As the wife of the Sixth Generation, she also wanted to solve problems for her husband and the village, not just be a housewife.


After getting Duan's permission, Samyi, who had just given birth to a child, quickly threw herself into her new job.

It just so happened that the war compensation the Uchiha clan received from the Fourth Ninja War could be used as the initial start-up capital for the village's reform.

Samyi became the Minister of Finance and managed the village's income and expenditure.

As for Sue himself, as the Sixth Hokage, he should have been the busiest person in the village, but he had left all the troublesome matters to the people below him.

On the contrary, he became the most idle one.

His daily life consists of teasing his daughter, practicing fitness, and occasionally calling his nephew Sasuke over to give him some advice.

He is undoubtedly the laziest Hokage in the history of Konoha.

Time flies by like a white horse.

The black rabbit flies away, and before you know it, autumn turns to winter, the north wind blows and the snow falls. Then winter turned to spring, with bursts of spring thunder and drizzle.

Half a year passed by in a flash.

During this period, the whole village of Konoha worked hard to actively promote reforms. In just a few months, initial results were achieved, causing amazing changes inside and outside the village.

In the spring of Konoha's 56th year, along with the spring breeze came a new atmosphere in the village.

Today is an important day.

Because the Sixth Hokage wants to personally inspect various departments of Konoha to see what fruitful reforms have been achieved.

For this reason, all departments have made preparations for a long time, waiting for the sixth generation's inspection with excitement and anxiety.

A large group of people walked out of the castle tower.

Among the crowd, the leader was the Sixth Generation, and beside him were the ANBU Captain Kakashi, Finance Minister Samui, Deputy Village Chief Fugaku and others.

These high-level officials of Konoha jointly formed this inspection team, and they took the lead to the first stop amid the cheers and support——

Konoha Hospital.

"I'm sorry, Hokage-sama! The hospital temporarily sent a critical patient who is in critical condition. Tsunade-sama went into the operating room to perform the surgery herself and was unable to be separated for the time being..."

At the gate of the hospital, Anko nervously explained to Quan, worried that the Sixth Generation Eye would be unhappy.


"In that case, then you can take us around."

Duan spoke calmly, not looking angry.

Hearing this, Hongdou breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly said: "Please follow me."

When you walk into the hospital, you can see a busy scene with people coming and going.

After appropriate expansion, Konoha Hospital not only has more departments and beds, but also has a more reasonable layout. The ground is clean and tidy. Although there are many people coming and going, it is not crowded at all.

Ninjas wearing white coats with the word "medical" printed on their shoulders are constantly shuttling through the hospital to provide timely help to patients.

Anko introduced.

There are more than fifty people in total, and they are the first batch of medical ninjas that Tsunade-sama personally excavated throughout the village after becoming the medical minister, and then trained.

It is said that great teachers produce great disciples.

After nearly half a year of devil training, and under Tsunade's strict teachings, many of them have been able to master a variety of medical ninjutsu and treat patients.

Subsequently, these medical ninjas entered Konoha Hospital for internships, constantly accumulated experience in treating diseases and saving lives, and grew up rapidly in the process.

in the foreseeable future.

Starting from these fifty doctors, under the passing of the torch, the number of medical ninjas in Konoha will grow rapidly, exceeding three hundred, five hundred, or even one thousand.

in addition.

In the past six months, in addition to training disciples, Tsunade also relied on her superb medical skills to cure several seriously ill patients, causing quite a stir in the medical community.

Everyone came to the inpatient department.

"That is……"

Samyi was surprised to find that many patients had a small blue and white slug lying on their bodies. The slug also wore a small nurse's hat on its head.

Hongdou smiled and explained:

"This is to alleviate the problem of shortage of manpower in the hospital. Lady Tsunade specifically asked the Slug Immortal of the Shiggy Bone Forest for help, allowing it to split into hundreds of slug clones and enter each ward of Konoha Hospital to provide auxiliary treatment to the patients."

Everyone was suddenly enlightened when they heard this, and then they were amazed.

The Shigun Forest is as famous as Mt. Miaomu and Ryuji Cave. It is one of the three legendary holy places in the ninja world.

And Tsunade signed a psychic contract with the Slug Immortal of Shigulin Forest.

As clones of Slug Immortal, those little slugs contain abundant Yang Escape Chakra, which can help patients heal their wounds and speed up their recovery.

Konoha Hospital now has four major advantages.

The first is Tsunade's golden name. Known as a medical saint, she has created countless miracles on the operating table and is the last hope for seriously ill patients.

The second is that the quality and ability of these medical ninjas trained by Tsunade herself far exceed the average level in this industry and are worthy of trust.

The third is the unique slug nurse. They not only have powerful healing powers, but also have gentle and careful personalities, and are loved by many patients.

Finally, it is the neutral and safe environment provided by Konoha Hospital, so that patients from all over the shinobi world can receive medical treatment with peace of mind.


In just a few months, under Tsunade's management, Konoha Hospital gained a good reputation.

These days, many patients have traveled thousands of miles to Konoha from various shinobi villages and countries, hoping to get the best treatment here so that they can recover as soon as possible.

After a visit, we can conclude that the establishment of the medical department is quite successful.

