Those who say or do wrong things will be sent to ANBU prison at the least, or executed on the spot at worst.

Under Danzo's reign of terror, everyone in Konoha is in danger.

In the afternoon, in Konoha's park.

Shikamaru, Ino and Choji came here again to play on the swings and bask in the sun.

Thanks to the family's protection, they don't have to be sent to cruel battlefields like their peers in the ninja school, but are in the mood to play here carefree.

"Do you think this time, can the Ninja Alliance kill the Uchiha clan?"

Ino asked curiously while swinging on the swing.

Shikamaru was lying on the grass, frowning, as if he was thinking about this problem seriously.

Choji on the side stopped eating potato chips and muttered: "I really hope those Uchiha guys will kill the Hokage and return to Konoha, so that we won't be bullied."

As a fat little man who is inexperienced in worldly affairs, Choji does not have any negative views towards the Uchiha clan, but actually has a lot of favorable impressions.

After all, when he was at Yakiniku Q, Uchiha Dan said that he would accept him as a disciple and teach him to keep fit and lose weight. Choji has never forgotten this.

"Chouji, don't talk nonsense!"

Shikamaru straightened up suddenly, covered Choji's mouth, and looked around warily.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he found no one around.

If what Choji just said reaches the ears of the Fifth Hokage, even if the Akimichi clan leader comes forward, he may not be able to save him.


"Those Uchiha guys may seem arrogant, but their strength is undeniable. Since they dare to take the initiative to declare war on the ninja alliance this time, maybe they can really..."

Shikamaru murmured, his eyes flashing.

Two days later.

Danzo gave an impassioned speech, and then led Konoha's 20,000-strong army to leave the village and expedition to the mountain cemetery.

Not only Konoha, but the other three major ninja villages also mobilized troops.

Both Kumogakure and Iwagakure have more than 30,000 troops, and Sunagakure has slightly less, but it still has nearly 20,000 troops.

The coalition formed by the four major ninja villages included, in addition to the ninjas from each village, soldiers from all major countries. In the end, the total number of people together reached one hundred thousand.

A whole hundred thousand troops.

Like several torrents, they converged from all directions in the ninja world. Half a month later, they approached the mountain cemetery and formed a siege, leaving the Uchiha clan with nowhere to escape.

Of course, Uchiha never thought of escaping.

In the village on the top of the mountain.

Tsunade has not been idle in the past six months. In addition to participating in the research on the reincarnation of the dirty land, she also received a special commission from Suan to help him develop a special military food pill.

turn out to be.

Ever since Suan learned the Yin Seal from Tsunade and mastered the technique of storing his excess chakra, his terrifying appetite has returned.

But this also brought about a problem, that is, he had to spend a lot of time eating, and because he ate too much, he even had to go to the toilet ten times a day.

So Suan found Tsunade and asked for her help.

Bingliang pills are something similar to compressed dry food. Like kunai and shurikens, they are necessary supplies for ninjas to go out to perform missions.

It is made from various foods and medicinal materials and is characterized by small size, high calories and easy preservation.

Ordinary ninjas only need to take three soldier food pills a day, so they don't have to worry about using up their energy. When the ninja chakra is exhausted, it can also be used to quickly restore physical strength.

In fact, Duan had already tried to use Bingliang Pills to replace food. Unfortunately, his body soon became resistant to Bingliang Pills, and no matter how much he ate, they would have no effect.

After learning about Suan's needs, Tsunade spent half a year developing a new military food pill tailor-made for him.

At this time, there was a blue pill on the table in front of the section.

It is about the size of a table tennis ball, exudes a faint medicinal fragrance, and also has a metallic luster, just like a blue iron ore.

Duan reached out and picked up the pill, which felt heavy. He squeezed it and found that it was still very hard.

“This Bingliang Pill is made by me using a special technique and pressing a large amount of medicinal materials hundreds of times.

Its medicinal power is dozens of times stronger than ordinary Bingliang Pills, and its density is also very high, harder than iron.

If an ordinary ninja accidentally swallowed it, there would be no way to digest it, which would be tantamount to suicide. But if it were you, it should be fine, right? "

Tsunade looked at Suan with a half-smile, provocation in her eyes.

I've made the Bing Liang Pills you asked for, it just depends on whether you have the guts to eat them.

Duan smiled lightly, said nothing, opened his mouth and swallowed the blue pill in one gulp.

In Tsunade's surprised expression.

Boom, boom.

There was a sound like thunder in Duan's stomach. It was the peristalsis of his intestines and stomach, like a millstone, slowly crushing the iron-hard Bing Liang Pills.

As we all know, human internal organs cannot be exercised.

