Senju Tobirama's mind was sharp, and as soon as he was resurrected, he noticed that his body was like cracked porcelain, and the almost endless chakra in his body.

After all, as the developer of this forbidden technique, probably no one knows the reincarnation of the dirty land better than Tobirama.

"Oh, Tobirama, haven't I warned you before?"

Senju Hashirama patted his younger brother's shoulder carelessly and said with a serious expression, "The art of earth reincarnation violates the taboos of the human world. Fooling the souls of the dead will sooner or later come back to bite you. You see, now it's true that It came true, and it also got me involved, alas.”

After speaking, the First Hokage of Konoha sighed and shook his head.

"Brother, I really never thought that one day I would become the object of reincarnation in the dirty earth."

Hearing this, Senju Tobirama sighed with emotion, and then said lightly, "Now let's see who the younger brother is who summoned you and me from the Pure Land back to the ninja world."

The words fell.


The two brothers looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and others in front of them.

Although their expressions were calm and there was no murderous intent in their eyes, under the gaze of the two Hokages, not to mention Asuma and Yuhi blushing, even Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a terrifying pressure that made people palpitate.

It seemed that if he said the wrong thing or made any dangerous move, he would be killed by the two Hokages on the spot.

Is this the oppressive power of the First and Second Generations? They are indeed the people who have gone through the bloody Warring States Period and built Konoha out of chaos.

Two super ruthless characters.

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen was hesitating about how to speak.

"Who are you? Tell me your name."

Qian Ju Tobijian crossed his arms and stared at the thin old man in front of him. He vaguely felt that the latter looked familiar, but for a moment he could not recognize him.

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen burst into tears and replied with a trembling voice:

"Second Hokage, it's me, monkey."

Monkey was the nickname Sarutobi Hiruzen used to have, but since he became Hokage, no one dared to call him that.

"Are you... a monkey?"

Senju Hashirama was a little surprised. After all, the monkey in his impression was a young guy, but now he looked old and decrepit. In other words -

"How old is it now?" Thinking of this, the first generation asked.

"This year is...Konoha's 64th year." Sarutobi Hiruzen did the math in his mind and answered quickly.

"Decades have passed in a flash." The first generation couldn't help but sigh.

The second generation frowned and looked around. Looking at this simple cave, he had a premonition that something was wrong. So he took a step forward and asked Sarutobi Hiruzen in a deep voice:

"Monkey, before I died, didn't I pass on the position of Hokage to you and entrust Konoha to you? Tell me, what is going on now?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen was speechless for a moment, and finally said with difficulty, "I'm sorry for Konoha, I'm sorry for the two adults..."

In front of the first generation and the second generation, he was like a kid who had made a mistake, with a dejected look on his face.


The first generation glanced at the second generation, telling the latter not to be so harsh to the younger generation, and then asked Sarutobi Hiruzen:

"Tell us the truth about what has happened in these years. Don't be anxious and tell us slowly."

"Yes, First-sama."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath and slowly said the words that he had reviewed countless times in his heart.

According to him.

The root of all tragedies begins with the Uchiha clan.

During the Second Generation's reign, many conflicts broke out between the village and Uchiha. After the Third Generation came to power, the conflicts between the two sides continued to accumulate, and finally reached their peak more than thirty years later.

So the Uchiha clan launched a coup, and after their attempt to seize power failed, the entire clan defected from Konoha.

Due to this coup, Konoha's power was greatly weakened, allowing the other four major ninja villages to seize the opportunity.

They quickly formed an alliance and jointly attacked Konoha, forcing the Sandaime and others to lose.

Speaking of which.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was heartbroken and expressed deep self-blame, claiming that it was his negligence that led to the tragedy of Konoha's fall.

"It's not your fault, monkey."

Shodai sighed and comforted, "The Sarutobi clan was exterminated for protecting the village. You must be very sad in your heart, my condolences."

The second generation snorted coldly and said displeasedly:

"I have long said that the Uchiha clan is Konoha's biggest hidden danger, but you just don't believe it, brother. As a result, your heart is soft and soft, which ultimately led to this disaster."

Then, without waiting for the first generation to refute, he continued to ask Sarutobi Hiruzen:

"and after?"


Sarutobi Hiruzen looked complicated as he told what happened next.

One year after the fall of Konoha, the Uchiha clan defeated the 100,000-strong ninja alliance in the mountain cemetery, and then made a comeback to recapture Konoha and became the ruler of the village.

It has been almost ten years now.


When the first generation and the second generation heard this, they looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Is the Uchiha clan so powerful that they can defeat a hundred thousand ninja coalition forces? Are their enemies just a bunch of rotten fish and shrimps?

What a joke!

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw the second shadow's surprise and spoke again, finally mentioning the man's name:

"Uchiha's strength is mainly due to one person. His name is... Uchiha Dan."


He told Jiang Duan's life and deeds from beginning to end.

From being lawless in Konoha and once taking the position of Hokage's assistant, to coveting the position of Hokage and instigating the Uchiha coup, to the Fourth Ninja War, Duan was on the battlefield, single-handedly defeated the Four Shadows, and The horrific record of killing more than 40,000 ninja allies.

After that earth-shattering battle, Uchiha Dan was known as the most powerful ninja in history. Even the first Hokage and Madara were surpassed by him.


