Kakuzu controlled the two remaining masked monsters, rushed into the woods in an instant, and escaped without looking back.


Only Dan and Obito were left by the lake.

Sutsu didn't care about the little shrimps who escaped. He always kept his eyes on Obito, and now he was smiling and walking towards the latter step by step.


Obito's Adam's apple rolled and he swallowed. Every time Dan took a step closer, he took a step back.

until now.

Obito still couldn't forget that on the day when the Uchiha clan broke up with Konoha, Obito punched through his Kamui Space, turning his whole body into a blood mist.

That punch left an indelible psychological shadow on Obito.

Although Izanagi was resurrected through the use of Izanagi, the fear he felt at that time... has always been tormenting Obito like a shadow, even giving him nightmares.


Obito no longer has any extra Sharingan, and when facing Suan, he can no longer use Izanagi to save his life.


He no longer dared to make excuses like last time. He didn't even have time to leave a harsh word before he activated his divine power and fled in a hurry in front of Duan.

Obito didn't notice.

When he escaped into the divine space, a whirlpool-like spatial distortion appeared on Duan's body, and then disappeared.

After a while.

Kisame, who was all wet, climbed out of the water onto the shore, panting heavily with a look of shock on his face.

His entire abdomen had been dented by Broken's punch, and there were marks on his body like cracks in the ground, which looked shocking.

If it had been any other person, he definitely wouldn't have survived.

Only Kisame Kisaki, known as the "Tailless Tailed Beast", can withstand a severe punch with his powerful special physique.

Samehada lay quietly on the ground not far away.

Kisame was delighted and quickly walked over and picked up the sword.

He originally thought that Samehada would be taken away by Uchiha Dan, but to his surprise, they didn't think much of it at all.


Thinking of this, Kisame laughed to himself, then held the handle of Samehada's sword and ordered it to send some chakra to him.

With the help of Samehada, more than half of Kisame's injuries healed successfully.

at this time.

"over there!"

"It may be the remnants of Yugakure and Akatsuki, don't let any of them go!"

With a burst of noise, hundreds of ninjas quickly approached from a distance, wearing various forehead protectors on their foreheads.

It seems that there is too much movement here, attracting people from the five great ninja villages.

Seeing this, Kisame rushed to the lakeside with his Samehada muscles, jumped into the water with a splash, and swam under the water like a shark.

Flee far away.

"catch him!"

The people from the five great ninja villages chased after him, but they were quickly thrown away by Kisame, and in the end they could only return without success.

Divine space.

The place is still as desolate as ever, everything around is quiet, there is no life in sight, there is only deathly silence between heaven and earth.

But for Obito, only this place can make him feel truly at ease.

Only here can he be his true self.

Under the dim sky, Obito walked alone.

He frowned in thought.

Now, in order to deal with Uchiha Dan, there is only one way, and that is——

Find Konan as soon as possible and recover Nagato's Rinnegan from the latter.

No, it should be said that it is Uchiha Madara's Samsara Eye.

Transplant the samsara eye, collect tailed beasts, and become the ten-tailed jinchūriki.

This is Obito's next plan.

As long as he can become the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki and have the same power as the Six Paths Sage, it will be easy to defeat Uchiha Dan.

Just thinking about it.

Suddenly, Obito froze and stopped.

Shock and fear appeared on his face again, and his whole body even trembled.

Because, on a wall in front of him, there was a line of elegant characters engraved from top to bottom:

Uchiha stopped visiting here.

This...how is this possible? !

Seeing those words, Obito was horrified, the hairs all over his body stood up, and a chill shot up from the soles of his feet to the sky.

He suddenly became very nervous, like a frightened prey, his eyes moved rapidly up and down, left and right, looking around.

"Uchiha Dan, I know you are here, come out!"

Obito shouted in a deep voice, thin beads of cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

No one responded.

In the silence, only the lines of words on the wall seemed to be silently mocking Obito.

"get out!"

Obito continued to roar, turning back and forth and scanning every suspicious corner around him.

Where, exactly where?

He always felt that Duan was hiding somewhere, like a tiger that might rush out at any time and slap him to death.

Just when Obito's nerves were tense to the extreme.

Da da da.

A burst of gentle footsteps came from the side.


Obito turned his head sharply and cast a sharp gaze, and he saw that familiar figure.


At this time, he took off all disguises and returned to his original appearance.

Like Obito, Dan, who had been "dead" in the outside world, came to this Kamui space isolated from reality and could finally be himself.

"This place is really nice. It's neither cold nor hot. The environment is quiet and the air is fresh..."

While looking around, Suan chatted with Obito, as if he were visiting a neighbor's house, very relaxed.

Obito was frightened, retreated again, and asked Dan sharply:

"How did you get in? Did you... use Kakashi's Sharingan?"

His pupils shrank, and he had already guessed it.

Quan was able to enter the Kamui space, and he must have used his left eye, which was the eye that Obito had given to Kakashi as a jounin gift.

Kakashi is a loser.

Thinking of this, Obito couldn't help but curse Kakashi again in his heart.

Dan did not answer Obito's question, but continued to wander around, and said with some regret:

"It's nice here, but it's a little too desolate. By the way, you've lived here for so long and you haven't built a house or anything?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Duan's eyes lit up and he found a flat place.


Under Obito's confused eyes, Suan raised his hands and began to form seals, then slapped them on the ground.

A moment.


Obito was so frightened that he suddenly retreated, but soon discovered that things were a little different from what he thought.

In a rumbling sound.

I saw countless densely packed wooden pillars emerging from the ground, instantly forming a two-story wooden escape villa, standing in front of Duan.

It has a cantilevered roof, doors on three sides, a complex structure and exquisite shape.

Wood Release: The technique of the Four Pillars.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Duan nodded with satisfaction. Not to mention, the first Hokage's Wood Release is really convenient for real estate.

What does it mean?

Obito was simply shocked when he saw this scene.

Then, he thought of a ridiculous possibility - this guy Uchiha Dan wants to... live here, right?

Obito guessed correctly.

"I will be your neighbor from now on. Please give me your advice."

As Suan spoke, he walked towards Obito with a smile and wanted to shake hands with the latter.

"You...don't come over!"

Obito seemed to see the devil's smile, and without hesitation, he activated his divine power again and escaped from this space.

Hey, why did you run away again?

Suan shook his head and stopped chasing Obito. Instead, he looked back at the wooden escape villa and considered the decoration issue.

Well, we can build a pond here and raise some fish.

You can build an open-air gym here and bring in some fitness equipment.

It's a pity that there is no sunshine here, otherwise it would be good to raise some flowers and plants.

Duan made a plan in his mind and decided to use his divine power to send everything in when he went back.

As for why he did this.

Of course, he was preparing to occupy the magpie's nest and occupy Obito's divine space.

After circling around, Danya activated his divine power and sent himself out.

Somewhere outside Yuyin Village.

Kisame surfaced and swam ashore, where he met Zetsu and Kakudu.

The faces of the three of them were not very pretty.

Especially Kakuzu, who lost three hearts inexplicably and only had two lives left when he met Dane.

Big loss.

The only thing I can use to comfort myself is that Kakuzu's record is even more brilliant.

He had fought against the First Hokage, Pain, and Uchiha Dan, and survived in the end.

Looking at the entire ninja world, Kakuzu is the only one who can achieve this achievement.

after awhile.

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