Finance Minister Samui also said:

"Although the Medical Department invested a lot of money in talent training, department expansion, and research and development of medical ninjutsu in the early stage, it has quickly achieved profitability in recent times and contributed a lot of tax revenue to the village."

For a time, everyone couldn't help but admire Tsunade and praised her highly. They all agreed that Tsunade-sama had made great contributions to Konoha.


Even Duan, who never praised others, gave a rare compliment, and then waved to Hongdou, "Okay, go and do your work."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of Konoha Hospital.

Everyone came to their senses and quickly followed.

The second stop of the inspection team was the Ninja School.

As the principal, Nara Shikaku had already led others to wait at the school gate for a long time, respectfully welcoming the Sixth Generation.

Like Konoha Hospital, the Ninja School has also undergone expansion, and it is larger. It was moved directly to the edge of the village and a dedicated area was designated.

The area of ​​the Ninja School is more than ten times larger than before.

For example, a new library was built to store nearly 10,000 ninjutsu collected by the Uchiha clan from major ninja villages for teachers and students of the ninja school to read and learn.

There is also a training ground for teachers to teach ninjutsu and for students to practice in actual combat.

The teaching buildings have also been expanded to three.

In the past, ninja schools had a six-year education system, and students usually graduated from school around the age of 12 and became genin.

Now it has been changed to a twelve-year system, which includes six years of genin courses, two years of chunin courses, and four years of jounin courses, with elimination and promotion based on academic performance.

This means that outstanding students who can pass all courses and successfully graduate from the ninja school can obtain jounin qualifications at the age of 18.

In order to cultivate such excellent ninjas.

The teaching team of Ninja School has also been upgraded and adapted accordingly.

In the past, teachers in ninja schools were only responsible for teaching students cultural courses and the simplest three-kaya technique. Only a chuunin or a special jounin could do it.

But now, not only are more jounin and elite jounin joining the teaching team of Konoha, Nara Shikaku even recruits people from other villages and hires capable jounin with high salary to come to Konoha as teachers.

The purpose of cultivating so many outstanding students is to reserve talents, implement the development concept of the Sixth Generation, and develop production-oriented ninjutsu.


The Ninja School also established a scientific research department, which gathered a large number of elite ninjas to develop new ninjutsu for production and life.

Integration of production, learning and research.

This is the Konoha Ninja School Nara Shikaku is building.

Although this ninja school has just begun to take shape, it has already caused a dimensionality reduction blow to the schools in other ninja villages from all aspects.

Under the temptation of various factors such as a library of tens of thousands of ninjutsu, excellent teachers, and a superior learning environment.

The rich and powerful people in other ninja villages sent their children to study in Konoha so that their descendants would receive the best education so as not to fall behind others.

The constant flow of life in Konoha naturally brings a lot of income.


Dan still cherishes words like gold and gave an evaluation of the work of Nara Shikaku and others.

Hearing this, Lu Jiu secretly breathed a long sigh of relief, then wiped the sweat from his forehead and said in panic:

"We will continue to work hard, Hokage-sama."

At this time, everyone came to the playground of the Ninja School.

I saw a group of students running on the track. They were all sweating profusely and as tired as dogs.

"Young man, if you can't even run five hundred laps, how can you be so embarrassed to say that you want to become a ninja? Persistence is victory. Youth never gives up. Come on!"

A man wearing a green tights shouted passionate slogans to inject blood into the students.

It's Metkai.

He is now a physical education teacher at the Ninja School, responsible for teaching physical skills and training students' physical fitness.

It is worth mentioning that.

The class that Kai led was an elite class at the Ninja School. It gathered students with outstanding talents and excellent grades. The teachers in the class were all elite jounin.

Therefore, everyone saw many familiar faces among that group of students.

On the runway.

"Everyone, look, the Hokage-sama and the big shots in the village are here and are looking at us."

Inuzuka Kiba said excitedly, causing a commotion among the students.

"It is said that the principal is Shikamaru's father. They really look alike, even their hair styles are exactly the same. It's great to have an old principal. Shikamaru can graduate as a jounin casually."

Some civilian students whispered, their tone full of sourness and envy.

These words fell into Shikamaru's ears, and he just shook his head.

In the eyes of outsiders, Nara Shikaku is indeed very beautiful, but Shikamaru only feels sorry for his father, because the latter works until late at night every day and doesn't come home until late at night. It can be seen that he is under a lot of stress and has grown a lot of gray hair.

Although he is the son of the principal, Shikamaru has always kept a low profile in the school and never publicized his identity.

at this time.


A soft snort suddenly came from the front, exuding a touch of disdain and arrogance.

It's Sasuke Uchiha.

He was leading the race alone, leaving all his classmates behind, looking like he was being dragged along.

Immediately, someone looked at Sasuke's back and whispered:

"What the hell is Shikamaru? Sasuke's father is the Uchiha clan leader, and his uncle is the Sixth Hokage. These are the real top second generations."

"Sasuke is simply a reincarnated god. The starting point of his birth is the end point that many people will never reach in their lifetime."

"Oh, it would be great if my surname was Uchiha. Even if I don't have a good background like Sasuke, having a pair of Sharingan is still a dream."

The voices of the students were full of envy for Sasuke. I don't know how many of them wanted to curry favor with this big star of the ninja school and get close to him.


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