In the process, Duan gradually realized:

The essence of the sun and moon he absorbed with his Sharingan is actually natural energy.

Natural energy is a high-level energy born from all things in the world. It exists widely in mountains, rivers, earth, and even in the air.


Some creatures in the world have gained long lifespans and powerful strength by absorbing natural energy for cultivation.

For example, the toads, snakes and slugs of the Three Holy Lands, as well as the witches of the Ghost Country, etc.

However, for humans, it is difficult to detect the existence of this energy.

And even if a person perceives natural energy, if he absorbs it rashly, it is likely to have serious negative effects on the body.

Such as mental madness, body petrification, and internal organ mutation, but without exception, these symptoms will eventually lead to death.


The greater the risk, the greater the reward.

Once a ninja successfully absorbs natural energy and combines it with his own chakra to create sage chakra, he can turn on the so-called "sage mode".

In sage mode, the ninja's abilities will be greatly improved, and Jiraiya is the best example.

In addition, the most crucial point is.

Under the chakra training system, a person's upper limit has been locked. Only by becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki can one reach the Sixth Path level.

Even if he barely reached the Sixth Path level, it was still not enough in front of the Sixth Path Immortal and his family.

After all, it was the Sage of Six Paths who founded the Ninja Sect, and his understanding and use of the power of chakra far surpassed that of today's ninjas.

And his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki is even more important - all the chakra in the ninja world essentially comes from her, the ancestor of chakra.

Therefore, for a ninja, if he is determined to surpass the Six Paths Sage and his family, he must find another way.

That is magic.

Senjutsu that uses natural energy can cause irreparable damage to the Ten-Tails and its Jinchuuriki, and can fight against opponents at the Six Paths level.

Moreover, absorbing natural energy can also strengthen one's own body, which is completely consistent with the original intention of pursuing the strongest muscles.


It is necessary for him to master this power.

There are two thresholds for practicing immortality.

The first is that the cultivator himself must possess a large amount of chakra. If not, he will be swallowed up by the huge natural energy.

This is not a problem for Duan.

The second is to perceive and learn to absorb natural energy.

Although Suan has known about the existence of natural energy for a long time, it was only recently that he sensed it through the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan by chance.

The road ahead is long, but fortunately, once we have reached the threshold, there is hope.

The next direction of Duan's cultivation is immortality and natural energy.

Just when he was deep in thought.

A crunch.

Tsunade pushed open the cabin door and walked out. Judging from her expression, she didn't seem to have a good sleep last night.

However, the reason she didn't sleep well was not because she couldn't adapt to the bumps on the ship, but because——

"Can you please keep your voice down at night? I'm noisy from across the room."

Tsunade said coldly, with a look of resentment on her face.

"Sorry, I've been restrained enough." Duan replied lightly, as if it was an inadvertent show off.

Less than seven times a night, isn’t that enough restraint?

Huh, what a shame.

Tsunade snorted coldly, not wanting to talk to Duan about this kind of thing anymore, so she changed the subject and asked him:

"Have you thought about how to deal with the coalition forces of the five major ninja villages? Are you planning to go alone?"

Based on her understanding of Dan, the man in front of her was the same arrogant person as Pain. He might be able to fight against the entire ninja coalition on his own.

The most outrageous thing is that Duan may really have this strength.

However, what surprised Tsunade.

"The five great ninja villages want to destroy the Uchiha clan. What does it have to do with me? And don't forget, I am already a 'dead person'."

Duan still said calmly, as if the crisis facing the Uchiha clan had nothing to do with him.

When Tsunade heard this, she couldn't help but frown and asked:

"If you don't plan to take action, how will the Uchiha clan survive this genocide? To be honest, I don't believe you will be so cold-blooded and watch your clan members being slaughtered."

"You seem to care more about the Uchiha clan than I do."

He glanced at Tsunade with a half-smile, thought for a moment, and said, "If my sister asks me for help, I can help Uchiha avoid this crisis."

"How to hide? Where to hide?"

Tsunade was puzzled. Now that things have happened, where can the Uchiha clan hide?

