"Why should I be paired with a guy like you?"

She stared at Duan with wide eyes and crossed her arms to show resistance.

"Because you have only one mission, which is to treat me as soon as possible when I am injured or poisoned, so that I can maintain my best condition."

Duan said calmly, and the implication was that Tsunade was a medic.


Tsunade was naturally very angry, but when she calmed down and thought about it, Dan was indeed the strongest fighting force in her own camp.

As long as this man does not fall, the five great ninja villages will not be able to completely eliminate the Uchiha clan.

So she finally endured it and reluctantly agreed to be Suan's partner for the time being and act together with him.

Duan looked at the plate. There was still the last ring left in it, with the word "jade" engraved on it.

Jade means jade girl and represents inner innocence.

It was the ring left for Shisui.

However, that guy was already dead, even though he had obtained the Book of Sealing, which recorded the technique of reincarnation in the dirty earth developed by the Second Hokage.

But to master the reincarnation of dirty land, it will take at least a year and a half.

In other words, Shisui will have to stay in the Pure Land for a while, and he may not be able to be resurrected in the short term.

Chapter 208: Let’s call the village committee

Zhu, Xuan, Heaven, Earth, Lin, Qing, South, North, Jade.

Nine rings, nine code names.


Kakashi and Tenzo, the weakest, have reached quasi-kage level after transplanting Sharingan and Byakugan.

The strength of Fugaku, Tsunade, Itachi, Tetsuka, Chihideko, and Shisui who has not yet been resurrected can all be regarded as Kage level.

As for the strongest Duan, his strength has long surpassed the shadow level, and he is the only one of his kind.

However, in addition to these nine people, there is one free man.


Duan snapped his fingers.

"Boss Duan, is it my turn to appear?"

As a voice sounded, a head was seen sneakily sticking out from behind the door, looking at everyone in the conference room happily.

It's Uzumaki Hakuzetsu Ahi.

As the strongest White Zetsu individual, although this guy has an out-of-touch personality and sometimes looks unreliable, his strength is of a solid Kage level.

It can also be possessed by other people, enhancing the possessed person's abilities.

In addition, the other gods that Shisui imposed on Fei during his lifetime are permanent and will not change after his death. So A Fei is still loyal to the Uchiha clan.

"Shisui's ring, please help him wear it first."

Duan picked up the ring with "empty" printed on it from the plate and threw it to A Fei.

To a certain extent, A Fei's character can be regarded as an innocent and simple type, so simple that he only cares about problems such as "poop", which fits the code name of Jade Girl.


A Fei was a child at heart, so he couldn't put it down and played with the ring for a long time, and finally carefully put it on the middle finger of his right hand.

Then, it asked another question with a curious face:

"Boss Duan, what is the name of our organization? It must sound more handsome than the Akatsuki organization, right?"

Ah Fei reminded everyone that this newly established organization was missing a name.

Since he is following Akatsuki's model, it is necessary to choose a name similar to Akatsuki's.

If you want to be more domineering or handsome than Akatsuki, everyone can come up with many names, such as "God Organization", "Feather Organization", "Tian Organization" and so on.

But it’s better to leave this matter to the judge.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Duan with varying degrees of anticipation in their eyes.

Duan thought about it and said casually:

"Now that Uchiha has established his own village, let's call it a village committee."

Village committee, that is, village committee.

Everyone was obviously stunned when they heard this unpretentious name.

In the end, Fugaku reacted first, nodding and appreciating:

"It's worthy of being broken, and it's a good achievement!

The purpose of the village committee is to solve the problems faced by the village, so that all villagers can live safely under the sun, provide fairness and justice, and protect freedom and security.

I think, compared with Xiao, the village committee does not sound grandiose at all, but full of down-to-earth and pragmatic spirit.

This kind of spirit is exactly what the Uchiha clan needs. "

When Fugaku said this, the others also thought it made sense and nodded, indicating that they had no objection.

Duan glanced at his brother-in-law and thought that he was indeed the leader of the clan, he could really talk with his mouth.

Since no one objects, the name of the organization has been decided.

The first thing the village committee did after its establishment was to discuss combat operations against the ninja coalition forces.

"If you have any suggestions, please put them forward and take a look." Duan said.

Everyone expressed their opinions.

After some discussion, the ten people present, including Samyi, all agreed that before the war begins, it is still necessary to find out the movements of the ninja coalition and try to collect as much intelligence as possible on the enemy.

The village committee quickly made a decision to send the "Tiandi" combination and the "Qinglin" combination to carry out this task separately.

Tiehuo and Qian Xiuzi were not very familiar with each other before and had little interaction with each other. Now that they have become partners, they will definitely need to spend time getting used to each other.

