Why should I separate the family? Why should my father die for the family?

The more Ningci thought about it, the more he became unwilling to accept it, and finally he became jealous.

He showed his true strength and launched a fierce attack on Hinata, which immediately made the latter unable to resist and retreated steadily.

"What's wrong with you, Miss Hinata? You obviously only have this ability, but can you really bear the fate of the Hyuga clan?"

Neji mocked, taking advantage of Hinata's body losing balance, and slapped Hinata's chest with his palm.

If this palm was real, Hinata would definitely be injured.

at this time.


Neji's eyes flashed, and he was shocked to find that the head of the family, Hinata Hiashi, appeared in front of him and grabbed his arm.

Then he threw Neji out with a strong shake.


Neji fell to the floor, rolled around a few times, and was about to get up.

Without any hesitation, Hizu activated the Caged Bird.


Neji suddenly let out a scream, held his head in his hands, and rolled on the floor in pain, tears and saliva flowing out.

It looked miserable.

During the struggle, the bandage on his forehead came loose, revealing cyan cross marks.

That was the Caged Bird Curse Seal, something Neji tried so hard to hide.

At this time, Rizu was very angry, so he was not merciless at all.

If this continues, Neji's cranial nerves and brain tissue cells will be destroyed, and he will die suddenly on the spot.

"Father, please let Brother Ningci go. I want him to train with me..."

Hinata tugged at Hinata Hiashi's clothes, tears streaming down her face, and begged him anxiously.

He glanced at his useless daughter, and then at Neji who was struggling on the ground.


Hizu sighed, and finally relented, because he thought of Neji's father, his twin brother-Hyuga Hizashi.

He no longer controlled the curse mark on Neji's forehead.

"Brother Neji!"

Hinata quickly ran over and carefully helped Neji up.

When Neji saw Hinata Hinashi walking towards him, he couldn't help but trembled and feared all over, and stammered:

"Clan, clan leader, I..."

His face was pale, and he never wanted to experience the pain just now again.

I thought that Hinata would be reprimanded sternly, or even punished corporally, but I didn’t expect——

"Neji, what would you think if I lifted your Caged Bird Curse Seal?"

Hinata Hiashi looked down at Neji and suddenly asked an inexplicable question.


Neji was stunned, thinking that he heard wrongly, and didn't know how to answer.

Hizu shook his head, left the dojo and returned home.

"Clan leader!"

Not long after Rizu returned home, many Hyuga clan members came to their door because they had heard about the matter of the four major ninja villages sending people to take over the police department.

"It's too much. The police department belongs to the Hyuga clan. How can it be taken advantage of by the four great ninja villages? People in the village now say that the Hyuga clan, the strongest in Konoha, is wagging its tail to the four great ninjas. It’s too ugly to be treated like a dog in a village.”

Hinata Kamon looked angry and very unhappy.

"Yes, Hokage-sama cannot do this to the Hyuga clan. We must fight to the end and regain the power of the police department."

Hinata Iroha also shouted.

Hinata Hizu didn't listen to a word of their words.

"Shut up, everyone."

He roared, glanced at everyone coldly, and ordered them to get out.

Chief, what's going on?

Everyone in Hinata looked at each other and could only retreat.

In the room, Hinata and Hinata were alone, thinking for a long time.

I do not know how long it has been.

He looked up and saw that it was already dark outside.

There is not much time left for him, he must make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise the Hyuga clan...

Think of this.

Rizu summoned all the clan members to a meeting and told them everything truthfully.

"You want us to hand over a hundred pairs of white eyes? What a joke!"

When a grumpy clan elder heard this, he immediately jumped up and objected fiercely.

The reactions of the others were similar. Their attitudes were tougher than the others, and their words were more intense than the others. They all said that they would never agree to Danzo's conditions.

However, Hinata Hizu only used one sentence to silence them:

"In this case, in order to save the Hyuga clan, as a clan, are you willing to hand over your Byakugan?"

As soon as this statement came out.

There was silence in the conference room.

Early the next morning.

