It was hit hard by Ji Fu, and it let out a howl on the spot. Its huge body rolled on the ground more than ten times before stopping.

At this time, the six-tailed rhinoceros dog squirmed quickly on the ground, approached again, and opened its mouth to spray.

Know the wolf decay!

A large amount of highly corrosive solution spurted out of its body like sea water, submerging You Lv, causing the latter to let out another heart-rending scream.

The Erao Mata Brigade, which suffered heavy losses one after another, soon died.

Tsk tsk tsk.

The blue flames on its surface extinguished in an instant, and its size quickly shrank, returning to its human form.

Yumu's long hair was messy, his clothes were torn, and he was covered in white smoke. He lay on the ground and fell into a coma.

Even a perfect Jinchuuriki would still be unable to defeat the enemy when faced with the siege of a Susanoo and two tailed beasts.

"Lord Yumu, you are defeated..."

"Those two tailed beasts, could they be Kirigakure's Fourth Mizukage and Yu Gao, they are both controlled by Uchiha's Sharingan."

Yumu Ren's defeat plunged the coalition camp into panic.

It’s not over yet, there’s even more despair to come.

boom! boom! boom!

As three huge streams of chakra shot straight into the night sky, three more Susanoos appeared on the battlefield in the blink of an eye.

Itachi's Susana is red, wearing armor, and holding two spiritual weapons, the Juken Sword and the Yata Mirror;

Susanoo of Iron Fire is yellow, tall and strong, holding an Odachi over ten meters tall in both hands;

Chihideko's Susana is pink. Different from other Susanas, it has a more feminine shape and lines, and holds a huge long bow.

The three of them came to Fugaku's side. Four Susanoo statues were lined up in a row, like four aloof gods, looking down indifferently at the coalition ninjas.


How could Ah Fei be missing such a cool moment?

"I am coming!"

Accompanied by a slightly frivolous voice, in the horrified eyes of the coalition ninjas, a huge Buddha statue with five heads and countless arms descended on the battlefield.

A Fei stood on top of the Buddha statue, with his hands on his hips, looking very proud.

Wood Release: Wooden Man's Technique.

This is an advanced secret technique of wood escape that was performed after taking off and possessing Tian Zang, strengthening the latter's wood escape ability.

Back then, Senju Hashirama used this technique to challenge Madara's complete Susanoo and Kyuubi in a single fight. He could catch the Tailed Beast Tama launched by Kyuubi with one hand, making him invincible.

The wooden man technique jointly developed by A Fei and Tianzang is of course not comparable to the original version. It can be regarded as a youth version at best.

But its power is enough to shock mortals.

"All enemies of Uchiha, die!"

A Fei shouted, being brainwashed by other gods, his loyalty to the Uchiha clan has already been engraved in his bones.

The next second.

Buzz buzz.

I saw the five heads of the wooden man, opening their mouths at the same time, launching five ninjutsu with different attributes of water, fire, wind, thunder, and earth towards the battlefield ahead.

Boom boom.

The Five Elements Ninjutsu formed a torrent and swept across the battlefield. Hundreds of enemies were unable to escape, were swallowed up on the spot, and died screaming.

"Do it!"

Fugaku shouted sharply, and the four Susanoos also rushed into the battlefield, waving their respective weapons, harvesting the lives of the enemies like old farmers harvesting wheat.

The three-tailed Isofu and the six-tailed rhinoceros were not idle either. They also rushed into the enemy camp and unleashed their killing instincts.

In the night sky, the dark clouds dispersed, and a bright full moon reappeared.

The cold moonlight shone from the sky, illuminating the entire battlefield.

Looking down from mid-air.

A giant wooden Buddha, two tailed beasts, and four Susanoos wreaked havoc on the battlefield at the same time.

It's like seven Gundams.

There were also a hundred Uchiha ninjas, and the teams gathered at the feet of the seven Gundams, advancing in coordination and sweeping across the entire battlefield in an orderly manner.

"Are you kidding..."

A coalition jounin looked desperate, and the kunai in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, his whole body trembling.

In his understanding, this is not how ninjas fight.

His kunai couldn't possibly penetrate Uchiha's Gundam.

The next second.


An Odachi swept across, killing the jounin and a dozen ninjas behind him, and their blood spilled on the battlefield.

And more coalition ninjas had already lost their fighting spirit, abandoned their helmets and fled away.

Less than half an hour.