As for Kakashi and Tenzo, they are both old ANBU in Konoha and are experienced in doing things. It is perfect for them to be sent to spy on information.

"Afei, just follow Kakashi and the others, and remember not to cause any trouble."

Duan patted A Fei on the shoulder and gave him instructions.

This guy is active and energetic by nature, just like a husky. It can't stay on the island anyway, so it's better to let it out and move around.

Moreover, Kakashi and Tenzo are indeed weaker in comparison. With Ah Fei's help, they can make up for their lack of strength.

"Yes, Boss Duan."

When Ah Fei heard that he could go out to play, Peipianpidian accepted the order.

Then, it ran up to the two Kakashi, raised its buttocks, bowed, and said loudly:

"Kakashi-senpai, Tenzo-senpai, my name is Uchiha Fei, please give me your advice!"

Kakashi and Tenzo looked at each other in shock when they heard this.

But since it was Duan's order, they came to their senses and accepted the strange guy in front of them.

At least, it looks quite capable.


The group of people walked out of the conference room and came to the pier, watching the "Tiandi" group and "Qinglin Fei" group board the ship and sail to the sea.

"I'm a little tired. Let's go back and rest first."

Tsunade yawned with a tired look on her face, complained, and then strode away.

In the past half month, she and her assistant Shizune had performed more than a hundred transplant operations in a row, and their hands were almost cramped.

Really need a good rest.


Seeing this, Samyi took the initiative to catch up and walked side by side with Tsunade. "The curator taught me some massage techniques that can relax the muscles and relieve fatigue. Let's go to the health room together and let me massage it for you."


When Tsunade heard that it was the technique Duan taught Samyi, she couldn't help but wonder, is this thing serious?

After all, she once simply thought that jujitsu was just a physical skill.

Later I learned that in addition to positions such as the guillotine, naked choke, and Kimura lock, Dan and Samui also applied jujitsu to new areas and developed many new things.

However, seeing that Samyi was so enthusiastic and that she was a woman, Tsunade was no longer so wary.

"Thank you very much."

She nodded and agreed to Samyi's invitation, so the two women walked to the health room together.

Fugaku was also very tired, but as the leader of the Uchiha clan, he couldn't rest yet.

This time, the whole clan of ninjas transplanted Hashirama cells, and more than fifty people died. Fugaku had to deal with the funeral affairs of these clan members and condolences to the families of the deceased.

"Father, let me go with you."

Itachi said.

Now, he is gradually able to understand his father's difficulties. He often takes the initiative to help Fugaku in family affairs.

The gap between father and son is slowly disappearing.

As for Duan, he became the only idler as always, not caring about anything.

He only focused on one thing, and that was to become stronger.

Duan walked around Paradise Island, and after some on-the-spot investigation, he discovered a surprise.

Perhaps because it is far away from the world, the natural energy on this island is quite rich. Although it is not as good as the three legendary holy places, it is still much better than other places in the ninja world.

This place is very suitable for comprehending natural energy and exploring the practice of immortality.


the following period.

Every day during the day, he walked around various places on the island, walking, sitting and lying down, and comprehending nature with his heart.

When I have free time in the evening, I will also practice jujitsu with Samyi to relax my body and mind.

There was no pressure visible on Duan's body, as if the upcoming war had no impact on him.

This is the calmness of the strong.

The allied ninja forces set out from Konoha and marched southward in a mighty manner.

After half a month, we finally arrived at the south coast of the Country of Fire and arrived at the seaside town.

Knowing that the Uchiha clan had stayed here, the coalition forces arrested the mayor and other relevant people for investigation and interrogation without saying a word.

During this time, the confidence of the four major ninja villages was almost over the top.

Since the start of the Fourth Ninja War, although the four major ninja villages have encountered some minor twists and turns, overall it has been smooth sailing.

They first captured Konoha, colonized this former No. 1 shinobi village, and divided up the Land of Fire;

Then he took advantage of the situation and annexed other small countries and ninja villages in the ninja world, including the Amegakure and Akatsuki organizations, and they were also destroyed by the four major ninja villages;

The four great ninja villages were so powerful that they were simply invincible.

Therefore, no one doubts that this operation to annihilate the Uchiha clan may fail.


This time, Konoha was the main force in annihilating Uchiha and had the most people.

When the time comes, let the Konoha ninjas charge forward and fight Uchiha in a bloody battle. The four major ninja villages only need to wait and see from behind, waiting for the opportunity to harvest.

The Uchiha clan is the last unstable factor in the ninja world.

Once this clan is wiped out, the four major ninja villages and Konoha's Danzo Hokage will no longer have to worry about anything.

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