"Where is the enemy?"

Thousands of Sand Ninja rushed out of their homes, picked up kunai and ninja swords, and prepared to defend their homeland.

However, when they saw the intruder clearly, they were dumbfounded on the spot.


With a deafening roar, the two-tailed Mataru, the three-tailed Isobutsu and the six-tailed rhinoceros appeared in Sunagakure Village at the same time.

Boom boom boom.

They wave their claws and tails, shoot fire, acid, water jets, and even tailed beast jade from their mouths, violently releasing their power.

"This is... a nightmare, isn't it real?"

A sand ninja muttered, looking desperate.

The tailed beast went berserk. This kind of thing has happened in Sunagakure Village before, leaving indelible pain and psychological shadow to the Sunagakure villagers.

But at this time, three tailed beasts were wreaking havoc in the village.

In an instant.

They caused huge damage to Sunagakure Village, razing buildings to the ground and leaving many Sunagakure buried under the rubble.

What’s even more despairing is yet to come.


Along with a surge of killing intent, hundreds of figures in blue robes rushed in from the main gate of Sunagakure and swept through the entire village.

The Uchiha clan came with the killing.

The four Susanoos cleared the way in front, and the other Uchiha advanced in unison. Wherever they passed, the enemy had no power to resist, and their defenses collapsed.


A tall and strong yellow Susano, wearing a Karasustengu armor and holding an Odachi sword more than ten meters long, rushed to the end of the main road of Sunagakure Village and jumped up.

In the horrified eyes of many Sand Ninjas, they saw a flash of sword light, and the entire Kazekage building was cut off diagonally, and finally collapsed.

This is a war without any suspense.

Thousands of Sunagakure were killed, a large number of Sunagakure buildings including the Kazekage Building were destroyed, and the entire village was almost in ruins.


The Uchiha clan did not indiscriminately kill the villagers of Sunagakure. They only ransacked Sunagakure's treasury and ninjutsu library and took away everything of value.

Then he walked away and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

Like a gust of wind, it comes and goes quickly, leaving only a mess.


Kabuto hid under a ruins, and through the gaps in the ruins, he witnessed the entire process of the Uchiha clan's attack on Sunagakure Village.

Sharingan, Wood Release, Susanoo, control of tailed beasts.

These powerful abilities of Uchiha are simply a dimension-reducing blow to ordinary ninjas.

No, not only ordinary ninjas, but even Lord Orochimaru, whom Kabuto admired the most, was defeated by Uchiha Shisui's genjutsu and almost lost his life.

It seems that this mission has to be aborted.

You must return to the Sound Ninja Village immediately and inform Lord Orochimaru of the situation here. After all, as far as Kabuto knows, Lord Orochimaru has an extremely strong interest in the Uchiha clan.

Think of this.

Kabuto emerged from under the ruins and quietly left Sunagakure Village under the cover of night.

Behind the hills.

"Kakashi, the target is moving."

The ninja dog Parker sniffed the air and reminded Kakashi.

It is a talking ninja dog that uses its super sense of smell to track enemies, which is much more effective than ordinary sensory ninjutsu.

Hearing this, Kakashi said to Fugaku on the side:

"Chief Fugaku, it seems that Kabuto plans to return to Tian Country and go to the Sound Ninja Village to find Orochimaru. Tenzo and I will follow each other and find Orochimaru's hiding place."

"Then it's up to you."

Fugaku nodded and said solemnly, "To prevent accidents, let's take Fei with us. With his help, even if Orochimaru finds him, you can handle it calmly."


Kakashi agreed without any politeness.

Just as Orochimaru is obsessed with Uchiha, the Uchiha clan is also very interested in Orochimaru, and the reason is very simple.

Fugaku heard from Dan that Orochimaru had been studying the art of immortality over the years, including reincarnation in the earth.

Although the Uchiha clan is also studying earth reincarnation, the difficulty of mastering this technique is too high, and no effective progress has been made so far.

If Orochimaru's knowledge and power can be used to resurrect Shisui and those dead clan members, it will undoubtedly be good news for Uchiha.

in addition.

If Orochimaru's Sound Ninja Village is a good place to escape the scourge of war, then the Uchiha clan will definitely be a guest.

Uchiha is already very skilled at seizing a magpie's nest.


The "Qing Lin Fei" combination once again left Uchiha's team and split up with Fugaku and others.

After watching Kakashi and the others leave, Fugaku withdrew his gaze and quickly left Sunagakure Village with his clan members.

One day later, seaside town.

The Allied Ninja Army mobilized for an expedition, but was tricked by Uchiha. Many men were lost on Paradise Island, and Uchiha was not even seen.

In the end, I could only return in despair.

As soon as they came back, they saw that the base camp was attacked by the Uchiha clan, and more than half of the three thousand defenders were lost.

This is not the end.

Just as the senior officials of each village were discussing the next battle plan, a shocking news reached the front line.

