Who destroyed the Sarutobi clan, Uchiha? "

The question left Danzo speechless.

Finally, the cross section revealed the truth with sarcasm: "You, the top brass of Konoha, are fighting among themselves for power, which is the fundamental reason for the decline of this village."

When Danzo heard this, he sneered on the spot and said sarcastically:

"Don't you also want power?

Uchiha Dan, don't think that I don't know that you are just like Uchiha Madara back then. On the surface, you are arrogant, but in fact, you are extremely coveting the position of Hokage.

In order to become Hokage, you first led the Uchiha clan to launch a coup, and now you have come up with so many tricks and worked so hard, isn't it just for the name?

Just say it openly, why be so hypocritical. "

After hearing this, Duan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled:

"The position of Hokage? I really have no interest in this kind of thing. If you want to be it, just continue to be it. As long as they agree, the Uchiha clan will not have any objections."

After saying that, Suan looked at the villagers of Konoha.


Danzo was stunned for a moment, doubtful.

"I, Uchiha Dan, will never take back what I say in public. Please, no matter what you do or say next, I promise not to interrupt you."

As he spoke, Suan made a gesture of invitation, looking forward to Danzo's wonderful performance.

Danzo suddenly beamed with joy, then his eyes flashed and he faced the villagers of Konoha, ready to start his speech.

But at this moment.


Seeing that something was wrong, Kakashi immediately rushed out and scolded Danzo:

"Danzo, do you still have the nerve to speak in front of the Konoha villagers?

When you served as Hokage's assistant, you forcibly recruited geniuses from all clans in Konoha, brought them in to brainwash you, and sent people to assassinate the third Hokage;

Later, you single-handedly planned the destruction of Uchiha, killed Shisui, and repeatedly released the Nine-Tails, causing civil strife in Konoha and serious damage to the vitality, and then allowed the four major ninja villages to take advantage of the situation;

In the end, you betrayed Konoha's interests and became the agent of the four major ninja villages, enslaving Konoha's ninjas and people.

For the crimes you have committed, even if you die a hundred times a thousand times, it is not enough. You still want to continue to be the Hokage of Konoha. It is extremely ridiculous! "

This furious rebuke made Danzo's expression change again and again.

"Kakashi, you..."

He pointed his hand at Kakashi, anger bursting out of his eyes, and veins popping out on his forehead, ready to refute the opponent.

Unfortunately, Kakashi's words also represent the aspirations of countless Konoha villagers.

So as soon as his words finished, they resonated with the villagers, making them look excited and shouting in agreement with Kakashi:

"Execute Danzo!"

"Danzo is Konoha's biggest cancer, and has plagued the village for more than forty years!"

"Old guy, go to hell quickly. You have insulted the name of Hokage and the will of fire of the first Hokage!"

The angry voices of hundreds of thousands of people soared into the sky.

Kick, kick, kick.

Danzo took several steps back. The surging public opinion rushed towards him like a surging tide, making him feel suffocated.


He looked at the Konoha villagers in front of him, and his expressions changed, finally settling on pale.

Only then did Danzo finally realize that he, the Hokage, had already lost the support of the people, and no matter what he said, it would be useless.

Seeing this scene, Duan shook his head again, with a look of disappointment on his face.

It's so boring.

In this case, it's time to end this increasingly boring drama.

So he spread his right hand, put the index and middle fingers of his left hand together, placed them against the palm of his right hand, and made a gesture to signal everyone to be quiet.

Just a few seconds.

After seeing Zan's gesture, the originally excited Konoha villagers suddenly became silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Zan.

Da da da.

He stepped forward and walked towards Danzo step by step.

"You, don't come over..."

Danzo continued to retreat, his old wrinkled face full of fear.

"Danzo, it's time to wake up from your dream."

Duan Youyou said something, and a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes suddenly rotated, changing into the pattern of yin and yang tai chi fish, and released a strong pupil impact towards Danzo.

The solution to evil spirits and ghosts.

At the beginning, Danzo did not kill Danzo, but used his kaleidoscope eye technique - Tianxiegui to plant an illusion that was close to reality in the latter's mind.

In that carefully woven dream, Danzo not only became Hokage, but also fought in the north and south, conquered the east and west, and finally unified the five major ninja villages and became the co-leader of the ninja world.

Since then, Danzo has been reduced to a puppet on strings, providing wonderful performances again and again for the spectators.

Driven by both his own ambition and the evil spirits, Danzo is almost crazy and uses all means to seize the position of Hokage, and firmly believes that he is the destined one.

Until today, this dream finally ended, like a colorful bubble that had expanded to its limit and burst with a "pop".

