This trip was fruitful.

Soon, the entire underground mineral vein was moved into the steel fortress by the Uchiha clan, without even a single piece of ore falling.

"I'm going back."

After taking away part of the Grayl Stone, he activated his divine power again and teleported himself into the divine power space.

At this time.


A ninja cat appeared and delivered information to Itachi.

After receiving the information, Weasel stuffed two bills into the cat's paws as payment for running errands. The ninja cat licked its paws and left with satisfaction.


Itachi came over and reported to Fugaku, "Kakashi said that they have followed Kabuto to Tian Country and found the location of the Sound Ninja Village."

Hearing this, Fugaku's eyes narrowed and he quickly decided on the next action plan.

"Go and have a look."

With his order, all members of the Uchiha clan entered the Steel Fortress and used the Grayl Stone as a power source to drive it.


The fortress plunged into the ground like a giant pangolin and quickly escaped into the distance.

Only He Yan and Nirugu, whose memories had been erased, were left standing in the valley blankly.

The Country of Fields is a small country to the north of the original Country of Fire.

In the Fourth Ninja War that swept the entire Ninja world, the reason why Tian Country was able to survive alone and not be annexed by other big countries was because of one word:


To put it simply, this is a place where nothing happens.

After carving up the Country of Fire, all the major countries were full, and naturally they lost interest in a shabby place like the Country of Fields.

After all, for a big country, annexing the Kingdom of Tian is not only not beneficial to itself, but also has to feed a bunch of poor people in the Kingdom of Tian, ​​which will completely increase the burden on itself.

in addition.

After the new ninja world pattern is formed, new buffer zones are also needed between the major countries.

The Kingdom of Tian happens to be located at the junction of the three kingdoms of Earth, Wind, and Thunder. If a war breaks out in the future, this place will be the chessboard for the game between the great powers.

Because of poverty, Tian Country has never had its own ninja village.

Until Orochimaru came here.

He bribed the daimyo of Tian Country with money, and after obtaining approval, he established the Sound Ninja Village in this country.

It is different from other ninja villages.

Oto Ninja Village is not employed by the daimyo of Tiannokuni. It is not even a village in the actual sense, but consists of several underground bases.

These bases are distributed in various places in Tian Country, from forests to deep mountains to the sea. They can be regarded as three cunning rabbit holes.

Orochimaru is hiding in one of the bases.


After Kabuto left Sunagakure Village, he finally returned to Oto Ninja Village after a long journey.

Deep in the woods, there is a building lower than the ground, with a snake symbol painted on the door. At first glance, it looks like an inconspicuous cave.

Kabuto walked in.

Although the entrance of the building is small, once you enter it, you will find that it is a huge maze built underground, with all kinds of living facilities.

There is a different world.

This is Orochimaru's lair, and no one knows where it is. As Orochimaru's confidant, Kabuto was the first person invited and qualified to enter this place.

Da da da.

Kabuto walked in the dark corridor, with a row of cells on each side.

Behind those cold iron bars, there are prisoners one after another. Some are covered in wounds and wailing, some have sallow faces and numb eyes, and some are dying as if they are as angry as silk.

These prisoners are all ninjas captured by Orochimaru from various places.

He imprisoned them in prison, used this group of people as experimental materials for developing new techniques, and conducted a large number of human experiments. He was even more cruel and cruel than the Second Hokage back then.


A prisoner rushed to the cell, stretched out his hand, and begged Kabuto, "Please, help me..."

Kabuto stopped, pushed up his glasses with his hand, and smiled at the other person.

"It is your greatest honor to be Orochimaru-sama's experimental material. I don't know how many people envy you."

After saying this, he walked away under the astonished eyes of the prisoners.


Pushing open a door, Kabuto entered a spacious and tall room.

Inside, various experimental instruments, scrolls and materials, computers and display screens are arranged in an orderly manner. It is a quite high-end laboratory.

Under the bright light, Orochimaru was standing in front of a microscope, concentrating on observing the cell tissue in the culture dish.

Kabuto walked up to Orochimaru and did not interrupt the latter. Instead, he remained silent and waited patiently.

One stop takes more than ten minutes.

It wasn't until Orochimaru finished this observation that Kabuto shouted respectfully: "Orochimaru-sama."

"Oh, it's Kabuto, you're back. I thought you died in Sunagakure."

Orochimaru smiled slightly and teased.

"It seems that the adults also know about the Uchiha clan's attack on Sunagakure Village. The subordinates did encounter some dangers. Fortunately, they were lucky and were able to escape."