Sunagakure's homeland was attacked by the Uchiha clan, causing heavy casualties and turning it into ruins.

In the conference room.


Upon hearing the news, the Godaime Kazekage Chiyo lost her composure on the spot. She felt that the world was spinning in front of her eyes and she almost fainted.


The two guards quickly helped her out of the conference room.

Sunagakure will most likely withdraw from the Ninja Alliance, just like the Kirigakure Village before.

After all, even my hometown has been taken over by others, so there is no need to think about fighting.

"How dare the Uchiha clan..."

Onoki also had a look of shock and anger. He didn't expect Uchiha to be so bold. He immediately made a strategic shift and attacked Sunagakure Village for thousands of miles.


"not good!"

Ohnoki's expression suddenly changed, and without leaving a word, he rushed out of the conference room and immediately ordered Huang Tu to summon the Iwagakure troops and prepare to leave.

In addition, Onoki also conveyed an order, requiring the Iwagakure troops stationed in Konoha to set off early and must rush back to Iwagakure Village as quickly as possible.


The crazy Uchiha clan has no reason to stop.

After successfully destroying Sunagakure Village, their next most likely target is undoubtedly Iwagakure Village, which is closest to Sunagakure.

If we don't return to defense in time, Sunagakure's today may be Iwagakure's tomorrow.

"Let's go too!"

Raikage had long realized the seriousness of the situation, gave instructions to his secretary Mabuyi, and strode out of the conference room.

For a while.

Only the Fifth Hokage Danzo was left in the conference room.

Danzo's eyes flickered and he pondered for a long time. Finally he stood up with a cane and shook his head silently.

He originally thought that this vigorous alliance of the five major ninja villages would definitely eradicate the Uchiha clan.

Unexpectedly, Uchiha seized the opportunity and inflicted heavy losses on Kirigakure and Sunagakure successively, which also made Iwagakure and Kumogakure fearful. In the end, they all quit, ending in a hasty manner.

Now it seems.

If you want to annihilate the Uchiha clan, it will not be possible in a short time.

But Danzo successfully changed his mind.

Because he found that the current situation was actually very beneficial to him and Konoha.

Uchiha is like a pack of hyenas, hiding in the dark and watching eagerly. When they find the right opportunity, they rush out and bite each major ninja village hard.

This group of hyenas helped Konoha contain the four major ninja villages.

Take this opportunity.

Konoha is just the right time to recharge your batteries and restore your strength.

Thinking of this, a light flashed in Danzo's cloudy eyes.

He believed that under the governance of his wise fifth generation, Konoha would be able to regain its glory and return to its peak before long.

Konoha Village.

"What happened?"

When they came together this morning, the villagers of Konoha were surprised to find that the garrison of the four great ninja villages suddenly lost their usual arrogance, and instead all looked solemn.

They left Konoha one after another in a hurry, leaving only a small number of people to maintain the garrison.

Soon, the ninjas and people of Konoha learned the truth. It turned out that it was the Uchiha clan that had caused heavy damage to the ninja alliance and attacked the Sunagakure village itself, causing the destruction of Sunagakure.

Once the news spread, it caused a huge sensation in Konoha Village.

"I heard that Uchiha used the Mangekyō Sharingan to control three Jinchuriki, and killed more than 5,000 allied ninjas, leaving the five major ninja villages in a state of panic."

"After the Uchiha clan left Konoha, not only did they not decline, they actually became stronger. They are truly a terrifying clan."

The villagers were talking a lot.

In the past, they all thought that Konoha was a big tree that provided protection from the wind and rain. Uchiha would not be able to survive without the protection of the big tree.

Who would have thought that Uchiha, who had experienced the wind and rain outside, would actually unleash his full potential and shock the entire ninja world.

Only then did people realize.

Konoha, the so-called big tree, has never protected Uchiha from wind and rain. Instead, it has blocked the sunlight above Uchiha's head and hindered the development of this clan.

Now, the Uchiha clan's counterattack against the five major ninja villages has also rescued the villagers of Konoha in disguise, allowing them to temporarily escape from oppression and breathe a sigh of relief.

Quietly, the villagers' attitude towards the Uchiha clan has undergone tremendous changes...

In the afternoon, in a small park beside the Konoha River.

Three little ghosts made an appointment to play together in this old place.

"La la la, uh uh..."

Yamanaka Ino, who has long yellow hair and fair skin, was swinging on the swing and humming an unknown song, and seemed to be in a good mood.

This is because she has just learned that her father Yamanaka Haiichi, who is fighting on the front line, is safe and sound and will return safely soon.

The same goes for uncles Nara Shikaku and Akimichi Choza who went to war with their father.

On the grass, Nara Shikamaru was holding a dogtail grass in his mouth, lying with his legs crossed, his hands behind his head and his eyes closed to relax.

Beside him, the little fat man Akimichi Choji was holding a bag of potato chips, stuffing it into his mouth with big mouthfuls, making a "click-click" sound, and burped with satisfaction after eating.

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