Under the rampage of the Uchiha Gundam troops, the enemy troops collapsed and fled in all directions.

As a member of the Uchiha Village Committee, Kakashi, the only one who didn't have a Gundam, had to fish and swim, standing on a high place overlooking the entire battlefield.


He murmured to himself, unable to help but sigh.

An army of three thousand, facing more than a hundred members of the Uchiha clan, could not hold out for even half an hour before they were either dead or running away, completely defeated.

Is this the power of Uchiha?

Kakashi was still doubting whether the Uchiha clan could survive the encirclement and suppression of the five great ninja villages.

Now it seems that his worries are a bit unnecessary.

The Uchiha clan was not only unafraid of the ninja alliance, but even took the initiative to attack, like a sharp knife, piercing the enemy's weak points.

If this continues, the seemingly powerful ninja coalition will be defeated sooner or later.

By then, Uchiha will return to Konoha and save hundreds of thousands of villagers there.

This is Kakashi's wish.

The battle is over.

After cleaning up the battlefield, except for a few injured members of the Uchiha clan, no one was killed.

It's a miracle.

As for the enemy, more than 2,000 people died directly, and the remaining nearly 1,000 people dispersed and fled in all directions.

Fugaku and others did not pursue him.

After all, with Uchiha's few manpower, it would take a long time to catch even a thousand pigs, let alone a ninja.

The Uchiha's tactical goal of attacking the enemy's base camp has been completed.

And there was an unexpected bonus.


Yukito coughed violently, slowly regained consciousness, and then struggled to get up from the ground.

Even though her clothes were in tatters and her body was covered in scars, her eyes were still full of strength, and her noble temperament had not diminished at all.

But the next second, Yumu Ren's expression changed.

Because, she was surrounded by a group of red-eyed Uchiha.

"What do you want?"

She asked sternly and inwardly, feeling a sense of despair in her heart, already anticipating her own ending.

"The five major ninja villages want to destroy our clan, take away our Sharingan, and make the name Uchiha disappear from the ninja world forever. But in the end, you have the nerve to ask us what we want? How ridiculous."

Fugaku stared at Yukito coldly and mocked him mercilessly, which immediately made the latter's face pale and his aura weakened.

"Itachi, do it."

Afterwards, Fugaku gave instructions to his son.

Itachi took a step forward without saying a word, and looked directly at Yukito with a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan eyes, releasing a strong wave of eye power.

The latter was suddenly shocked, and his expression quickly became dull. Together with the two tails in his body, he was controlled by Itachi's illusion.

In this way, the number of tailed beasts controlled by Uchiha reached three.

The more you fight, the stronger you become.

The situation of the war is extremely good for the Uchiha clan.

"Clan leader, what's the next plan?"

Many tribesmen asked excitedly, impatiently looking forward to the next battle.

In response, Fugaku smiled slightly and said meaningfully:

"Tonight is just the beginning. I have already said that we will implement the house-changing strategy to the end."

When everyone heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and then quickly understood what the clan leader meant.

"That's right, we will take advantage of this great opportunity to directly attack the mainland of the major ninja villages, just like we attacked Obito's lair mountain cemetery!"

"Who should we attack first, Sunagakure, Iwagakure or Kumogakure? Or, let's just go back to Konoha."

Everyone's eyes were shining and they were talking non-stop.


Since the ninja world is not going to give the Uchiha clan a way to survive, then Uchiha will not make it easy for anyone, and must turn the entire ninja world upside down!

Fugaku signaled everyone to quiet down, and then glanced at Tie Huo, who understood.

Fire Escape·The great fire is extinguished!

With the Iron Fire Seal, he opened his mouth and sprayed out, and a flame like sea water immediately spread throughout the camp.

Raging fires soared into the sky, burning everything to ashes.


Fugaku shouted in a deep voice, and the Uchiha clan set out again.

Like a fierce wind blowing towards the ninja world, it swept towards the next target.

Chapter 216: We are both wandering people

after one day.


On the sea, dozens of figures stepped on the water and headed straight for the seaside town at extremely fast speeds.

Astonishingly, it was the Kumogakure group headed by the Fourth Raikage.


From a distance, the Raikage could see the ninja alliance camp on the shore. It no longer existed, leaving only charred ruins.

Seeing this scene, his heart suddenly sank.

What I was most worried about happened.

No need to think.

It must have been the Uchiha clan that attacked the coalition's base camp.

Except for Uchiha, no one else has the courage or strength.

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