After all, the glorious feat of defeating the 100,000-strong Ninja Alliance with the power of one family is enough to prove that Uchiha is the first family in the history of the Ninja World.

Everyone has a strong nature, especially ninjas.

When Uchiha was only a little stronger than others, he suffered a lot of jealousy, but when Uchiha's strength far exceeded everyone else, others could only look up to him.

The truth is that simple.

A long while.

" can the Uchiha clan be willing to forgive us?" asked the leader of the Kaze Festival clan.

Hearing this, Tianzang clenched his fists and said to everyone with stern eyes:

"Launch a coup, oust Danzo, and then petition the Uchiha clan on behalf of all the villagers of Konoha to impress the Uchiha with sincerity. Kakashi-senpai and I will do our best to help you!"

Everyone looked at each other again.

In order to save Konoha, Kakashi gave up his position as Hokage and invited the Uchiha clan back. His sincerity was felt by all the clan leaders present.

So, after a moment of silence.

"Okay, Kakashi, I'll listen to you! Do it!"

Akimichi Dingzao was the first to speak, waving his fist and making a statement on behalf of the pig, deer, and butterfly clans.

"And us! We will fight to save Konoha!" The other clan leaders also agreed, each with a determined and passionate look on their face.

the next day.

Early in the morning, under the planning of Kakashi and others, tens of thousands of Konoha people poured into the streets and a large-scale demonstration broke out.

"Danzo steps down!"

"The four major ninja villages get out of Konoha, Uchiha returns!"

The excited Konoha villagers shouted slogans and rushed to the Hokage Building to overthrow Danzo's rule.

Hokage's office.


Danzo was so furious that he jumped up from his chair and sternly ordered the ANBU, "Send out immediately to suppress this gang of unruly people and find out who is behind the scenes! Also, send people to the four great ninja villages. Military camp, please send out troops to help suppress this rebellion!"


After receiving the order, the ANBU quickly retreated.

Danzo suppressed his inner anger, calmed down, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked at the surging crowd on the street outside.

Who is behind all this?

The Hyuga clan, Inogacho... In Danzo's mind, only the top leaders of these major families have the ability to incite the people of Konoha to launch a rebellion.

Humph, these guys are so impatient that they have forgotten the lessons of the Sarutobi clan so quickly.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Danzo's eyes.

He decided to use the power of the garrison of the four major ninja villages to launch another major purge in Konoha to completely consolidate his position as Hokage.

However, this time, Danzo was destined to miscalculate.

After receiving his request for help, the garrison of the four major ninja villages in Konoha did complete the assembly as soon as possible and prepared to dispatch.

For them, helping Danzo suppress Konoha's opposition is undoubtedly an easy job, and they can get high rewards afterwards.

But at this moment, two figures appeared in front of them.

"Everyone, this is the internal affairs of Konoha Village. I advise you not to interfere, lest you regret it later."

Kakashi looked calm and warned the other party in a calm tone.

Tianzang took a step forward and added: "If you are not afraid of death, you can give it a try."

As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly formed a seal and slapped it to the ground. With a rumbling sound, he created countless densely packed wooden escape spikes, blocking the way of the four great ninja village troops.

There was a sudden commotion within the four-village garrison, and many people had expressions of fear on their faces.

However, what frightened them was not Tenzo's Wood Release or Kakashi's verbal warning, but their current identities.

As everyone knows.

Kakashi and Tenzo have long joined the Uchiha clan, and their status is not low. They are high-ranking members of the Uchiha clan.

At this moment.

Civil strife broke out in Konoha, and the two of them happened to appear here. Was it their own intention, or was it the instruction of the Uchiha clan?

Regarding this, the people of the Four Great Ninja Villages were not sure and did not dare to take the risk.

After all, once they block Uchiha's way, none of them will survive.


Under the intimidation of the two Kakashi, the four village garrison silently put away their weapons and retreated to the camp.

The strategy of a fox pretending to be a tiger's power worked.

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief and told Tenzo:

"Let the Rizu clan leaders and others take action."

Half an hour later.


Thousands of Konoha ninjas and tens of thousands of villagers surrounded the entire Hokage building, trapping Danzo.

Without the help of the troops stationed in the four villages, the few people under Danzo's command were simply not enough, and they were quickly eliminated or captured by the coup troops.

Danzo suddenly became a loner.

Under everyone's gaze.

Danzo appeared on the rooftop with a cane, looking down at the Konoha ninjas and people on the street below.

"Duanzo, just surrender and capture him, you are finished!"

Hyuga Hizatsu and others also came to the rooftop, surrounded Danzo heavily, and unceremoniously gave the Fifth Hokage an ultimatum.