All members of the Hyuga clan, whether clan or branch, received the news and asked them to immediately go to the small square in the center of the clan to attend the clan meeting.

Generally speaking, an impromptu clan meeting within the clan means that something very important needs to be announced.

Many tribesmen speculated that it was related to the police department.

The result was unexpected.

Hinata Hiashi took a deep breath and stepped onto the podium.

Looking at the crowded square in front of him and facing the eyes of hundreds of tribesmen, he solemnly announced:

"From today on, the Hyuga clan will abolish the caged bird system that has lasted for thousands of years, and will no longer distinguish between clan families and branch clans!"

Chapter 199, Hinata’s Sorrow

Abolish the caged bird?

No more clans and branch clans?

Hearing Hinata Hizu's words, the Hyuga clan members in the audience were not as ecstatic as they imagined, but fell into silence. Everyone's face was either shocked or confused.

Because they couldn't believe what they heard, it felt like they had heard a fantasy.

As a branch family, these people were told from birth that their destiny was to spend their lives guarding the Hyuga clan and never betray them.

Otherwise, there is only a dead end.

Under the oppression of the caged bird, the Hyuga tribe had long been accustomed to this "slave" status, but now they were suddenly told that they were free.

"Master Patriarch, are you telling the truth? You're not joking..."

Jonin Hinata Tokuma stood up and asked on behalf of all the clan members with a look of surprise on his face.

Hizu did not answer with words, but signaled with his eyes, asking someone to bring Hinata Neji up.

Then, under everyone's gaze.


Hizu pulled off the bandage on Neji's head, revealing the latter's smooth forehead.

The Caged Bird Curse Seal originally engraved there was erased.

See this scene.

"Ningji's curse seal disappeared..."

"The patriarch did not lie to us, he is serious, he really wants to lift our Caged Bird Curse Seal!"

The Hyuga clan members came to their senses and started talking excitedly.

The caged bird not only limited the Byakugan's ability, but also allowed the Hyuga clan to control the lives of the branch families, so that the branch families had to obey the clan's words.

This extremely evil curse seal is the source of conflicts within the Hyuga clan.

did not expect.

As a vested interest, the clan leader Hinata Hizashi actually showed such courage and took the initiative to abolish the caged bird system that had lasted for thousands of years.

"The patriarch is wise!"

"Long live the patriarch!"

For a time, the square was filled with the cheers of the Hyuga clan members, and every member of the branch family was filled with admiration and gratitude for the Hiuga clan from the bottom of their hearts.

Hearing these cheers, Rizu looked complicated.

He made a gesture of pressing down his hands to signal the tribesmen to quiet down.

Then, with a serious look on his face, Rizu slowly said to everyone in the branch:

“I think you may have always thought that the existence of the caged bird was to enslave the clan and consolidate the power of the clan.

But in fact, its greater role is to protect the Hyuga clan and prevent outsiders from coveting the Hyuga clan.

Therefore, I hope you can think clearly, and then make your own choice to abolish or retain the Caged Bird Curse Seal on a voluntary basis. "

These words made everyone in the audience stunned.

The caged bird is there to protect them?


Who wants to be protected like this?

Everyone thought that Rizu wanted to go back on his word, so they rushed to express their opinions and asked the Zong family to lift the curse seal on them.

Seeing the reaction of the tribesmen, Rizu sighed and said silently in his heart:

Remember, this is your choice.

From now on, you will no longer be protected by the caged bird. I hope you will not regret it.

After some statistics.

In the end, only a small number of clan members, either to show their loyalty to the clan or because they were too old to care, chose to continue to coexist with the caged birds.

The remaining members of the branch family all chose to do the same as Hyuga Neji, to lift the curse seal and no longer be slaves of the clan.

People lined up.

As the head of the clan, Hyuga Hizatsu personally releases the caged bird for each clan member, allowing them to regain the freedom they dream of.

"Great, this damn curse seal has finally disappeared."

"Mom, my caged bird seal is gone. My classmates in the ninja school will never laugh at me again."

"Sure enough, without the suppression of the curse seal, my white eyes no longer have blind spots. This feels so good."


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