"Have you forgotten that I still have this thing?"

Suan smiled slightly and raised his left hand, revealing the Sharingan in his palm.

At this moment, Shizune just walked out of the cabin.

"Stand there and don't move." Suan looked at Shizune, said to the latter, and then pointed the Mangekyō Sharingan in his palm at her.

"Yes, sir."

Shizune was frightened, and as expected, she stayed where she was, motionless.

"What are you going to do?"

Tsunade felt something was wrong and shouted sharply, trying to stop Suan's behavior, but it was already too late.


Shizune let out a scream, and was drawn into a spatial vortex, disappearing in front of the two of them.

Seeing this scene, Tsunade's eyes widened:

"You, could it be that she..."

"That's right. Obito's Kamui Space is a good refuge, isn't it?"

Suan took over Tsunade's words, and as soon as he finished speaking, he pointed the Sharingan in his palm at her.

Tsunade's expression changed, and she subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but she frowned and held it back.


She experienced the same thing as Shizune, feeling that the power of space acted on her body following the sight of Sharingan.


The next second, Tsunade was also sent into the Kamui space.

The brain is dizzy, the vision is blurred, and the whole body has lost strength.

This is Tsunade's experience after traveling through space.

Her body lost balance and fell to one knee on the ground with a plop.

But soon.

Tsk tsk.

The Yin seal between Tsunade's eyebrows lit up, forming black lines, releasing a large amount of chakra, allowing her to regain sufficient physical strength and wakefulness.

She saw Shizune lying on the ground beside her, unconscious, and quickly stepped forward to check:

"Shizune, are you okay?"


"Her mental and physical strength are far inferior to yours, so she couldn't bear the pull of the force of space and fell into a coma."

He explained to Tsunade.

I see.

Tsunade felt a little more relieved, and then she had time to look at the illusion around her.

Is this the divine space?

Tsunade's first impression of this place was that of darkness, vastness, and desolation. Then, she saw the wooden house not far away.

"Did you build that?"

"It's not bad here. Even if it houses hundreds of thousands of people, it's more than enough. At least it's bigger than Konoha."

He looked around.

Tsunade finally understood Dan's intention.

Is this guy planning to send the entire Uchiha clan to the Kamui space?

I have to say, this is a crazy idea, but it seems... feasible.

Once the Uchiha clan escapes into the Kamui space, the five great ninja villages will probably be dumbfounded and have no choice but to do anything.


When the time came, Uchiha Obito saw so many "guests" coming to his home, and he didn't know what his expression would be.

"Get us out quickly, it's too dark here."

Tsunade came to her senses with a look of disgust on her face, unwilling to stay in this place for long.


Suan activated his divine power again and sent her and Shizune out, treating them as a training weapon.

Three days later.

After less than half a month of sailing, the passenger ship arrived at a calm sea area, which was already considered the depth of the sea.

Destination arrived.

On the deck, Dan, Samui, Tsunade, Shizune and Anko saw a beautiful island in the distance, with rows of buildings and figures of people faintly visible on it.

That is Paradise Island.

The ship docked.

Suan glanced at Tsunade.

The agreement between the two has been completed, and they can go their separate ways as she wished.

However, at this time, Tsunade seemed not to remember this incident, deliberately avoiding Suan's gaze, and ordered Shizune to get her luggage, as if she was about to go ashore.

It seems she has changed her mind.

Maybe you are tired of the wandering journey, maybe you are interested in Paradise Island, or maybe you are just on a break and want to take advantage of the shelter of Divine Power Space.

No matter what the reason is, Duan Daodao doesn't bother to expose it.

As he said, Tsunade can stay or go as she pleases.

The group of people walked off the deck and were greeted by the Uchiha people who had been waiting on the shore.


Mikoto was the first to step forward and threw herself into Duan's arms, "It's great that you're okay."

These days, she has been worried about her brother.

"Duan, you're back."

Fugaku couldn't bear his excitement. I don't know since when, he felt truly at ease with this invincible brother-in-law around.


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