Danzo snorted and suddenly raised his voice, "I order you to stop this ridiculous coup immediately! Otherwise, I will detonate all the detonating talismans in the village and bury the entire Konoha!"

However, this threat had no effect.

Rizu took a step forward, his eyes burning, venting all the hatred and anger in his heart:

"Danzo, you have completely lost the support of the people a long time ago. Not only are you unworthy of the title of Hokage, you are not even worthy of being a Konoha ninja. The detonating talisman buried in the village has been secretly dismantled by our Hyuga clan. In other words - —Danzo, you’re finished!”

you are done.

These four words shocked Danzo, as if he had woken up from a dream that had lasted for a long time.

Looking at the cold eyes of everyone in Konoha, and hearing the angry shouts of the villagers, Danzo's hands and feet became colder and colder, and his whole body started to tremble.

Why, why does it become like this.

"No, I will always be the Hokage of Konoha!"

He suddenly looked ferocious and shouted hysterically, "You rebels want to take Konoha from me, I will never agree!"

Before he finished speaking, Danzo raised his crutch and struck it heavily on the ground.

The next second.


A loud sound that shook the ground suddenly came from Yan Yan behind the Hokage Building - the detonating talisman that Gennu had buried had been detonated by Danzo.

not good.

Hinata Hizashi and others' expressions changed greatly. Once the Hokage Rock collapsed, the Hokage Building would be the first to bear the brunt, and everyone would be buried.

However, just when they were about to dodge, they were shocked to find out.


With a loud noise, a huge crack appeared in the statue of the Sandaime on the rock wall, and then... nothing happened.

The other Hokage statues are intact, and there are no signs of collapse in the entire Hokage Rock, let alone causing the back mountain to collapse and bury the entire Konoha Village.

It turns out that Xuan Wen was lying from the beginning, and even Danzo was deceived by him.

"Everyone, come together and take down Danzo!"

Rizu came to his senses and raised his arms.

When everyone in Konoha heard this, they immediately swarmed forward and subdued Danzo with all their might, and took off the Hokage robe from the latter on the spot.

Danzo was brought down.

The news quickly spread throughout the Leaf Village, causing a huge sensation.

The bitterness of Konoha has been hidden for a long time.

Upon hearing the good news that Danzo had stepped down, the villagers of Konoha rushed to the streets and celebrated happily, just like the New Year.

That night.

Anbu prison.

"993, 994, 995..."

In the dim cell, Metkai was doing one-handed handstand push-ups and counting until he reached a thousand.

Today's exercise is over.

At first, he resisted Danzo in public, but the latter ordered the ANBU to arrest him and throw him into this dark prison.

One pass is a year.

In this dark place, Kai did not give up on himself, but continued to practice fitness without slacking off.

After a year of prisoner fitness, his figure was even better than before. He looked much stronger, with very plump and beautiful muscles.

And after entering prison, Kai was forced to take off his funny green tights, and his watermelon head was shaved off, turning it into a clean shaven head.

If you are not particularly familiar with him, you will definitely not be able to recognize him when you see his current appearance.

Picking up a towel and wiping the sweat off his body, Kai sat on the bed and began to meditate.

The combination of movement and stillness is the way to practice.

"You're quite comfortable."

Suddenly, a voice sounded outside the cell.


Kai opened his eyes suddenly and immediately saw a familiar white-haired figure leaning against the door of the cell with his arms folded, looking at him lazily.


Kai looked surprised and walked over quickly, asking in disbelief, "Why are you here? Aren't you... wanted by Konoha?"

ANBU prison is an isolated place.

Since Gai was imprisoned, he rarely heard news from the outside. Once he accidentally heard the prison guards chatting and learned that Kakashi was wanted by Konoha.

He had been worried about Kakashi for a while, and he didn't want his best friend to end up in the same fate as him, so he came to stay with him in prison.

"It seems that the information in the cell is not well informed."

Kakashi shook his head, took out a key, and opened the door to Gai's cell.

"What on earth is going on?" Kai looked shocked and confused.

And when he learned from Kakashi that the Uchiha clan had defeated the ninja alliance and Konoha had overthrown Danzo and a series of other things, he was even more surprised.

"So, did I miss so many things?" Kai murmured, feeling very sorry in his heart.

Seeing this, Kakashi patted Kai on the shoulder, then turned back and said:

"Bring him in."

After the words fell, there was a jingling sound, and Danzo, who was wearing handcuffs and shackles, staggered out of the darkness under the escort of Tenzo.

At this time, Danzo had put on his prison uniform, looked down at the ground, and said nothing.

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