Naruto had always thought that Xiang Rin's move was a good one, allowing the Akatsuki organization to grasp important developments in Konoha's top management in a timely manner.

But now, Naruto suddenly became worried——

Will that guy Xiang Rin be corrupted by Konoha's sugar-coated bullets and betray the Akatsuki organization in the future?

It seems.

I still have to take the time to see her, have a good chat with her, and get a vaccination.

Just when Naruto was deep in thought.

"Dear tourists, hello everyone, I am your tour guide - Ms. Yoshiko. It is my pleasure to serve you."

A silvery voice sounded in the business class.


Naruto looked up and saw a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a tour guide uniform with a sweet smile on her face.

Yoshiko had just graduated from the Konoha Ninja School. She was young, beautiful, and eloquent, so she was successfully admitted to the Konoha Tourism Department and started to experience at the grassroots level, becoming a tour guide.

As the train traveled and passed one landmark attraction after another, Yoshiko also told the tourists about the history and culture of Konoha.

During this time.

Naruto saw the huge statue of Uchiha Dan, the fluttering Uchiha flag, and the different Mangekyō Sharingan graffiti on the street walls.

In Konoha Village, elements of the Uchiha clan can be seen everywhere, and there are traces of Uchiha everywhere.

In the business class, Miss Yoshiko also told the tourists about the great contribution the Uchiha clan had made to Konoha.

"Legend has it that more than a thousand years ago, the common ancestor of the Uchiha and Senju clans, the Six Paths Sage, founded the Ninja Sect and turned chakra into a bond connecting people.

The original intention of the Six Paths Sage was to teach the world the correct use of the power of chakra, thereby creating a peaceful world.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

After his death, a few people provoked wars for their own selfish desires, which led to the decline of Ninjutsu, which advocated peace, and the rapid rise of Ninjutsu, which was used for killing.

That is to say, from that era, the ninja group has been burdened with sin and has gone astray.

In order to survive, he sold his own strength, accepted employment from daimyo and various countries, and became a cruel and ruthless war machine, living in endless killing until death came.

This is the tragic life of a ninja.

Until the Uchiha clan told us that this was wrong, until the great Sixth Generation Hokage Uchiha Dan-sama said that he would inherit the legacy of the Sage of Six Paths and let the world re-recognize the power of chakra!


The Uchiha clan gave up force and led Konoha to embrace peace.

Over the years, under the leadership of the Uchiha clan, the descendants of the Sage of Six Paths, Konoha has achieved great success.

We use Yang escape to strengthen the body, cure diseases and save people, use Yin escape to develop the mind and cure mental illness, use wood escape to build greening, earth escape to build bridges and pave roads, and water escape to irrigate farmland..."

Yoshiko spoke very immersedly, and it can be said that her voice was full of emotion, and she also successfully influenced the tourists in the carriage, making them listen attentively and be moved.

"Praise the Uchiha clan, praise Konoha!"

"I really regret not coming to Konoha earlier. My descendants must be born in Konoha and become a glorious Konoha villager from an early age."

"Ms. Yoshiko's speech was so wonderful. She deserves to be a top student who graduated from Konoha Ninja School."

The tourists talked a lot, applauded enthusiastically, and some even shed tears of excitement.

Only Naruto watched all this with a cold eye.

It develops by sucking the blood of the entire ninja world, and then trains people like Yoshiko to brainwash tourists and beautify the image of Uchiha and Konoha in the eyes of the world.

What a good idea.

Naruto also noticed that next to each tourist's seat, there was a beautiful brochure introducing Konoha culture.

Needless to say, the content inside is probably full of mindless boasts about the Uchiha clan.

Naruto sneered inwardly, picked up the pamphlet with a critical attitude, and flipped through it.

It was just as he expected.

After flipping through a few pages, the words Uchiha, Sixth Generation, etc. are almost inseparable. It's really disgusting.

However, just when Naruto was about to close the booklet and throw it aside.


He was suddenly stunned for a moment, with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

Because, Naruto saw a photo of a man and a woman in the brochure. The man had yellow hair, handsome and sunny, and the woman had long red hair, beautiful and generous.

It was the Yondaime Namikaze Minato, and his wife Uzumaki Kushina.

Konoha's brochure spent a lot of space introducing the Yondaime couple, affirming their great contributions to Konoha during their lifetime, and calling them Konoha's heroic couple.

And friends of the Uchiha clan.

At the same time, he also denounced the sinner of Konoha, the Third Generation Sarutobi Hiruzen, saying that in order to reset his position, he deliberately sent Anbu to block the Uchiha clan on the night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion and prohibited them from helping the Fourth Generation.

After the Yondaime's death, Sarutobi Hiruzen even more obliterated the truth and abused the Yondaime's orphan Uzumaki Naruto, turning him into a demon fox that everyone in the village shouted to beat.

As for himself, he played the role of the only good guy, showing small favors to Naruto in an attempt to achieve both mental and physical control over the latter.


Naruto was kidnapped by people from the Akatsuki organization, and his whereabouts are still unknown.

At the end of this paragraph, there is a missing person notice issued by the Uchiha clan, hoping that the hero's son can return to Konoha as soon as possible and get the happy life he deserves.

Also attached was a photo of Naruto as a child.