Except for monsters like this.

As a result, the energy in the pill was quickly absorbed and stored in his body.

"This stuff is good. One pill a day should be enough from now on."

After taking the digestive pill, he expressed his approval of Tsunade's craftsmanship and also gave the pill a name——

Bigu Pill.

From now on, he doesn't need to eat anymore, he just needs to take pills every day.

After all, as far as Duan knew, the Otsutsuki clan in the universe also took pills.

Only in this way can you have the grace of an immortal.


Suan and Tsunade went to the conference room together and participated in the clan's pre-war meeting.

Uchiha's fourteen shadow-level combatants...oh, no, it should be said to be fifteen shadow-level combatants now, all gathered in the conference room at this moment.

"From today on, you are a member of the village committee."

Under the witness of everyone, Fugaku handed a black ring to Uchiha Izumi with a serious face, with the word "Yin" engraved on it.

"Thanks to the help of Master Curator and Itachi, I was able to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan."

As Quan said this, he bowed to Duan to express his gratitude.


Tsunade on the side snorted coldly.

She had already heard about the process of Quan's eyes being opened and that she was tricked by Dan's illusion. This reminded her of the time when she was also tricked by Dan, thinking that Shizune died in front of her.

However, since Tsunade was not an Uchiha, even though she experienced enough mental stimulation, she unfortunately failed to open her eyes in the end.

After Quan's promotion ceremony.

"Duan, how do you think we should fight this war?"

The first person Fugaku asked was his brother-in-law.

In fact, Dan is the real backbone of the Uchiha clan. Whenever he makes a decision, there is basically no objection from the clan.

After all, past events have proven time and time again that the curator is always right.

Even though he always says amazing things.

But this time, when Duan opened his mouth, everyone's faces also showed expressions of surprise.

"You guys should leave first, I'll just stay here alone."

Duan said this sentence calmly.

Everyone: "..."

After a short silence.

Fugaku came to his senses and asked in disbelief:

"Duan, do you plan to face the ninja alliance alone? According to the intelligence we currently have, the number of enemy troops is a hundred thousand..."

Although he has great trust in Dan's strength, even the first Hokage at his peak would not be able to defeat an army of 100,000 people by himself, right?

This kind of thing is simply a fantasy.

Duan shook his head and explained:

"I'm not interested in showing off, but on the battlefield, the magical skills I just learned may cause accidental injuries. So it's best for you to stay away from me for the first time and observe the situation."

Is that so?

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and at the same time they couldn't help but wonder what the magic that Duan would perform would look like.

Could it be that it was so powerful that even he couldn't control it?

In this case, they really should avoid it, otherwise it would be a long life.

Chapter 236, spectators of the decisive battle

A man came to the village entrance.

The village behind him was deserted.

In front of him, looking down from the top of the mountain, was a vast virgin forest. From time to time, the howls of wild beasts could be heard in the distance, and several goshawks were circling in the sky.


In the broken eyes, the pattern of Tai Chi Yin Yang Fish suddenly appeared, and he used these eyes called kaleidoscope to look far into the distance and look further away.

He was looking for gas.

There are many things in this world that ordinary people cannot see or perceive, such as the existence of natural energy.

The same goes for "qi".

Since practicing immortality, after a long period of spiritual practice, Duan unexpectedly gained a powerful perception ability, which allows him to observe the energy of all things in the world.

At this time, in his field of vision.

At the end of the horizon, several waves of fierce and murderous air rose into the sky, like burning pillars of flame, standing between heaven and earth.

It's the Ninja Alliance.

Most of the sky was dyed blood red by the flaming military aura, which was daunting.

It's really menacing.

Compared with the enemy's monstrous momentum, Duan's own energy was completely restrained, just like an ordinary person, he seemed so small.

But he was always calm and composed, with a calm look on his face.

There is a large bluestone at the entrance of the village.

Duan walked up to it and sat cross-legged, with his hands on his knees and his back straight.

Then, he closed his eyes, adjusted his breath, combined with the magnetic field of heaven and earth, and gradually entered the state of induction of heaven and earth.

His Qi stretches down to the earth and reaches up to the endless sky. His whole person seems to be integrated with the heaven and earth.

It turned into a huge whirlpool.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Between heaven and earth, endless natural energy was attracted by him, pouring in from all directions and converging into his body.

At this moment, Duan entered the state of "sitting and forgetting".

Not only did he forget the existence of his own body, but his spirit also returned to emptiness and nothingness. His whole person, from soul to body, seemed to have disappeared from the world.

Things and I forget both.

In a state of forgetfulness.

The broken body is no longer a body of flesh and blood, but the whole nature of heaven and earth——

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