As Kabuto spoke, he couldn't help but show a hint of fear on his face.

"Tell me exactly what happened."

Orochimaru washed his hands, sat down on the chair, and crossed his legs gracefully.

"Yes." Kabuto responded, reporting in detail what he saw on the night the Uchiha attacked Sunagakure.

Orochimaru licked his lips while listening, his eyes flashed, and deep greed emerged from the depths of his eyes.

He once fell into Uchiha Shisui's illusion "Beyond the God of Light" and was almost killed instantly, so he knew the horror of the Mangekyou Sharingan.


Seeing that the Uchiha clan used a hundred people to fight against the five major ninja villages, it stirred up the turmoil in the ninja world. The power of this clan gave Orochimaru a strong desire——

He wanted to capture a strong Uchiha man with the Mangekyou Sharingan as a container for his next reincarnation, and then use the forbidden technique of corpse reincarnation to seize all the opponent's abilities.

But Orochimaru also knew that with his current strength, he was far from being able to compete with the Uchiha clan.

He was hit by Shisui's illusion, and his soul level has not recovered yet, and he is still in a relatively weak state.

As for the Sound Ninja Village under his command, since the village was just established, there was only a group of rotten fish and shrimps. Letting them fight against the Uchiha was tantamount to hurling an egg against a stone.


In order to achieve his goal, Orochimaru decided to use the power of another forbidden technique.

Reincarnation of dirty soil.

Orochimaru has been studying this technique for a long time, but it was only recently that he made breakthrough progress.

Think of this.

"Come with me and I'll show you something."

Orochimaru stood up, said something mysterious to Kabuto, and then turned and walked towards the depths of the laboratory.

The two came to a new room.

A row of candles was lit in the room, and the dim candlelight swayed, reflecting the spells carved on the floor.

The technique was so complex that Kabuto could only recognize it, with the words "dirty" and "earth" written on it.

"let me go!"

At this time, a strong prisoner, escorted by two sound ninjas, entered the room tied up.


He was pushed to the ground and fell right in the middle of the technique.

"You, what are you going to do?"

The prisoner had a premonition that something was wrong and looked at Orochimaru with a horrified look on his face, struggling to stand up.

Orochimaru sneered silently, raised his hands, quickly completed the seal, and finally slapped his palm to the ground.


With Orochimaru's chakra infusion technique, Jutu Reincarnation was activated.

I saw countless dust rising from the ground, covering the prisoner like rice dumplings, causing him to scream in agony.

But soon, his screams subsided, and his whole body transformed into a new appearance wrapped in dust.

It was a handsome young man who was in his early sixties and had short red hair.

Although the whites of his eyes were black and there were porcelain-like cracks on his face, which made him look a little different from ordinary people, Kabuto beside Orochimaru still recognized the identity of the red-haired boy at a glance.

"Lord Scorpion!"

Kabuto was taken aback and blurted out.

Yes, the handsome boy in front of him was Orochimaru's former partner when he was working at Akatsuki——

Red sand scorpion.

Chapter 222, Kakashi and Scorpion

Kabuto was once a double agent.

He works for both Orochimaru and Scorpion, and is a pawn placed by Orochimaru next to Scorpion. But as far as Kabuto knows, isn't Scorpion already dead?

What's going on? Could it be that the ninjutsu Lord Orochimaru just performed can resurrect the dead?

Just as confused as Kabuto was Scorpion himself.

He raised his hands and looked at his arms and body. Everything felt so real, making him convinced——

He came back from the dead.


When Xia found out that the person in front of him was Orochimaru, the joy that had just arisen in his heart was immediately replaced by doubt and anger, and he asked the latter sternly:

"Orochimaru, what did you do to me?"


Orochimaru smiled jokingly and said slowly, "Aren't you always pursuing eternal beauty?

I resurrected you with the Reincarnation of the Earth. This technique will give you unlimited chakra and true immortality. This is what you have been pursuing, the eternal puppet.

Now that I have helped you realize your dream of immortality, you should be grateful to me. Why are you still angry? "


Scorpion's eyes were cold and he didn't believe Orochimaru's lies at all. After all, based on his understanding of his old partner, he was a completely sinister and evil villain.

However, since Orochimaru resurrected him and gave him an immortal body, he accepted it without mercy.

Think of this.

Scorpion's eyes turned cold, and he immediately raised his hand to form a seal, hoping to kill Orochimaru here.

However, the next second.

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