He was a kid of four or five years old, with messy yellow hair and big green eyes. He was wearing a T-shirt with the Uzumaki clan emblem printed on it, and he was smiling heartlessly in front of the camera.

Naruto looked at his former self in the photo and was stunned for a moment, feeling... so strange.

Is that kid with a silly smile really him?

He can't remember much about himself when he was a child now, because most of those memories are unpleasant memories.

"Do you... know Uzumaki Naruto?"

Suddenly, with the fragrance of a girl coming, Yoshiko's curious voice sounded in Naruto's ears.

Naruto looked at Yoshiko calmly and asked:

"Why do you think I would know him?"

"Uh, because you keep looking at Naruto's picture..."

Yoshiko suddenly felt embarrassed and quickly showed an apologetic smile and said, "Sorry, I asked a stupid question and disturbed you."

Naruto did not argue with Yoshiko, but looked at himself in the brochure again, and said with a self-deprecating tone:

"This guy, at first glance, looks like a pitiful guy who is bullied and has no one to care for and no one to love him."

Yoshiko also nodded, feeling sympathy for little Naruto, and echoed:

"Yes, little Naruto is really pitiful. He lost his parents just after he was born, and was treated like that by the top management of Konoha at the time. I don't know if he is still alive now or how he is doing.

Being kidnapped by a terrorist organization like Akatsuki, he must be living a miserable and painful life in some dark underground world, ugh.

Hey, why do I feel that you and Naruto look a bit alike. "

As she spoke, she stared at Naruto seriously.


The boy in front of him and the little Naruto in the brochure both have yellow hair and green eyes. At first glance, they really look like the same person.

Moreover, if Naruto was still alive, he would be almost fifteen or sixteen years old, and his age would match the young man in front of him.

Naruto heard this and said meaningfully:

"Please tell me where I can report myself. I heard that Uzumaki Naruto has a nine-tailed demon fox in his body. If I hand it over, I should be able to collect a large bounty."

"Giggle, you are so funny."

Yoshiko laughed, then pointed to the picture of little Naruto on the brochure, shook her head and said, "I'm pretty sure you're not Uzumaki Naruto, because you see, he has six nine-tails beards on his face, but you don't. "

That's because I hid them on purpose.

Naruto said in his mind.

More than eight years have passed. Compared with when he was a child, he has indeed changed a lot, not only in appearance, but also in temperament.

Today's Naruto rarely shows the lively and optimistic temperament of his childhood, but is more like Nagato, gloomy and deep.

As long as he hides the most conspicuous six-striped beard on his face, no one will recognize him even if he walks around Konoha.

After all this joking.

Naruto and Yoshiko became familiar with each other, and their relationship became closer invisibly.

Later, Yoshiko asked curiously:

"By the way, you haven't told me your name yet! Where are you from? Are you visiting Konoha?"

The young man in front of him looked like he had just arrived in Konoha. He was sitting in the most expensive business class seat, and his temperament was outstanding compared to his peers, which attracted Yoshiko inexplicably.

"My name is... Yahiko, and I am a chuunin from a small ninja village. I came to Konoha this time with the intention of participating in the selection examination of the Konoha Ninja School and entering into further studies."

Naruto remained calm and made up an identity casually.


As soon as Yoshiko heard that Naruto was going to take the selection test for the Ninja School, she said enthusiastically, "Come on, I wish you success! I just took the Jonin exam not long ago and failed, but I have gained a lot of experience." ...Don’t laugh, the experience of failure is also experience.”

"I'm not laughing."

The corners of Naruto's mouth curled up slightly.

At first he thought this girl was a bit annoying, but as we chatted, he found her to be quite interesting.

Perhaps, his nature has been suppressed for too long.

When he was a child, he was outgoing and wanted most to make friends. Unfortunately, he was ostracized and hated by everyone, and he always lived in loneliness.

The enthusiastic girl in front of him who took the initiative to strike up a conversation was like a ball of fire, melting Naruto's dusty, iceberg-like heart.

Unfortunately, happy times are always short-lived.

"The next stop is the castle tower."

As the voice announcement sounded in the carriage, Naruto's eyes narrowed and he slowly stood up.

Chapter 260, mobile phone and stone tablet

"I'm at my stop."

Naruto said something to Yoshiko, then left his seat and prepared to get off the bus early.

"Wait a minute, leave your contact information, Yahiko-kun. If you want to take the Jonin exam, you can ask me if you have anything you don't understand. After all, you are new here and are not familiar with Konoha's situation."

Yoshiko grabbed Naruto and said proactively.

"How can I leave my contact information?" Naruto hesitated.

"Of course it's a mobile phone number. Don't you have a mobile phone?"

Yoshiko blinked and asked doubtfully, then took out a palm-sized machine from her pocket and waved it in front of Naruto.


Naruto's eyes fell on the machine in Yoshiko's hand, and he saw that the upper half was a screen, and the lower half was several rows of buttons. The buttons were marked with ten numbers from 0 to 9, as well as some other symbols. .

Is this a mobile phone?

Naruto had heard from Mr. Konan that Konoha had invented a machine called a mobile phone that could allow people hundreds of kilometers away to communicate instantly. It was very magical.

It turns out that this is what mobile phones look like.

He had nothing of the sort.


"Sorry, maybe next time."

Naruto said nothing and hurriedly got out of the car and left under Yoshiko's surprised gaze.

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