Soon it disappeared into the night.

the next day.

Everyone moved on.


As long as you climb over the mountain in front, you can find the ruins of the ancient empire nearby. Under such circumstances, He Yan became more and more anxious.

Nirugu...failed to find the Uchiha clan?

Just when He Yan was getting desperate.


The ANBU captain suddenly shouted and ordered everyone to stop, then frowned and looked towards the woods ahead.

Could it be...that reinforcements have arrived?

Hope rose in He Yan's eyes, and he looked towards the woods happily, but was surprised to find that someone was indeed coming, but it was not the Uchiha clan.

Ding dong, jingle.

A sound of heavy footsteps, mixed with the crisp sound of metal pieces colliding, came from the woods.

In the surprised eyes of Konoha Anbu, He Yan and others.

They saw a tall enemy, covered from head to toe in metal armor, holding an iron sword and a giant hammer, blocking their way.

The costumes of these people are completely different from ninjas. They look like knights in Western legends.


The other party didn't talk nonsense. As soon as he appeared, he rushed over fiercely, wielding a giant sword and a sledgehammer, and smashed into all the ANBU.

The fighting style of knights is also very different from that of ninjas.

They have no chakra in their bodies, and they cannot use ninjutsu. They rely solely on their strong and burly bodies, as well as their heavy metal armor and weapons, to carry out taijutsu attacks.

Although simple and crude, it is full of destructive power.

As soon as they met, several Anbu were injured, and some were even smashed into pulp with a hammer.


The ANBU captain cursed, jumped back, distanced himself from the enemy, and quickly formed a seal.


As he struck the ground with his palm, a large amount of thunder and lightning spread along the ground, shrouding the metal knights.

Thunder Escape·Earth Walk.

Those knights wore armor made of steel, and there were no flaws in their bodies. They were almost invulnerable, but their weaknesses were also very obvious——

Armor conducts electricity easily.


As soon as the ANBU captain took action, the Thunder Release Ninjutsu took effect, causing a large number of enemies to freeze in place and twitch under the electric shock.

Seeing this, the other Anbu also launched a counterattack, taking advantage of the enemy's immobility to throw away all kinds of ninjutsu, detonating charms and so on.

Bang, bang.

The enemies fell one by one, and soon they were outnumbered by the Konoha ANBU, and the entire army was wiped out.

After dealing with these attackers.


The Anbu captain turned his head and locked He Yan with his sharp eyes.

He took one step and reached He Yan, grabbed the latter's collar, and asked sternly: "Where did these people come from? Is it your fault?"

"I, I don't know."

He Yan stammered, looking horrified.


The Anbu captain snorted, threw He Yan to the ground, and then walked towards the prisoner.

After lifting a knight's helmet and brutally interrogating him using ANBU methods, the result was unexpected.

These people are really not the reinforcements brought in by He Yan, but they are inextricably linked to the wandering people.

turn out to be.

After the ancient empire was destroyed, there were actually two groups of people who survived.

One of them, the caravan that He Yan and others were in, wandered around the ninja world and became wandering people.

Another group of people chose to go overseas, eventually settling down on another continent and re-establishing a new country and civilization.


Those people have never forgotten the Grayl Stone, and they also covet the rich ninja continent. They have been accumulating strength and plan to return to the ninja world one day in the future.


When they learned that the Fourth Ninja War had broken out, these knights thought their chance had come.

So, they came across the sea in strong ships and cannons.

Returning to the ninja continent, the first thing this group of people did was to go straight to the ruins of the ancient empire to look for the Grayl Stone.


Many days have passed, and still nothing has been found, because the ruins have been sealed, and the entrance is only known to those in the caravan.

At this time, everyone in the Anbu escorted He Yan to this place.

An encounter broke out like this.

"How many more of you are there?"

The ANBU captain frowned and interrogated the prisoner.

The words just fell.


