"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, Tsunade-sama, she drank too much, we will take her back to rest right now."

After saying that, the two of them grabbed Tsunade tightly and carried her drunkenly out of the banquet hall.

Seeing this scene, the guests talked a lot.

"Even if Tsunade-sama is dissatisfied with the new textbooks and wants to cause trouble, she shouldn't make it at the Sixth Generation's wedding. It's too outrageous."

"Will the Rokudaime be angry? What is he going to do with Tsunade-sama?"


His broken eyes swept over all the guests.

Everyone came back to their senses, quickly shut their mouths, laughed and laughed again, pretending that nothing happened just now.

"Let's go." Duan turned around and said to the bride.

"Yes." Samyi nodded obediently, then took his broken arm and left with him.

The two came to the wedding room.

In the room, incense and candles have been lit, and soft music is playing, creating a romantic atmosphere.

Duan and Samyi looked at each other.

"Are you happy today?" Duan said as he took off Samyi's headscarf.

"Very happy."

A sweet smile bloomed on Samyi's cold face, like a melting iceberg. She nestled against the broken chest, just leaning against him quietly.

A long while.



"Let's... give Marisa a younger brother or sister, just like Itachi and Sasuke. I don't want her to be too lonely."

Samyi raised his head and discussed with Duan somewhat uneasily, worried that he would not agree.

Unexpectedly, he agreed immediately: "Okay, I will work hard."

Hearing this, Sam Yi's face suddenly blushed with happiness.

Mt. Miaomu.

In the temple, Gamamaru sat on its immortal throne, silently staring at the crystal ball in front of him, which reflected the bustling scene of Konoha.

It was not just Jiraiya who was shaken by the prophecy, but also Gamamaru himself.

Just now, it had another dream, but the future it saw in the dream was blurry.

This made Gamamaru realize that the Uchiha clan was changing the destiny of Konoha and even the entire ninja world.

"Well, maybe I'm really old."

In the temple, the sigh of the Great Toad Immortal echoed and did not dissipate for a long time.

Chapter 258, Eight Years Later

It’s the day of Duan’s wedding to Samyi.

The village of Konoha was abuzz with excitement. The villagers were celebrating this event and enjoying the holiday. Everyone seemed happy.

Only Danzo was the exception.

"Tsk, tsk, what a pitiful guy."

In a deserted alley, Kabuto leaned against the wall and looked at Danzo sleeping on the ground. The latter was ragged and dirty, like a lunatic.

Oh, I can’t say it looks like it, it’s obviously like it.

Who would have thought that the once glorious Fifth Generation Hokage would fall into such a situation one day, which is really sad.

Danzo is Kabuto's enemy.

This old guy used the most important woman in Kabuto's life, Yakushi Nonou, as a threat to force Kabuto to join the root, collect intelligence from everywhere as a spy, and work for him.

But later, Danzo deliberately arranged for Kabuto and Nonou to kill each other. After Kabuto accidentally killed Nonou, he sent Orochimaru to kill Kabuto.

Kabuto has long wanted to personally avenge Nonou, but even if Danzo died ten times, it would be difficult to vent his hatred.


After seeing what Uchiha Dan did to Danzo, Kabuto gave up on revenge.

Because he fully recognized the actions of the Sixth Hokage.

For a person like Danzo, killing him would only be an advantage. The only way is to let him live and suffer like this, suffer all the sins in the world, and then die in extreme misery.

This is what makes people happy.

Therefore, Kabuto will appear near Danzo every once in a while, admiring the latter's crazy appearance, which makes his heart satisfied and happy.

after awhile.

Kabuto felt a little bored, so he yawned and turned around to leave.

However, he had just taken a few steps when Danzo's voice came from behind him:

"Who are you? What are you doing sneaking around here? Why don't you kneel down when you see this Hokage?"

Kabuto looked back and found that Danzo was awake and looking at him with a stern look on his face.

"I've met Hokage-sama." Kabuto said with a half-smile, his tone full of ridicule and teasing.

But Danzo didn't hear it at all. Instead, he seemed to be very useful and showed a satisfied look.

Then, he frowned again and asked Kabuto:

"What happened outside? Why is it so noisy? I have been working day and night for Konoha. Can't I even have a peaceful sleep?"

"It's the Sixth Hokage's wedding." Kabuto looked at Danzo and answered truthfully.

Danzo was stunned for a moment, his brows furrowed even more, and then he angrily yelled at Kabuto: "You're talking nonsense! The Hokage of Konoha has always been me, and a new Hokage has appeared out of nowhere. What's his name?"