"no no……"

Danzo's eyes widened and he murmured to himself. His inner world, which was originally as indestructible as a fortress, suddenly collapsed.

He always thought that everything he did was for Konoha, and no one could understand his forbearance and sacrifice.

He also firmly believed that he was a hero of Konoha. Even if he died, it would be a martyrdom and a noble death.

But now, he discovered that he was just a clown.

A clown who was blinded by the desire for power and manipulated by Uchiha Dan.

This moment.

A kind of pain and despair that transcended everything, like a towering mountain, suddenly descended on Danzo, completely crushing his body and mind from the inside out.

No one can withstand such an impact.

As a result, Danzo collapsed.


He threw away the crutches in his hand, his eyes were bloodshot, and suddenly he yelled madly:

"No, I am the Hokage, I am the Hokage!"

Under the gaze of hundreds of thousands of Konoha villagers, Danzo sometimes squatted down with his head in his hands, sometimes rolled on the ground, his whole face was ferocious, and he had completely lost his mind.

Fall into madness.

This is Danzo's final "curtain performance."

Itachi walked up to Danzo and looked at the crazy Danzo rolling on the ground with a look of shock on his face.

He has always been unable to understand why his uncle did not just seek revenge, but instead repeatedly indulged Danzo.

Now he understands.

A hypocritical guy like Danzo deceives himself and others all his life under the guise of "everything is for Konoha". He is a self-proclaimed righteous villain.

For such a person, just destroying him physically is not revenge at all, but will fulfill his status as a "martyr".

The best way to get revenge is to kill Danzo like his uncle and make the latter's belief collapse and become a madman.

Danzo had committed evil throughout his life and finally received the punishment he deserved.

"Uncle, what should we do with Danzo next?" Itachi asked.

"Seal his chakra and let him fend for himself." Suan glanced at Danzo and said casually, having lost interest in this guy.

Itachi nodded and walked up to Danzo, who was squatting on the ground, mumbling to himself.

"Kid, who are you? If you don't kneel down when you see me, I am the Hokage!"

Danzo raised his head, glared at Itachi, and scolded.

Itachi's face was expressionless, the Mangekyō Sharingan suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he released Tsukuyomi on Danzo, bringing him into the illusion space.

There, Itachi tortured Danzo for dozens of hours to confirm that the other party was not pretending, but was really crazy.

Dozens of hours in the illusion world are just a moment in the real world.

After the monthly reading is over.


Danzo fell to the ground, fell into coma, and his face was extremely pale.

Then, Itachi performed a sealing technique on the spot, sealing Danzo's meridians and acupuncture points, turning him completely into an ordinary person.

From this day on.

There is a crazy old man in Konoha Village.

He always talks to everyone when he meets him, saying that he is the fifth Hokage of Konoha and wants to unify the ninja world and become a legend comparable to the Sage of Six Paths.

He lived in no fixed place, competed with wild dogs for food, and lived in a muddle-headed state all day long, heading towards death step by step in misery.

No one sympathized with him.

Because of this madman, he brought extremely heavy disasters to Konoha. Tens of thousands of Konoha ninjas and villagers died directly or indirectly because of him.

People can never forgive him.

Chapter 248: The whole village begged him to become Hokage

With Danzo's mental breakdown, the trial ended successfully.

With the fifth generation gone, the next top priority is naturally to select the sixth generation.

Konoha cannot live without Naruto.

As for the candidate for the Sixth Generation, needless to say, it is naturally the one that everyone expects - Uchiha Dan.

The problem is, Sutsu said he has no interest in becoming Hokage.

At this time.

Kakashi spoke up again, knelt down on one knee in front of everyone, and made a request to Quan:

"Lord Dan, please become the Sixth Hokage and rule Konoha!"

The last time Kakashi made a request to Zan, he hoped that the latter would save Konoha.

But Kakashi now knows that Suan not only has no interest in saving Konoha or recovering the village, but he also hates it.

Because Dan doesn't have the obligation or responsibility to "save Konoha".

Why do you want me to save you people? Are you worthy?

After realizing this.

Kakashi did not use the word "rescue" this time, but replaced it with "domination".

He asked to stop ruling Konoha, even if he treats the people of Konoha as slaves, the life of the villagers will be much better than before.

Moreover, judging from the iron-blooded tactics of constantly holding trial meetings and publicly executing criminals from the four major ninja villages, he made the villagers of Konoha angry.

Maybe he will become a great Hokage.

Kakashi just finished speaking.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.

All the clan leaders and Jonin of Konoha also rushed to the square, and all imitated Kakashi and bowed their heads to Danknee.

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