A loud noise like the ground shaking suddenly came from the front, like a magnitude 10 earthquake, making everyone shake and stagger.

what's the situation?

The Anbu captain looked at him with a surprised look on his face, and his eyes widened.

I saw.

A huge steel fortress with a height of more than fifty meters, like a ferocious prehistoric beast, emerged from the ground.

This fortress that can move underground is the enemy's base camp.

In addition to the soil and trees attached to its surface, there are countless gun barrels and muzzles, glowing with a cold metallic luster in the sun.

The next second.

All the guns turned in unison, aiming at the ANBU people in the forest clearing.

not good.

The ANBU captain's pupils shrank and he shouted angrily: "Defense!"

Swish, swish, swish.

All the Anbu immediately formed seals together, slapped their palms to the ground, and worked together to create a tall earth wall that rose from the ground to block everyone.

Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall.

at the same time.

Da da da.

The steel fortress opened fire. Fierce tongues of flame burst out from the barrel along with bursts of roar. Shells roared through the air, forming a hail of bullets, all of which poured onto the earth flow wall.

Ninjutsu VS Guns, who is better?

The answer is actually obvious.

The enemy's firepower was so fierce that it was almost a saturation blow. Within a moment, the earthen wall was riddled with holes.


Several screams rang out in succession, and several ANBU were beaten into pieces and died on the spot.

"Fight back!"

The Anbu captain became anxious and used the Thunder Release Ninjutsu again, summoning a lifelike thunder dragon and rushing towards the steel fortress.

The rest of the ANBU also took action, using ninjutsu to conduct long-range bombardments on the steel fortress.


The strength of this fortress far exceeded everyone's expectations. Those ninjutsu fell on its surface, leaving only shallow traces.

"The ninjutsu of ninjas is nothing more than that. In front of this steel fortress that represents the crystallization of the empire's technology, your attack is destined to be futile."

As a voice sounded, a steel knight over two meters tall, with dozens of followers, jumped down from the fortress.

Then like a torrent of steel, it rushed towards the ANBU people.

A war broke out between the two sides again.

During this process.


The Iron Knight suddenly looked up to the sky and howled like a wolf.

Under the horrified gazes of everyone in the ANBU, they saw that his body expanded rapidly, breaking through the solid armor and transforming into a huge werewolf that was over five meters tall.


The werewolf rushed in front of the ANBU captain at lightning speed. Without waiting for the latter to react, he picked it up with his claws, held his hands and feet and tore it apart hard.

A tearing sound.

The ANBU captain's body was torn apart in an instant, blood flowed wildly, and his death was extremely tragic.

This bloody and cruel scene made the ANBU of Konoha, who had always been experienced in many battles, frightened and lost their fighting spirit.

They all ran away.

In the end, only two of the originally seventeen-member ANBU third detachment managed to escape, and the rest of the members were all buried in the woods, with their bodies intact.

"Bring him here!"

The werewolf-shaped Iron Knight stretched out a claw and pointed at He Yan in the distance, letting out a low growl from his throat.

The two knights immediately strode towards He Yan.

He Yan fell to the ground, moved his body back with a look of horror, and watched helplessly as the other party approached.

at this time.


A figure suddenly appeared from behind He Yan, running towards the two knights like an arrow from a string, punching out with both fists, and only heard two muffled "bang bang" sounds.

The two knights' armors dented, and then they knelt on the ground, unable to get up again.

The person who took action was Uchiha Iron Fire.

"Are there any enemies?"

The werewolf knight said something angrily, his ferocious gaze fixed on Tie Huo, but he did not take action immediately.

Because the enemy was not just Tie Huo, but hundreds of figures in blue robes, slowly coming out from the depths of the woods, exuding a frightening aura.

The Uchiha clan is here.


Nirugu screamed happily, jumped from Uchiha Izumi's arms to the ground, and skipped back to He Yan.

"Nirugu, good job, I knew you wouldn't let me down."

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