"Uchiha Dan," Kabuto said.

"Uchiha... break?"

Danzo read the name, a confused look appeared on his face, and murmured, "He is the Hokage, then who am I? Who am I...ah!"

He held his head in pain and let out a low growl like a beast.

This guy's mental condition is getting worse and worse, and he is completely hopeless.

Seeing this, Kabuto shook his head.

Danzo has been at the top of Konoha for decades and has mastered countless secrets. Even Lord Orochimaru once worked under Danzo as a bodyguard.

Although Danzo is Kabuto's enemy, if Lord Orochimaru orders him to secretly send Danzo out of Konoha, help him return to normal, and then fight against Konoha and the Uchiha clan together.

Kabuto will still obey orders.

But now it seems that it is impossible for Danzo to become a normal person.

Thinking of this, Kabuto ignored Danzo and strode out of the alley.

"Don't go!"

Danzo, however, rolled around, rushed forward, grabbed Kabuto, and shouted at the latter, "Tell me, who am I, who am I!"

"let me go."

Kabuto said coldly, expressionless.

However, the crazy Danzo couldn't understand Kabuto's words at all, he just kept yelling at Kabuto, and even tried to use his hands and feet.


Kabuto finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The next second.

There was a pop.

A kunai was inserted from Danzo's chest, and his back stretched out, covered in blood.

In the alley, it suddenly became quiet, and only the sound of ticking was left, as Kunai's blood continued to drip to the ground.

"I...remember, I am Shimura Danzo...the fifth Hokage of Konoha, and it was Uchiha Dan...who made me become like this."

Danzo murmured, and at the last moment before death, his cloudy eyes finally regained their clarity and remembered everything.

He was fooled by Uchiha Dan.

Played very thoroughly.

He lost everything, his reputation, power, and even his dignity as a human being, and became a laughing stock in everyone's eyes, a clown who was visited by everyone.

Thinking of this, various emotions such as unwillingness, hatred, pain, and anger appeared on Danzo's face, but in the end, they all turned into a bitter self-deprecating look.


He looked down at the kunai stuck in his chest, then looked up at the boy wearing glasses in front of him, and asked:

"Did Uchiha Dan send you to kill me? No, you, you are... Kabuto?"

"Do you still remember me, Danzo? This is for Lord Nonoyu. When you go to hell, you can repent properly."

Kabuto sneered and suddenly withdrew the kunai.

Danzo suddenly fell backwards and fell straight to the ground. He twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

Blood flowed out of Danzo's body and gradually dyed the ground beneath him red.

He died like a wild dog in this narrow, dilapidated alley, and his wide-open eyes before his death reflected the clear blue sky above the alley.

Danzo once thought that the sky was within reach, but later he discovered that everything was just his imagination.

It turned out that he had always been trapped in this alley.

"Teacher Nonoyu, I avenged you."

Kabuto glanced at Danzo's body on the ground, then looked up at the sky and murmured.

Time passes.

The black flying rabbit goes away, spring passes and autumn comes.

A day, a month, a year.

In the second year after Uchiha returned to Konoha, something happened in the ninja world.

The cause is a border territorial dispute.

After the defeat of the Rain Country, the land was originally divided between the two countries of Earth and Wind, and the Rain Ninja Village was jointly taken over by Sunagakure and Iwagakure.

But as time went by, the stronger Iwagakure gradually became dissatisfied and wanted to use various means to gradually encroach on Amegakure Village and take away part of Sunagakure's control.

Naturally, Sunagakure wouldn't do it.

A conflict quickly broke out between the two sides, killing some ninjas and triggering a local war.

The two kingdoms of Earth and Wind behind the two great ninja villages also got involved and started fighting on the borders of the Land of Rain, causing devastation to all living beings.

At the beginning of the war, the two major ninja villages were relatively restrained because they were worried that things would get serious and Konoha and the Uchiha clan might take advantage of it.

Unexpectedly, Konoha completely adhered to a permanently neutral attitude and didn't say a word from beginning to end, as if he didn't see it.

In the end, the two sides let go and had a big fight, which ended with Iwagakure's victory.

Shortly after that.

Yunying Village followed suit and sent troops to occupy some islands in the Kingdom of Water and control several important sea routes.

Kirigakure immediately protested and condemned, and at the call of the Fifth Mizukage, organized troops to launch a counterattack.

From then on, the entire ninja world never calmed down.

As Kakashi speculated, peace can never be achieved if major countries fight back and forth over conflicts over territory and other interests.

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