It can be as short as one or two days, or as long as no more than half a month.

To solve this problem.

Orochimaru developed a new sealing technique, which is to temporarily store the dirty earth body in a wooden coffin, and use the sealing technique on the coffin body to slow down the erosion of the sacrifice by the breath of death.

When the dirty earth body is needed for combat, it will be released from the wooden coffin.

After learning about this flaw in the reincarnation of the dirty land, Shisui did not feel depressed, but showed an optimistic smile:

"I am very happy to be able to resurrect from the underworld and meet you all again."

"We will continue to improve this technique and strive to make it perfect one day, so that you can become a free filthy earth body and can be with your family forever."

Fugaku looked at Shisui with burning eyes and made a solemn promise to the latter.


After consulting the family members of the deceased and taking into account the number of remaining sacrifices.

Fugaku followed the same example and used the reincarnation of dirty soil to resurrect some of the Uchiha clan members who died on the battlefield, including Chihideko's brother and Inari, a total of more than ten people.

After half a day of brief gathering.


Fugaku used his magic again and summoned a row of wooden coffins.

After saying goodbye to their clan members one by one, Shisui, Dao Huo and others walked into the coffin and fell into a deep sleep.

When the family faces a crisis and needs their strength, these people will wake up from their slumber again and do their best to fight for Uchiha.

"Clan leader."

At this time, Uchiha Kenzo returned in a hurry and reported to Fugaku, "We seem to have been exposed. Spies from all the major ninja villages have entered Tian Country and are approaching the Oto Ninja Village."

Upon hearing the news, everyone in Uchiha looked at each other, already expecting this result.

It seems that it is time for a strategic shift again.

But next, where is the better place to go?

"There is a place that is pretty good." Duan said suddenly.

"Where?" Fugaku asked curiously.

"Mountain Cemetery." Duan looked towards the north.

Mountain Cemetery, isn't that... Obito's lair?

Hearing this place name, many clan members' memories went back to the night when the Uchiha clan ran thousands of miles to attack the mountain cemetery.

Don't say it.

That place was far away from the ninja world and was deserted for hundreds of miles. It was really a good hiding place.

And the Uchiha clan has been there before, so it can be said that they are familiar with it.

"That's it, the target is the mountain cemetery!" Fugaku's eyes lit up and he immediately ordered.

Half an hour later.

All the valuable things in the Sound Ninja Village were packed away by the Uchiha clan and stuffed into the steel fortress.

Then, there was a boom.

The huge steel fortress drilled into the ground and quickly left here.

All the way north.

The Uchiha clan drove the steel fortress and soon left the territory of Tian Country, entered the northern peninsula, and went straight to the depths of the vast virgin forest.

after one day.

This is a forest full of dangers. Giant trees block the sun. From time to time, the roars of wild beasts sound, startling waves of birds.

In the sky, there were vultures circling and making shrill calls.

Skeletons of large animals can be seen everywhere on the ground, some even tens of meters high, like hills.

This is the mountain cemetery.

For a long time, due to the large number of giant beasts that have appeared here, it has been difficult for even ninjas to escape intact, so it has gradually become a forbidden area.

However, the peninsula where the mountain cemetery is located is not only hidden, but also surrounded by sea on three sides, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack.

That's why Madara Uchiha chose this place as his hiding place and stayed there for decades.

Now, the Uchiha clan is here.


A steel fortress emerged from the ground and passed through the forest.

Any beast in this forest had to tuck its tail and stay away from this behemoth that had a body of steel and could shoot bullets and artillery fire.

Deep in the cemetery, there is a large hole with a diameter of 100 meters. It was Uchiha Madara's former lair, which was burned down by Uchiha's fire.

Not far from the big cave, there is a hill. The top of it is a flat land with a good view.

The Uchiha clan chose to make their home here.

Wood Release·Lianzhu Family's Technique!

Five people, Fugaku, Itachi, Tiehuo, Chihideko, and Tenzo, joined forces and built hundreds of wooden villas in an instant, filling the top of the mountain.

As for why so many houses were built, the reason is simple.

The Uchiha clan is moving out of the Kamui space.

After all, the Shenwei Space is a place in the underworld without a trace of sunlight. Most people can easily become depressed after living there for a few months.

It is definitely not an option to continue like this for a long time.

Therefore, after discussions within the clan, it was finally decided to activate the divine power and move five hundred ordinary clan members out of the divine power space.

The next few days.

The Uchiha clan has laid out a large number of traps and sensory barriers around the forest to guard against enemy invasion.

