Iron Fire brings this list.

It was filled with the names of Iwagakure ninjas, and there were more than a hundred people crowded together.

Among them were many jounin, as well as important figures from various departments in Iwagakure.

"What does this mean?"

Wen Ya looked ugly and asked through gritted teeth. He had already guessed something in his mind.


"As the ambassador of Iwagakure Village to Konoha, you should know what they did."

Tie Huo glanced at Wen Ya expressionlessly.

Of course Wen Ya knew it.

These people on the list are all Iwagakure who committed crimes in Konoha Village this year, but under the protection of Iwagakure, they did not receive any punishment.

Until now, Uchiha took action.

"However, according to the treaty signed between Iwagakure and Konoha, our people enjoy extraterritorial rights in Konoha..."

Wen Ya said in a deep voice, trying to fight and not give in.

Hearing this, Tie Huo sneered:

"Danzo, who signed the treaty with you, has been ousted from power and is currently being held in the ANBU prison in Konoha, waiting to be judged.

I heard you correctly, you are now asking us, the Uchiha clan, to continue to abide by those bullshit agreements reached by Danzo and the four great ninja villages, right? "

As soon as this statement came out, Wen Ya suddenly broke out in cold sweat and hurriedly denied:

"That was not what I meant……"

At this time, Qian Xiuzi on the side became a little impatient. A kaleidoscope pattern of a six-leaf windmill suddenly appeared in her eyes, and she complained to Tiehuo:

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Just do it."

As soon as she finished speaking, she pulled out the ninja sword from her waist with a clang, and rushed into the Iwagakure barracks to arrest people.


When Wenya saw this scene, he finally gave up completely, because he knew in his heart that Uchiha people never bluffed, and would do whatever they said.

Once things get too big, it won't do any good to Iwagakure.

As for why Uchiha wanted to arrest these people, it is not difficult to guess. They just wanted to establish prestige in front of the people of Konoha by punishing the criminal ninjas of Iwagakure.

Think before and after.

In order to preserve the overall situation, Wen Ya had to compromise and asked the two of them in a low voice:

"Please give me a moment, two, and I'll find the people on the list right away."

Ten minutes later.

More than a hundred rock ninjas appeared in front of the Iron Fire duo.

These people had obviously learned about the situation from Wen Ya's mouth, and many of them looked guilty and scared.

Because they know that what awaits them next is likely to be jail time.


The crimes most of them committed were not serious. Even if they went to jail, they would only be released after a few months at most.

With such self-comfort, these people followed the Tiehuo duo and left the Iwagakure barracks.


After finally seeing off these two murderous gods, Wen Ya let out a long sigh of relief. Unknowingly, the clothes on his back were completely wet with cold sweat.

He came to his senses and immediately ordered the remaining Iwa nin to take their luggage and set off to escape Konoha.

As for the more than a hundred rock ninjas who were taken away, Wenya could only wish them good luck in his heart.

Those people have been abandoned by Iwagakure.

Not only Iwagakure, the same scene also played out in the military camps of Sunagakure, Kumogakure and Kirigakure villages.

Under Dan's order, the Uchiha clan demanded that all major ninja villages hand over all those who had committed crimes in Konoha, no less.

No one dares to disobey Uchiha's will.

In the end, the four major ninja villages handed over more than 400 criminal ninjas. They were all handcuffed and shackled and headed to the square in the center of Konoha Village.

There, a harsh trial is quietly waiting for them.

at the same time.

Underground in Konoha, deep in the ANBU prison.

In the darkness, Danzo was sitting on the bed with his eyes closed, looking calm and relaxed.

Being overthrown by the Konoha ninja did not hurt his heart, but made Danzo more determined that he was the chosen one.

Since ancient times, anyone who achieves great things has to go through many twists and turns.

All this is just a test of fate for him.

Everything he did was for the village. No one loved Konoha more than him. God saw this.

Therefore, Danzo firmly believed that sooner or later he would step out of this prison, become Hokage again, and continue his unfinished business——

Recover Konoha and unify the ninja world.

It has always been this strong belief that has supported him through many difficulties.

Suddenly, Danzo frowned and slowly opened his eyes.

"What happened outside? Why is it so noisy? After I left Konoha, is it true that Konoha is still leaderless and in chaos?"

He spoke in a deep voice and asked Tianzang and Metkai outside the cell.

Although he was locked deep in the underground prison, Danzo still felt the vibrations coming from the surface, as well as a large number of noisy voices.

