortunately, Konoha's medical ninja team saved him." Take his life."

"That's it."

After understanding the situation, Sue shook his head, "What a pity. In this case, the playoff between Deidara and Sasuke should be cancelled."


When the four shadows heard this, they were all speechless.

At this time, the Sixth Hokage was most concerned about this kind of thing.

Does he like watching games that much?

Or is it that the Hokage secretly placed a heavy bet on his nephew, Uchiha Sasuke, waiting for the game to start and then win money?

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