In addition, the steel fortress is parked next to the village, and all clan members can be loaded into it and evacuated from this place at any time.

After settling down.

Fugaku led a group of tribesmen to continue to study the reincarnation of dirty land. After Tsunade learned about this, she suddenly expressed her position, saying that she could contribute to help the Uchiha clan perfect this technique.

On the one hand, maybe it was because Tsunade was too bored and wanted to find something to do for herself out of interest in the reincarnation of the dirty land.

But the more likely reason is that she heard that Orochimaru was also studying the reincarnation of the earth.

Based on Tsunade's understanding of Orochimaru, after that guy succeeds, she is afraid that the first ones to be resurrected will be her grandfather and second grandfather.

If you have to make a choice.

Tsunade would rather the Uchiha clan resurrected her two grandfathers. At least the Uchiha would not do too much to the first and second generation Hokages for her sake.

Moreover, the power of the two grandfathers might also help Uchiha defeat the ninja alliance and regain Konoha.

This is what Tsunade wants to see.


If the first and second generation Hokages become Orochimaru's filthy puppets, the situation will not be good.

In order to stop Orochimaru's ambitions, Tsunade used her knowledge of medical ninjutsu and sealing techniques to provide considerable help to Uchiha in improving his reincarnation.

Except for reincarnation in filthy soil.

This past winter, the Uchiha clan also mastered the power of the Grayl Stone.

According to the information collected in the Steel Fortress and Uchiha's own explorations, many tribesmen are now able to skillfully use the Grayl Stone to transform.

In the forest.


Uchiha Yashiro was surrounded by a pack of hungry wolves. They were approaching him step by step and were about to swarm him and tear him into pieces.

at this time.

The Grayl Stone on Yashiro's chest suddenly erupted with dazzling blue light, covering his entire body.


As a wolf howled, in just a few seconds, Yashiro's height swelled to five meters, his body was covered with hair, and his head turned into the shape of a wolf's head.

This ability to transform into beasts is a way of utilizing the natural energy contained in the Grayl Stone.

Similar to immortal mode.

After turning into a werewolf, the eighth generation's strength, speed and jumping ability have all increased.


Like a ferocious wolf king, he rushed into the circle of wolves, brandishing his sharp claws and fangs, and massacred them.



Yashiro roared again, causing the air to vibrate violently and creating a large-scale sonic attack, causing the wolves to panic and run away with their tails between their legs.

Eight generations after becoming a werewolf, physical skills have reached the shadow level.


Two more Uchiha jounin appeared from the forest and joined Yashiro.

One of them mutated into a tall ape. His skin turned black, his hair turned white, his arms were as long as an ape's, and his body size also expanded to several times its normal size.

The other person turned into a bat flying in the air, with long and pointed ears and a black tail, and his hands turned into bat wings with green membranes.

The three of them came out to practice the art of animal transformation. They also went hunting and collected food.

Taking their respective prey, the three of them smiled at each other and embarked on the road back to the village.

Compared with ordinary tribesmen like Yashiro, Duan's use of the Grayl Stone is more profound.

He practices immortality.

For more than three months in winter, I continued to pass through the Glenelg Stone, and my understanding of natural energy took a step further.

In the room, he sat cross-legged, motionless, and the calligraphy with the word "Ziu Wang" hanging on the wall behind him.

And Duan's state at this time has indeed entered the state of sitting and forgetting.

He straightened his spine, connected his breath to the earth and the sky, entering a state of unity between heaven and man.

this moment.

It was as if Broken's body was no longer his body, but had become a part of this planet. A large amount of natural energy continuously gathered and blessed his body, giving him infinite power.

After a while.

Duan slowly opened his eyes, ending this practice, and a ray of light flashed from his eyes.

Not far away.

Duan Neng had a premonition that the legendary Immortal Mode was no longer out of reach for him, but was not far ahead.

At this time.

With a creak, the door was pushed open.

"Director, it's time for tea." Samyi walked in with tea and gave Duan a shallow smile.

Duan stood up, took the tea, and said to her:

"From now on, I can just let me do this kind of thing myself. Please pay attention to rest."

After saying that, he glanced at Sam Yi's slightly bulging belly, and his eyes showed a rare softness.

The child in her belly is already more than two months old.

Noticing Duan's gaze, Samyi lowered his head, touched his belly, and murmured:

"I hope the war will be over by the time this child is born."

As a mother, she hopes that she and her children can live in a peaceful era and grow up happily.

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