Upon hearing Danzo's inquiry, Tenzo turned around, shook his head and said:

"You feel so good about yourself, Danzo. The Uchiha clan has returned to Konoha, and the villagers held a grand welcome ceremony.

Moreover, everyone supports Lord Uchiha Dan to become the Sixth Hokage of Konoha.

A new era has begun, and this era is destined to have nothing to do with you. "

What? !

Danzo was finally shocked, got up and got out of bed and angrily rebuked:

"Have Uchiha Dan become Hokage, will all the villagers in Konoha go crazy? That kind of madness will only lead to destruction of Konoha!"

"The one who is really crazy is you, Danzo. Danzo-sama became the Hokage because of everyone's expectations, and you, the guy who betrayed the village, are the biggest sinner in the history of Konoha. You can be infamy for eternity."

Tenzo sneered unceremoniously, looking at Danzo with a touch of pity.

In his opinion, Danzo had already fallen into a deranged state and was hopeless.


Danzo walked quickly to the cell, grabbed the cold pillar with his hands, and roared at Tenzo and Kai:

"I want to see Uchiha Dan, let me out immediately!"

"Don't even think about it!" Kai snapped, remembering the entrustment of his best friend Kakashi.

at this time.

"We will grant your wish."

Kakashi walked in from outside and said to Tenzo and Kai, "Open the cell."

"But, senior..." Tianzang was taken aback.

"It was Dan's order. He said that Danzo would be tried in front of all the villagers of Konoha." Kakashi explained, his eyes flashing.

Judge me?

When Danzo heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then sneered.

Okay, let me and you, Uchiha Dan, confront each other face to face, let everyone see who is working hard for Konoha, and who is the sinner of Konoha.


The cell door opened.

on the ground.

In the center of the square, everyone in Uchiha, led by Dan and Fugaku, stood in silence.

Surrounded by a huge crowd of Konoha people, there was a lot of discussion.

As soon as the Uchiha clan returned to the village, it seemed that they were about to make a big move and summoned all the villagers.

Many people looked worried, worried that Uchiha might make excessive demands and continue to oppress the people like Danzo did.

But soon, the villagers discovered that things were not as bad as they thought.

But the opposite.

Under the gaze of countless people, hundreds of ninjas from the Four Great Ninja Villages were escorted to the center of the square by Tiehuo and others.

Seeing this scene, the originally noisy crowd gradually became quiet, and many people looked surprised.

"let's start."

Duan gave an order calmly.

Tie Huo nodded, and then pushed an Iwagakure jounin out of the crowd.

Then, he took out a sheet of accusations and read aloud:

"Iwagakure Jonin Maruda, who caused trouble after being drunk and killed a young mother and daughter, deserves to be punished!"

After saying that, he kicked Maruta behind the knee, causing his legs to weaken and he knelt on the cold ground.

"Wait, I have something to say, you can't kill me..."

Maruta looked horrified and tried to struggle, but before he could finish his sentence, a sharp sword light fell from the sky and landed on his neck.

The next second.


The head fell to the ground and rolled forward several meters, eyes wide open.

Maruta's headless body slowly fell to the ground after spurting out large amounts of blood from his neck.


Chihideko shook off the blood on her ninja sword and said three words coldly. She looked harmless and cute, but in reality she was a ruthless executioner.

There was silence around the square, and everyone was shocked and stunned.


There was a burst of cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

In the past year, since Danzo allowed the four great ninja villages to garrison troops in Konoha and granted them extraterritoriality, the villagers of Konoha have suffered greatly.

They had endured the humiliation silently until today. When they saw the scene in front of them, they finally let out a fierce breath.

Among the crowd, there was even a man who beat his chest excitedly and cried bitterly because the mother and daughter who were killed by Maruta were his wife and daughter.

He also tried to seek justice, but was suppressed by both Konoha senior officials and Iwagakure. Instead, he was imprisoned and was not released until recently.

Now, seeing the criminal finally brought to justice, this man couldn't help crying and was filled with infinite gratitude to the Uchiha clan.

It was Uchiha who carried out justice and comforted the souls of the deceased.

The trial continues.

"Owada, the businessman of Sunagakure, coveted the property of Konoha villagers and murdered an elderly couple. He deserves to be punished for his crime!"

"Kumogakure chunin Lei Gang sneaked into a house in the middle of the night, assaulted a young man and caused his death. He deserves to be punished for his crime!"

"The Kirigakure ninjas Sato, Iten, and Kuroki tortured and killed two Konoha kunoichi, and they deserve to be punished for their crimes!"


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