The second generation snorted, interrupting Sarutobi Hiruzen's narration, and commented coldly, "The strongest in history? That's pretty much it. There must be a limit to bragging."

in his cognition.

In this world, there has never been one before and there will be no one in the future who can surpass his eldest brother Senju Hashirama, because he has witnessed Hashirama's world-destroying Wood Release Ninjutsu more than once.

That is not a power that mortals can possess at all, but the power of gods.

That's why Hashirama is known as the "God of Ninja".

The first generation didn't care about these false names, but looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and asked the latter seriously:

"So you are using the dirt reincarnation to resurrect us now, do you hope that Tobirama and I will help defeat the Uchiha clan and take back Konoha?"

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"First Hokage, you misunderstood.

Although I am reluctant to admit it, over the years, under the governance of the Uchiha clan, Konoha Village has developed very well. The current population has exceeded three million, and it has become an international metropolis.

I have long given up on the idea of ​​taking back Konoha. After all, as long as the villagers of Konoha live well, it doesn't really matter who becomes the Hokage. "

With his words, the pattern came out, and the first generation nodded with appreciation.

It seems that Monkey is the one who has truly inherited the will of fire. He has no ambitions for power and gain in his heart, only the peace of Konoha and the happiness of the villagers.


Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression suddenly became much more solemn, and he continued:

“However, a rumor leaked out of Konoha recently.

It is said that Uchiha Dan has awakened the Rinnegan Eye and plans to collect nine tailed beasts to make himself the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, thus...

Gain unrivaled power and immortality. "

Samsara Eye?

Hearing these three words, the first generation and the second generation were both stunned.

They were well-informed and naturally knew that the Samsara Eye was the eye of the legendary Sage of Six Paths. They did not expect that these eyes really existed and appeared on an Uchiha.

The concept of the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki made the expressions of the two Hokages become solemn.

According to Hiruzen Sarutobi's description.

The Uchiha clan claims to be the descendant of the Six Paths Sage. There is a stone tablet left by the Six Paths Sage in the family shrine. The method of awakening the Samsara Eye and the secrets of the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki are all recorded on it.

at the same time.

What Sarutobi Hiruzen said was undoubtedly an arrogant, capricious, and ruthless guy.

If the legend of the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki is true, it might not be a good thing for the ninja world if this person gets that power.

"Fortunately, the Uchiha clan has only collected six tailed beasts so far, and the remaining three are in the hands of an organization called Akatsuki. It is the Uchiha clan's mortal enemy..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen mentioned Akatsuki again and told the two Hokages, "My disciple Jiraiya is already in contact with Akatsuki and hopes to form an alliance with him. I believe good news will come back soon.

Moreover, the leader of Akatsuki is the son of the Fourth Hokage, who was also the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki of Konoha, and also possesses the Rinnegan. "

Another pair of reincarnation eyes? Or the Yondaime's son?

The first generation and the second generation looked at each other.

There is so much information contained in these words of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the content is quite astonishing.

Even the first generation and the second generation, who were accustomed to seeing the big world during their lives, were a little confused and couldn't digest it for a while.

After a while.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen's detailed explanation, the two of them had a more detailed understanding of the current structure of the ninja world, as well as the situation of Dan, Uzumaki Naruto and others.

"Two pairs of samsara eyes, one is the Uchiha God of Killing who killed tens of thousands of people with one punch, and the other is the son of prophecy in the dream of the Great Toad Sage... Brother, we guys buried in the soil may really not be able to keep up. This is the time.”

The second generation finally put away his contempt and sighed sincerely.

"It is a natural truth that future generations will surpass those before them. Only in this way can the ninja world continue to move forward."

The first generation smiled heartily and was as open-minded as ever.

Compared to Dan and Naruto, there was someone else he cared about more.

"By the way, how is the Senju clan? I also have a little granddaughter, Tsunade. How is she doing now?"

When the first generation Youyou asked, the image of a naughty little girl came to mind, and she couldn't help but smile knowingly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also smiled in agreement and replied:

"In accordance with your wishes during your lifetime, the Senju clan voluntarily gave up their surname and integrated their bloodline into the major families and civilians of Konoha, giving birth to a large number of geniuses in the village.

Tsunade was once my disciple, and later became the most outstanding doctor in the ninja world, proposing the medical ninja system...

Now, she serves as the medical minister of Konoha. She has personally trained many disciples and treated countless patients. She has a high prestige in the entire ninja world. "

Regarding Tsunade, Sarutobi Hiruzen showed great admiration and did not dare to discredit her at all - even though she supported the Uchiha clan and was very close to Tsunade.

Because Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that the two Hokages in front of him were extremely fond of Tsunade during their lifetime, and could even be said to be doting on her.

Speaking ill of Tsunade in front of them was undoubtedly extremely stupid.

"Oh? In this case, it seems that we need to go to Konoha. What do you think, Tobirama?"

The first generation became interested and looked at his younger brother, asking for his opinion with his eyes.

"Yes, seeing is believing."

The second generation nodded and said solemnly, "Uchiha, Konoha...all this can only be understood by seeing it with your own eyes. Of course, by the way, go and see that little girl Tsunade."

Chapter 270, alliance

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